IV.LL CE EXPL0.1EU 1 1 t ' Gcr? Surpasses Grand Can- yon of the Colorado. Washington, XX aTbe Salmon irtver canyon In Idaho, ont of the larg Mt primitive KM In the United States, wtlh a gorge surpassing the SGrand. canyon of the Colorado In depth and steepness, will be explored ana photographed toon by the Salmon Hver expedition of the National Geographic Isodety, according to an announcement made by Vice President John Qllver La Gorce. r . The expedition pertonnel,;lneiudea Philip X Shenon and John Q." Reed, of the U. S. Geological aurTey J Maynard Owen wmiama, stalf represent tire of the National Geographic society; Bob art Marshall, Mturallstj IK1 Worth Clark, and two local boatmen. . -: Travel Upetream Impossible The Salmon river, which wJoda through ragged central Idaho, hair been j truly dealgnated theBlTer of To. Re tains,' "the announcement contlnuea. '-The falls and roaring rapMa of the swift stream, and the abeer din and iroggedneas of the canyon, make travel upetream Impossible. Downstream navi gation can bo accomplished only in ;ont, flat-bottomed boate, telnforced tto wlthetand numewJtoillslons with 'boulder In the raplchilBJow falls, ' The source of jthens&ea-li In the rugged awMiiklinga-c 'southeastern Idaho. For many miles It tows iorth, About SO mllM below (the town of Salmon It tume westward to enter the main gorge. The Salmon river expedition will begin Its explore. oa at Salmon early In October, work Jug down the river through the main gorge to the lower gorge. The latter beguf at Whlteblrd and extendi about BO miles to the Junction of the Salmon land Snake rivers. "The wildly beautiful main gorge of the Salmon river Is one of the lone liest regions in the country. For 100 miles along a deep, twisting canyon the 'only settlement is an occasional cabin. The rushing torrent has cut through several thousand feet of lava flows and deep Into ol'der formations beneath, he canyon's great depth, 6,000 feet in places, permits scientific study of formations more than a mile below the original surface of the main body of granite rook. Subjects for Color Camera. "The walls of the canyon itself are brilliantly colored. On Big Creek, In the canyon area, are extensive but lit tle known prehistoric Indian picture writings that have not been studied. "In addition, the forests and flowers of the region are expected to provide excellent subjects for the color camera. In the Salmon and the Clearwater mountains, bear, mountain goat, moun tain sheep, deer, elk, and moose roam 'far from the usual haunts of man. In addition to salmon, there are several varieties of fish, Including the rare red fish trout "The Salmon river area has an in teresting historical background, begins nlng with the Lewis-Clark expedition to the Northwest in 1805. Stories of Indian warfare, picturesque early set tlers and exciting gold rushes lend glamour to the region. Scenes of earlier gold rush days are again being re-enacted In this section of Idaho. The granite rock, known as Idaho bath olith, through which the Salmon river cuts Us way, is similar to that of the Coeur d'Alene region, source of most of the state's mineral wealth." Farmer Wins by a Cob in Corn-Eating Contest . Ortonvllle, Minn. Over a pile of 57 well chewed cobs, Berge Simonsen, a lean, middle-sized Stone county farmer, claimed the corn-eating championship of the world. Simonsen defeated all comers In the annual Ortonvllle corn festival, which each year decides the champion corn eater of the land. Ed Kottwltz, of South Dakota, for years the champion corn eater of the Northwest, was runner-up. For seven hours and ten minutes Simonsen gnawed nway at the golden yellow bantam, eating ear after ear until all competitors were eliminated. Standing up, with an effort, Simon sen wiped the last vestige of butter from his Hps, patted his stomach ap provingly and acknowledged the con gratulations of