f H . , , - f '( u t sT - , A- . in f " V ' - i 4 , , w ft J ' - 'i'.,wV!; "-rH ';:V V; 'V'V 'j.iK'r."";.'' i"' m. .2 PERQUIMANS WE 2KLY. ''1 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume II Number 46. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, November 15, 1935. $1.25 Per Year ' Methodist - . - A T Rev. B. P. Robinson Completes Alloted Time Finishes 4-Year Term In Local Church HAS MANY" FRIENDS Expresses Regret at Ne cessity tf Having to Leave Hertford Rev. B. P. Robinson, who for four years has served as pastor of the Hertford 1L E. Church, will , leave next week to attend the Annual Con- in the natural course of events, that Mr. Robinson" will not return to Bert ford fof .anotbjFTtar. '. 1 - : WhUe . a MfithodlsVininister some. "; times, though rarely, only spends one year' at .'aV;charge th- JImit;? of hit stay was for many yeanr fou year8. In recent years there baa been- some provision made by ' Which It Is possi , ble to jcetum nster, for the .fifth yewj-er'eedMliinHd::' clium stances, this extension: is not gener ally looked upon wiQi:- favor, by the powers that be, and it is rare indeed that a Methodist minister serves longer than four years at one charge. And so, in all probability, when Mr. Robinson returns from Conference it will be to pack up his personal be longing, gather his family together, hid farewell to the friends he has lived among for four years, and set Mi face toward a new field of service. That the new field may lie among entire strangers is more often than i)ot the case with the average Meth odist minister. The life of the Meth odist minister is one of many con tacts, of many strange and varied associations, of the making and the breaking of many tie : ' ' Mr. Robinson closes a very success ful pastorate v in Hertford.- This year's work has beenrounded up' and completed in the usual orderly man ner. ' .;'':;"'&' Incidentally, in referenct to th financial affairs of the church, it is learned that at no time during Mr. Robinson's four years here has the church failed to make its church debt payment on time. Not only among the Methodis' but in the community generally, Mr RobfnBon has made many, friends. His genial personality and agreeable manner,' coupled with a very human understanding, has endeared him to the Perquimans people, and on every hand are heard expressions of regret that his residence in Hertford is com ing': to a close. -: ABked this week how he felt about leaving Hertford, Mr. Robinson stat ed jthat the past, four years had been one of the pleasantest of ; hjs life; that he had greajtly enjoyed the work among the folks whom he felt were of the finest he had ever, known, and deeply rrTetted the necessity of having to leave . Hertford. He also expressed much pleasure in the re ceipt of the several handsome gifts recently., presented - to him by his friends.' . . ';' '' Mrs. D. L. Barber Head OfNewOubAtWiiifall re Miss .Gladys.'Hamrick, Perquimans County .Home Demonstration Agent, met with the ladies of Winf all Wed nesday, Nov. 6th, at the home of Mrs. D. L. Barber for the purpose of or .ganizing a club, w ' . . " -! . -Mrs. D. L Barber, was .elected president; Mrs. D. P. Stallings, vice president; Miss - Myrtle - Umphlett, 'Secretary "and treasurer. V 'r Miss Ilamrlck gave an interesting talk on fasL!JL - i ) - The club wi.! meet with Mrs. C. D, White on Ye:..:--y, Dec 4th.j,.r Two HcrtfcrJ Doctors ; To Pcrri Prtr,crchip t .i " , . . I'-l' Dr. C. A. D-vrr?rt sr. J Dr. T. P. Brinn, ts?o pronJ-ent ycrz-s pnysi , : dans of Hertford, will form a part nership in the near future. - The prospective partners have pur r chased the building formerly occupied , by. the late Dr. G. E. Newby as his office, located on llarket Street, next 'door to the tot 1 Hertford, and a new brick buHJlrj will be erected on this site. ' It wl'l protbly be early srrfrj - before le buil'Irj is coir:' '1 f-3 - rcaJy fr the oc -:rAy of il 3 i" 7 s!;' n Ci ' 't v:s 1 ': ' t' '- t K.' '1 r t ( t,t: Will Minister - K Leave Hertford MUST LEAVE -1. REV. B. P. ROBINSON Rev. Mr. Robinson has won for himself hosts of friends dur ing his fouf-year stay "in Hert ford, all of whom regret that he must leave after the Annual Conference of the Methodist Church held in Wilmington next week. DRUNKEN DRIVER