V THE" PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N.' C, FRIDAY, : OCTOBER 251935. PAGE JSETEIi -vch Spring P. T. , Has Interesting Meet CThe T. A. f Beech. Spring met jednesday. evening: in the school suflitQrtum, The meeting , was pre- , aided over by the president, ' Mrs. Wayland Howell. Superintendent, and Mrs. F. T. Johnson were visitors.- A very interesting' program was rendered on "Old and Modern Meth ' i8 of Teaching." : Those participat ing were: Mrs. J. E. Perry, Mrs. A. E. Layden, Mrs. Noah Felten, Miss h Alma Howell and Miss Delete White head. A song 'was rendered by a group of school, girls, with Miss Sybil Howell as ' pianist. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson made brief talki.. ' w Forty-fire members have been en 4lled already and , few others are "expected to join later. ' During the social hour 'several ? games wen enjoyed. .Ice cream and home-madecake were served by Mrs. : Wayland Howell, Mis Delcle White head and Mrs. W. J. Perry. Mock Marriage At Woodville School "O Promise Me, Willie," a mock marriage will be given at Woodville School Friday evening, October 25, at 7:80 o'clock by the Home Demonstra tion Club. There will be no admis- : aim fee. After the wedding, pies, ice cream Mmd candy will be sold. : There will also be a "Pretty Girl" cake. The pulrtic M invited to attend. WINFALL P. T. A. HOLDS INTERESTING MEETING The Winfali Parent-Teacher Asso l elation held its regular meeting at the Winfali school Monday evening, with the president, Mrs. J. W. Dim- ette, presiding. C-jwlowmg we minutes of the pre A oui, which were read by the secre--mJB Mrs. W. G. Hollowell, routine liness was disposed of. Several committees were appoinieu. Mrs. A. R. Winslow, Jr.'s room on the picture for having the most rnts present at the meeting. There were thirty-one parents pres ent. Rev. J. W. Dimmette made a very interesting talk on the community. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. W- F. Morgan, of Winfali, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Mizelle, to Mr. Ernest C. Reilly, of Norfolk, Va., the ing to tane piace in eariy ue 4..jer. Birthday Party For :x) Miss Blanche Goodwin " Miss . Blanche Goodwin daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Ernest Goodwin, of near Bethel, entertained a few-of her friends Saturday evening, the occa sion being her sixteenth birthday. -After an evening of fun, the guests were served home-made' candy and ad ice course. The honoree was the recipient of many pretty gifts. Those ' enjoying Miss . Goodwin's hospitality were: . Misses Ruth Par rish, Eunice Long, ; Madge Long, Cornie Lee Ward,: Margaret Standin, Louise Tarkenton, Edna Harris, Iner Harris, Virginia Harris and Evelyn Weston; Messrs,. Ambrose Long, Ho ward Long, Edgar Long, Emmett Long, Frank Ward, William Hobbs, Wallace Hobbs, Cordell Farmer. Clyde Harris, and Blakemore Weston. WINFALL NEWS , Mrs. W. F. Moraran snent the weak- end in Norfolk, Va. visiting her daughters. Misses Marv Mizelle and Sarah Morgan. Miss Alma Lee-rett snent Snnflnv with her mother in Washington, N. C. Miss Ann Miller, of Elizabeth