WEEKLY : . A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume ILNumber 45. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, November -8, 1935. $1.25 Per Year ) ALL DAY SESSION RECORDER COURT HELD TUESDAY Fourth Drunken Driver In Three Months Gets Jail Sentence MANYCASES Judge Oakey Unrelent ing Concerning Driv ing While Drunk The fourth conviction in Perqui mans Recorder's Court of the charge of drunken driving within the past three months resulted on Tuesday in the defendant being sentenced to jail in accordance with the expressed pur pose of Juc?e Walter H. Oakey, Jr., who has taken the stand that a drunken driver on the highway is such a serious menace to life that some drastic action should be' taken by the courts. H. C. West, New Hope Township farmer, will begin to serve an uncon ditional jail sentence on December 15. Mr. West was given a sentence of sixty days on the roads, was fined tffty dollars, and his driving license was revoked for the period of one year, the rest of the jail sentence to be suspended upon the defendant serving ten days in jail. In order that the convicted farmer might not suffer financial loss because of neg lect of harvesting his crops, Judge Oakey agreed that the jail sentence shall not begin until December 15. Four men have previously been given jail sentences by Judge Oakey for conviction of like charges, three f the number being white men. There was an all-day session of court on Tuesday, with many and varied charges figuring in the docket. The case'' against Richard Smith, who plead)ilfumy, j'.to the charge of drivingJwittissufBsient brakes, was dismissed upnpVyment of the costs. William Riddick, colored, was tried for bastardy. The case was dismiss ed because of a defective warrant The case against Ray Morse, charged with assault, was dismissed. Sirley Nelson, colored ' woman, plead guilty to the possession of li quor for the purpose of sale. Prayer for judgment was continued upon payment of a twenty-five-dollar fine, and upon good behavior for a year, and upon the condition that no whis key be found on the woman's prem ises for a year, '-ij ' Arthur James, colored, was tried for trespass. The case was dismissed upon payment of the court costs. Charlie Parker and James Riddick, both colored, plead guilty to driving a horse-drawn vehicle on the highway without a light. The case was dis missed upon payment of half the costs. Both men were driving carts. H. P. Winslow was found guilty of parking on the highway and the case was dismissed upon payment of the costs. He appealed ', to the Superior Court. Junius and Edna Ferebee, colored, were found not guilty ' of selling liquor. - , Robert Chappell Rides 6( Miles On Bicycle Robert Chappell. fourteen : years Norfolk, tya., to WotfaQe,' fa this county, a distance of approximately 60 miles, on his bicycle'' last Friday..' Robert, whose mother is dead, 'and who was reared by Mrs. Seymour Chappell in Hertford, has been 'living fa Norfolk with his father and step-) mother for the past twd: years. Last Friday, instead of riding his wheel to school he rode on down to Perqui mans, intending to visit his foster Mother in Hertford. ' He had reached Woodville when a relative saw him on . tilt road and picked him up, bicycle and all, and brought him to Hertford. The .little fellow, who had made the &' trip ; between 8 :30 and 2 :80, was quite - worn out upon his arrival here. He returned to his ' home in Nor--, folk- on Sunday. . U, " - MRS. LEGCiETT CALLED AVAY BY CRITICAL ILLNESS CF AUNT -Mrs. J. L Leggett was called to Norfolk, Va.;by the critical illness of her aunt, Mrs. Ursula Carter, of Fen ; tress, Va. . Mrs. Carter, who has s nnmber offrlcntld here- where she i has frequently vr-'ted Mrs.' Leggett, had the rr' to Ireak her , several wt 's ro, since wV h t' -e she has be..i c- 3d to a Nor?... horpitaL Te r- -rs which JZra. U -tt r ' 1 ( i : - '-y 'i " he ' ' i W3 . COUNTY HOME NO tACE FOR; THIS PLUCKY WOMAN 60-Year-Old Walks Six Miles to Ask For Help From Perquimans County Commissioners She is around sixty years old, per haps, and right chipper she is for that age, too. For ten years she has lived alone, in a tiny cabin in the woods, on a small tract of land her father left her. Her husband died a long time ago. She has no near relatives, not a chick nor a child, nobody closer than cousins and none of those live in the county. Her house is leaking and she hasn't the means with which to make the necessary repairs to keep out the weather. She said she hadn't been able to rent out the cleared land, but she herself raised what she could. She is not, of course, strong enough to cultivate a crop unaided. She only raises a few