ttr": TV.O tub rrr.c'jri:AN3 wehsxy, inzr.TFOED, n. c, it.iday, szytzh 27, ices. THE PERQUBIANS t v WEEKLY V Published every - Friday ' at i,Tba Perquimans Weekly ' office in 4 the Gregory Building, Church' Street, Eenford, N. C. . -f , ,y , UATTXB IJSTER WIOTE-JLJEditot Day Phone Night Phone -(T , SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' gslx VonthV U JI. 1 IT. -.7Sc"" One Yew.".-? ,rr , -.l.i.25 - - Entered - as second class matter r November 15; 1934, at the post office at Hertford, North Carolina, undo the. Act of March 8, 1879. -Advertising rates furnished by. re- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1935 THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT THE FRIEND OF SINNERS: Their scribes and Pharisees murmur ed against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners? And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Luke 5:30-32. 51,200 CORPSES In the eighteen months that ended June 20, 1935, 51.200 persons met death in motor .crashes in this coun try. More ihan 1,300,000 were in jured. The bare .statistics, though pro voking as they .are, cannot give an adequate .picture jof the horror ol major automobile Accidents. Figures cannot express broken bones jnanl gled bodies crushed skulls obliter ated features decapitated bodies and all the rest of the results of fa tal motor crashes. Nor can figures picture the tragedy of parentless chil dren and broken-hearted dependents of the victims of recklessly driven cars.' : In a recent Article in Readers' Di gest, F. ,C. Furness wrote: "A first class massacre is only a question of scale and. numbers seven corpses are no deader than one. Each shat tered man, woman or child who went to make up the 36,000 corpses check ed up last year had to die a personal death." . That is worth thinking about next time you take the wheel of your car. Driving at excessive speed may, if you get away with it,, save you ten minutes in a fifty-mile run. If you don't get away with it, it may mean your death, or the death of an inno-' cent party. Passing on hills and j curves, weaving through thick traffic ( and taxing other chances may save you a minute or two more or it may mean a crushed body on the pave ment, its bones twisted and broken, its eyes staring and sightless. It's up to you to everyone who drives a car. Is recklessness worth its horrible cost? CUTTING THE COST OF FOOD Constant headway is being made in solving an old and persistent problem that of reducing the spread j in the cost of food between producer and consumer. Large scale buying and selling methods are narrowing that spread. The chain grocery systems led the way in showing the consumer how to get the most in both quality and quantity for his dollar. Now inde pendent stores, banded-, together m purchasing groups, have followed the - lead and are performing a similar public service. , , . A Dow-Jones News - Service item indicates the kind of progress that is being made. It tells how one chain grocery system' recently reduced its regular quarterly stock dividend from 75 to 50 cents-in spite of the. fact that its total sales have greatly in creased. . Profits had not increased proportionately for the reason that the system bad to pay higher prices for farm products and manufactured goods, hot it did not increase the price to consumer, proportionately. Its purpose is to continue to supply its customers with high quality foods at the lowest cost, and to achieve that it is deliberately cutting its uni formly small margin of profit. This same system is now spending $46,000,000 a year for foodstuffs in a single state thus carrying the benefits of mass buying and selling methods to the producer as well as . tYiA iiimanmaii in 1ia fSsivA In which it operates. The housewife and the farmer are profiting by the modern system of re tail distribution of food ' products which is more and more passing on to the consumer the savings s being made , by eliminating t unnecessary handling charges between producers and consumers. ' is ! ' r.::,:,s.j. & r 1 . : Duplin iarmers, along with others in the southeastern part of the State -port considerable damage to cotton st in opened and partially opened !s by reason of the extremely wet ' :sn Henderson County poultry v.111 keep accurate flock records their poultry this year for the on service of State College. .'h'..i.m . V "'iH I i1tf 7 rson County, farmers," grow ler lespedeza, report that 2 yields will be doubled this CAN YOU REALLY CHATTER LIKE MRS. CHIN WAGGLE ? Public Confidence Continues to Gain Bankers Report Nation-Wide Improvement in Good will Toward Banks NEW YORK. Ninety-six per cent of over 300 reporting clearinghouse! throughout the United States and concrete evidence or favorable turns la public opinion regarding bauks. It Is shown In the results of a survey made by "Banking."