1 I-" - -i ! - II.-1 1- I! 'MJ , .Wjt,TA WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY .Volume IL Number. 39. Hertford, Perquimans County North Carolina, Friday, September 27, 1935. 1 $1.25 Per Year JCJDE ension Beffun For Teacliers Opportunity ?i .Given to Renew or Raise Cer tificates MEETING OCTOBER 2 Dr. Currie Desires, to Meet All Who Are In f terested In Plan To organize dasses in various branches of educational work, where by school teachers or , others may take extension courses from the Uni versity of North Carolina, Dr. Cur rie, of the faculty of the Greater University of ! North'" Carolina, State College unit, who was in Hertford oq Wednesday, "has announced that he will be in Hertford next Wed nesday, October 2.V" " , Dr. Currie will be pleased to meet all school teachers and any others who are interested in taking exten sion courses at the Hertford grammar school at 4:80 o'clock in the after noon of the date mentioned above. This means, according to Superin tendent of Education F. T. Johnson, that teachers may take an extension course at home in order to raise or to renew their certificates, as the case may be. Others may take courses in child psychology or edu cation if they desire. ; If the classes, are organized Dr. Currie will come to Hertford at reg ular intervals throughout the "school year to personally teach the classes. Local Committee Will Audit Debts Work of the volunteer debt adjust ment committee in Perquimans 'Coun ty is being continued ' and expanded under the supervision of the Resettle ment Administration. J. C Blanch- ard, Hertford; U chairman and W. H. Oakey, Jr., Hertford, secretary of the local committee. The debt adjustment program, in augurated in 1935 by the Farm Cre dit Administration, has been trans ferred by President Roosevelt to the Resettlement Administration. An al location of two million dollars from the Works Relief Fund has been made to .carry on the program throughout the nation. Members of the volunteer commit tee have received - no - eompensatidh. Many of them have even paid their own expenses when, as was often the case, their duty called for travel The allocation made for this work is to be used to defray expenses of the volunteer committees and for super visory services.. k'-'' The county committees ; were ap nointed for the purpose of trying to avert court liquidation by preventing bankruptcy or foreclosure. It Is their duty to attempt to bring debtors and creditors together, to see if an ami cable adjustment, mutually satisfac tory, can b' arranged. In addition to settling thousands of individual cases, including a number in this - county, ? county . committees have had great influence-in the re storation of credit stability nd in de veloping the practice, on the part of all creditors, of . making reasonable adjustments to avoid court,; liquida tion. :v;.J,"ps'yif f'.:;: ; Farmers who -..are - in financial dis tress should consult a member of their county committee, The com mittee members for this county are: ! V, N. Darden, Hertford; E. S. White, Belvidere; and; W, ,E, j)s&, Durant's Neck. , . ' M:Mli'MirM&:Skl C. W Morgan Eemains In GieE"!?? The condition oi'C'W'-MorMii, v who is a patient in the Protestant ! Hospital in Norfolk, is gradually be- earning more;: critical. v No hope Is " held for his recovery; With Mr. Morgan in Norfolk is lis idle, who ' Tiaa been with Vfcia throughout the It. entire time he has been in the hos- pital His daughters, t3.r E, A, ' ' Stamey, if Houston, Texas, and I!rs. - - George Earrell, cf Orlasivl! , and hit son, Charles, -of Haas-Ian, Texas, all of whom were called home bv the" i'esa of." their father, divide their-Jame between the home in Hert- ford and Norfolk. t - - Il L. V7i:r; ,7 Ericn : : L, L. er:l J 'r v.