peas, she said, and things that are easy to grow. She uses -some of the peas for her table but always saves a little bag to plant next spring. One of the hardest things she has to do is to get up her wood, for though she is in the woods, it is a man's work to chop down trees and cut them into fire wood. When she came into town last Monday, walking every step of the six miles, she said it. was the first time she had seen a soul to speak to since Wednesday. Her business here was to ask the County Commissioners for some help. The ERA had been, giving her five dollars a month, and this, together with the little things she raises .on the farm, and her chickens, was enough to get along on. But the re lief was cut off in September and that month the county only gave her 12.50. Since that time her name has been taken off the list. The county cannot provide for her because she owns the land on which she lives. She won't own that long, however, she says, because she can not pay her taxes. . -She is plucky And brave and she has a lot of come-back. "How would you like to go to tne county home 7" one of the commissioners asked her. "Go to the county home! I would just as lief go to the penetentiary," she said. But she stated emphatically that the Lord wouldn't let her starve when the commissioners failed to give her any assurance of further help. $19 Ton Paid For Damaged Peanuts Converted To Oil Peanut growers are advised that they should not sell, their damaged peanuts at a sacrifice without first investigating the government conver sion price. The federal government will pay a diversion price of nineteen dollars per ton on damaged peanuts converted into oil, according to L. W. Anderson, Perquimans County Farm Agent. ; Ace-Deuce Contract Club Has Meeting ' The Ace-Deuce Contract Club met Monday night at the home of Mrs. C. B. GoodnftttCfo New Hope. High score pnze wjgK won by Mrs. E. M Perry. , The' hostess served a deli cious. salad course' with hot choco late. ' ". Those playing: were Mrs. M. M. Spivey, 'Mrs. R.' R. Perrjr, Mrs.'J. W. Jackson,' Mrq J, A. Sawyer, Mrs. JJ. M. Perry, Mrs. C. B. Goodman, Miss Rebecca Webb and MissC&ary Webb. MRS. FLOYD, BAINES. HONORED WITH MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Floyd Baines, of near Whaley- ville, Va., .was honored ; with a stir prise micellaneous shower Saturday evening at the- home of her mother, Mrs. T. W. Nixon, of Bagley Swamp Mrs. Baines received -jnany useful and lovely gilts. - 'V,. ,e : Cake and ambrosia were served to the gueBta. ; -- Those remembering Mrs; Barnes with gifts were: Mrs. E. R. Stephen son, Misses Helen, Evelyn, Allie Mae and Margaret Trueblood, Mrs; Clyde Layden. Mrs. Adnen J . Smith, Kev, and Lira, J. M. Smith, Miss Gladys Tadlock, Miss Margaret Boyce, Mrs. Will Stafford, ; Mrs, Rogerson, Mrs. Joseph Winslow, Mrs. W.' J. Smith, Miss Frances Rogerson, Mrs. A. J. IJin.Uw -H?tct. Mara. .Qmifll. MiaaM Clara, Virginia and 'Minnie Lee 7i '-o-v, r'.-s. L. A. Smith, Mrs. A T. J ' n, losses Grace, Mozelle and C-.Ii, lira. Elwood White, U.S. II. J. r- tTrs. W.B, Jordan, -, I Ilia. -. Herbert WILLIAM PAXTONTWO NEW ROTARY SPEAKER INTER-QTY MEET Says Rotary Should Set Finest Kind of Example GOOD PROGRAM Members of Three Clubs Gather at Hotel Hert ford Monday Night William Mc. Paxton, of Norfolk, Va., Governor of the 56th District of Rotary International, was the speak er at the inter-city Rotary meeting held in Hertford on Monday night, when the three groups of Rotarians of Elizabeth City, Edenton and Hertford met at the Hotel Hertford for dinner. Graham Bell, of Elizabeth City, presided. S. M. Whedbee, of Hertford, made the address of welcome, which was responded to by the Rev. C. A. Ashby, of Edenton. Other Rotarians who made short, snappy speeches were the respective presidents of the three clubs, Dr. Henry White, of Elizabeth City, Dr. W.. I. Hart, of Edentpn, and Dr. Luther H. Butler, of Hertford. A. W. Hefren was in charge of the program of the Hertford club, which included two songs by R. S. Monds, Jr., popular . young baritone, and a humorous reading by Mrs. W. E. White. L. W. Anderson led the group singing, with Mrs. R. M. Rid dick at the piano. A most delicious three-course din ner was served by the hotel manage ment to the more than 50 guests, who included 18 Rotarians from Edenton, 12 from Hertford, and 16 from Elizabeth City, and a number of visitors. Mr. Paxton, a most fluent and eloquent speaker, held his hearers spellbound throughout his address, which was interspersed with much sparkling humor. Quoting from the eminent English author, George Bernard Shaw, the remark "Where is Rotary going,? Rotary is going to lunch," Mr. Pax