TT.J I c, FLOWERS MAKE A SILHOUETTE' FOR ALL OCCASIONS I X " i t ' (,- -c - I, t mtoiMiioWliiiiiiiiii tiltttif.ltn CHAPTBEl . THE FLYING CLOUD' ' A sprawling, brawling turbulent settlement of tents and rude shacks; it main streets lined with gambling dives and dance halls, deep in slimy ' - mud and deeper yet in Bin and crime that was Barbery Coast San -Francisco, in the early days of the Gold- Rush before the 1 Vigilante! rose in protest, defying the law in order to establish the law. Later a noble and great city was to rise along the sand dunes lining the peninsula. It was to rise on the basis of commerce and industry. But in . the early days, gold gold from the . nearby bills was the basis for San Francisco's sudden notoriety. It ex- . isted to serve the primitive needs of the prospectors, and also to' serve their equally primitive passions. The prospectors would come stum bling in from the adjoining hills, their packbags filled with precious gold. Starved for human society, craving excitement after the long, weary months of solitary labor, possessing small fortunes in gold dust, they were easy prey for the jpanwtt" who in fested the town. They were Quickly - robbed or cheated of their fortunes. , Victims who protested were found1 ' dead hi the streets, a knife or a bul let in their backs. Their murderers went about boasting and unmolested. , The administration of law and order, under the notorious Judge Harper, was a pure farce. Gamblers control led the town and the town officials. - To this erode, lawless sea-port town: on a New Tears Bve came the clip per ship "Flying Cloud," poking through the fog into the Golden Gate, alter 211 days out of New York, and 14 days of blind beating along the coast. Anxiously it blew for the pilot At long last an answer came from out of the void. Bagerly passengers and crew lined the rails, to exchange conversation with the pilot, to learn fat advance all about sold country. -Behind the fog liti Two passengers stood apart from the excited crowd. One, a beautiful firi, Miss Mary Rutledge, of .New ork City. The other, Mr. Marcus Aurelius Cobb, a broken-down jour nalist, v.lio dreamt of re-establishing himself in this new country. "Listen to them!" Miss Butledge exclaimed. "Men like to yell, don't they? They think they're millionaires already." "More than that," Cobb answered gently. "They've all of them left lives behind them they didn't like. They dream now of being reborn In the new land. Behind thia fog lies not only sand filled with gold but a new empire for men of vision." Miss Butledge laughed harshly. "Men of vision. I love the fine names men give each ether to hide their greeds and lust for adventure. I am amased at your idealism, ooio nel Cobb." But the old man's gentle idealism was soon to b of service to her. The steward entered to demand pay for her clearance papers lorty-nve. uoi lara. more than Mill Rntledre DOS' sesied. Cobb came to her rescue, and dug again into his wallet when, an old skinflint of a boatsman demanded fifty dollars to row them ashore. Old Atrocity Halfway to shore, the boatsman rested his oars, and demanded more . money, threatening otherwise to tip tie boat over. "You wouldn't dare said Cobb. "Wouldn't darel You don't sup pose they call me Old Atrocity for oothin'. If I were to tell ye half the atrocities I've committed in my time, re d keel over rignt wnere you re sit tine." And the old rascal began to rock the boat violently. "Wait!" Miss Butledge exclaimed. "Does it mean anything to you that I came hero to marry Dan Morgan T' Old Atrocity was startled. "Dan Morgan I The man who made the Homestead Gully striker "Yes." "Moses in the Mountain!" Old Atrocity yelled; and began rowing desneratelv for shore. Their arrival at the wharf ereated a tremendous sensation. The wharf was crowded with boisterous pros pr-.ars, in mga New Xesr'e jsve spir- "Yippee! Yippee!" they yelled. "A whit woman!- Bow careful. Atroc ity! : Don't take no chances, " Look . outrouH get her wet J". s ' And ta the crowding and excite ment several of the loungers were pushed overboard. ' But the) rough crowd were not with out rod gallantry. Their excitement over seeing Miss Butledge was genu ine. White women were few in San Francisco A hash fell ) over them all when she asked for Dan Morgan. ,.- "She's Dan Morgan's fi-awn-ceef Old Atrocity yelled. , - . . The silence became more oppres sive. - r "There seems to be some sort of -nystery, gentlemen," Miss Butledge jat SOi) turn boys and girls of ell County have .Joined; thdehfange diS $37,159.97. worth of bust II clubs organized-in that cbun irt-fc.t'-ftrt-ji, '"" j ber .UNITED .ARTISTS said, looking curiously at the nervous faces around her. "Mr. Morgan wrote me if he wasn't here some one would be here to take me to the Homestead Gully.' Does anyone know where it isr V" ; vi'-v'' A prospector gulped and finally an swered: i- v ' "Well, you see, Miss, Homestead Gully has been taken off the map." - "Then,' Miss Butledge inquired, "can you tell me where I can find Mr. Morgan?" "Miss, I hate to be the one to break the news but Dan Morgan has been taken off the map likewise." And from the sympathetic miner Miss Butledge learned that her fiance, whom she had traveled thou sands of miles to meet, was dead a suicide. "The red showed up thirteen times," the miner explained soberly, "and his gold mine changed hands. Following which unfortunate incident Mr. Morgan showed a most complete lack of interest in living further." For a moment Miss ' Butledge threatened to collapse. With a gasp, sho turned away and walked to tha edge of the wharf. Cobb followed. "My poor ehfld!" he exclaimed. Miss Butledge smiled wryly. "It seems my first claim hasn't panned out so welL" "Ton don't fool me, Miss Butledge. You're hurt Please let me help you." 