if. r if r N Mf -ii-f UIMAN -'11 Ji- ilv A WEEKLY NEWSPAPEIl DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume II.- -Number 29. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, July 19, 1935. $1.25 Per Year S WEEKLY Li n ineman Life of Alec Wheeler Saved by Artificial Respiration BADLYBURNED Man Thrown Into Per quimans River When Pole Breaks Prompt action on the part of Bus sell Winslow in administering aJtft cial respiration after he and Ben Thach had pulled Alec Wheeler out of the Perquimans River on Monday probably saved the young telephone lineman from death by drowning af ter he 'had almost miraculously es caped death by ele&rocution. Except for very painful burns on his body, Mr. Wheeler was not seriously in jured. - Mr. Wheeler, who la employed by the Town of Hertford, climbed a pole on the causeway near the Perquimans River Bridgs on Monday afternoon, and while strapped to the pole carry ing 2200 volt wires, cut the guy wire which held th pole. The pole broke and pole, man and wires fell into the river. As the wires struck the .water a short circuit blew a fuse at the sub station of the Virginia Electric and Power Co., at Winf all, cutting off the current, which saved the victim from electrocution. Rendered unconscious from shock, the ma&, would, have drowned but for ther quick rescue by young Winslow and Thach, who were working near-by with the force en gaged in -repairing the .. causeway. After dragging j the man from the water, which was some five or six feet deep at the point where he fell, Winslow administered artificial res piration, and hurry calls were sent for physidans.':Dr."C. A;; Davenport and Dr. T. P. Brinn. both responded., but before they could reach the scene Mr. Wheeler had regained con sciousness and had been placed in an automobile. After the man was tak en to is home physicians made an examination and found that he had sustained very painful burns on his chest and on one hip. His condition is improving. Has Arm Broken In Automobile Wreck The report that the arm of Leroy Spruill, colored, who is in the Albe marle Hospital in Elizabeth City as the result of injuries received in an automobile accident on Friday night has been amputated is an error. Spruill will not lose , his arm, which was badly broken. Severe abrais ions and lacerations will, however, be some time in healing. The accident occurred on Friday night, when the car in which Spruill was riding was in collision with a truck loaded with fish and driven by a white man, Thurman Maddrey, of Enfield. Thurman, who was arrested by Officer Melvin Oweas, failed to ap pear when his case was called in Re corder's Court on Tuesday, and a ca pias was issued for his appearance on July 30. Judge Oakey Curbs Nuisance At Jail A warning was issued oy judge .alter H. Oakey, Jr., in Recorder's Court on Monday, when he suspend- ed sentence on a colored man and w man who had been brought into court; for violating a recent court order that loitering about," the -jail enclosure must cease. V " r - .,-: It developed that the two persons who had been ' locked up . by special night policeman ; Melvin Owens on Monday night had not been disorder ' ly, but the officer locked them up be cause he-had been ordered -kr-place in jail ny one found talking to Jail Inmates. - j . .There has been, a good deal ' 'of complaint At , the nuisance of noisy conversation and laughter going on ' between inmates of the jail and per sons loitering On--the outside, at all hours of the day and at night. Judge Oakey stated that in the fu ture all persons would be locked up who were found talking t to jail in mates. "If ny one wishes to talk to any one In the Jail", he said, "find the sheriff or some other officer and a for permission to do so." , , " ' NEW OFFICE ASSISTANT ' ' yMrs. Fenton Britt has accepted a position tfk office as-'-'t in the of fice of Dr,' C. AVEi.