City, snent the week-end with her sister. Mrs. W. G. Hollowell. J. M. Hollowell has returned to his home near Hertford, after visiting his son, J. F. Hollowell, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Daughtrey, of Bayboro, spent Sunday with her brother, A. White. CARD OF THANKS The family and sisters of Hugh P. White wish to express thanks and appreciation to the many friends for the numerous tokens of love and sympathy extended them during the illness and death of their husband, father and brother; and also to their family physician, Dr. C. A. Davenport VISIT PARENTS jCtanonE, H., EAcademy St tLXLT. icnappeu, Keymore, Dobb St 'vonKieto Contrleton: L. F, Crawford. Mrs. K;. Church St i . Divers Motor Co., Church and G. Sta. Elliott, Mrs. R. D., Church St Edwards. W. F. CDobb St . Elliott, Mrs.; Janie -Ul ,. Felton, W. A., Dobb St Griffin. Nellie j . Hathaway, "Mark, Dobb St Jeasup, S. P., Front St Knowles, R. L., Market St Landing, Mrs. W. D., Railroad Ave. Lane,' J. A. Medlin, N. H., Railroad Ave. Munden. Tim Estate Perry, Madeline Norman Perry, J. P., Front St Perry, A. A. Estate, Penn Ave. . Pearce. E. S.. Dobb St Pritchard, D. J., Covent Garden , Misses Carolyn and Hattie Weaver Riddick, who are attending E. C T. C, Greenville, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Riddick. ATTEND STATE FAIR Among; the Hertford folks who took in the North Carolina State Fair were Robbins Blanchard, John 0 White, Jake White, J. W. Ward and D. M. Jackson. NOTICE OF SALE FOR TAXES (Continued from Page Six) Tax Penalty Cost. Lawrence, Chauncey, Dancy and James, Town lot f jMartin, Jacob, 1 Town lot bal. Murray, Annie Harrell, Luther Perry, Adm. 45 Jessup land Newby'.'W. H., 1 Home lot 1 Adj. Home lot Newbold, James E., 5 Newbold-EUiott Nixon, Lena, 1 Town lot Overton, Caroline, 1 Town lot ' Overton, Anderson, 1 Town lot, bal Perry, Moses, 2 Town lots Jerry, Maggie, 1 Town lot : . Perry, Jesse E., 1 Store lot J. Perry, Mary V., 87Tlnrartand Perkins, Stephen, 1 Town lot : Reed, 0. D., 1 Town lot Reed, W. E. Estate, 6 Douglas h. 1 Town lot i Riddick, Jerry, 1 Catherine Newby lot .Riddick, Lucius, 16 Sam Newbold 'Riddick, Alice VyJfc Jones land ina8onaaTck 1 Louise St. lot 1 Home lot . I Adj. Lee White lot Riddick, J. V., 25 Wilson land -- - RiddicR, Hugh Willie, 1 Tolson or Edwards lot PiHHick. Elbert S.. 18 Alson Riddick 10.50 2.17 .58 .16 1.45 1.45 19.77 12.63 3.15 6.30 6.30 4.58 1.05 3.15 3.05 10.81 6.33 6.57 13.20 1.05 3.15 16.70 18.13 9.31 J 3.34 5.97 .99 .63 .15 .32 .32 .28 .05 .15 .16 .64 .32 .28 .66 .05 .15 .84 .91 1V1UU11.IV, -f " n:jjjlr t?11o 1ft TTnr tftl . iviuuii.li, no. Riddick, James U., ie Morgan -22 Rntrerson. John A.. 1 Town lot Sampson, Lewis, 2 Symons Sampson, W. Harry, 2 Symons Simpson, James, Sr., 3 Home Skinner, Alfred Est, 1 Hickory Tree lot 1 Town lot Hsinall, Annie, 15 Hendricks . Small, Mary L., 15 Hendricks Small, Harriett EBtate, 85 Butt land Smith, Hattie. 