MUST GO TO JAIL Meadow Harrell Fifth Man p Re. ceive Jail Sentence In Perquim ans Recorder Court Meadow Harrell was 'found guilty of driving an automobile while un der the influence of liquor in Record er's Court on Tuesday, and Judge Walter.. H. -Oakey, Jr., who some months s ago made the statement that he would impose a jail sentence on. any one convicted in his charge of drunken driving, sentenced thf young man to three months on thf roadi imposed, a -fine of fifty dollars, taxed him with the court costs, and revoked his driver's license for th period of one " year, the balance c ' the road sentence to be suspende ' upon fifteen days of the sentence being served in jail. This is the fifth jail sentence to be imposed by Judge Oakey for a like offense, four of the defendants be ing white men. The case against Elvin Stallings, charged with assault, was dismissed, and the complaining witness, Henry Lilly, was ' taxed with the costs of the court by Judge Oakey. Jasper. Holdren, colored, was sen tenced to six months on the roads, the sentence being suspended upon payment of the court costs, upon conviction of the charge of assault upon his wife. Cherry Johnson, colored, was found not guilty of the charge of possess ing liquor for the purpose of sale. Luther P. Congleton, charged with trespass and assault, was found not guilty, r -' The case against Curtis Albertson, charged with being drunk and disor derly, was dismissed upon payment of the court costs. The case against Alphonso Dail, Grover Lamb and ; Linwood Lamb, charged with assaulting' R. S. Chap pell with intent to kill, was continued until next Tuesday because of the ill ness of one of the defense witnesses. Two County Winners t, In Butler Bros. Contest -Quel; I Two " Perquimans ; children won prises f ft jdollar .each iin - the On ward School Sale Contest conducted last fall by Butler Bros., through the local 5, 10 and 26c .Store of. Mark Gregory's. J - ,,r - Bobby Jordan,.;: of Hertford, and Robert Hollowell, of Route 1, Hert ford, each was awarded a dollar prise in the. school contest. ' '- '. ',r ' .. - It was : announced ? that children from 8600 communities took part In the' "contest:' r?s HOSTESS T WEINER ROAST "" .M'l ft ? v Miss 'Alice Roberson was 'hostess to a number of her young friends on Tuesday evening when she entertain fi at a weiner roast at the Camp . - .!fc.-.ans cottage, in Old Neck. , .. -,.3 i-.ciuded ..Ellie. l!ae , . .'inlow, Maywood - ... - - Mary -pt-- T.'att : s " -J3, fii-k ..... ,. , 0N mm mm . w. a m w ARMISTICE DAY SPEAKERS HERE Programs Held at High School and Commu nity House" SPEaALMUSIC Horrors ,of War Told By Superintendent F. T. Johnson Armistice Day was appropriately observed at the Perquimans High School on Monday morning with a special program. C. R. Holmes, Hert ford attorney, was the speaker, and there was special music featuring songs reminiscent of the World War Mr. Holmes' subject was Peace. ' On Monday evening sixty guests, including members of the Hertford Woman's Club and their husbands, enjoyed a supper at the Community House, when F. T. Johnson, Superin tendent of Education of Perquimans County, m&de an address. Mr. Johnson's subject was War, and Mr. Johnson told something of the horrors of the late World War and gave his hearers to understand that they might expect something pauch worse in the next world war. In reference to the actual cost, in dollars and cents, of thd World War, Mr. Johnson stated that $337,000, 000,000.00, a truly staggering sum, was spent on the war by all the na tions which took part. It was furth er stated that eight million persons met death in the war. There were, said Mr. Johnson, twenty-one millian wounded in the World War, and it is in this group that is represented the greatest suf fering caused by the war, a tragedy Which is still existent, and thou sands still are lying in hospitals suffering from injuries received dur ing the war. 4. There was special music , by Miss Kate Blanchard's Glee Club, with War Time songs being sung, with everybody joining in the singing. 