-1 V "A Published every FrUay at Ti Perquimans VV etJJy ode In tha Cregory Building, Church Street, Hertford, N. C , t 'i W ' j v UATTIS USXEB WHITE , Editor Day "" ' r ' "M Night Phone --J0O-J ; SUBSCRIPTION RATC3 Six mh : One Year 4L25 Entered" as second - clan matter November 15, 1984, at the post eSce at Hertford, North Carolina, mdtt tho Act of March 8, 1879. . 'AdvoVti4inrMtm far&iahed V FRIDAY, OCTOBEE 18, 1935. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT KINGDOM IS WITHIN: Neither hall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. JLuke 17?2L MUST COME SOONER OR LATER Walter H Oakey," Jr., judge of Perquimans County Recorder's Court; is adhering to his expressed deter ruination X to sentence to jail every defendant convicted in his court of driving sin automobile . .while drunk. This week he sentenced the third offender to a jail teri&fat this of. fense. C P Dickinson, judge of the Recorder's Court of Wilson County, this week also sentenced drunken driven to jail torms. Judge Oakey's initial step in his avowed Intention to do everything in his power to stop the slaughter on the highways provoked a good deal of favorable editorial comment in va rious newspapers in the State. The Associated Press carried the story of his second jail sentence meted out to a drunken driver. Judge Dickinson's action this week in sentencing drunken drivers to jail is also very favorably commented on by the press of the State. That the courts have been too len ient with these offenders in the past is evinced by the fact that it is news when a judge imposes a jail sentence for drunken driving, and that every where is there commendation for his action expressed. The public is at last beginning to be aroused by the horror of so many fatal accidents on the highways. A large number of these deaths is caused by the driver who is under the influence of liquor. 'The time must come when a jail sentence will be inevitable for the drunkendriver. 3 TIME TO SAY "YES" OR "NO" A chance to vote on whether or ot to continue the corn-hog control rogram is given the farmers. If you do not like the program, Mr. - Farmer, now is your time to say so. , If you do like it and want it contin ued, you should express yourself. You are given an opportunity. A REMINDER OF THE PAST Distinguished English Friends are coming to Perquimans next week. The announcement is reminiscent of the visit of other English Friends to Perquimans. It is two hundred and TRADE HERE "Sr , . '. it.' ' . '. r f "t LADIES' SILK DRESSES G3.C3 ade 1 4Sr u it ' at CZIAPPZLIi IIILJL . : A-delightful birthday .dinner yrt given at the home of M. T. Lane on Sunday in honor-of Mr. MX'Lane and their daughter, Seva. The dining room was' beautifully decorated with autumn flowers, while two - birthday cakes, one holding 27 candles, and the other, fi candles,: formed the' attrac tive centerpiece on the dining table. Several relatives and, t number of friends were present, and enjoyed a delicious dinner. Z " . . v , , , Miss Agnes Ward,' of ' Belvidere, and Miss Trythenia Lane, of this section, spent Saturday'' night with uiu Kathryn Lamb. ' 5r-J?.',;f. Guests in tho homo of Mr:r and. Mrs. Willi Lamb Sunday , afternoon were; Mr.ianq ttrtv Charue Tt'rltog arson and family, of Belvidere; Miss Kathryn White, of ;: Belvidere; Mr: and Mra.'fHtvfr Ttarfo anrf .' famil: Mr. and "Mrs. 1 Graham Twine, of South; and who now Uvea in . Hert Icaria. -' '. ' V ' " . ford, has not" missed .attending but A. C. Lane is very 111 at this time, three of the annual conferences of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Lane entertain, tho church in the past 46 years. Mrs. ed quite a number of friends Sunday afternoon. Those present .included: Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Layden. of near Elizabeth City; Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Lane, of near Belvidere; . Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Lane; Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Copeland, and Mrs. Lizzie Cope- land, of near Ryland; Mrs. H. . P, Lamb, of Newport News, Va. S. G. Chappell, principal of Wilson High School, visited his sister, Mrs. Willie Lamb, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chappell, of Newport News, Va., visited his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Chappell, over the week-end. Guests of Mr. and. Mrs. . M. D. Chappell Sunday were Mrs. Spivey and daughter, Mrs. Harried and her daughter, Rodney Pannic and Edgar Anderson, all of South Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Butt, of New Hope, visited Mrs. Butt's mother, Mrs. Tom Monds, during the week end. Mrs. R. B. Chappell, Miss Lillian Hendren and Miss Orene Chappell went to Norfolk, Va., Thursday. Mrs. Henry Lamb, of Newport News, Va., visited her sister, Mrs. E. L. Chappell, over the week-end. Herman Humphrey, of Newport News, Va., was here Friday evening. CURTISS TURNAGE Mrs. Clarsey B. Turnage and Wil liam H. H. Curtiss, both of Hertford, were quietly married on Tuesday, October 15, the ceremony being per formed by the Rev. D. S. Dempsey, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, at the parsonage. The bride is 63 years of age, and the bridegroom likewise is 63. sixty-three years since that visit, when the first sermon ever preached in North Carolina of which there is any record was delivered by William Edmundson on "Phelps Point," now Hertford, "under the hemlock trees." John Fox, the founder of the Friends Church, also paid a visit to Perqui mans later that year. William Edmundson and John Fox were given a right hearty greeting by the scattered settlers in 1672. Friendly Indians were among the little company who heard the Friends.- Mighty and lasting have been the influence of those early English Friends on the lives of the people oi i Perquimans. JUST RECEIVED 5-V Crimp Galvanized Roofing Also a large supply of Building Supplies, including Cement, Lime, Bricks, Plaster, Brixment, Sand and Gravel, Saches, Doors, etc. We also carry a large supply of Athey's 100. Pure Paints," Roof Coating and Cements. HERTFORD HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE" i HferetArc FDLLPASfflONED ( SILK HOSE 1, Here 4 f HIT OR HISS S000frO0O$frO$4$ ? W. I Hotter, former Hertford boy who now lives in Richmond, Va., and who was a visitor in Hertford this week,' with 'a partyof friends took a trip to cuoa some week ago, and happened to be in Miami, Florida, on the night that the terrible hurricane swept the Florida Keys,, leaving death and desolation in its. wake. .The party was delayed .for twenty- four hours,' after which they took a plane for Havana,, passing . over the devasted area and j seeing rom the iv the awful havoc wrought by the . worm. Mrg. R. T. Clarke, ;.whoa husband was a member of the Virginia Con ference of - the Methodist- Church, Clarke to attending the conference . Danvflje, Va., this week. A colored man was being tried in Recorder's Court upon the charge of non-support on Tuesday. The wife as prosecuting witness had taken her young dhOd to court. She had testified that her husband had not been home in eight months. . Then the defendant Was placed upon the stand. "Daddy, Daddy," said the child, and leaving her moth er, toddled over to the 'witness chair, where the father placed his, hand on his child's heal "Hasn't that child seen you in eight months?" asked Judge Oakey of the defendant "Yes,' Sir," was the reply, "she sees me every time 1 go there to carry something." . "Case dismissed," said Judge Oakey. S. P. Mathews, prominent Belvi dere Township farmer, who has been sick, is improving, and was in town on Monday. Mr. Mathews, who is oo years oi aire, naa a aocror visit ft m m m i ti -3. i-rr:;::r : r " r r.: first time since seventeen. Missionary Society Of Bethel Meets The Woman's Missionary Society of the Bethel Baptist Church held its regular monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon at the church, with the president, Mrs. J. M.. Fleetwood, pre siding. The devotionals were con ducted by Mrs. J. C. Hobbs. A very interesting program followed the business session, the topic being, "Youth Uplifting the Banner." Af ter the program, Miss Huby Keaton and. Miss Kathryn Fleetwood gave a very interesting dialod4 "Talking Across a Century." The meeting was then dismissed, by the president. There were fourteen members and two visitors present. ' DEAL CHAMBERS Miss Marie Deal and, Mr. Robert Chambers were married Saturday, October 12th at South Mills. Miss Deal is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deal, of Chap anoke. Mr. Chambers is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Chambers, of Eli zabeth City, Route Three. The couple have returned from a few days' visit in Norfolk, Va., and are making their home with Mr. Chambers' parents. A CARLOAD OP HERTFORD. JNt Jucta FcvrcZ Ci tZzzsy. CzvL : AND DRESS COATS : 7 v. 1 rr;TT:.TV .VJL. . CF I1I.T ford, green LeIer Fountain Pen. Finder please return to'. oJT.ce of :t Perquimans