? tbe monthly publication of the American Bank ers Association. City and country districts it. every rtate are repre sented In the su-vey. it points out "The outstanding conclusion is tbst there has been a genuine nation-wide Improvement tbe last few months In the attitude of tbe public toward Its banking Institutions." tbe publication says. Statistical evi dence on which tbe bankers base their conclusions which warrant this statement Is described as follows: The Evidence "How do bankerr know there has been an improvement in the public attitude? They have certain statis tical evidence. '.be- have seen their deposits increase substantially In nearly all tbe cases reported, and tremendously in some cases. "For another thing, they know that fewer people are using safe de posit boxes for their savings. "However, many express the view that they could throw out the statis tical evidence and still realize that tbe public is In a better mood where the banks are concerned than be fore. Tbe best evidence offered on this point, numerous bankers say. Is to be found In the acceptance by the public of service charges and re duced deposit Interest." :--5--:-::X'-:x:x-':W'-:--x LHIT OR MISS I Can anybody explain why the per sonnel of the Central Grocery, of Hertford, is supposed to be such good jury timber? It looks sort of queer. To begin with, when the jury for the October Term of Perquimans Su perior Court was drawn, some weeks ago, both members of the firm, J. A. Perry and D. P. Pritchard, were drawn. Incidentally, the name of It. B. Kirby, the father of Eermit Kirby, one of the clerk's, was on the liBt It looks, like that ought - to have en,.eno.h' hen. the list of jurors for the Fall term of Federal Court, which convenes in Elizabeth City, appeared in the press, lo and behold! there was the name of J. E. White, another Central Grocery clerk. The first student of the Commercial Department of the Perquimans High School to put into actual practice the results of her efforts by taking .an office position is Miss Mary Elisabeth Fields, who took , up the study of stenography when the commercial de partment was first introduced into the high school last fall, and who last week accepted a position in the office of the Hertford Hardware and Supply Company." While the course given at the Per quimans High School is only an ele mentary course, Miss Fields' achieve ment demonstrates that it is possible to learn stenography in one term. However, the young lady says that she has put considerable time on practice work at home during the summer months. . r , For the enlightment of any student who wishes to complete the course at the high school in one term be it said that it - takes work, and the student has to do the work. No matter how well the student may know the theory of shorthand, he can never be proficient in writing shorthand with out the patience to practice and to do one thing .over ' and i over - and 'over again. . . Congratulations, Mary Elisabeth. - "Have yo ever been in court be fore?" The question was asked by Judge. Walt er H. Oakey,-Jr., of a Negro defendant in Recorder's Court on Tuesday. - Upon receiving a reply in the affirmative, his Honor pressed the defendant fori further informa tion.' "Have you ever been in jail?" be was asked. "Yes, sir," came the ready reply., -."What fori"- farther ; queried Judge- Otkey. ;The ,Ne"gro 4 A MONKEY, The statement presents the fol lowing summary of the survey; "We find on breaking up the gen eral classifications of replies to the poll that the 05 per cent of those answering with an unqualified 'yes' represent only a partial measure of the optimistic feeling. Adding tbe favorable replies Included in other groups. (L e. 