" ' t rf V r ,y.' ' rf ' i F0U8 Miss Mary Wood Koonce is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. H. Stacey, at Chapel Hill. . Misses Bennie Wood, Elizabeth Wood and Ann Barclift have returned from a week's visit with Mrs. John W. Darden, in Plymouth. Mrs. J. W. Darden is spending the week in Norfolk, Va., visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hefren, Miss Marjorie Hefren and Mrs. John Chalk motored to Norfolk, Va., early Monday morning to meet Miss Jo Hefren, who was returning from the Washington School for Secretaries, where she has been taking a course, and the party then went to Nags Head for the day. Jack Powell, of Windsor, spent the week-end in Hertford with his aunt, Mrs. W. G. Newby. Miss Mattie Bert Relfe is spending the week at Nags Head. Dr. J. P. Whedbee, of Suffolk, Va., spent a few days this week in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jenkins and their two children, Robert and Doro thy, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morris and their daughter, Pat, and Mrs. Evart Newby will leave Sunday to spend some time at Nags Head. Mrs. Owen Morgan and her two children, who have been the guests of Mrs. Morgan's mother, Mrs. R. Q. Skinner, left Monday for their home in Raleigh. Mrs. Josiah Elliott is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. C. E. Garrett, at Virginia Beach, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. White, of Ra leigh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G- Campbell at the Hotel Hertford over the week-end. The two couples spent Sunday at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Robert White and family, Mrs. H. A. Perry, Mrs. Ida Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gregory and their two daughters, and W. H Gregory, of Fayetteville, left Sunday to spend the week at Nags Head, Mrs. C. V. Williford has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. . H. Bagley, at Suffolk, Va. Mrs. J. C Blanchard, who has been sick, is able to be out again. Miss Elizabeth Wood, of Troy, N. Y., who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Ben Wood, is visiting relatives in Norfolk, Va. Miss Ann Barclift is visiting rela tives in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Frank Young and her little daughter, Katherine, have returned to MM - V v, H Specials on Children's White Shoes $2.50 value $1.98 $2.25 value -, $U; I ip&uu vaiue $1.75 value $1.50 vahife $1.25 Vnliift . LLCcltcn ' ' r sssssr r flu' " ' ' U1 ' ALL MERCHANDISE WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH DURING THIS SALE ... N0 GOODS TAKEN BACK EXCEPT IN EXCHANGE n-;f their home in Asheville after visiting Mrs- Young's mother, Mrs. R. Q. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wright, of Jarvisburg, visited Mrs. Wright's mother, Mrs. K. R. Newborn, on Sun day. Mrs. T. C. Blanchard and Miss Rate Blanchard have returned from a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Blanch- ard's daughter, Mrs. 0. Y. Yarbor ough, at Louisburg. Miss Katherine Jessup, who is spending the summer at Nags Head, came up for a few days last weeK ana visited Miss Prue Newby. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hodges, of Spray, visited Rev. D. S. Dempsey and Mrs. Dempsey, in Hertford, for a few days this week. Mrs. Jimmie Jernigan, of Suffolk, Va., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving White, early this week. Mrs. C. A. Uavelport and her little son, Carlton, are expected to return Sunday from Cambridge, Md., where they are visiting relatives. Mrs. R. A. Sutton has returned from a visit to relatives in Richmond. Noah Hollowell, of Hendersonville, spent Tuesday night here as the guest of his brother, L. N. Hollowell. Miss Eva Mae Onley, or jnohoik, Va.. snent last week here visiting her two sisters, Mrs. L. N. Hollowell and Mrs. C. W. White. Mrs. Bririit Cartwright and two sons. Spruill Cartwright, of Weeks- ville, and Pierce Cartwright, of Nor folk, Va., visited relatives in Hert ford on Saturday. Misses Frances Lister, Virginia Newbern, and K. T. Greenleaf, all of Elizabeth City, and Miss Blanche Smithson, of Norfolk, Va., called on friends in Hertford on Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Howard, of St. Paul's, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Oscar Felton. Mrs. Edwin McMullan and little daughter, Edwina, of New Bern, are visiting Mrs. W. G. Wright this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lordley have returned from a trip to Raleigh. HOPEWELL NEWS Mrs- Maude Chappell and family spent Thursday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scott, or swion. Mrs. Sarah Lavden and daughter. Miss Olive Layden, visited Mr. and Special Prices on Ladies' White