the throng of western Minnesota farmers. Simonsen won by one cob. M Reader. Xo Blind" V on Every Line of Type Minneapolis. The eye "goes blind" at least three times while reading a line of type. Testa made with a cam era developed by Dr. M. Av Tinker, of the University of Minnesota, showed that the average person's eye made about 'fire little hops over each line and that the eye was blind for a fif-' tleth of a second between the hope. The best readers make three or four ; stops twelve times la covering a line f .type. ; . Penny Wedges Wedding , Ring; Hammer I Used : JJansfleld, Ohio. A hammer ' ' and chLDl were part of the equipment i:ev. Hayes M. Broker, Hansfleld, used at a wedding. The minister asked for tie ring, ' and - a nervous bridegroom ' Tht It forth, only to find a penny '.;:y weJjed In it The ceremony C.liyii while Bet. Sraker got -. ; -vaer and a chisel to knoak the EXECUTION CHAT.IZZn USES TWO METHODS u : ' y? '4. H t j 1 Nortl Carolina Will Usa Gas ,,f Electricity. Raleigh, N. C Newer than the gas-; electric railway car is tne gas-eecirw death Chamber soon to , be -completed m ; Jforth Carolina's central, prison here. rj1' 8t ' 1 The combination death' boose' waS; designed by engineers of the state highway and public works commission. The new chamber Is being installed within ; the t present 1 octagonal "death chamber at the prison. '., : There will be a panel about feet high and 9 fet long, in front of double, shatter-proof . plate -, Class.' through whicn witnesses may watch the exe cution. The Interior will be of bolted and welded steel plates. ' "The exterior will '. be covered, with terra-cotta ;tlle except for the glass observation windows, 1 A special walkway will connect the chamber with "death row." Two heavy doors, like refrigerator doors In this walkway will. form an air lock and one door cannot be opened unless the other-la closed. , 1 A prisoner will be strapped into the Chair, as in electrocutions, and a Jar filled with hydrochloric add will be placed under the chair. Directly above the Jar will be a rack containing five pellets of cyanide of potassium. After the doors are, locked and sealed an electric button will, 1B tWf "pellets Into the add. The first inhalations of the resulting cyanldeJiydrochloric add gas will cause naconsdousness and death win follow almost Immediately, Then an exhaust fan win drive the gas oat through a special floe through the pris on roof. The doors cannot be opened until the gas is exhausted. Frist Chronometers Are Shown in London Museum London. Four of the famous chronometers made by John Harrison, which were the first Instruments in vented to solve the mariner's problem of "finding the longitude" are on view at the Science museum at Kensington. They have been lent by the British admiralty. Harrison, according to the museum, was the first to make an Instrument capable of keeping sufficiently accu rate time at sea, and It was with these same chronometers that he won $100,000 offered by the British gov ernment in 1714 for a method of de termining a vessel's longitude to with in an accuracy of SO miles, at the end of a voyage to the West Indies. Tn 1761 Harrison was successful His fourth chronometer had aided In the navigation of a boat to Jamaica, and at the end of the voyage It was found to be In error by only five sec onds, which corresponds to an error In longitude of one mile. He won the 1100,000, the final Installment of the award being paid him in 1773. The first three of Harrison's chron ometers, which were valuable contribu tions to the science of navigation, were large clocks, each weighing 50 pounds. The one which won the1 prize, however, was smaller, resembling a large watch of about five inches di ameter. Farmer Rents Turkeys to Eat Grasshoppers Gypsum, Kan. Victor Van Meter of this town has one of the most unusual money-making schemes ever tried In this