- 1 1 -J fo E3V- courses ALL DAY SESSION RECORDER COURT Dozen Cases Disposed of While Four Others Are Continued to Later Date to Be Tried There was an all-day session of Recorder's Court on Tuesday, with a dozen cases disposed of and four con tinued to a later date. The first case was that against J. G. Brown, who plead guilty to the charge of operating a car with in sufficient brakes. Judgment in the case was deferred until a report could be made by G. I. Dail. the pa trolman who made the arrest, as to the condition of the car at the time of the trial. The report as made by the patrolman showed that, not only were the brakes in bad condition, but that one door was gone, the other wouldn't open, a' section of the steer ing wheel was broken out and the horn wouldn't blow. "I do- not like to work a hardship on a man because his car is not as good as some other cars' remarked Judge Oakey in passing sentence, "but I declare that car cannot go on the highway." The defendant at tempted to explain that he expected to make some repairs and how it happened : the car was in its condition- ; Judge Oakey took occasion to remark that the State has gone to a lot of expense to try o keep so many people from being killed on the high ways and remarked that if the people would not cooperate in the matter all the efforts would be useless. "Some time -you will go out in that car and yon won't go back to your wife and children.' he said. The case was dismissed upon the payment of a fine and $15 and the condition that the car be put in ser viceable condition before it is driven on the highways.- : Daniel Outlaw, colored, of Bertie County, plead guilty to, driving with out lights, the case being dismissed upon payment of the court costs. Josephus Wilson, colored, charged with attempted larceny from the store of L. J. Winslow, at Belvidere, was given 12 months on the roads. The case was appealed. . James Martin and Elisha Dail, both colored, plead guilty to operat ing a truck with improper lights, the case being dismissed upon the pay ment of a fine of $10 by Ehsha Dail, owner of the truck. . The case against Leon Flax, charg ed with peddling without a license, was dismissed. i James i Adams, colored, charged with assault 'with a deadly weapon and .with carrying a concealed wea pon,'to wit, razor, was given six months on the roads, the sentence to be suspended upon payment of the costs, upon good behavior for a year and upon his appearing " for work every day for a year unless he fur nishes a doctor's certificate that he was rick. "-. Lonnie Leary, colored, was found guilty of assault with a deadly wea pon and sentenced to 30 days on the roads, the sentence to be suspended upon payment Of the costs. Ernest Lamb, ; charged with as sault, was granted a non-suit. Linwood Lamb and Grover Lamb, charged with assault with "a deadly weapon, secret assault and assault with intent to kill, were, found not guilty. The case atrainst George Helms. cnarged with trespass . ana nemg drunk and disorderly, was . dismissed upon payment of 25. - ,John Clark; : colored, charged with larceny;, was found not guilty. . Maxwelt4 Carton, j colored, . was found guiltjr 'i of . bastardy. Prayer for judgment was - continued upon payment of the court costs: and pay ment of one dollar per week for the Pljorl;t. chfld. jw.if(.- , t Narrowly Escape ifgiilnjHry;eck ''ctela .'ra.-wM'''tlw';rimijr:ln jury received by young Tom Byrum Sunday afternoon when the new Ford V-8 car which he was driving on the Hertford-Belvidere highway was re duced to.Btlel more than twisted matw of wreckage. Not : only "was young Eyrum uninjured, but his, com p anion, Kanry Copeland, of ; Belvidere, esccped wiUiout harm. . ! : " ' " " --Vniin r l'vmm' was thrown from the iAvct't seat 'into rear seat of the c-r when iit -turned upside down bcil'J the road. , " '1 trr. r.. cz CZ IN C7FICB t Lr ysician of it"?! : v.!a n .-. f ! 1 t:- FOUR CONVICTS OFIPRISONfCAME STILL AT LARGE Winfall Men Deputized To Search Freight Train ONE HOBO SHOT Guard Injured as Long Termers Fight Way To Freedom There was a lot of excitement at Winfall when the freight train came through at 11 o'clock on Monday night. Some fifty Winfall men were deputized by prison authorities who were searching for the four long term convicts who had escaped from the Woodville prison camp at four o'clock that morning, when a. guard was injured as the four men fought their way to freedom, to search the train. When four Negro hoboes were discovered in one of the box cars, naturally the posse thought they had their men. Two of the men surrendered. The other two refused to be taken and fled. One was shot, two shots taking effect in his body, and the other got away. The man who was taken wounded was carried to the Albemarle Hospital in Eliza beth City, where it