PVT .AND i I Mr. and Mrs. H.. I. Ward and chil dren, Mrs. Peninah . .Ward, Clarence Ward and W. T. Byrum were recent visitors in Suffolk, Va. 1 V x - Mrs. G. C Byrum and little son, of Baltimore, Md., ; have returned home after "visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Byrum.'- . 1 MssRuth Goodwin has returned , to her home at Smithfield, Va, after visit with her slsler, Mrs. O. N. Jordan,, . Mrs. -Maude Dilday and little . daugnter,, Alice, of Baltimore, Md., have -been visiting relatives here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herman Copeland, of Suffolk,. Va., were over-nignt guests of Mrs. Callie Copeland recently. . .'Mir Marv Lm. Davis snent a few aays uwt wul in mouwu wiui mn. : Julian E. Ward. , .i t-i. i- .tit. rn Misses (Jarrie ana ieona joroan, s; Mrs. Roye Parks, recently. Miss Rachel Ellis, of Sunbury, is ' the jruest of her sister. Mrs. G. A. Boyce. Mra W TT. Ttnvrn RTMnt a dav re cently with Mrs. Anna lane, of Chappell Hill. : Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dail and daughter from near Virginia Beach, Va., have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Dilday. Mrs. N. E. Jordan has recovered ';- an attack of malaria. M ss Addie Louise Jordan returned to her home in Gates County Sunday. 'She has been the guest of her grand mother, Mrs. Harriette Parks, and other relatives for some time Yvonne, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Copeland, who re cently suffered a badly cut toe, is getting on nicely now. The little girl cut her toe on a piece of glass, a d was carried to Edenton to Dr. J. A. Powell for treatment. Miss Deloraine Copeland returned to her home at Belvidere Sunday af ter visiting Miss Charlotte Hollowefl. Revival services at Happy Home are being largely attended. Three services daily morning, afternoon, and evening, give all an opportunity to go out. Mr. and Mrs- Jesse Leroy Byrum spent a recent week-end at Nags Head. Miss Bella Spivey has visited her sister, Mrs. Epurgeon Boyce, in Dur ham, recently. HOPEWELL NEWS Mrs. Nannie Storr and grandson, DonaM Popejoy, of Norfolk, Va., have been recent guests of Mrs. Stew's brother, -Mr. R. D. Creecy, and Mrs. Creecy. ' Miss Frances Gertrude Fleetwood has gone to Chinquapin, where she will teach again this year. "Mr and Mrs Hnxnnrd Clrav -frnm Chowan County, visited Mr. and Mrs. A bert Gray recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Proctor visited relatives in Hobbsville Sunday. Little Miss Nelle Louise Skinner, of Drummond's Point, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Eros Chappell. Mr. Matthews, Mrs. Myrtle Pope- joy and children, of Norfolk,. Va., have been recent week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Creecy. .?' WINFALL NEWS The Winfall Cedar Grove Adult Missionary Society met with Mrs. W. G. Hollowell Monday evening. Mrs. J. V. Roach presented the Bul letin. Mrs. J. L. DeLaney gave a very interesting reading on Health in Korea, and then presented Spirit ual Life. During the social hour the hostess served ice cream and cake. Mrs. A. R. Winslow, Sr., is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Garland At water, at Virginia Beach, Va. Miss Pattie Dimmiette has return ed to Greensboro to resume her stu dies at N. C. C W. J Sallip Anne -White, daughter, of Mr. and M40plBWhite,f 'Baltimore,- Md., and Horace ' Bafrer, Jr., ; son of Mr. J.' H. Baker, are 'recover ing from tonsil operations. The children were operated on in Eliza beth City. . Revival services will start at Ep worth Church on Sunday, Sept. 29. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trueblood have moved to Hertford, and are oc cupying an apartment at Mrs. Jake Darden's. - There will be a Study Coaching Day of the Woman's Missionary So ciety at the First Methodist Church, Elizabeth City, Friday, Sept 20. All officers and teachers are invited, and any who are interested are request ed to attend. Coffe will beserved by the ladies of the church, but visi tors are requested to furnish ' their lunch. Mrs. B. F. Boone, . of Carey, and Mrs. F. S. Love, of Raleigh, will 'conduct the services. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Simpson, of Berkley, Va., spent the week-end with ' Miss Dona White. ' Mrs; Simpson re mained for a longer visit Opal White, of. Baltimore, Md., has been a recent visitor to relatives here. , f ' " Mfsses Anne Miller and Marjorie zckson,' of Elizabeth City, spent a day rscently with Mrs. W. G. Hollo- weH, 'r,f y , -. ,v, i" -v a BETHEL NEWS V : tit. and Mrs.J, J. WV Catling, .of ::o!k, Va., were recent' visitors in '1 esction. - ' , 1 J I .' I Irs. Graham Moore -and sons, " ;t and Chr!es, from rar Eli- cently with her parents, , Mr. ' and Mrs, W. C. Perry. V ',. Mrs. John Morris lias returned' to her home at Cannon's Ferry, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parrish. Miss Leone .Williams, of Norfolk, Va., was r recent! guest' of her mother, Mrs. Beulah Williams. r- y Misses Margaret and Marie Raper, of Belvidere, visited their aunt, Mrs. W.' D. Perry, last week. , ; s - V Mrs. R. F. Standin and daughters, Margaret and Sadie, ' have returned home from Norfolk, Vat, where they visited relatives. - Miss Pencie Ward is .visiting Miss Lillfan Rae PerryAof near Hertford. Miss Maudie Keaton has returned home after a visit .with her sister, Mrs. Fred Matthews, xf Burgess, ' t Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Evans and children, of Ballahack; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Griffin and children, ''from near Bonner's Fork; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Chappelhand children visited Mr. and Mrs. W P. Long one after. noon recently. -':. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Chappell. and children, George and Sarah- Elisabeth, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jlobbs one evening recently. . - 1 1 .. " , Miss Ruth Parrish is visiting rela tives and friends at Cannon's Ferry. Mrs. R, R. Keaton -has returned home after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Wood, at New Hope. Mrs. J. C. Hobbs, Mrs. W. P. Long, Mrs. Freeman Long, Mrs. W. D. Perry and William Hobbs attend ed services at Ballard's Bridge Bap tist Church last Tuesday afternoon. Josiah Elliott, of Edenton, la the truest of his sister, . Mrs. Kenneth Jordan, and Mr. Jordan, this week. Classified and Legal Notices FOR SALE CHEAP Used Gasoline Engine Apply to E. A. FELTON 80 Market Street (W. A. Felton's Old Blacksmith Shop) HERTFORD, N. C. Septl3,20,27 MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH route of 800 families. Write today Rawleigh, Dept NCI-100-SA, Rich mond, Va. sep6,13,20,27 MAJN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH Route of 800 families. Write to day. Rawleigh, Dept. NCH-100- SA, Richmond, Va. ,. Aug2A1630 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Charlie Lloyd, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this 1s to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 4th day of September, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 4th day of September, 1936. PEARL LLOYD, : Administratrix of Charlie.' Lloyd. Septl3,20,27Oct4,li,18 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of GA E. Newby, Sr.', deceased, late of Perqfti mans County, North . Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims -,? against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned ' at No. 4 Joyner Apartments,' " Rose Street Rocky Mount N. C, on or before the 1st day of August, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment ' This 1st day of August, 1935. GEO, E. NEWBY, Jr, :, Administrator of G. E. Newby. Sr.. Aug.,16,23,30,Sept.6,18 V ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havinsr oualified an Adminintrator of the estate of James M. Forehand, deceased, late of Perquimans County, JNortn UafoUna, this is to notify all Dersons havinsr claims aarainst the es tate of said deceased to exhibit .them to the undersigned at' Tyner, N. ., on or before the. 7th day of August, 1936. or this notice will be nleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. . . , This 7 day of August 1935. -' . Administrator of James M. Forehand Aug.946,23,30,Sept.6,13 NOTICE , Sale Of Valuable Property By virtue of a. Mortgage Deed exe cuted by the late Oscar Wellsffor certain purposes therein 'mentioned, which said .mortgage bears date Jan. 7th, 1919, and is registered in .the office' of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, in Book 11, page 467, I shall, on Saturday, September 28, 1935, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Hertford,. N. C, oiler for sale at public auction, for cash, the property conveyed to me in said Mortgage, to wit:. ,' t'.; . That certain tract in Hertford Township,4 Perquimans County, de- scnned as zoilows, vizs Beeinnmsr at ditch on Douglass Lane, thence west erly along said ditch' to foot path, thence . westerly,; 'through - woods to lead ditch, thence .' westerly alorr lead - ditch to second cross ditch, line to corner . (Ileei & Douglass), thence easterly alonjf Loed line to Henry Blanchard's line, thence north erly along said ; Elanchard's line to the beginning, containing 40 acres, more or less, and . being the same la&ds conveyed to said Wells by J; R., Goodwin, h.A' 'h"l ' This 28th day of August; 1935, , , 1 ? . n HL R, WINSLOW-Vi . ; i '.- ' Substitute, Trustee.: By H. G. Winslow, Attorney, :. , . .. Aug30,Sept6,lS0 NOTICE , OF ADMINISTRATION j Having qualified . as Administrator of 'the estate of John Newbold de ceased, late of. Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify, all persons having claims against, the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or, before the 7th day of August, 1936,, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, ff All persons indebted to said estate '.'will please make immediate payment This 7th day of August 1935. " ; J. H. NEWBOLD, . Administrator of : John . Newbold, , Deceased. . ( ' , Aug.I630ept6,130. V NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Robert F.! Ward, de ceased, late of Perquimans , County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims ' against the estate of said deceased to i exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford N. C, Route 1, on or before the 12th day of August, 1936, -or this notice will be pleaded in bar -of thew recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please" make immediate payment This 12th day of August, 1935. JOSEPHINE WARD, Administratrix of Robert F. Ward August 16, 23, 80 Sept 9, 13, 20 NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY The undersigned will offer for sale, for cash, on Saturday; September 14, 1935, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the late Archie R. Miller's . residence near Winfall, Parkville Township; the fol lowing personal property belonging to the late Archie R. Miller, to-wit: Two Roanoke Peanut Pickers Two Fordson Tractors Two Hay Balers One 1934 Chevrolet Coach This 14th day August, 1936. J. W. WARD, Administrator of Archie - R. Miller Estate. Aig.230,Sept6,18 NOTICEI SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY By virtue of a deed c trust exe cuted to me: by Frank Cutrell for certain purposes-' therein t mentioned, which Said deed of trust bears date September 7, 1927, and is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, North Caro lina, in Mortsraffe Book 16. nan 267. I shall at 12 o'clock M, ofc Saturday, uctooer otn, 1935, offer for saw at the - Court House -door in th -aiH County, at public auctioit,: for cash, the property conveyed' to me in! said deed of trust, to-wit: I ' ; A certain tract or haiwl f Ion J t New Hope Township, ;Perquimans county, nonn. wrolina, - adjoining the Thomas Griffin lands,: the lands "; ' 'J' " STATEMENT - - - j - MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY ' ' NEW, YORK CITY ' ' ConHitinn IWmiIu. Amount of capital paid in cash ...jj. $1,000,000.00 Amount ledger assets, Dec. Slst previous year i i 6063293.05 mwotSS upyPaers,. -zi8,076.0f miscellaneous, ' - QiTfioT?0 iPHoWers, Fire premiums-rfWritten ?r renewed T.,...F.VW.VJ r, , ' in foivn All L2ie, P'emeWritten ; or .Trenewed during yea"r, - f681.642.B3; in force V 733,082 j ' ' . . . ' ''-'assets' v;r,,.