-.jort lira. Britt took over Yr r-,v duties on Escapes arrowly Drowning HIT OR MISS I By M. L. W. Monday must have been Alec Wheeler's lucky day. But for the fact that a fuse blew out at the sub-station of the power company just in the nick of time, Mr. Wheeler would inajl probability have been electrocutedWhen he was thrown into the wateY-s the pole which he had climbedbroke, That was one lucky bre; If Ben Thach and Russell Winslow, or somebody else, had not been near enough to see the accident and take him out of the water he most cer tainly would have drowned. Moreover, if Russell Winslow had not' known how to resusticate drown ing persons he might have died even after being removed from the water. - Finally, had the pole fallen on the concrete road instead of into the water, he would most likely have been killed by the impact. How little we know what is going on in the minds and hearts of men and women! It is hard to tell by looking intt the faces of our friends of what they are thinking, what they may perchance be suffering. Take the case of Mrs. V. N. Dar den, prominent young Hertford ma tron, for instance. It was observed " some days ago .that there was something strangely unfamiliar about the expression on Mrs. Darden's face. Her friends wondered. It wasn't a thing you could exactly put your finger on. It was difficult to place. But it was apparent that there was something wrong. Some times it appeared that the good lady was merely preoccupied, as though her thoughts were on some' thing remote and unrelated to the present. At other times she appear ed to be coldly aloof, and now and then her face took on a rather super cillious expression, not unmixed with disgust. It was only when sne appeared to be merely puzzled one day, appar ently pondering some difficult and weighty problem that a friend ven tured to suggest that perhaps there was something she could do. And then the simple truth came out. The lady had a new tooth! Just that It had just been bridged in and the feeling of strangeness had produced that mysterious series of pained ex pressiona which had been causing everybody to wonder. I say you never can tell. "POETS WITH POWER" "Twinkle, twinkle, little Star" The poet said, and lo! Away above the earth so high The stars a-twinkling go! "Blow, blow, wild winter wind," Another spoke command, And every winter now we hear It blow to beat the band! "Thou, too, sail on, Oh Ship of State," A poet once did sing, And ever since the Ship of State's Been doing that same thing "Roll on, thou deep and, dark blue ocean, roll!," Another voice was heard; And the ocean rolls, obedient to his , mandatory word. " ' Selected rfoavv Rain a Flnnrl V V JJ"l 1WU 'v,S.''SCtionS'0:'CoUnty . - Boys swimming - in the road on Monday afternoon, after the heav iest rain residents of the Hickory Cross section of Perquimans County have ever seen, was reported in Hertford on Tuesday. , j . ;t 4-TlKLwad,,. known. ."Jthe A !ow Ground Road'' . located north - of Hickory . Cross, was inundated after a rain which lasted thre hours, if ol lowing other heavy" rains which , had fallen over, the week end,? '; ' . . E. T. Stallings, who Uvea on ,he road leading from Nkanor to Sandy Cross,' and keeps store bear hi$ home, reported that' the water was knee deep in places between his store and his home and in order to; reach his home he had to remove his vhoes and wade. j ,t'i-r ,j ( Mr. Stallings also said that 'the water was so - deep that William C. Chappell, .mail carrier., had to leave his car, and walk a quarter of . a mile up the road to deiivr mail. Heavy r' i -neral all over i section t t rain f'lc! $50,000 SCHOOL LOAN THOUGHT BE INADEQUATE Architect's Estimate of Cost Is $75,000 to $80,000 REPAIRSNEEDED Project Includes New Plants at Belvidere And Winfall From the architect's estimate of the cost of the school buildings and repairs and improvements to school buildings in Perquimans, the nfty thousand dollars applied for by Per quimans school authorities from the PWA is not going to be adequate. Two new schools building are nec essary in Perquimans, one to re place the Belvidere school which was burned this spring, and a new build ing at Winfall, where the building in use has for a long time been inade quate. Among the necessary repairs and improvements is a new roof for the New Hope school, as well as an audi torium for that school; a garage for the Perquimans High School, and more class rooms for the Hertford G rammer School. The architect's estimate is that the cost of these items will amount to seventy-five or eighty thousand dol lars. Judson Bass Kills Snake In Room The kerosene had all burned out of the lamp and only three matches could be located by Judson Bass, who lives near Yeopim, in this County, late one night last week- when he heard a rustling spund in the ad joining room. He didn't like - the sound. The room was supposed to be unoccupied. In fact, Mr. Bass lives alone. He struck one of the matches and it went out before he could see any thing. Striking the second