0. R. Holmes read an appropriate poem. . C. Butler Poked In or Being Kind Trying to do a kindly act toward 1 ... anger and prevent trouble all round, J. C. Butler got an awful wallop on the nose Tuesday evening, resulting in H. L. Seydel and his son, Dick Seydel, who gave their resi dence as Kinston, being brought to Hertford Wednesday afternoon where a warrant was sworn out by Mr. But ter, charging the two men with as sault. Mr. Butler said that he was cross ing the Perquimans River Bridge, driving north, on Tuesday evening around 7 o'clock, when a car in passing him struck his car, doing little damage, but narrowly missing considerable damage. Mr. Butler drove on to Kirby's Service Station at the end of the Causeway, where the car which struck him had stopped. He went into the station, he said, and the elder Seydel, whom he had never seen before, came in. Mr. Butler stepped up to him and said, "My friend, you struck my car when you passed me on the bridge back there. Now, you are drinking, and a fel low is just out of luck when he is found driving a car while under the Influence of liquor over here, and I thought I would just give you a tip." Biff! The fellow's , fist had shot out, landing right between Mr. But ter's eyes. As soon aa he had re covered sufficiently from the shock of the blow, Mr.: Butler went outside and took the number. of 'ih eafciThe party of three drove off before Mr. Butler'; could 'summon an ofBcer, no he reported the matter to the officers and search was made in Perquimans, Chowan and Pasquotank' for' the men. They were finally located in Edenton and brought back to Perquimans. Af ter arranging bond "the men left to return next Tuesday for trial in Re corders Court It was said the third man in the ear, who was not drink ing, was iriving. Grocery ' Sales Co. , Leases New Store The Grocery Sales Company has) leased the Chrysler Building, en the corner of Grubb and Front Street and will move into the new store on January 1st, according to the local manager, T: A. Pearce. r . .TLs E:r c?;f?i by this whole-t-'.i XL "1 f-vn at present on 1 ... T.i t- Twer.ty-Five ! !i TlJ crta here in' 1 mum L mmmn ocal Men Of Two County Sch "Oh, To Be "Oh, to be a turtle!" Well, it might not be so good, af ter all. At least, one turtle didn't fare so well this fall after all its preparation for a nice, long winter's nap in a snug, oozy bed. An over particular farmer upset all its well laid plans by his persistent efforts to get things in ship shape around the place before winter, and Lon, the colored farm hand, made the turtle into a pie for his hungry family be fore it had time to burrow another bed in the Tbig ditch, and that was the end of the fat, sleepy old turtle. It happened like this. The old mud turtle had grown to immense size. Each falThe had had more and more difficulty in finding an ample bed of soft, cushiony mud in which to mould his huge shell in prepara tion for that long, long, winter sleep from which he always emerged so hungry. He had grown heavier, too, of late, and he couldn't move so fast. The fact is he never had been able to cover very much ground, though he had once beat the swift hare in the race I This fall, however, he found a mos unusually fine bed. He probably didn't know the nature of the spot he chose. Certainly he didn't know anything about the use of the big terra cotta pipe which formed the culvert under a bridge on the farm of Elihu Winslow, near Winfall. But it did seem to be a most de sirable spot The only trouble was that after the turtle had settled him self comfortably and had gathered about his form H the mud he needed for his bed the pipe was completely stopped 'to.,. That's where the trou ble arose. ' Mr. Winslow discovered that wa ter wasn't flowing through the cul vert and that it appeared to be stop ped completely up, so he and Lon went out one day last week to repair the damage. But unstopping that pipe proved to be not such a simple matter, after all. First they used a PEANUT GROWERS RECEIVE $22,308.51 Amount Represents 511 Checks Which Are Distributed to Land Owners And Tenants The office force of L. W. Anderson, County Agent, has been busy this week delivering checks for adjust ment payments on peanuts. Five hundred and eleven checks were received in this office last week, representing $22,308.51. Each one of the payments is divid ed between the land owner and his tenant, according to their respective interest in the peanut crop, which means that the money is pretty wide ly distributed. .There