- -1 ity. $681 Value of bonds andtocks Deposited in trust companies and banks Agents balances, representing business written4 subsequent to ' ' October 1. 1934 u Jl,.i.i'. 809,614.63 voibiiwjb, leresBowng .Business written prior to Jc- - Bills receivable, taken for fire risks Interest and rents due and accrued All other assets, as detailed in statement 'i Total IV--. -.: ., .. ,,,.. Less assets not admitted ' "Total admitted assets LIABIUTIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims . unearnea premiums Z-.. wBfim, nun, cxpensas. duis, accounts xees, etc., flue r accrued y 5,588.75 Estimated amount payable for federal, state, county and muni- . - '' opal taxes due or accrued - 124,058.10 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued mm. ;. 11,752-00 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement J -li- 81,775,66 Total amonnt tit nil IIbMKHm Capital actually paid up in cash aurpius over all liabilities Surplus as regards policyholders liabilities '.Mitfri . BUSINESS IN NORTH Fir rinlrH written All other risks written 1 : Losses incurredFire j. Losses incurred All ether L.- .President, Cecil F. Shallcross; s""larf, R. P. Stockhanv ;. I uuuiv wuw, uv nuimiu oi,rcei, new iiun vtty. , , r 1 Attorney for service, Dan- C- Boney, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, M in Mstino-Ar far NArt.h flnrAliita. Tinm (Seab.,. . i -. , I. DAN C. rONHY. lT-ur t1 ove is a tr- r- r1- con: "i tf f 7. r-i l of the heirs of Dr. V.. 1 U. Kid dick, the lands of - No' I-';ht, Jr., and the River Run; 1. , cu the North side of the Main I ...1 leading from Woodville to ' Ilword, . and bounded on the .North by th River Run,-and on the East by the lands of Noah, Bright, Jr, and on the South by the Main .Road- aforesaid, and on the West by the lands of Thomas Griffin; and on the Northwest by the lands of the heirs of Dr. William M. Riddick, being a part of the R. H. L. Blount lands containing by estimation 65 acres, more or less, and being the same land : conveyed to George W. Gregory, by Noah Briprhl Jr., by deed dated March 81, 1904, and re corded January 12, 1907, in Deed Book No, 7, page 45 office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Perquimans Countyr being the same tract of land convey ed to said Frank CutreU by George W. Gregory and wife, c . This September- 8, 1935. -1 " C. E. THOMPSON, 4 . - f J Trustee. Sept.6,13,20,27 'V-' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Gurganus: Felton, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is' to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at .Hertford, N. C, on or before- the 31. daf of Au gust 1936 or this notice ' will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 81 day of August : 1935. ' ESSIE FELTON. Administratrix of. Gurganus Felton, lueceasea. ; Sept.6,13,207,Oet4,ll 2 .1 f . NOTICE OF SALE My virtue of a deed of it trust exe cuted to me by N. Thach Everett and wife, for certain purposes .therein mentioned, which said deed, of trust bears date May 19th, 1928) and is registered in the office of Register of Deeds of Perquimans County in Mort gage Deed Book 17, page 108; a re sale having- been ordered . by the Court, I shall on Thursday, the 19ti day of September, 1935, at 12 o'clock M., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, the lands conveyed to me