SENDEES $3.50 Value.... $2.CQ Value $239 Value... $2.00 -r Value il.V $1.50 - $1.5 V-t -r Value i'V All Sizes ' . . W adf - l00ttL ,'Mt?p w - 1 V V II k THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, Mrs. E, L. Window near Cross Roads on Sunday. . . Edward Chappell, of, Waterbury, Conn., and Boy Chappell, of Wilming ton, Del., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Chappell. . Mrs. L. JT. Winslow ; Blent a few days in Norfolk, Va., recently as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. M. White. '. . Kathleen and Mildred Shannon house, of Elizabeth, City, are spend ing some time with their grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith. Mrs. Lucinda - Lane ' is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Chappell. Miss Gladys West, of Columbia, re turned home Sunday after spending a few days with Miss Attie Chappell. WINFALL NEWS Mrs. W, W. Trueblood, Mrs. Mary Trueblood and Miss Elizabeth True blood motored to Columbia, Ga., on Tuesday to visit relatives. Mrs. D. R. Trueblood and Mrs. M. M. Dillman left Saturday for Yale, 111., where Mrs. Dillman expects to make her home. Mrs. Trueblood will return in two weeks. Mrs. Gilbert, of Norfolk, Va., R. F. D., and Mrs. Bettie White, of Nor folk, Va., are visiting Mrs. J. L. Nixon. Miss Hazel Pike Is able to be out) after an attack of malaria. Mrs. W. G. Hollowell spent last Thursday and Friday in Elizabeth City visiting her mother, Mrs. W. D. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hollowell and Mrs. J. F. Hollowell motored to Nor folk, Va., on business Wednesday. Mrs. W. F. Morgan, Mrs. A. R. Winslow and Mrs. T. L. Jessup left Thursday morning on a trip to the New England states. They joined a group of teachers and instructors at Windsor. The Winfall Cedar Grove Adult and Young People's " Missionary Society met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. D. L. Barber, with Mrs. Barber and Mrs. D. P. Stalling as hostesses. rmf. - J t. If T VK-.. i ne presiuent, jutb. . . uvu, won in charge of the meeting, which was opened by the singing of "From Greenland's Icy Mountains." Mrs. J. W. Dimmette led the devotional, and the secretary vailed the Toll and read tHa, minutes of the previous meeting. Twenty-seven members were present and Ave visitors. Routine business was disposed of. The topic for dis cussion was "Our Schools in Korea," which was ably given by Mrs. J. L. DeLaney, Mrs. Jesse Stanton, Mrs. Raymond Stanton, Mrs. A. R. Wins low, Jr., Mrs. Walter Umphlett, Mrs. F. S. Winslow, Misses Addie White, Myrtle Umphlett, Pattie Dimmette, and Gladys Ward, A hymn was fol- Plain Colors In AH SILK CREPE 39 in. wide. Special, yd. Fast Color SPORT CLOTH Light Blue, Green and White, yardrv V ' ALL BATISTE AND , 1 DIMITIES REDUCED; .3 t jJ - Space will not permit us to list every article in our store. Therefore, we ' invite you to come and see for: yourself the many bargains we are offering durinsr this great saie. ue sure ana . . I t 1.. ... . this sf le for bargains also. FRIDAY. JULY 19, 1935. lowed with a poem by Mrs. I Claude White. Mra.-J. V. Boach presented the Bulletin, and Mrs. J. L. DeLaney talked on the Spiritual Life. After a dismissal prayer, delicious ice cream and cake were served by the hostess. RYLAND Mr. and Mrs. James L. Byrum, of Snow Hill section, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cope land. ' Miss Mary Lee Davis visited her father, Mr. W. T, Davis, and Mrs. Davis, near Sign Pine, Monday. - Mrs. Jesse Leroy Byrum was the week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Jordan, of near Sign Pine. . "' Rev. Robert Gora was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Byrum. Mrs. Peninah Ward visited her sis ter, Mrs. Louisa Ward, Sunday morn ing. ' : Misses Grace Hollowell "and Evelyn Jordan were in Edenton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nixon and Mr. Thomas Nixon, of Rocky Hock, visit ed Mrs. Nixon's mother. Mrs. Ella Mae Ward, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Dail and daughter, Miss Albertha, were the guests of Mrs, Roye Parks Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Boyce and children visited Mr. Boyce's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Boyce, near Icaria, Sunday. Mrs. Harriett Parks, Mrs. Julian E. Ward and son, George Case, and Mrs. Ward's two nieces, Mary Eliza beth and Marian Don Francis, spent Friday with Mrs. R. S. Ward, Mrs. Eley Jordan, of Gatesville, was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Roy Parks. J. W. Outland, Orestes and Miss Orene Outland and Mrs. E. D. Cope- land were in Edenton Saturday. After spending their vacation with friends and relatives here, Leroy Chappell, Willie Jesse and Velvo By rum returned to their respective homes in New York Friday. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rov Parks Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ward and children, Mrs. Vance Moore and little son, Grady, Miss Mary Lee Davis, Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Copeland and two sons, James and John Ervin, and Mrs. Harriett Parks. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Ward and chil dren, Radolph and Marguerite, visited Mrs. Ward's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elihu Chappell, near Belvidere, Sun day afternoon. G. A. Boyce, Leroy Chappell and Willie Jesse Byrum spent Wednes day at Nags Head fishing. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lane and two children, Juanita and Herbert Raye, visited Mrs. Lane's mother, Mrs. Mary Phthisic, Sunday evening. r.len's On: r BHES3 PalWS $2.75 value .$2L39 $2.50 value ,$2.19 $2.00 value ..$1.79 $1.50 value .... $1.39 Special Lot .... ....98c SEE OUR SPECIAL ON BOYS' PANTS V LADIES' DRESSES New Patterns Sizes 14 to 52 . Special Priced- vwre our wocwy iepunmens uuruiy . . - - ". . : t A . .f O" V Osaa'Qinecs Sstel ! F7Y Mr .and'Mra. 'Julian E Ward and son, George Case, of Edenton,. and George's guest Frankie Uioraano, o Brooklyn, N. Y., visited in the home of Mr, and Mrs, K. B. wara cunaay afternoon and evening., , NEW HOPE NEWS The Friendly Bible Class met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Banks on Wed nesday, with Mrs. Banks, Mrs. James Goodman and Mrs. Jake Whedbee as joint hostesses. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. E. M. Perry, the president being ab sent. ' - The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. J. H. Gregory, and Mrs. Elmer Banks led in prayer. After a short business session, the class was dismissed by repeating the class verse. During the social hour following dainty refreshments were served. Those present included Mesdames E. M. Perry, Elmer Banks, James Goodman. P. L. Jackson, Bircher Banks, J. H. Gregory, J. A. Sawyer Heber Barclift, Dan Spivey, George Newby, Jake Whedbee, and Miss Maude Perry. There was also one visitor present, Mrs. William Doyle, of Norfolk, Va. Miss Maude Turner is spending some time with friends at Hampton and Smithneld, Va. G. G. Turner, 'Miss Evelyn Hughes, Fred Stanton and Robert Turner, of Elizabeth City, were guests of Mr. Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Turner, Sunday. 1 Mrs. C. A. Voile, Mrs. R. C. Stokes, uodureH 7 'sjuojj if)tp3 ssir pus Va., spent Monday with Mrs. J. T. Turner. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MET ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON Miss Emma L. White and her sis ters were hostesses Saturday after noon at their home at Belvidere to the Friends' Missionary Society of Piney Woods Church. Seventeen members , answered the roll call with Scripture texts ton Love. Mrs. Edwin White presented the lesson from the closing chapter of the study book, "Japanese Women Speak." Mts. L. J. Winslow and Mrs. Linwood Wins low gave interesting reports of the National Conference at Wichita, Kan., in June. During the social hour the hostess es served ice cream, cake and roasted nuts. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express, our. appreeia tion for the kindnesses shown "us dur ing the sickness and at the time -of the -death of our darling baby, Jean Carver White, and for the many floral &K AA Value;.:...037Q $4.00 - Value....QE9 $o.ov - An pars Value. :3379 $3.00 a0 Yalue. Q2JS9 Value. OlQ3 yaluaT..-0279 . AirSizes ariA Styles , , men s end uoys roio Zipper Front. IWhite tm ...... on Men's I k Summer i ALL BATHING SUITS ON SALE offerings and for the cars loaned. . , MR. and MRS. JESSE u. wmiju -,MR. and MRS- J. W. CARVER, - $ 'v , Grandparents. Taylo r lheatre EDENTON, N. C. 9 ALWAYS COMFORTABLY COOL' Today (Thursday) July 18 - ; "Once In a Blue Moon" ilntroducing a. New Star -, JIMMY SAVO A great stage comedian on the screen at last. Friday, July 19 (One Day Only) "Rumba" Paramount's picture of gay fiestas, haunting melodies, drama, spectacle, adventure. GEORGE RAFT CAROLE LOMBARD Saturday, July 20 AkUClVy lTlUUUlCMll Mystery" RANDOLPH SCOTT Serial, "Tailspin Tommy" Comedy with Irwin S.vCobb Monday - Tuesday, July 2223 "The Mark of the Vampire" LIONEL BARRYMORE BELA LUGOSI JEAN HERSHOLT Wednesday. July "One New York Night" r FRANCHOT TONE UNA MEBKLE t fllin and nave for reference to the Taylor's good shows. ft ILILDA'S BEAUTY SHOP Modern and Up-to-Date Equipment All utensils thorough ly sterilized in modern Sterilizing Cabinet af ter each i using. 4t $ tit jmssr l Dhirts MP Y & Colori 'iV-Vf' , XA -Price h "ceo Stravji; -1 - : 'A 41

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