ton stated that it was his purpose to state briefly where Rotary really is going, Rotary in .this club, in the district and in the world, remarking incidentally that Rotary has grown from 16 clubs in 1910 to nearly 4,000, with clubs all over the world, and stating that in his own personal opinion the next ten years would see Rotary develop into one of the great est movements the world has ever seen, or that it will peter out. "And the only thing that will keep it from the latter," he said, "will be the in terest that you and I assume." Calling attention to the three phases of service, community service, vocational service and international service, the speaker said that to his mind community service was that part of Rotary life which makes a club live. "The club that does not take part in community service, as individuals and as a club, has no ex cuse for existence," he said. In setting forth the high ideals of Rotary and the rsponsibility of Ro tarians to their fellow men, the speaker said "'Rotary has a repsnsi bility to set the finest kind of an examplg. Let us see that this ex ample we set is the highest." Vocational service is that part of Rotary based on classification princi ples. "You are, , if you please, am bassadors from your profession, from your,buainess, or vocation, to Rotary, to bring to Rotary the very finest things pf that vocation, and to carry back to them the high principles that Rotary stands for." International Rotary, he said, is that pajt of the organization which is now being stressed more than ever. The speaker spoke eloquently of the timely and urgent necessity at this particular time of knowing the peo ples of other nations and of making the personal contacts ' with these people that Rotary provides, and told many interesting incidents connected with his attendance last year at the International Rotary meeting held in Mexico City, and urged every Rotar ian who possibly1 could to attend the meeting to be held, next year at Atlantic City, When- representatives of Rotary from all .over the world will be present. V . J v - - MR. :jESSUP IMPROVING i S. P. Jessup returned Sunday from a Norfolk hospital, : where he has been, undergoing treatment for sinus trouble.- Mr. Jessup's condition is improved but he will for some time have to return to the hospital at in- t-rrtf fot i-zr?-t t t-wt He i.. i C.3 Lit K..:d ti; on Wed' r-c::iy. t . ' SCHOOL BUILDINGS FOR COUNTY ASSURED Up-to-date Plants to Be Built at Winfall and Belvidere BOTH NEEDED Project Financed En tirely By Perquim ans County Belvidere and Winfall are to have their new school buildings. Perqui mans County will finance entirely the building of the two schools for which government aid was applied in the summer and which was not secured. While the buildings may not be quite so pretentious as was formerly planned when it was expected that 45 per cent of the cost would be met by the federal government, they will in all probability meet the require ments of the patrons of the schools and those most interested. The Board of Education met with the Board of County Commissioners on Monday and, reporting that the applicatfon for PWA funds with which to supplement the loan which the county had previously approved was apparently dead, asked that the Board make provision for borrowing the furls necessary for erecting the two schools in order that the build ings may be ready for occupancy at the beginning of the next school year. It was suggested that if the county finances the project and is not sub ject to the wage scales of the PWA, as it would be if the federal grant had been secured, the schools can probably be built at far less cost than Would have been the case under the former plan. The school at Belvidere was burned last spring. The Winfall building, whicVis badly dilapidated, is being used but the quarters are far from adequate for the school work. The children of the higher grades of the Belvidere school are being transport ed to the Perquimans High School at Hertford, while temporary quar ters are being used for teachings the children of the primary grades in Belvidere. At a special meeting of the County Commissioners in July the Board approved .application for a loan of funds to supplement a grant which which the Board of Education applied for to erect these two schools, and to carry out other plans for remodel ing and improving other school prop erty in the county. The grant was not secured, hence the action of the Board of Education on Monday. F. T. Johnson, Superintendent of Education, was instructed on Monday to secure, plans and estimates of buildings of frame construction and also of brick veneer, and to report to the Board