match he had the same luck. But by the gleam of the third and last match he spied a big copperhead snake wriggling its ugly body across the room. He had his gun in his hand, and dropping the match, he took aim in the direction he had lately seen the snake and fired. It was a lucky shot snake and fired. It was a lucky shot. The snake was killed. Darden Bros. Putting On Summer Sale Darden Bros, is putting on a special summer sale this week. The adver tisetoient in this issue of The Perqui mans Weekly lists a large number of articles such as every one is interest ed in buying right now at very attractive prices. The old idea of waiting to put on a sale until the end of the season seems to be out. The progressive merchant announces his special prices while there is a demand for the goods, WOODVILLE MISSIONARY SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING The Woman's Missionary Society of Woodville Baptist Church held its regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Misses Myrtle and Geneva Ownley. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs, M. R. Griflra. After the opening hymn was sung Miss Myrtle - Ownley led in prayer. Mrs M. R. Griffin led the devotional Mrs. Ralph Mercer gave a very in teresting reading, - "Changing Af rica "Lifting the Cross in Africa" by Mrs. E. C. Spruill of Norfolk. - Miss Myrtle Ownley gave a very interesting talk, ."New Problems In Africa."- Mr. Murphy gave a very helpful talk. The next meeting in August will be held-with Mrs. "Edward Gregory. The noatesB served a delicious-Ice course. ' , . , Those vresenff were Mrs. C W. Gregory, Mrs. M, ' R. Griffin, Mrs. Henry Stokley, Mr. and Mrs. O. Jack Murphy, Mrs; E. C. Spruill of Nor folk, Mrs. ;H. G. West, Mrs. W.R. Mercer,;, Mrs. Edward Gregory;" Mrs. G. W. Alexander, Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Mrs. Johnnie Gregory,' Myrtle Own- ley, Visitors, Miss.' Mamie Stallings, Anna Belle ; wood, Novella Bray of Elizabeth City, Gussie, Lee White hurst, Geneva Ownley, Ruth Wilson, Mr. Stokley and Mr. Ownley.' , ; "- - ' ON SICK LIST ' :l ' V street, Is on the sick lit this week, CROWDED HOUSE FRIDAY HO HEAR BISHOP J KERN First M. E. Bishop to Visit Hertford In 40 Years LIVED IN ORIENT Churchman Makes Ear nest Plea For Mis sionary Work The Rt. Rev. Paul B. Kern, bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in the two Carolinas, address ed a large congregation at the Hert ford Methodist Church on Friday night, portraying in vivid and color ful language conditions as he has or served them in the Far East during the four years that 'he was a mis sionary bishop and lived in the Ori ent. He made an eloquent and earn est appeal that the missionary work of the church should not be allowed to drag at a time when more than ever in the history of the world the gospel of Jesus Christ is needed. Bishop Kern, who is the first Methodist bishop to visit Hertford in forty years, was accompanied by Rev. J. H. McCracken, presiding elder of the Elizabeth City District, in which district the two ministers have worked for the past live days, visiting most of the churches in the district. This is the only district in the four conferences under Bishop Kern's jur isdiction which he has visited. He took occasion' to refer to the fact that this is -the only district in the two states which support its own missionary. That. the gospel of Jesus Christ is having today in Asia its fundamental test as to whether or not it will be able to turn' toward God the vast streams of Asiastic life and bring in the . Kingdom of Jesus Christ, nob only in the Eastern world, but in that plastic world on the other side of the Pacific, was pointed' out by the speaker, who stated that the center of interest is rapidly shifting from Europe and from America to the Orient. . "I am not discussing some problem that is not related to your own im mediate life," he said. "I am speaking about one of those great economic problems that ha3 to do with your life and mine, for somehow or other, this world is rapidly be coming a neighborhood." "I thought," he said, when I went to the Far East that I should find ourselves as representatives of the Christian religion in immediate con flict with these old world religions, such as Buddhism, Mohammedanism, and Hinduism, but I was not long in discovering that our conflict in these lands is not with these ancient reli gions, but with the great forces of materialism and utter