'yes' with qualifica tions 'no change,' and 'mixed') we find tbat tbe rote shows a definitely healthy situation In 84 per cent or the localities reporting; , at least some signs of Improvement In an other 12 per cent; a contlbuance ol unfavorable conditions in 2 per cent, and a change for the worse In an other 2 per cent." As to reasons for the changes In public opinion regarding banks re ported by the clearinghouses "more than one organization bas a word to say about tbe American Bankers As sociation advertising and educa tional material," the magazine says. It mentions in addition tbe bene fits of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in tbe emergency. Im provement In tbe general business situation, the weeding out of weak banks and tbe banking moratorium. "Tbe response to the survey can be put down as encouraging and in formative." tbe magazine concludes. "It holds out the dctlnite hope that with a continuance of a cooperative. educational attitude on the part of the bankers the rest or tbe Journey back to normal may well be com Dieted In the not too distant future." looked slightly puzzled as he' answer ed 'For safe keeping, I reckon, sir." There was a subdued ripple of amus ed laughter at the Judge's laconic comment that it was a very intelli gent answer. ::;,,"' At the close of the Negro's trial Judge Oakey ordered the defendant sent to jail for thirty days and as an afterthought added "for safe i keep ing." Don't miss "Oh, Professor," Thursday night. next Sometimes you have laughed at an item of news in your country weekly which read that Miss Mary Smith, of, say, Winfall, visited Misspt Anni Brown, of ' Hertford. Ji Here?!:! One with enough distance between, and it is one which came in this fteek: .. Rev. P. E. White and famjjly, who were en jrputq to China,, stopped: over at Horipluiuvistf Mrs. J. Jl Moore. Every one remembers - Mrs;' Moore as the former1 Miss Gertrude Sutiori of Hertford, Mrs.- Moore his "been living in Honolulu for morevthan i) year. . , i, ' . MRS, WHITLEY ILL Mrs. H. A. Whitley is quite sick at the home of ; her parents, ' Mr. rand Mrs. W. F. C. Edwards. Mrs. Whit ley was visiting at the home of her parents when she was taken sick on Wednesday and ; her condition was such that it was not thought advis able to remove her tq. her home. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS MRa W. ' my. Affcnt il X 'fi V - ft ' i 1 yj; ' j?'t - - Fresh Flowers - C 1 a , Sugar A Fuel Food; Get It In Rruits , Many Have Lost "Food Bal V, ance By Eating Too Freely 1 .Of Refined Suzar -..-'. By Mary Spmldiof i ' i ' ' f -'c Consultant in Nutrition, 'rv Mtutaehuutta Stat Department, -' . of. Publio Health ' ,N In ''studying "'food'4' intakes, we find many of us have lost our food : balance by eating too freely of the one-'M food, sugar. White sugar-. is i cheap food, only for fuel. In refining it, minerals and vifr- amine are taken out. This' summer, Dr. Martha; Koehne 7 of . the University X of -Michigan . published a scholarly study'on the control of tooth Mty .paidiaa decay in children. She' corroborated the old opinion that persons who are susceptible to tooth decay increase the amount of decay by eating more highly sweetened foods. ' We in the Unit ed States eat about. twice as much sugar as the people in Continental Europe. ,The annual consumption I tere was seventy pounds per capita in 1904 and in 1932 it was one hundred and twelve pounds. Sigir Aa "Beit" Dr. Henry C. Sherman of Co-j lumbia University, . has ably said :i that a small amount of sugar is --tsed as a bait in fruits, which give other valuable substances like mJn- ; . .... . -.-. r n era is and vitamins, -sumy ign school girht and some' boys are-en- ticed to spend their smatt amount' of lunch money - for candy and have none left when they arrive at the milk or salad counter.: These girls and boys have lost their food balance, at least at one of the three meals during the day, at an sge when food values are most im portant. ' :. . In meal planning, homemakers : are using some unrefined molasses or sorgo syrup, one pint of which equals one pound of sugar. This costs a little more but is an econo my as the homemaker buys some iron and calcium as well as the fuel food. Dried raisins, figs, apri--cots, peaches, and dates are all well liked. Some of these contain -from fifty to seventy-fiv per cent , of sugar when dried, but are good f sources of iron and vitamins A and B. In Massachusetts our ' dried fruit candy recipes are most popu lar. Mothers make fruit logs, fruit surprises as well as date ships as treats for children. Sweet to Fruit People will prpbably always like sweets. We are wondering if the homemakers are not going to shift part of the sweets from refined sugar to more fruits, fresh and dried, and unrefined sugars such as molasses and honey. The mar ket would seem to allow such a shift ONEMISCELLANY BRIEF BITS ABOUT FILM FAVORITES . i ' Dvorak Swims Every Day Ann Dvorak, Warner Bros., featur ed player, swims every morning in the' big' pool ' on her ranch. - She swims every day -in the year, winter or summer. Claire Dodd Collects Gloves : -, 1 Claire, ,todd,' Warner Bros., star, has. 56 pairs of gloves in all shades. She buys a jpatr on the average. of once: a:; weefc' tiV?P :-.