I TV0 rr:r.QUiL:AN3 t,t THE PERQUIMANS - ' Published every Friday at The Perquimans Weekly office in the Gregory Building, Church - Street, Hertford, N. C. f , - UATTIE LISTER WHITE-JEditoif Day Phone .1,, I,! - 1.88 flight Phone M , .lOOJ SUBSCRIPTION BATES Six Months -75c 41-25 , One Year . Entered - as second claw matter ( November 15, 1984, at the post office ' at Hertford, North Carolina, undo the Act of .March 8, 1879. ' .Advertising rates furnished by' re quest, ' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1986. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT PEACE AND TRUTH: Thus saith the Lord. Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and "mighty things which thou knowest t not . . Behold, I will bring it .health and cure, and I will cure them; and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. Jeremiah 83 2, 3, 6. WILL ROGERS WILL BE AT HOME WITH THEM Charles M. Russell died before his book "Trails Plowed Under," was published. Will Rogers wrote the in troduction to the book in the form of a letter to his friend who had passed on. This eft quoted letter has brought team to many eyes since Will Rogers' died. It is in part as follows: "There aint much news here to tell you. You know the big Bosh, gent' sent a hand over and got you. so quick Charley. But I guess he' need; ed a good man prety bad. I hear ' they been working short handed over there pretty much all' the time, I. guess its hard for him to get' hold of good men, they are just getting scarce everywhere. "I bet you hadn't been up there three days until you had out your old pencil , and was a drawing something' funn' t-soine .'of those old punch ew.Vi -het-you Mark Twain and old Bill Nye, and Whitcomb Riley ; and a whole bunch of those old josh-' ers was just a waiting for youHo pop in with all the latest ones. What kind of a bird is Washington and Jef ferson? I bet they are regular fel- ,. ears when you meet 'em, aint they? Most big men are. I would like to the bunch that is gathered around - : you the first time you tell the foe about putting the limburger cheese in the old nestors whiskers. - Dont i tell that Charley until you get Lin ' coin around you, he would love that, I bet you and him kinder throw in together when you get well acquaint- ed. Darn it, when I get to thinking about all them top hands up there, if I could just hold a horse wrang ling job with 'em, I wouldn't mind following that wagon myself. . '. ; "You will run onto my old dad up there Charley, for he was a real cow hand and I bet he is running a wa gon, and you will pop into some well kept ranch house over under, some cool shady trees and you will be asked to have dinner, and it will be ". the best one you ever had in your -. life. Well, when you are a thanking the women folks, you just tell . the sweet looking little old lady that you know her boy back on an outfit you used to rep for,-and tell the daugh ters that you knew their brother, and if you see a cute little rascal .running around there kiss him for v me. Well, cant write you any more " Charley dam papers all wet, it must - be raining in this old bunk house.' "Of course we are all just hang ing on here as long as we can. I - don't know hy we hated to go, we ' know jts better . there. Mayby its because we havent done anything a that will live after we are gone. "From your old friend , ' WILL." ' School Glee Clubs To Be Reorganized Miss Kate Mr Blanchard , has an nounced that she will reorganize the glee cluba in "both the Perquimans High School and the Hertford Gram mar School this year in connection with her piano lessons.' . Much interest was shown by the young folks, last, year, in . the glee clubs under Miss - Blanchard'r direc tion. ' ' 1 v . State CcIIctc Gzls Large Fcrcct Tract An' 84,000-acre tract .of woodland in Jones and Onslow Counties has been; acquired by the State College operating in this work. Other sur- covered, , At present, Bit men are making surveys in the TVA area of Western North Carolina, where anj intensive land use and conservation program is being developed. The, TVA is co NEW HOPE NEWS Mrs. Minnie' Perry is visiting her son, A. A. JPerry, at Patterson, N, J Wrightson Jackson, Jr.' left Mon day. for Wake Forest, -where he -will attend college. Mrs. W. E.-Dail and Mrs. W. K. Barclift are visiting their son and daughter In Washington, I. C. fe ifei Mrs. Henry Spencer and" daughters, Margaret and Lucy Howell, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Spencer, u William Meads and family spent Sunday at the home of J. B.