14 West Spellman, Beatrice, 1 Town lot , Snellman, Edward, 66 Alfred Skinner-J. W. waru Stuart, Percy, 1 Town lot Stewart, Riqhard D., 18 Annie Small Sutton. Wm. Estate, 6 Home Sutton, Hardy, EslSte, 81 Jordan x nome 15.75 3.15 3.15 6.28 9.45 1.57 2.37 13.12 6.93 1.57 16.80' 5.25 10.00 6.30 .17 .32 .47 .78 .15 .15 .31 .47 .08 .17 .66 .85 .08 .84 ' I .26 .50 .82-s; 1.45 .95 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.46 1.45 1.45 .95 1.45 1.45 1.45 - .95 .95 .95 .95 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 . .95 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 145 Total 12.53 3.78 22.21 15.66 4.75 8.07 8.07 6.81 2.55 4.75 4.66 12.80 ' 8.10 7.80 16.26 2.55 4.75 22.9 20.49 4.96 7.74 11.26 17.98 4.75 4.75 8.04 12,32 3.10 3.99 15.23 8.78 8.10 19.09 6.96 11.95 8.07 20 Jordan ,..-. Turner. A. L, 43 Home tiaum-j.owe 21.25 J.06 Welch, Lucretia, 110 Home-Alson Riddick White, J. W, 1 Town lot ;..:....:.... Tilder, Hillary 1 Town lot .-, ' Williams, Inez, 1 Town lot . Zachary, Geo. W., 74 Jones ...i ' 18 Henry Whedbt ,n .. Zacharyi Jesse, i Mary 7Uf 23.45 10.04 8.16 2.62 9J2 X.17, i.60 -,.15. -.18 .78": 1.45 1.45 .95 - 15 i 1.45 i t, 1 AR" 1 U.45 V: 12.40 1AI -17.82 25.66 27.02 lt99 4.75 4.20 TOVN O? HERTFORD I Of Delinquent Tas Cd-Year 1934 Town of Hertford, N. 'C, to be held on. llonday, November 4th, 1985. at 12 o'clock at the Court House door, Hertford, N. C. By W, G. Newby, Tax Collector. . Shannonhouse. Mrs. J. T., Church and W. Academy Small, Mrs. P. H., Church St. . Speight, Mrs. Winnie Stokes, H. C. and T. S. White - Stokes, Mrs. H. C, Mrs. M. H. White Estate, - Church St .., , Thatch, Mrs. B. Market St. Towe, J. H. Estate, Church- St, Ward, Mrs. R. F. Whedbee, T. CL, Church and Penn Ave. White, C. W., Willow St White. Cant T. S.. Dobb St Winslow, Mrs. H. R., Grubb St Winslow, H. U., Church St IVJMIOAVW, U. M'f VllUVU k9lM Willif ord, Market St "liirOT . 16.60 3 30.68 1.60 , 260 16 , 154.66 7.73 . 20.63 1.03 41.05 2.06 19.80 .99 24.75 1.24 8.44 .17 12.98 .64 29.15 1.46 47.45 2.37 16.50 .83 12.88 .62 10.18 .51 4.95 .25 6.60 .33 43.34 2.17 4.95 .25 24.75 1.24 22.28 1.11 134.07 6.70 40.98 2.01 45.38 2.27 21.87 1.09 156.75 7.84 33.00 1.65 99X0 4.95 8-25 .41 78.88 3.90 38-42 1.67 19.28 .96 24.75 1.24 55.20 2.76 67.52 3.37 ;:95 .95 .96 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 -1849 18.28 - 82.98 27.51 163.23 22.61 44.06 21.74 26.94 4.66 14.57 31.66 50.77 18.28 13.95 11.64 6.16 7.88 46.46 6.16 26.94 24.34 141.72 43.94 48.60 3.91 - 165.54 35.60 104.90 9.61 83.23 36.04 21.19 26.94 58.-91 71.84 COLORED DELINQUENTS Amt. Barnes, Isaac, Hyde Park St. 22.28 Barnes, Willis, Hyde Park St. . Bembery, Ed, King St. Bembery, Isaac, Edenton Road St. Bembery, Richard, Market St Blanchard. Anderson. Kins- St Blanchard, John, Edenton Road St. tmcuiouse, Hattie VUHinf 131. liurreil, Lee Chance, Cora, Market St. . Clark. Adelaide D.. Edenton Road St Cooper, George W., Dobb St. Dail, Elisha, 6 lots, Dobb and Edenton Road Sta. Dail, Elverd Davenport, Mary E., Church St. : 1 Douglas, W. N., Market St Douglas, Louisa Estate, Grubb St. 12.38 9.90 4.54 12.65 12.65 2.48 7.70 8.25 8.25 8.25 4.95 20.22 51.57 1.24 9.90 11.68 4.12 Pen. 1.11 .62 .50 .23 .63 .63 .12 .38 .41 .41 .41 .25 1.01 2.58 .06 .50 .58 .20 Cost .