are still approximately 200 checks yet to come in, according to Mr. Anderson. Hertford Officials At Meeting In Edenton Sheriff J. E. Winslow, Recorder's Court Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., Chief of Police J. T. Britt, and Special Night Officer Melvin Owens attended the -conference of law en forcing officers conducted by the In stitute of Government in Edenton for the 13 neighboring counties on Friday of last week. "BUDDY CANNON BETTER "BttddyA Cannon, who was pain fully injured m an automobile acci dent in. Hertford - on Wednesday of last week, is recovering satisfac torDy4'':;;,;""f'S!v"i"; ;" ' "'' Ctountyiht Warns Peanut Growers To Keep Record Of Crop U W. Anderson, county agent for: Perquimans County, has mail ed the, following notice to' peanut growers ; fa Perquimans County this' weelc:f Vx$&t '! ? fit jqu jwisblto: get lull benefit from your peanut contracU hv the future, be tfure that the .man who picks ; your- peanuts inakes an ac curate record -of y the number of bags picked for you." Also,-when you. sell your peanuts get a receipt from"' the buyer ands bring it to this office to be,', filed.. Then 1(her will be no question about - the amount of peanuts raised by you." Seek State a Turtle" long pole and attempted to punch the mud through. That didn't work. They tried and they tried. Not a dent could they make in that hard mud. Finally they wedged the stout pole in the dirt and mauled the end with an axe, but, somehow, they could not dilodge the obstruction in the pipe. They had worked all of the latter part of the morning and it was dinner time, so they decider! to leave the job and make another attempt after dinner. What was the consternation of Mr. Winslow and of Lon to find the water flowing freely through the culvert when they got back! They were puzzled. And then, glancing down the stream a little way they saw the big old mud turtle making off in high dundgeon. He was ap parently in a most disagreeable frame of mind, as who wouldn't be at having been so rudely ousted from snug winter quarters. If a turtle had feathers that turtle's feathers might have been said to be ruffled. If a turtle had bristles that turtle's bristles would certainly have been standing on end. Having neither feathers nor bristles, only his stately stride and the flashes from his beady eyes expressed the wrath he felt. Lon took one look and leaped for ward to capture that big turtle be fore it could get away. He took it home, where it was made into a de lectable pie, and that, one might say, was that. And so, in the light of what hap pened to this grand old turtle, one cannot, after all, be so sure of the desirability of being a turtle. "Oh, to be a turtle, A slow, lethargic turtle. With, nothing in the world to do : But crawl the long day through, To wallow in some quiet pool, Amid the reeds and rushes cool, To know that whate'er befell, I might just crawl within my shell And tell the world to go !" Bethel Ladies Have Excitinjr Experience In Florida Storm Arriving in Miami, Florida, last week during the hurricane which swept Southern Florida, was a very exciting experience for Mrs. M. T Griffin and Mrs. R. D. Creecy, of the Bethel community. MVs. Creecy was called to Miami by the serious illness of her son, Beverly, who is taking a course in commercial art in that city. Her cousin, Mrs. Griffin, accompanied Mrs. Creecy on the trip, which they made by bus. The storm was at its height when they drew near Miami and they had some difficulty in trav eling in the one hundred and eighty mile gale. . Reaching the hospital in Miami. Where Mr. Creecy was a patient, they were delighted to find that Mrs. Creecy's son's condition had consid erably improved. They were " also very glad to find a safe shelter from the storm. Mrs. Creecy is remain ing in Florida for some time. Mrs. Griffin has returned home. Beech Spring Wins P. T. A. Silver Cup At the Parent-Teachers Association meeting held at the Beech Spring School on Tuesday evening it was an nounced that the PTA of that school Won the silver cup at the recent Dis trict Meeting of the PTA held in Wil son for the largest number of mem bers of the PTA based on the school enrollment Those taking part in the program on Tuesday evening were Mrs. Ver non Winslow, Misses