of Commissioners at e special meeting which is to be held on November 18. Provision is to be made in the plans and estimates for proper elec trical wjring and also for running water, but not for steam heat, it hav ing been decided that it will be more practical and economical to heat the buildings with heaters. Missionary Society Elects New Officers At the meeting' of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford Methodist Church' on Monday night, officers for - the coming year were elected. They Include, President, Mrs. R. H. Willis; Vice President, Mrs. Evart Newby: Recording Secre tary, Mrs. Thad Chappell; Corre sponding Secretary, Mrs. Howard Pitt; Treasurer, Mrs. Simon Ruten- berg; Local .$ Treasurer. Mrs. G. E. Newby;- Superintendent of Mission Study, Mrs. G. T. Hawkins; Superin tendent of Publicity; Miss Nellie Fields,' Superintendent of Social Re lations, Mrs. J. C. Blanchard; Super intendent of Supplies, Mrs. Durwood Reed; Superintendent of Children's Work, Mrs. J. H. Towe, Sr.; Superin tendentof Baby Specials, Mrs. C. G Stephens; Agent of "World Outlook," Miss ' Mary Sumner; Representative on Church Boardr Mrs. R. T. Clarke. - Thirty-four members were present at the meeting on Monday night, which was held in the Sunday School room of the church. ' . CALLED TO HIGH POINT Mrs. Louis Nachman was called to High Point Monday by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. ' Fred Morrell. Mrs. Morrell underwent an operation in a: High Point hospital Monday af ternoon. Her cfndition is reported as satisfactory. 'BUDDIE' CANNON BADLY HURT IN AUTO SMASH-UP Others Also Injured When Milk Truck Collides With Car Driven By C. P. Morris "Buddie," the fifteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Cannon, of Hertford, was injured in a bad smash-up which occurred early Wed nesday morning in Hertford when a milk truck collided with an automo bile, and Noah Tadlock and Carl Bateman, both of Elizabeth City, were also painfully hurt. The accident occurred at the inter section of Dobb Street and Hyde Park. The boys, who work on the milk truck of the Acme Dairy, were riding on the running board of the truck, according to the driver, Hey wood Spruill, who said his view was obstructed by the boys so that he could not see the car into which he collided, and which was driven by C. P. Morris, manager of the Southern Cotton Oil Company. Mr. Morris was driving west on Dobb Street and the milk truck was being driven south on Hyde Park. The truck struck the Plymouth coupe driven by Mr. Morris on the right hand side, causing serious damage to the car. Mr. Morris es caped with only minor briuses, but was considerably shaken from the accident. The boys were thrown from the running board of the truck. "Buddie" Cannon was thrown beneath the truck. The other two came in con tact with the broken milk bottles on the concrete pavement, receiving painful cuts. Norman Elliott and Charlie Elliott, who appeared upon the scene imme diately after the accident, carried the boyto the office of Dr. C. A. Daven port, where they received treatment. "Buddie" Cannon was found to have received a badly injured ankle. Reports that his leg was broken proved to be untrue. He was also burned by gasoline about his back and shoulder and received minor lac erations and bruises. Noah Tadlock received scalp lacera tions and a wound on his right leg. Carl Bateman received minor cuts and bruises. Heywood Spruill, driver of the milk truck, was uninjured. According to reports of the resi dents of that vicinity of Dobb Street where the accident occurred, it was little short of miraculous that none of the boys on the milk truck were more seriously injured. First reports indi cated that the victims had received more serious injury than physicians' reports disclosed. Mrs. R. A. White, who heard the crash from inside her house, said that when she reached the scene the cries of one of the boys who was most painfully hurt, together with the scene of broken glass scattered on the pavement and profusely bleeding cuts on the victims, was most horri ble. Tax Exemption Certificates May Be Sold By Agent Cotton rowers who have more tax exemption certificates than they need to gin their own cotton may dispose of same at 4 cents per pound by bringing them to the office of the county agent. This applies to regular exemption certificates only. Non transferable certificates, in the blue cover, should be returned to the of fice of the county agent for ex change, according to L. W. Anderson county agent. Alonza Dail Will Face Assault Charge The Grand Jury sitting at the Octo ber term of Perquimans "Superioi Court last week returned a present ment against