in said deed of trust as follows: ' ; ; That certain tract of land in Hert ford Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, described as follows: Beginning on Perquimans River at the end of the old Major and Loomis Company Railroad, said Railroad di viding the landB of Lavinia T. Lang- ston and N. Thach Everett and run ning thence along said railroad S. 1. W. 33.70 chs., thence S. 20 W, 5 chs., thence S. 45 W. .17 chs., to lane, thence down lane N. 47 deg. 80 min. West 7.60 chs., thence S. 70 W. 13.50 chs. along old -road to 'Persimmon tree on West side of branch, thence N. 27 W. 8 chs., thence N. 39 W. 2.50 chs., thence N. 19. , W. 2.50 chs., thence N. 60 W. 8 chs., thence N. 64 W. 8 chs., thence N. 29 ,W. .50 chs., thence' N. 11 E. 5.60 chs.,' thence N. 9. W. 8 chs, thence N43 ,W. 1.50 chs.,' thence N, 11 E. 2.50 chs., thence N 52 E. 4.60 chs., to old mill dam. thence in a northerly direction down the middle of branch ' to Perquimans River, thence up the Perquimans Riv- $72758.78; "nsceTfaVeus; ' during year, 2484688.12; 1..,. - : Z.0UJ.7Z1.69 4,387,222.04 .06 1?5,709,556.45 not on interest Z,UBt.VI. '. i 'i. AO, Ann An ZIl ' ' '' 8,10s!l3 .,.,,. i v.;, ,r , - 6163.05 i- -'' 69,461.81 1$6,464,533.98 .2819.76 -13,436,314.23 $ i95,760:00 ; 2,106,869.17 svinf anlfa1 .' : ' o atk ono eo -.$l,000,000.00 -J. 2,96010.55 - " Ll : ,.$3,960,510.5 Li u , f'f 31433 CAROLINA DURING 1934 302,550 'Premfums deceived --$8,751 320,095s Premiums received 2.476 8,774; Paid. , ' ,ri 1 8,754 ' 1,214;" Paid U-a-.. " 723 nirlco: STATE OF NORTH CArrtTTN4, INSURANCE DEPAL . YM. h, j -y V t the i In J t.s er its various courses in an easterly direction to the end of tha' old rail road the place of beginning, contain ing 157.6 acres and being lot No. 8 division of the lands of T. -T. and -- , . -rnwwg vhih vutuuuu OI1UVTU JKX1 Flat Book 2. rtAirA M Af aoW D vceun ouice rerquimans County. . a oepQsu or ten per cent ef the purchase price will be required of the successful bidder. Bidding will begin at 14051.70, subject to claim of Va. Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank and Subject to taxes of 1985. , 1 Dated and nosto ' tMo , t.L 3rd, 1935. '.v - .;.;. ,.r - J 'V.CHAS: :WHEDBEE,fr5 SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY y vinue or a mortgage deed exe- CUteri in AM 1 . if m. . . -u. uappeu ana wife, Balzora Chappell; for certain r ", , mi v weauonea, ; wnich , ( v-;-V ' . .' STATEMENT ' ' r.' - ', ' MECHANICS INSURANCE COMPANY r a " V PHILADELPmA, PA. , - 31; 1934, as Shown By Statement Filed ' .: Amount ledger assets. Dec Slst nrCnZ'ZlZ ---$ 600,000.00 Income-Miscellaneoul P US year 2,675,7798 ;AWoepSufe ASSETS ValllA fit HUI nnnt. Mortgage loans on real" estate 'uc ikmius ana stocks Cash in company's office --J!l"l"Zrr"," TSJtSSSSSti October 1 1934 "siess written subsequent to A tober' lS68' "" staSsT written "prio"r"to'"Oc: Billfl rAfwimhla folrnn n- aS."ZTi aii u rents due and acce All other assets, as detailed in Bt&temen?"::Z:"""Z. H'jS Total Less assets not admitted""..""!" Total admitted assets T r,.i ..... Net tjmount of unpaid losses and claims $ B7 l9i nA Estimated amount navahu nr .i " r . - ',ii.TO nicipal taxes due V accrued Z? ' am'mU- wmim Remsurance and I return nrfmiums due orlomiVs"""'"" M799M All other liabilities, as detailed in statement J-IL-LZZZZZZ-Z SUm Tntjtl omnunf n nil II.. villi:.- , .. . " Capital ""31,,M "ir00 000-oT Kllrnlna nvn nil InktlUU. DUU.UUU.W,. . , w, ,HWPO Surplus as regards policyholders Total liabilities 1 BUSINESS IN NORTH Sa? Usses incurred-jall other President. John rwin. W. Payne, jr. " ome office, 600 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. tfc&&&S323L ln,n? Commissioner, Raleigh, (Seal) T. dam r pamipv r o Srali Wlrnoaa m. Tian1 nJ .M. ... ... ww, uw uy ana year aDove written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. ; - ' " STATEMENT - -r , - - .. ' MARYLAND INSURANCE COMPANY - .WILMINGTONi DEL, v . , , v Condition December 31. 