is reported he is not seriously injured. The two who were taken were placed in the Per quimans jail on a charge of vag rancy. The convicts who escaped from the prison camp are still at large. The; arc Will Brown, serving a life term; Harry Ross, serving a 31 year term; James Howell, serving 15 years, and Marvin Parker, serving 30 years. "0 PROFESSOR" BE GIVEN THURSDAY Play Being Presented Under Aus pices Hertford Woman's Club In Grammar School "Oh, Professor," a Wayne P. Sea- well play under the auspices of the Hertford Woman's Club, will be pre sented in the auditorium of the Hert ford grammar school on Thursday night of next week. Miss Jackie Gilmore, the coach sent out by the company to direct the play, is having regular rehearsals every night and the play promises to be good, with such popular home tal ent as Mrs. H. C. Stokes, A. W. Hef ren, R. S. Monds, Charles Williford, Elizabeth'' Knowles, Mary Wood Koonce, Peck Dozier and others, tak ing part. In addition, to the regular cast there are two choruses, one of girls and another of boys, and Miss Maude Keaton is pianist. The girls' chorus is made up of Bernice White, Ruth Robinson, Edith Everett, Mary Wood Koonce, Prue Ncwby, Jessamine' Bullock, Kather ine Jessup, Ruth Nachman, Iila Budd Stephens. Katherine Winslow,- Sara Ward, Polly Tucker, Jean White and Virginia White. . In the boys' chorus are Jesse Lee Harris, Tim Brinn, William Hard castle, Hollowell Nixon, Zack White and James Divers. - Another Rattlesnake Killed " Near " Home I ' i. the farm of Arba Winslow's, in the Whiteston community j-v on t Friday, The 'snake, which? was big speci men with 9 rattles and ar button, was discovered by :::Mr; Winslow- and a farm hand in the hayfleld close by the house, where they were mowing. This is the third rattlesnake that has been killed on : the Winslow farm within the past oyears.; n James Willifqrd On Brief Visit Parents day for his first visit to his old homej ih thirteen yejof.--iWvrv5!av :ir. Wffliford, who is eon of Mr; ahd Mrs, a V. Williford, is sui engl; neer with J, the Merchant Marine Steamship' Line and makes his home In Seattle. Washington. This is his fiirst trip east in several years, and he was - able to spend only a few hours with his parents on the trip. " m" " ' 'V. KISS FIHLE3 tow wrra . EE3TFCSD HARDWARE CO. Miss Mary Elizabeth Fields has ac cepted a position in the Office of the Hertford Hardware. A Supply Co.. In f ' "'Jon to doI.-T stenographic work, : . ' jI. :i VvJl serve as general of- i I ' ? t 'i t' 3 t"--7"Ue SCHOOLS OFF TO A GOOD START THIS WEEK Enrollment In Perquim ans High School on ;First Day 323 EXPECTMORE Slight Increase In Num ber Attending Gram mar School The Perquimans County schools got off to a good start this week. While the enrollment for the first day at the Perquimans High School was only 323, or 25 less than were en rolled last year, it is believed this number will be increased. The faculty of the high school in cludes Mesdames Emily Lane Long, G. W. Barbee and T. L. Jessup, Misses Helen Gaither, Esther Evans, Nancy Woods, Elizabeth Knowles, Maude Pridgen, Eloise Scott and Ruth Car son; Carl Rogers and G. C Buck. At the Hertford grammar school there was an enrollment of 315, which is a slight increase over that of last year. The grammar school faculty in cludes Mesdames Thad C. Chappell, S. P. Jessup, Nathan Relfe, Mary Louise Sutton, C. W. White, Jenkins Walters and Misses Alice Babb and Mary Sumner. Miss Bertha Chappell, who teaches at Snow Hill, reports an enrollment of only 22 pupils. At Belvidere, a three-teacher school, with Mrs. Edwin White, Mrs. Her man Winslow and Miss Margaret S. White as teachers, the enrollment had not been reported at this writ ing. At Whiteston, where Miss Mable Lane and Miss Lorna Brothers are the teachers, there was an enroll ment of 43. At Winfall. a four-teacher school. with the following as faculty mem bers, Mrs. W. F. Morgan, Mrs. A. R. Winslow, Jr., Miss Alma Leggett and Miss Lucille Long, there was an enrollment of 135. At New Hope, where the teachers are Mrs. C. B. Goodman, Miss Helen Morgan and Miss Rebecca Webb, 105 answered to the roll call on Monday. Miss Hazel Ainsley, who teaches at White Hat, reports 34 on her roll. Mrs. H. T. Bond, the Bethel teach er, has 19 on roll, The