- Webb. Mrs. C. W.; Griffin, Mrs.. E.' G. Banks and Mrs. Guy Webb motored to Hertford Saturday, v Mr. and Mrs. E. T. White visited Mrs. D. W. Simpson. Sr., Sunday. D. W. Simpson; Jr., and family, L. H. Jones and family visited Mrs. J. C. Hobbs at Nlxonton Sunday. G. L. Turner and family visited relatives at GatesvQle Sunday. Miss Maude Turner ''visited her grandmother, Mrs. G. Vf. Turner, of Elizabeth City,' Wednesday. ' C. C. Simpson, of Greenville, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. D. W. Simpson, Sr. "rl.xp. . C W. Griffin, Guy' "Webb and, Geo. Nawby motored to Raleigh Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. .Humphries, Mr. and Mrs; D. W. Simpson, Jr., at tended the funeral of Mr. W. H. Overman, at Winfall, Saturday. Hens Nejadi Good : Care In Summer department of forestry to be used by the students hi connection with their class work. ' v , r "During the school year the fores try classes will do periodic" work on this property, and in summer a full six-weeks course will he offered, ac cording to J-V. Hofmann, director of the forestry department ' t , The . Students , will make t special studies of thS growth and develop ment of ;trees and : will, gain : first hand experience in the care and man-: agement of forests. u . -v -The property will also be used as a1. demonstration to show the public now rarest rands should be managed and what improvements can be made through proper management Tim' ber will be out from the area to de monstrate approved methods of tim ber harvesting: The cut timber will be sold and payments on the property -will be made from the revenue brought in from such sales, Hafmann stated. The title to the land, however, will be held by a non-profit corporation for the sole use of the forestry depart ment at State College. The State is cooperating with the college . in providing ' fire . protection for the timber tract. A number of fire wardens have been appointed to check any fires which may break-out They also serve as game, wardens to prevent unlawful hunting or abuse of the game on the tract. A CCC camp ia now on the proper ty, and the boys are .constructing roads, building . sire towers, and otherwise , Improving the area.' An other CCC camp will be located, their on October.!, Hofmann said.; Boil Surveys Aid Farming Programs Data gathered in soil: surveys of North" Carolina is "being used as a basis" for the: land-planning program and the AAA crop adjustment pro--grams in this State. . ;V .' Such' data is essential to the pre paration' of sound land, use programs The productivity of laying hens Jn fall and winter depends a geat deal upon-the care and, management given the poultry.flock during .the latter part .of the summer. " Good egg: prices are expected lor th rst of the ear,f says C. J. Man- . iai produc pin,4 extension poultryman at State! tion 8aid c. B.-Williams, head of the tjouege, ana it wiu pay me nocn. owners to bring their , hens into lay ing under favorable conditions. , He recommends that the birds be given good feeding, a clean range, plenty of-clean fresh water, and a clean comfortable house or shelter. By keeping the birds healthy and getting them to put oh as much fat and body weight as they , can, they can-be brought into lay with a re serve of flesh and -energy to meet the demands of the laying season. Sexual maturity should be' delay ed in order to give the birds a chance to put on weight before starting to lay. Do not give early hatched pul lets a feed high in protein. Avoid mouldy or chaffy feeds, or such ma terial as corn ground with the cobbs. If the birds fail to grow well, exa mine them for internal and external parasites, Maupin says. If mites or lice are found, clean the roosting quarters and treat the "birds' at once. For round worms or "tapeworms, give the pullets a reliable worm - treat ment. . ; -.f :, , : Find a good feed .and sticky to it Maupin recommends,) unless there is a good reason for changing. . Foul trymen often lose money, by switch ing from one brand to another.; . . Remove the old. birds from the win ter quarters. Scrub the floor and the fixture and expose everything pbssi ble to the sun; then let the house stand vacant until well dried. .Use disinfectahtsliberally. , veys in eastern Carolina will be con ducted later. Professor Williams said. , ' L-jsj - - : tt; CHAP CUTS ANKLE' i T ;,t John Henry", the little, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, of Beech Spring, suffered a very painful cut on his ankle on Wednesday afternoon when be stood the, blade of a hoe which he Vas holding upright by the handle. AHi foot slipped, inflicting an ugly gash. The little boy 'was brought to the office of a Hertford physician,, who dressed Ahe wound...' , -s. i,r,,, ., ,, , , , M f MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS ; AT : WOODYILLE CHURCH The Woman's Missionary Society of WoodviUe Baptist Piurch held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday af ternoon at the church. The devo tional was led by the president, Mrs. Griffin. A very interesting nrotrram was given by the 'following; ladies on tate Missions:" Mrs. H. C. West, Mrs. W. A, Hoggard,' , Mrs. Rupert Stanton, Mrs. Johnnie Bray and Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Jr. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name was Sung Mrs;, Wil son dismissed the meeting. 1 . Two new members were added. ' . After the business a social hour was spent. Mrs. Rupert Stanton,- as sisted ; by ;: Mrs. - S wayne and Mrs. Ilorrard, served delicious iced drinks and c-ke,. TI.ose pre?ent were Mrs. Henry Swayne, Mrs. Rupert Stanton, Mrs. W. A. Ilor-rd, Kzs. Ge a Gregory, Mrs. Mary Eray, Li 3. Johnnie Bray, Mrs. Arthur Eoue, Mrs. T. C White, Mrs. M. R. GnJIn, Mrs. J. C. ;Wi'aon, Jr., Mrs, H. C West, Mrs. G. W. Alexander,, Misses Beulah Bogue and Attie Bray. . . - , .'LiO"'?'. Li jlCCcj O , VEDENTON, N. C ;r 1 Today (Thursday) and Friday, Sepfc Speedy Relief of Chill ' -- andFeVer Exxrt let Malark tear you apart with ! .lb racking chills and burning fever, Trust to no bome-mada or mere makeshift rem ote. Take the medidne prepared espe: -daO toe Malaria -Grovel" Tartetas, GioviliTstfelessCIiuVTonlfr'gh rehet from Malaria becautt k"b a den tine combination of tattelm quinine and. totak iron. The quinine kills the Malarial infection m the blood. The iron builds ftp the system and heir fortify against further attack. At the. first sign of tny attack Of Malaria take Grovel Tasteless ' . Chill Tonic. Better Jtffl take.it regularly, during .the. Malaria season to wwd ft the disease. Prove' Tasteless Chill Tonic is absolutely barnuess and tastes goad. Grovel Tasteleis "Chill Tonfc how.' comes In two sire. SOC and $17 The $1 1 size contain tH tine umilth as the 304 PROGRAM; -COMING "EEI( r in America's most beloved humorist who re- cently lost his life in an airplane crash. 1., , "DOUBTING THOMAS' Saturday, September 14-4 ' ' ' JOHN WAYNE "RAINBOW yALLEYw t i Rustlers of red dog" E. C. Blair, extension agronomist at State College, reports a great deal of interest in the farmers' tours he is conducting in various counties, Jn each- of the. counties ' the: ..farmers study farming; practices of -their neighbors. ;vV'v- ooeeeteetetttttttvttttttMttttttttA a f 11 m rw- AIL delinquent taxes will be adver , tised on OCTOBER 4th for the year 1934.: : All those owing poU taxes for 1934 and previous years will be expected to settle inunateljr oiI office and open f or: payment of taxes. V'&i -V'.Cv ' cost.:. 't agronomy - department f of the N. C- Agricultural Experiment. Station. : i With the information - gathered, the agronomy department has made maps-showing the various soil types in the State, their, location, charac teristics, and adaptations to different 'Crops.:"'1 v: v:.-!;. '...: i- ' T The; department ' has also ." shown what varieties of the different crops are. best suited to-different- soils and what fertilizers should be applied' to give the best Tesults. "By enabling . the. farmers to .de termine which crops are best adapt ed to their land,'' Professor Williams pointed , on's.;.iif:rtt. telp them secure the most profitable! re turns from their farming operations." The work of surveying the- State has -been 'under way since, 1902, withj o -the exneriment.at&tionr tini fitatA hAI'f, . partment ol Agriculture, and the; U. S. Department of Agriculture ' coope rating in the project. So far,.85;per cent oi the land in the State has been . t -ir4- size and give you 25 more for your; money. Get bottle today at any drugstore. Monday arid Tuesday, September 16-17-r !JOEE:iBROWN "BRIGHT UGHTS" 4 ! f I teriesday, September IS , '. v- 'ir'' ' Qne of-Paramount s New Pictures ' . .i ! ., -'I i ' WllilAM BOYD v HOPALONG :G ASSID Y'' -r- ci( NO CHARGE completp ection vour watch r iTAKEfXDvANTAGE OF .this FREEp : Oar experts are ready, to do a. Vgood turn for you and yoiir watch. Why not accept Ais offer? Your watch comjiady ? Hiitpected uithout cosU If new - paxts,adjuBtmentsor cleaning -' are required, well tell yon so : honestly. And quote) youWa Buuwuictiibcs.vAfincuiioaay. , Seeking that "jarticht". rift lor a birthday, atmirenarT or women. Thry're beautiful, ac-' euaafe thif uPert watch vaU ties, we' knowi .';'; - 1 i" " - ' ' 7" ' ' . j ' x ' iff :y '' ' ' . v sTJ " a ni' lhey'xe a cheerful little earful . You'll hear where'er you go , For smokers saytvThey Satisfy" " : Ana smokers oueht to know --o i...,-?.. i Town of UeriforMP0M$Mi ' V7. aftTcjriiiiii eg; w r :?tttmttttwtttt:ttf;ittwtt' tVtm

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