vicinity. He owns 700 turkey gobblers which he rents out at $2.50 per day to farm ers whose farms are Infested with grasshoppers and locusts. The gob blers gobble the Insects and Van Meter moves on to another farm. He pro vides portable roosts in the fields for the young turkeys. Van Meter pitches a tent near by, personally supervises the work and sees to It that no harm comes to his turkeys. Sometimes It requires three or four days to rid one farm completely of the Insects but the farmers say it is well worth the price. When the gob blers are thoroughly fattened. Van Meter will sell them and raise another flock. Clay Says "Idle Money" to Boost Autumn Trade New Tork. Idle money, amounting to tens of billions of dollars and bil lions of dollars' worth of farm prod: ucts coming Into the market will be dynamic stimulants, to autumn pros perity, Paul Clay, economist,; said In the current Brookmlre Economist, lt "The physical volume of crop pro duction," his article said, "the restored equilibrium of agricultural and nonag rlcultural prices and the tendency fit the crop financing plus the other au tumn trade activity to Induce business to utilize our vast total' of potential bank creditsall these give promise of increasing prosperity upon a ; sound economic bssls.' - i " i - , "HeU,uidttDaian,,.oti l . Listof Good Words Fairhaven, W. , X "Hell" and "damn" areat swear words, Police Recorder Harry B. Kurtls has ruled. Neighbors testified that Mrs. JJer tha Mount made frequent use of the words,g;gJ:SS, J, : The recorder said that the words appeared frequently in newspapers and magazines, that they were used casually on the stage and screen and commonly, by the public. There fore, be held, theyt were .not illegal and dismissed the charges. Trcv.G:;;3 Around America r 'l It! . 4 WOOL ON ; raiS Is tho type of wool coat they grow down south, and Ifs a prlse-winaer, too-HM the elaborate ribbons will proTe. The ram which so proudly wears It is a Romney Marsh from Magallanes. the south ernmost tip of South America, pho tographed by a traveler taking one of the weekly cruises to Chlla Down around the Straits of Ma gellan are cold leads which bear trass the year omad-with rains and light - snowfall keeping them, through all seasons, fresh and free from dut- region particularly Ca TOfable for iftoeprale1ng. The flocks October Is Time To , Plant Flower Bulbs Flower bulbs which are to blossom in the spring, such as tulips, hya cinths, narcissi and grape hyacinths, may be planted in October, or as late as mid-November in Eastern North Carolina. The ideal soil does not pack, is crumbly and moist, yet well drained, said Glenn O. Randall, professor of floriculture at N. & State College. When preparing to plant bulbs, plow the soil to a depth of 10 inches, then pulverize it thoroughly, he recommended. Stable manure, thoroughly decay ed, is a good fertilizer. If decayed manure is unavailable, bone meal may be used, or a complete fertil izer containing 4 to 5 per cent nit rogen, 8 to 10 per cent phosphorus, and 4 to 6 per cent potash. A good way to plant bulbs, when they are to be set in clumps or in beds, is to remove the upper four inches of soil, set the bulbs the de sired distance apart, and then cover them with the soil that was removed. When planting a large area, the soil may first be removed from a space tbout 3 by 5 feet in size, the ..u...M rv jfi LJJtf ' ; 1 'I ':,.'! KfWnlMIKlllMWlllMMMllMI IT1, ztuu. liiip km From 1900 up to IWthe leaf tobacco used for cigarettes in creased from,'; , ; 13,084,037 lbs. to 326,093,357 lbs.; an increase a It takes mild tibto tobacco to make a good cigarette.:;:) :-..'.: 1 ,- i r -.-.,-,':-.-;."i..t-.j..rfJ...--:,'..- . , ). - , I ft t f J V ? f ) a ?'::;""' ..'