-. jjC" ".--i' :Hvs- r ' . - ' : Cargan Lores Neckties r William Ganran. . Warner- Bros.. player, has a passion for neckties. In his clothes closet are several hund red cravats. Barrat Is Epicure V - ' Robert - Barrat, Warner Bros., cha racter actor, is on authority on cheese cake. He has eaten -this delicacy in every country in the world. " ' - i Handball Champ Pat -O'Brien took - up handball for recreation' a : year ago and is now E. YIUTE for 1 x - " -v " H-'jtj" .ice Pro- ;t Dlvry f , ' . , - I ,-1 f M;ii, ft;? -Mil 1 f 1 ( , -.a t -w 4 :. t the undefeated champion of" Holly wood's film colony, " ' .' i, H, " . Kautical Minded ; Allen' Jenkins interested Jimmy Cagney in boats two years ago. Cag ney has been sailing for a year and Jenkins is still building his boat .... , First Reading ,. ' Frederic March didn't i read "An thony . Adverse" until the. deal be tween Warner Brothers and 20th Century-Fo spotted himL in the , title role. - r 1 s , , to", 1 ' -vWv " 't, , ,H r . tt A- Si ' i , Jolson A Ranchier f -Al Jolson has 'been singing about Mammy : and plantations for . years, but now he really owns a' "planta-tionM-i-in Encino, Calif.- r; 5 Following In. Sister's Steps M . f. Mar jorie4Keeler, .younger sister of Ruby,' has- all -the mannerisms and tapping ability that made her - sis ter famous, . " A Finds Europe Restful , Kay Francis finds complete relaxa ANNOUNCEMENT WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE Rich Square Bonded Warehouse (BONDED m both FEDERAL and N. C State Systems) Is Now Ready to Handle Your Cotton Ship your Cotton to us at Rich Square, N. C, for sale, for storage or for Government Loan. k JONES; SON & COMPANY, Inc. 1 Cotto n P a c tors ' NORFOLK, VIRGINIA Tinie Now For Your 1 u Buy warmth and .- mt. tt. i- prices. . iiiese neauers yjLuu ifWilKleat IPl ,HV II 1 ' Ullll , AINU If PI yet emcientiy. Coal and Wood Stoves of All Kinds bit.25 up Carolina Hardware Co. PHONE 11 ... ; , ; HERTFORD, N..ti The Hertford -, PRESENTS ( : "OHPROFESSOR " c (Copytigbted) ' Thursday at' Grammar School Auditorium Director ;.::.rl:. 1 THE WAYNE SEA WELL Owners and managers exxxusively op'' u" z 1 ?Oh, Professor,' f'Cupid Up-toJ)ate," , "Dixie- Blackbirds' Minstrel," J "Blue Bonnett," "Flapper Grandmother''. ;?Here -Comes Arabella," "Black-Eyed Susan" and "Rosetime.". . . . , ( . -X I : . :'ZX.. ' ni-The Fraternity House' 'Z tK T "i ' ' ' " ' ''1'7 v riTT A t s' I , Fi rv. :4 V't: Steve Crr -dall, leadlrj man - Cob Davie, second LII.-2 man " Professor Trri, chancer lead ; Cave Davli.ob's brctLer, a female j; C.:-k, C ' --e s;rvr.t . tVT;:Lc'mk, LIrj womaa ; :t f -.d 1 -v-7 v,i -n fc lrs. tr. -3.u, ' ':rw;..;!i . ' 3. -Vj V't tion in her annual visits to the Con tinent. She usually flies -across to New York, ferries to Europe :. and flies to her destination. d t Dirt' Farmer , Paul Muni; has realized enough from .his San Fernando walnut ranch to pay for another jaunt to the old world with' Mrs. Muni. fc 1 ' Interior Decorator ' ' - -"Joan - Blondell . supervised the en tire renovation and redecoration , of her home atop Lookout Mountain." - E.' Carl Allison of the Cherryfield section of Transylvania County 'is curing about three tons of fine hay per acre from his Korean lespedeza field. , --, . v . Stock Pea Pickers For Sale Cheap H. G. WINSLOW Hertford, N. C. RICH SQUARE, N. C vyui QRCULATING FREE . TNTSIT A f T . A TTrVM ' Here is just one of our many fine Stove values I comfort at early Fa :; -iiJ operate very cneapi--! Woman's Club ! 99 3 Gilmore I PRODUCING COMPANY t , r t - 4 October rHmTSn n i f t .1 is I.I r. 1 1. r -1 ,-.,..--.'..-,.l,.'l.R.-' S. Honda ' . : - ?, A. V. Hifrcn " imper-" :r C. s. ..:: .ri ' : L. j I' ' ' : r- 'i r ' . ? . T. s.'.