Weekly and receive re- i'f ward, v V;'4 ffiV--t It FOR RENT FARM , FOX ELNT ,1near Belvidere,' "convenient . to " school add church. , Terms to suit applicant.. Apply to T. J. Jessup, Gates, N..O-', ;" . ' 2te NOTICE OFtSALE OF VALUABLE REAL -ESTATE;' Under and by Virtue of an border of the' Superior Court, of Perquimans County, North Carolina, made in tho Special Proceeding entitled Mrs. Wm. Weston Mrs, Lillio Long and others vs. Helen Davis and, Myrtle Norman Elliott, atf heirs mt IaW of J; T. Phil Bps, deceased, .the aame being Nov- upon the Special Proceeding Docket of said court, , tho undersigned com missioner will, on the s 11th day ..of November, 1935, at 11:80 o'clock At M., at tho courthouse door in Here ford, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder tot cash' that certain tRSt of land lying and being in Bethel Township, Perquimans County,' North Carolina, adjoining the lands formerly ' belonging to Solomon Rogerson, Wm. Manley and others and more particularly de scribed as follows; to-wit. Firet Tract: Bounded on the West by the lands of J. P. Morris, on the east by the lands of Solomon Rog erson, on . the north by the road leading from Bethel to "Mardre's Point," and on the south by Yeopim River, containing : sixty-six and, 2-3 acres, more or less, and. being . the same land " these ' bargainers. heired from their father, Elija. Morris, de ceased, and being tho same ' landg conveyed to John T.r Phillips by J. E. Morns and others by deed dated Ctt 27th of November, 1899, and record ed in Deed Book 8 at page 432 No. 238 in the office of the Register of Deeds 0f Perquimans County, aecond TnteU Beginning On the road at a ditch in the "line between ui, - , .j eriy sPrwu) which ditch is the m Taylor Theatre EDENTON, N. C. ; PROGRAM COMING WEEK Today (Thursday) and Friday, October 17-18 LORETTA YOUNG - CHAS. BOYER "Shanghai" Saturday, October 19 BOB STEELE "The Big Calibre" "Rustlers of Red Dog" - Comedy Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 21.22 "Every Night at Eight" GEORGE RAFT - ALICE FA YE Wednesday, October 23 GLENDA FARRELL "little Big Shot" SOON: Dick 'Powell in "Broadway Gondolier," Shirley Temple in "Curly Top," Will Rogers in "Steamboat Round the Bend." Watch for dates. 0 LADIES' SPORT ; - AND DRESS v V-. SHOES ....? - X, ' tt LL- pru h ixtjrv(Si) yai-s. t a''v--"h, C.C3, south alon said dilvh at riht angles tjo thai road three ' hundred ' forty 340) yards, (then west parallel with tho road aixty 60) yards the ditch in the lane between Phillips and Wm. Manley,- tand north r along said ditch.' three hundred forty (840) yards to the place of beginning On the road, containing four, (4) acres, being a part of the Solomon Roger son land lying next to the lands of J. T. Phillips, and oeing' the same land conveyed to John Tia:Phfflrps by deed from W. T. . Williams dated the 6th day of Marchj 1907, and re corded on the 6th d ay of - March, 1907, in Deed Book 7 at pag 492 in the rfaea-f the lUjliiftr of Deeds W Perquimans County, North Carolina; Said deed ''of conveyance ' to J: T. Phillips ; mentioned .i, .description -of both of ;s't fccta are-k-rtby refer-, l . . . at Pender, means getting tho the least noasibte coat. Be thrifty BEST AMERICAN Ghees EQ lb & 35C NARROWS SHOE PEG ' COLONIAL CUT Corn Beets 3 cL2 '23 ic5 i . ..... ' . COLONIAL String No. 2 Can 2GS Durkei Pure PURE FRUIT 3 pk.. 317 I PALMQLIYE 3 for Bi OCTAGON s lg. as PER SUDS 3 35 Z:cy ? HEN'S GOOD fv ' l vonri f sinTs a- V . ... i. j 4 .J tf ' by c. .l , ..' j..' i This lSlh d;y of Octi r, 1.ZS. c . ' v-. . C. B. Lvibii-iiju, " r " j "' ' Commissioner. .. l f 1 xj, : Pctl85Tov.l NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ; Having qualified - as AdmiftiBtratrix of the estate of Seymour Chappell, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having ' claims :" against the estate of said deceased- to exhibit them to thO undersigned, at Hertford;; N. C, on or before ; tho 8th " day of October 1986,. or this, aottc will be ; pleaded inbar of their recovery. - All . persons indebted to said estate will pleaiB,4nmied Thia th day of October, 1936. ROXANNA CHAftPELL, Administratrix of, Seymour Chappell most in highest quality foods at hop at Pender! SANTA. CLARA Praae3 WHITE HOUSE POST Dran D. P. BLEND OV& PRIDE n O 21 c a: -;; MEN'S V: HEAVY OVERALLS Apple lb. ". if f " " - , -"'.'.it sVny?' 1 -" r ' K ft 1 ,1 1.'. ' jtWJA, ,,,' ' , 'a "3 ,i"t' - toy - ( f v v 1,

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