Sybil and Alma Howell, Miss Callie Stallings, and Miss Delsie Whitehead. Musical Program At Colored School There will be a very 1 interesting musical program given at the color ed Hertford High School auditorium Monday night, November 18th, at 8:00 o'clock. The program will , con Bist of old plantation melodies, also spirituals songs by the famous quar tettes, The Jolly Four of Belvidere and The Broadway 1; Four' . of South Norf 61k, Va. , h ;iv', ,t, : This musical - will be given , under the auspices of -- St. Paul A.' M. E. Zion Sunday School. A small admis sion fee will be charged. ; v Operation ool Busses Johnson and Whedbee Present Matter at Raleigh Today AID REFUSED County Bought Two Sec ond Hand Busses From Pasquotank In order to get the two second hand school busses which Superinten dent F. T. Johnson bought for Per quimans last summer operated by the State, Mr. Johnson and Charles Whedbee will go before the State School Commission at Raleigh on Friday of this week. Last summer when it became nec essary to provide two school busses in order to transport the elementary school children from Belvidere to the Perquimans High School, where it was necessary to bring them because the building at Belvidere had been destroyed by fire, Mr. Johnson ap plied for school busses from the State School Commission, and when they were not forthcoming Mr. Johnson conferred with L. E. Griffin, of Edenton, who had recently been ap pointed Executive Secretary of the State School Commission. Mr. John son, according to his statement, ad vised Mr. Griffin that he had been unable to secure the busses from the State and that he had been advised that if the county would buy two new busses for the purpose of trans porting the Belvidere school children the State would finance the ODeration of the busses. Mr. Griffin then sug gested to Mr. Johnson that he buy from some neighboring county second nana busses which were being dis carded because of their small size, and Mr. Johnson, acting upon the suggestion, did purchase from Pas quotank County two such busses. It was, of course, Mr. Johnson's understanding that the State School Commission would finance the opera tion of these busses, but it seems this has been refused. It is to lay the matter before the School Commission that Mr. Whed bee and Mr. Johnson are going to Raleigh . on Friday. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Whedbee will also ask for an additional teach er in the New Hope school. This school has an average daily atten dance of around 90 and only two teachers. Cotton Staple Length Is Shorter This Year The staple length of North Caro lina cotton is shorter this year than in 1934, but the grade is about the same. The short staple has tended to de press the price, said Glenn R. Smith, cotton marketing specialist of the N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station. On a given market, he admitted, the buyers may not pay more for a bale of long, staple than for a bale of short staple cotton. But the average price of cotton on a market where most of the lint is of good length will be higher than the average price on markets where the staple is short. Even though the grade is good, he continued, the shorter length of the staple reduces the quality of the cot ton. The only way to produce long staple cotton is to plant good seed of a long staple variety, Smith pointed out. This year, there were a number of growers who planted inferior seed, or good seed mixed with bad seed. He commended the farmers for picking, handling, and ginning their cotton according to the recommended methods, as these methods are nec essary to the production of clean, high grade lint Only 42 percent of the cotton gin ned up to November 1 this year was an inch or longer in staple length, as compared with 64 per cent last year. Thirty-one per cent was less than - 15-16 inch, as compared with 21 per cent last year. Approximately six percent was less than 7-8 inch while last year the amount was less tnan one per cent. , However, Smith said, most of th cotton' grown this year has a longer staple length than that of the 1933 crop. . i l v ,- " , Proving His Worth ,! Brides-Yon told me your, fortune" ran Into five figures, , Groom Well, it's $10481. 'A wise man always count his pennies. 1