.iv.f..i.'i..j. f -1 5, TUB HOOF which erase there grow exception, ally heavy fleeces t very fine flu&K Ity and practically free from dust x and dirt This region supports about , x 4,000,000 heads about oneuuarter ' of which are sent to the packing ; plants, the rest raised for their wool of which they - produce annually about 20,000,000 pounds. - '' Some Of thd ranches, or estanclas, 1 as they are called, cover more, than 100,000 acres ; with thorisanda-'of heads of sheep roaming the ranges In charge of the shepherds and sheep dogs and growing wool which finds ; Its way to the far corners of the ' globe, i-c': h-ki:--i-'- bulbs placed In position, then cov ered from soil removed from an ad joining areai';' ' This opens r the adjoining area, where bulbs may be set. and covered with soil from an area just beyond. This process may be followed until the entire lot Is planted, , In all cases, Randall stressed, ap ply the fertilizer and carefully pre pare the soil before setting out the bulbs. Tribesmen Drive Naked Reds Into Troops' Lines Chengtu, China. The spectacle of 000 Communists, unarmed and stripped of all Clothing, being driven toward the government lines by a shouting,' laugh ing mob of Lolo tribesmen had the effect of almost prostrating the gov ernment forces. - 7 These 600 Communists located them selves in the Lolo district near Men nlnghsun, and began the. spreading of propaganda. One of the most popular slogans of the Chinese Reds is "Down with modesty 1" ' This . apparently so outraged the sense of propriety of the aborigines that they rounded up the Beds, stripped' them and then headed the naked mob toward the government troops. u,,,.......,M. i;;;;;::::::S:i; i IIAiiiililll I ; of 2292 ;''K-$;r::j y 4 nofC pebp- tcow about thtnwthey are better ad vert;:!: J. ' -J - ' 4 Cut tllr cxin rczren fcr th: increase is th-t tLry orb !j "';M..':n-are.bdrJa Ll.r.d cf DcSr:tic " Clinton, ( :.A I... a t.::.,j o be more than 1-5 years old was pawned here for the price of a meal The bock Contains El story f a family C '-t hack to 1773. with Statistical nttv j running to as late as) 1U. i "! nr 3""i n n -"'V..; j j i i U USbUU - , - i ' ' " ' ' 'For that "maddening Iteh that almost ' drives ro mad. try Dr. JPortefg Antl ptlo Haalint' OIL .It Is not a fancy treD ration but. Ohl. how It works 1 ft , , Ulla tiut paraaltM that eauM moat oaacs of ttoh. At the mm tlma. tt halpa heal the aor and t nagd akia. 7.--. um tnat eauM most oasce ; inouaan-a vrno baa inc -averythlnf 1m for'sora, Itchlnff and broken ml kla aav that Pr. Porter'i Antlaeptlo Uaallnf Oil waa th only thins that ar.-. fvr thani anythinv illka real nUf.r . oa'lt find It wonderful for all caaaa of , .Worm) and i,cema. Dr. Porter's Antl- ' aeptio Meaunuil is tnada hy the maker w urore a iuauvo ttromo ouinina ana la sold Vr all drucxlats at SOo and tae or Quick results try a Want Ad Kl Insurance - Real Estate Attorney-at-Law Ofllee Facing Court House S-nare , 6660606 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS MRS. W. E. WHITE Agent for Shoppie Fresh Flowers - Quick , , -rTT,.,L, N j j L w M J 1 1 ,- ' , - During.the year ending June ; 30, 1900, the Government rnllrrfd frnm rA m rrttt - : . & v '" - . i:: ' i m . u.liiiL f T i 4 .. ... ii . 1 rv V' For the year ending, June 30, -1934,- the 8a'me taxes '.were' V: ; $350,29?,ft2 vr w:f ,an increase of 8725 Cigarettes give a lot of pleasure to, a lot of people.- l&re darcii ch sacked today lece: rCX SATISFACTORY K3ULT3 nd COTTON to M-aW J. J7 Pcyry Company ; at SUFFOLK va Par Sale or Storage" and Loans r 1 . Vi i.t ...I., , ju n n , i - r : - .7" v . ... i VlBUY'AOTTL'". Z' t CATTLE 'ANP;0'' ,. ,t BLsi 'ajT"' rs a"'' v !' v -.-1 AA VUTO I t4 'i tft V4f Tsi'i T'f' f.C G.T. POWELL , ;",winpalcn. a PATRONIZE OUR ADVERHSERSJ Service Prompt Delivery . T rui. 1 JII.IIJIJLWmilllU.WiiJLIlliJWMIIIIUIIIL ??,, - -, - ' UmttJSwu ' - , 1 and Tu:!: tcl-ccc-. fo ...... 1 1 ... .Y . "s S t f 1 1 ys; y kora ' , & t5.1xifirT : ivsi Tor

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