two-teacher school at Balla- hack, where Mrs. Addie Mae Mathews and Miss Ruth Hurdle teach, the en rollment was 46. From Woodville, where Miss Ruth Hollowell is the teacher, and Beech Spring, where Mi88 Delsie Whitehead teaches, no report of the numbers enrolled had come in at this writing. Mt. Sinai Members Soon Pay For Roof What the . membership of Mt Sinai Baptist Church lacks in num bers it makes up in loyalty. The members of this church are very proud of their record of always raising whatever amount is asked, but something happened last Sunday at Mt. Sinai which surprised even the members themselves. It was announced that a new roof was necessary tor the church, ana that an estimate of the cost had been made and placed at $139.00. Volun tary contributions were requested to take care of the expenditure and ten dollar subscriptions were asked for first,- to be followed by five-dollar subscriptions and. to end up with contributions of one dollar. Well, the ten-dollar offerings were subscribed so thick and fast that the clerk had , to .request that tney now up a minute to give him time to get the names down. It seemed every body wanted 'to get in that ten-dollar subscription. One family, a father, mother and. three eons, gave forty- five dollars.- .Before anybody knew what it was all about the amount had bees over-subscribed by more than twenty donees, Mrs. Darden Working i ;For , JrVT. A. Meetings Mrs. V. N. Darden will spend Fri day at Wilson, where she -will ar range for a district: meeting of the Parent-Teacher ,-Association, ? which will take place on October 26. . Mrs. Darden, who is president of this district of the P. T. A, will go to New Bern on Saturday to attend a school 'of instruction . in P. T. A. work - , " . X U. LLLIOr VEItY ILL J. M. Elliott, r-omfnent Hertford --iisnt, ii xx -1 f.-rrlrj a sud - rl.! 3 rT - " "i v" ' i La r:f- COUNTY Home Agent Now At Work In County ! GROWING WEAKER CHARLES W. MORGAN Friends will regret to learn that Charlie Morgan continues to grow weaker ih a Norfolk hos pital and that no hope is enter tained for his recovery. NEGRO PRISONER MAKES GET-AWAY Dashes to Freedom as J. J. Fleet wood Enters Jail to Turn on Electric Lights With sixteen prisoners running around in the corridors, it was a very simple thing for the Negro prisoner Red Ryan to make his get-away from the Perquimans County jail on Sun day night when J. J. Fleetwood en tered to turn on the lights. Ryan, who was held for Superior Court on the charge of assault with a deadly weapon in connection with the shoot ing of another Negro some weeks ago, has not at this writing been ap prehended. Mr. Fleetwood, who is keeper of the jail to the extent of furnishing the meals for the prisoners and de livering the food to the jail, said that he was unaware that the prison ers were at large in the corridors on this particular occasion, as he does not always enter the building when he takes in the food, frequently de livering it to one of the prisoners who is a trusty and generally allowed the run of the place. On this occasion, however, Mr. Fleetwood found that the prisoners were in the corridor, so he called to the trusty, one Brown, who has been held in jail for a long period awaiting trial for larceny, to stand guard at the door. Red Ryan was up stairs. At the head of the stairway he merely brushed Mr. Fleetwood aside and ran out. Brown attempted to grab the fleeing prisoner but was unsuccessful in getting a hold on him. At Mr. Fleetwood's di rection, Brown pursued Ryan for some distance up the street but was unable to catch him. Mr. Fleetwood told Brown to come on back to jail and Brown obediently re-entered the prison which has held him for so long and joined the other thirteen who had made no attempt to gain their freedom. Officers are continuing the search for the escaped piisoner. His wife, Pauline Ryan, who was visiting her husband in the jail at the time her husband escaped, is being held in jail. Dog Owners Warned To Purchase Licenses J. T. Britt, Chief of Police of the Town of Hertford, has announced that after October 1, all dog owners who have not secured town license for their dogs will be subject to pro secution. That there are a number of dogs in the town on which taxes have not been paid has come to the attention Of the town officer. Tucker Family Back In Hertford To live Mr.