paganism." Referring to the fact that the modern educated youth of the Far East no longer is being drawn to the superstitious beliefs in the heathen gods, Bishop Kern said, "No civiliza tion has been able long to endure af ter its religion collapses." Pointing out the particular need today, the speaker said, "You will find in all these lands an increasingly large number of young and middle aged men and women who have for saken these old gods which no longer hold any charm. They are being re leased from the superstitions which held them, but they are being releas ed and set free in a world in which the old gods have tumbled from their lofty places, where the old moralities no longer dictate, and where there is a fast increasing multitude who have no religion unless they shall find then way to the Christ that you and I know. One of the contributions which re ligion ought to make to life, accord ing to Bishop Kearn, is an adequate conception of God. "TheseoldJAuths no longer present to their peaple any worthy and adequate conception of God." v This is an hour of destiny in those lands," the speaker said. "The rear battle over there is with an emerging materialism." In this connection he stated that "Janaa is becoming : edu cated. 'Ninety-three per cent at her people can read and write and proba bly within the next ten .... years she will become the only completely lit erate nation on earth." One rather startling statement was that there are more book, stores in the city of Tokio than are in all of our Southern states put together. Referring to the fact that these people are studying religions, philo sophy, theology, 'Bishop Kern said, "I believe that you and I, with the gospel of Jesus Christ, have the only answer to their problem. -' i : 1 "With these forces coming to birth Twentv- Six Enrolled In Swimming Class Seeking Water Works At Winfall The city fathers of Winfall met on Tuesday night in a called meet ing to devise plans for securing a water works and sewage system for the town. Most of the citizens of the town are reported as being much inter ested in the project, it being pointed out that the town at pres ent has no fire protection. Court Resumed After ( Adjourned Abruptly Recorder's Court was adjourned very abruptly by Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., on Tuesday morning after a brief session when no cases were tried, due to the fact that certain court officers and parties necessary in cases called for trial were not on Oakey announced that court would re-convene at one o'clock, at which time the cases called were tried. J. T. Lane, convicted of the charge of speeding, was fined five dollars and taxed with the court costs. The case against William H. Rid dick, colored, charged with bastardy, was continued to October I. Capias was issued for Thurman Maddrey, of Enfield, charged with reckless driving and with driving with improper lights, the capias re turnable on July 30. Judgement was suspended in the cases of June Irvin and Ida Elliott, who had spent the night in jail where they had been placed when found talking to inmates of the jail. Hertford Natives To Sail For China Rev. Phillip E. White, pastor of the Leaksville Baptist Church, and Mrs. White, both natives of Hert ford, will sail from San Francisco for China late in August, to resume their work as missionaries from the Southern Baptist Convention which was interrupted seven years ago when they were sent home after three years in China because of war con ditions there. Mr. and Mrs. White are in Hert ford now, where they will spend sev eral weeks visiting Mrs. White's mother, Mrs. L. W. Norman, and Mr. White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. White. Mr. and Mrs. White will be accom panied by their two little daughters, one of whom was born in Shanghai. Perquimans Teachers Tour Northern States A party of six Perquimans Coun ty school teachers left Wednesday on an eighteen-day tour of New Eng land States and Canada. The party, which is composed chiefly of summer school students of East Carolina Teacher College, of Greenville, who make the trip in lieu of summer school work at the college, will visit a number of interesting points in Canada and in the New England States- Those from Perquimans in the party are Mrs . T. L. Jessup, Miss Helen Morgan, Miss Bertha Chappell, Mrs. W. F. Morgan, Miss Lucille Long and Mrs. A. R. Winslow, Jr. Eight pure Guernsey calves have been purchased recently by 