Alonza Dail, Linwood Lamb and Grover Lamb, charging them with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, setting forth that the above named defend ants did, on the 1st day of October, 1935, assault with a deadly weapon, to-wit, a club, ; pole, stick or other deadly weapon, one Robert Chappell, with intent to kill. Two of the defendants, Linwood Lamb and Grover Lamb, together with their father, Ernest Lamb, were named in a recent warrant sworn out by Robert Chappell shortly after the attack is alleged to have taken place. The case was heard before Recorder Walter H. Oakey, Jr., and the de fendants were found not guilty. The matter Is reopened by the ac tion of the grand : Jury, this time Alonza Dail being named as a de fendant, and will be heard in Record er's Court on next Tuesday. Children' who dislike school, sel dom know what a food time they are having . - HERTFORD BANK DEPOSITORY FOR MEMORIAL FUND Any Amount Accepted In Memory of Will Rogers ENDSNOV. 27 Nation to Erect Fitting Tribute to Famous Humorist "No cold shaft of marble for this warm, friendly man. Rather, there will be living, continuing memorials projected to honor the charitable, educational, and humanitarian traits which were so beloved in Will Rogers, the living man." In these words one of the speakers on the special program broadcast over a nation-wide hookup on Sun day night voiced the sentiment of the people who knew and loved Will Rogers. A memorial, or memorials of en during form and for charitable, edu cational and humanitarian purposes will be erected, the nature of which will be decided after the funds are contributed for the purpose. The Hertford Banking Company has been designated by the Will Rogers Memorial Commission as a depository of funds contributed in our locality. Any amount, large or small, can be deposited to the credit of this account. All contributions will be forwarded by the Bank to Jesse H. Jones, treasurer of the Will Rogers Memorial Commission, at the close of the three weeks period set apart for the raising of this fund. November 4th was the birthday of Will Rogers, the kindly, lovable, human Will Rogers, who was killed in an airplane accident last summer. Had he lived until Monday Will Rogers would have been fifty-six years old. His birthday was selected as the date on which to begin to r.r cept the subscriptions for the memo rial. The time will expire on Novem ber 27th, Thanksgiving Day, lasting three weeks. Will Rogers left millions of friends who had become intimates through the stage, through the radio, motion pictures, newspapers and magazines. They mourned the man and his philosophy kindness to mankind. Thousands of these friends actively proposed memorials. No less than a score of organizations were formed for the purpose. These have merged into one, the Will Rogers Memorial Commission, formed of a group of Will Rogers' nationally prominent friends, headed by Vice President John N. Garner, and selected without regard to politics, race or religion, but banded together by a mutual love of Will Rogers and a desire to prop erly perpetuate his spirited memory. These men and women will handle all funds collected. Every cent sub scribed will actually be used for the memorial or memorials. The avia tion industry, in keeping with Will Rogers', love of flying and those in terested in aviation, will bear the ex pense of gathering the fund. The officers of the Will Rogers Memorial Commission are Hon. John N. Garner, chairman; Fred Stone, Ammon G. Carter, Gov. E. W. Mar land and Rex Beach, vice-chairmen, and Jesse H. Jones, treasurer, and James G. Blaine, assistant treasurer. The executive committee includes thirty-five nationally prominent men and women. The committee which will decide on the type of memorials to be erected to the memory of Will Rogers are Ammon G. Carter, James M. Cox, Charles Curtis, John W. Davis, Henry Ford, Charles G. Dawes, John N. Garner, Will H. Hayes, Herbert C. Hoover, Jesse H. Jones, E. W. Mar land, Frank P. Merriam, Alfred E. Smith, Fred Stone, and Owen D. Young. R. A. WHITE ABLE TO BE ABOUT BY AID CRUTCHES R. A. White, who had the misfor tune to suffer a broken leg two weeks ago, is able to get about on crutches. Me, White's leg was hurt by a falling log while he was logging in the woods. ATTEND CHURCH MEETING Among those from 'Hertford who attended the meeting of the Convo cation of Edenton, at Greenville, on Thursday of this week were Mrs. D. S. Darden, Mrs. R. B. Cox, Mrs. W. E. White and Hiss Mae Wood Wins-low. Careless hunters, dropping lighted y matches and failing to pat oat camp fires, ' start hundreds of destructive forest fires in North Carolina everjr... year. 5w;