- and Mrs. J. L. Tucker and family have moved back to Hertford Mr. and Mrs.' Tucker, both natives of Hertford, have been living at Rober- sonville for ' the past three years, where Mr. Tucker was formerly en gaged in the- mercantile business. . The Tucker , are' living on-Dobb street Mr. - Tucker is in the Insur ance business. " .-: 7 ' x v w - . Much i port:d ly. as a r: pe to late' corn is re C: roI"na farmers '1 r-nr eccom- Three Club Meetings Arranged By Miss Hamrick MORE SCHEDULED NEED TEACHER Women In Various Com munities Urged to Take Part Three club meetings have been ar ranged in the county by Miss Gladys Hamrick, the home demonstration agent, who took up the work in Per quimans last week, and who will re turn Monday from Gatesville, where she is spending- this week. The first meeting is scheduled to be held on Monday, September 30, at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. M. Perry, at New Hope. On Tuesday, October 1, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon a meeting of the Woodville Home Demonstration Club will be held at the Woodville school. The Whiteston Home Demonstra tion Club will meet on Thursday, Oc tober 3, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Lucus Winslow. Miss Hamrick is very anxious to have as many women present at these meetings as possible. While she has not had time yet to make the ac quaintance of many of the women in each community, she has been in con tact with a number from each of the communities mentioned and is anxi ous to meet more of them and to have them join in the club activities. Other meetings will be announced for other communities later. Miss Hamrick will spent the next 18 days in this county, after which she will return to Gates for approxi mately a week. Hertford is the headquarters of the agent, who is serving in the double capacity of agent for Perquimans and Gates, and eighteen days of each month is to be spent in this county. Miss Hamrick is living at the boarding house of Mrs. J. E. White, and has her office in the jury room of the court house. STATE FAIR HAILED BEST IN HISTORY Annual Exhibition Opens In Raleigh On Monday, October 14; Large Crowds Ex pec teed North Carolina's annual State Fair, hailed this year as the finest, best balanced exposition in history, will open Monday, October 14, with a week-long program of festivities and revelry in store for its thousands of visitors. Exhibition halls customarily bulg ing with blue ribbon exhibits will again be jammed to overflowing with choice North Carolina livestock, farm and home displays and countless other contenders for a share of the $11,600 offered in premiums. Com petition will be limited to North Car olina exhibitors. Talent recruited from all parts of America and remote corners of the world as well will vie for applause in an all-star array of entertainment features. Heading the grandstand attractions will be the gay Broadway musical hit, Gertrude Avery's Dia mond Revue of 1935, a 75-people musical extravaganza to be staged each night. The revue, coming to Raleigh from major northern exposi tions in two 70-foot baggage cars, will be augumented by 15 circus and hippodrome acts and climaxed each night by a brilliant fireworks show. Harness horse racing for purses totalling $1,800 will begin Wednesday and continue through the Thursday and Friday matinees. More than 150 of America's speediest trotters and pacers will be seen in action. Other matinee headliners include B. Ward Beam's International Con gress of Daredevils, 22 thrill artists who engage in head-on collisions, delayed parachute plunges from 5,000 feet, races between chariots careen ing behind motorcycles and a dozen other thrillers Tuesday afternoon; v and a seven event program of A. A. A. championship auto races Saturday, The World of Mirth Shows, America's u. largest touring midway, will provide;'1; the carnival attractions. . f- v - T. W. WILSON IMPROVING , Latest reports from T. W. Wilson, who underwent an emergency opera tioft at a Norfolk, Va., hospital last week, are to the effect that his con dition is very satisfactory. Improve ment has been reported in his condl-- -.tn far the i .1 w? i

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