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 Total $ 24.33 13.95 11.56 5.72 14.23 14.23 8.55 9.03 9.61 9.61 9.61 6.15 22.18 65.10 2.25 11.55 13.21 5.28 DrewV Marv VJ Kin St ' Eason, Joe Estate, Dobb St . Elliott Percy, Dobb St ; Everett Mamie. Kinr St . Everett, EMi i . Faulk, J. W, Estate, Railroad Ave. Felton. Laura Swain? Kinr St Felton, James, Edenton Road St. v Felton, Wm. (Joshua) Gum Alley Felton. Georsre f eiton, taura A. Felton. Nelson M.. Market St. Felton, Annette M., Market St Felton, Lucy, Hyde Park St '. Felton, W. J. Estate, Market St Felton, Harrison Estate Felton, Wm. Percy, Railroad Ave. n Franklin. Prentis Estate. Barrow Lane Gordon, Wiley, Cox Ave. Harrell, John H. Hoffler, J. M. Hoffler, William, King St. Holly. L. D.. Dobb St. Holly, Malinda Estate, Dobb St Hollv. Jack. Kin St James, George W., King St LAsaiter, Harriett Estate, Grubb St Lasaiter.rfferbert Edenton Road St Lilly, Joshua, King St Lloyd, Charles, Dobb St. Lowe. John L. Market St Lyons, Lillian, King- St Nixon, J. C, Edenton Road St Morneet, James, Edenton Koad St. Overton, Eugene, King St. Overton, Miles, Cox Ave. Parker, Essie Parker, Henry Estate, Dobb St. Perry, Henry L., Cox Ave. Reed, Herbert, Cox Ave. . Reed, Wilson, Dobb St. Riddick, Jas. W., Cox Ave. Satterfield, Ollie, Cox Ave. Satterfield, F. H., Railroad Ave. Sharp, Dr. W. B., Edenton Road and Dobb Symons, Hush, Hyde Park St , Simpson. W. D., Brace Ave. Skinner, Geo. L., Railroad Ave. Skinner, John H., Railroad Ave. S tailings, Alonzo Sutton. Belinda Waters, Harriett, Dobb St White, Herman Winslow, Annie M., Dobb St. Wood, John B., Dobb St. Wright, Butler, Market St. Wright, Sherman Wright, Kuth H. 11.15 .56 .95 12.66 6.60 .83 .96 7.88 9.90 .50 .95 11.65 4.12 .21 .95 6.28 5.78 .29 .95 7.02 8.25 41 .95 9.61 12.37 .62 .96 13.94 6.20 .31 .95 746 6.20 .31 .95 746 1.45 .07 .95 2.47 7.02 .85 .95 8.32 17.23 .86 .95 19.04 6.20 .31 .95 7.46 3.80 .16 .96 3.41 21.78 1.09 .95 23.82 4.95 .25 .95 6.15 6.78 .29 .96 7.02 4.12 .21 .95 6.28 7.02 .35 .96 8.32 14.30 .72 .95 15.97 10.32 .52 .95 11.79 12.55 .58 .95 13.08 9.90 .60 .95 11.85 7.84 .89 .95 9.18 12.65 .63 .95 14.23 4.95 .25 .95 6.16 5.78 .29 .95 7.02 8.30 .16 .95 4.41 8.25 .41 .95 9.61 11.00 .55 .95 12.60 23.86 1.17 .95 25.47 6.20 .81 .95 746 14.85 .74 .95 16.54 9.90 .50 .95 11.35 6.20 .31 .95 7.46 18.15 .90 .95 20.00 4-18 .21 .95 5.29 8.25 .41 .95 9.61 6.20 .31 .95 7.46 10.87 .54 .96 12.36 9.08 .45 .95 10.48 8.95 .45 .95 10.35 6.40 .32 .95 7.67 10.32 .62 .95 11.79 30.80 1.54 .95 33.29 9.90 .50 .95 11.35 7.70 .38 .95 9.03 10.73 .63 .95 1221 4.95 .25 .95 6.15 3.30 .16 .95 4.41 6.60 .33 .95 7.88 4.95 .25 .95 6.15 8.25 .41 .95 961 6.20 .31 .95 7.46 6.20 .31 -95 7.46 11.15 .56 .95 12.66 6.20 .31 .95 7.46 7.70 .38 .95 9.03 SATORDOTV NO?. 2 vnrrn Dbiisrcui:NT3 "Wdlette, Mrs. J. Il.Cliurch Et. i arclift J. I-, n Ave. X L'oyce,R. W., WiowEt Ami. S 10.73 Pen. .54 13.48 .67 5.37 .23 Cost .95 ,.85' !,S5 Total 12.22 1 15.10 6.67 ANEW CHEVROLET The only complete low-priced car beyond all pmviouspahdards of safety W " ... .'.' , . 'I 1 .- - ItL BE ,6n- DI3PLAY AT CT AtLrClfEtiOLET DEALERS ,. Kf'J - , o 4

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