1934. Shnm, n. Amount of capital paid in cash, Amount leager assets, Dec 81st previous year ut ' ' 2 416140 01 In.erFm . 'Policyholders, $358,55.54; misceUa'nwlis: ' f i.,.i.i; lotai ,-... Fire premiums Written or renewed All other - DremiumaVsVit $257,881.64 in force -.- 7,881.64 in force " :J ASSETS , Value 'of bonds and stocks . deposited in trust companies and banks not on interest , 152 436.68 ' Deposited in trust companies, and banks on interest . " 82,296.05 ' Agents balances, representing , business written subsequent to'lV , OctOnPT 1. tflSA - . ' nnn.n . - - r' Agents'-balances, representing busihess writ"prior". to Oc- ' :, - Bills receivable, taken for fire risks , iiitctcoi. aim reuwi uue una accrued AH other assets, as deUiled in statement ..J;Isi r 7.821.25 :J Total Less assets not admitted vw ---.. . Toial admitted assets .--'.'L::, Net amount of unpaid losses land claims unearnea ! premiums 1 ui u riuu mMxwtrwM nv-nnnnnn . ki nn . Kar.imnr.nii amnnnf natrahlA m -fnrin-nl u. ,,vur t jinrinB-Bnr rnmminainna ni" th hm.m, vin n- : , nnn v , All other liabilities, as detailed in statement ----;.,; ,L.-:'ij 27,500.00 Total amount of all liabilities Capital actually paid up in cash Qlli-ln. nir- oil VnMluTnn " ' - Surplus as regards policyholders 'jLj-lLljLj. "Jv Total Cahilities - -- BUSINESS IN NORTH Fire rifilfH writtun I--.- 4 All .other risks written. L- Losses incurred-Fire : Losses incurred All other ', 1 - , President. .B: M. flnlwrn4? 'miKhni , Home office, 80 Warden Lane, New York City. . ' ' ",: " ' Attorney for service, Dan C Boney, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, Manager for North, Carolina, Atlanta, Ga., t- . ' '- (Seal) f u - STATU T -t-t4 , ' I. DAN f!. KAMWY T-" --- r-'- above n"a trv and correct eu-J said morlgajre deed bears, date I'arch; 23, 1931 and is registered in the of- -flee of the Register of Deeds of, Per quimans County, North Carolina, in,. uu iumoer n. najre 517: & siiau iii ii iiriiiu ir 'r KnnhwHkM nniu. , . 1935, at 12 o'clock noon; offer . for " sale, at the Court House door Jn , the ' said. County, at public auction, for' -" cash,, the nrouertv nnnvmrait , t said Mortgage Deed. - , v - wiae piace wnere I how live' adjoining the lands. and bounded as"- follows.- On, the. north 'by the lands' " of X E. Perry, J. Henry Coneland: vTnA i AVI ithaw.mMet oJ :-m . ': . . - ..'i.j" -.'i vm aa .ncoii ami miiirn - mr tha : kkir7r;f Mad leading frora Goodwin's Mill to "O i j , - east Dy tne1 tftappell. containino, nina n,n ' or less. - - f.ftv, .Vl . ; . ;x a ;, delivery truck now in my possession. ,auu ci uoiiii iiii linn wisiiiai. m-.-.j v,-.,.t a rostea August 80, 1935. , r N. O.'CHAPPELL, , , ' sept.6,13,20,27 . - , '. 294,988.44 S 492,858.88 . 418,995.96 . . 214.031.88 not. -terest. r 8,284.77 63,803.99 127,491.13 43,604.78 - 926.06 -$1,432,338.07 - 73,232.22 -$1,359,105.85 835,329.77 . 93529.77 $1,359,105.86 rARrtltw a nnnriTkZZ fflSs-aw - 687 Paid " " 287 T.,. 7 u- ; - fU"'' "un" A snyaer; treasurerj ChaS,' - INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. .. Sleigh, July 12th. 1935: . 3... ... r. ----.i ii.odo.000.DO KK1 doA ,o during 'vmTvWl&Ci ' . 653,648.44 . "ZT :, i- - - - -, .---.-bi-.(jflr.ni Ai.n -j. -. .$,090,613.75 : --" , 8649 !, . i, . 1lRfi7ft(l. . ! ' -yavvKij :$2.4326145 -... 'A 6,802.70 .$2,426,458.75 .$'41,618.02 ' r. .. . .i v . . v.. i , ,. ...x .j , .. ..' shki WUl l,y Jinn' titi . .. -,, r J.O.UOU.W ' ft except capital J ..8 .432.475.92, ,$1,000,000.00( j - V , ?s .... . . AAA Aon nn v. ..fi:. ''.i.-.'. .'. ;D93,982.8Vr p1.A,UiUO. I , CAROLINA DURING" 1334 ' ! $626,705; Premiums received .$572' SB 01 0. T J 1 j no 2,581; Paid i.j 1,275 '; 466: Paid ' : ZZl 1 W n n i rj. 1 -7. . -r, . v. C'7, rr 'i a few1 days' re sc- s t - J i z

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