4-H club boys of McDowell County. in Japan, there is the question of whether or not they shall be carried toward Christianity, or whether or not we shall stand by and see them carried in athiestic communism, until the land shall adopt the doctrine, the materialism, of athiestic communism, which shall not stop there, but which shall drift to our own shores and destroy those things for which our fathers died in this land." ' The Bishop paid a glowing tribute to the missionaries. "The mission ary," he said, "interprets one people to another and builds international highways." After relating incidents m the lives of the loyal and faithful mission aries with whom he has been in con tact, the speaker made the state ment: "I am glad to have the privi lege of telling you how well worth while it all has been. I am glad to tell you how Christ has come into the hearts and transformed -the lives of men and women obr there and made them over in his own. image, and now for; it all they love you with love that you can never undersdmd." Fourteen Beginners and 12 Swimmers Taking Instructions PAYNE IN CHARGE Bad Weather Holds up Forming of Life Sav ing Class . r Fourteen beginners have enrolled in the swimming school which is be ing conducted this week in Hert ford, and twelve swimmers are being given additional instruction, learning the various swimming strokes. Because of the rainy weather the life saving class, which was to have commenced on Monday afternoon, has not yet been organized. Richard Payne, who is in charge of the school, which is conducted under the auspices of the American Red Cross, said Wednesday that he would be very glad to conduct this class next week, or when weather condit ions are more favorable. The beginners enrolled are Adalia Winslow, Alton Britt, Julian Felton, Jimmie Felton, Helene Britt, Elmo Cannon, Francis Blount Nixon, Doro thy Strange, Jane Strange and Ida Lee White. Members of the more advanced class are Ruth Hollowell, Anne Tul- lis Felton, Florence Darden, Shirley Elliott, Maywood Pierce, Mary Field, Bobby Cameron, Leigh Winslow, Jack Winslow, Hillry Winslow, Pat Edwards and Edward Simpson. Johnson Applies For Loan Of School Busses F.T.Johnson, Superintendent of Education of Perquimans County, looking ahead to next fall when the schools open, has applied to the State School Commmission for the loan of busses which will be needed to trans port the school children of Belvidere to the Hertford High School, where three class rooms are to be set aside for this school until such time as the new school to be built at Belvidere will be ready for occupancy. Former Teacher Weds In South Carolina Of interest to Hertford and Per quimans people is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Mary Carson of Stokes, and Mr. Glenn Norman of Robersonville, which took place at Conway, S. C, on July 4th. Mrs. Norman taught history in the Perquimans High School during the last semester, filling the position made vacant by the resignation of Miss Mary Glasson. Local Methodists Go To Junaluska There will be no services in the Hertford Methodist Church on next Sunday and no prayer meeting ser vice on next Wednesday night. Rev. B. P. Robinson, Pastor of the Church, left Tuesday for Lake Juna luska, to attend the Pastors' and Lay men's School which is in session there. The school lasts through next week. Mesdames G. T. Hawkins, R. T. Clark and T. B. Walters will leave on the 29th of July to attend the School and Missions at Lake Juna luska. This school also lasts two weeks. R. A. WHITE INJURED WHILE WORKING ON CAUSEWAY R. A. White was quite painfully in jured on Saturday while engaged in the road repairing work which is be ing done on the causeway. Mr. White had the misfortune to stick a cant hook in his foot. Dr. C. A. Dav enport rendered the necessary Atten tion and Mr. White is back on the Job. MB, COPELAND IMPROVING The condition of L. J. Copeland, who has been confined to his bed for the past three weeks as the result of injuries sustained when he slipped in a bathtub at hie home in Hert ford, is improving. Mr, Copeland sustained, among other injuries, a broken rib. V MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS ; MONDAY WITH MRS. NIXON The Minnie Wilson Missionary So ciety of the Methodist Church will meet on Monday night at the home' of Mrs. t. J. Nixon, Jr. . " AH members are - urged to be present. ' ' -.1 i 1 j.

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