'Ton don't understand. Colonel. I never loved Dan Morgan P Cobb was horrified. "But you were going to majrry him! He must have meant something to you." "He meant," said Miss Butledge harshly, "a million dollars.' Cobb turned away, shocked. But Miss Butledge regained her cold self possession. She turned to the min ers, still smiling her tight, inscrutable smtle. "Gentlemen," she asked, "vho got Dan Morgan's money?" a new empire" "It's in the hands of t!" most ir human fiend in San Fr; -co," ol. of the miners replied. Miss Butledge persisted. "What's his name?" "The name is Louis Chamalis. runs the biggest gambling parlor in California the Bella Donna." Miss Butledge's smile became posi tively angelic. "Gentlemen," she said, "I am hun gry. I should like to have supper at the Bella Donna." ' Happy New Year With Cobb still hovering anxious! v by her side, and accompanied by i. veritable parade of prospectors an-, wharf loungers, Miss Butledge mado her way through the muddy street s that led to the Bella Donna. O.i either side, the nature of the settle ment unfolded itself cambllnc diver. dance halls, with blowsy Indian, Mex ican, and Chinese women drinkinf, staring out of doors and windows. . Word of their coming had preceded them at the Bella Donna, Men leaped up from the gambling tables as they approached, Chairs were overturned. Cries arose. "There she is! There she is! A new white woman!" Within three minutes Miss But ledge had received five offers of mar riage. The whole crowd moved away, however, when Chamalis approached andJtftTeduced himself. A dangerous man? " "How do yon like San Francisco V he asked. "I think I'm going to like it very much," Miss Butledge answered, smil ing oddly. "That's fine," Chamalis said. "I own it" "Miss Butledse Is leavinr aoon." Cobb interrupted nervously. "is mat true?" Chamalis de manded. "That depends." Miss Butledse de clared, still smiling, "on how well I like your town," Cobb rose in bis chair. "Miss Butledge, I beg you to re consider. Chamalis dismissed him coldly. "Good nicht sir. Hons we see you around here often." Cobb -bowed stiffly, -snd turned to go. Miss Butledge called after him softly: "Good nifbt Colonel Cobb and thank you." - 'Chamulis and Miss Butledge were " left alone at the tablet The waiter . approached and filled their cape with wine. . Suddenly shots rang out The ' piano player stopped his janglfng tone. There was a moment of dead .-, silence. Then a voice cried out: ' 'Hamty New Year I ... Yippee!" and the place rang ut with bolster , due cries. The piano player struck s up Auld Lang Syne." A drunk wept !' ; audibly. i "..Miss Butledge raised her glass, tnd looked straight at Chamalis.; "uappf .new xeari - v TO BB CONTiNUJSD - - ; The Davidson County Farmem Ex- ness .between January 1 and."Seirtem- 30, 1935., ' 1 SUBJECT KODAK 8llhouettes make excellent greeting WITH the arrival .of cooler days and nights that do not offer much encouragement for outdoor activities, there is a very noticeable I increase in interest by amateurs in (Snapshots in the bouse at night j Once you start this fascinating hobby you will undoubtedly agree 1 that it Is a real pleasure and an ideal way to occupy your time profitably ' during the long evenings of fall and winter. . All of us are familiar with the ordinary type of snapshots but few have made silhouette pictures. With this type of picture, even more than with ordinary snaps, It is important that the pictures tell their own story unless, of course, you want simply a profile head and shoulders study for you have only outlines to work with, unsupported by perspective or detail. The first essential of silhouette pictures is a perfectly flat back ground, devoid of detail. And the easiest way to-obtain such a back ground is to stretch a bed sheet across a broad doorway between two ' rooms.. It's important tltee sheet j be tacked up so that all creases and wrinkles are eHminates?i.iirVivV To light up this background, a strong light must be put M hack of I it, about .five feet away, either cen tered or placed directly back of the i major feature of the picture. You ' have a wide choice of lamps for your i lighting. You can UBe a couple of I Cattle Men Are Aroused as Rustling Increases Des Moines. Iowa cattle men, faced with the loss of valuable stock from increasing night raids by modern cat-. tie rustlers, are contemplating forma tion of bands of vigilantes to combat the thieves. w : Bustling on a larger scale than Iowa has experienced since the turn of the century has broken out recent ly and appears to be on the Increase. Becords at the state bureau of inves tigation disclosed that 133 head of cattle have been purloined from Iowa farms duripg the first eight months of tbe year. In the . pioneer days of the state. tbe cattle rustler was a daring figure wbo operated on horseback in large bands. The modern rustler uses a light fast truck , and takes a minimum of chance. His booty, aided by process ing taxes and scarcity of beef, dally grows more valuable. Operating with a "finger man," the modern rustling crew spots herds which graze In pastures far away from the farm house. In the night stillness the crew, us ually composed of only two or three men, snip an opening in barbed wire fences and .drive their truck through. Then they herd the cattle Into their truck and speed away. - As yet no offender has been lynched and it Is not believed such an extreme wonld be resorted to if a vigilante or ganlaaton ; were formed But if the menace continues, Glen Schmidt, chief of the Investigation bureau, said, there is a "distinct possibility farmers Will take the Jaw into their. own hands and .mete put some kind of punishment" ' M i . r , :: m EH Ft akin troublta-ltoh, erasJrir., smart- fanwue od. It aot only destroys t e pi.ya that cause many skin troutt but. at the same time, helps heal tu. sore and dameo- skin." ' w aiuuvym omts ox licnin? nd scaioa skin that defy tvtrr thr . ana scaiug skin that defy every otur treatment vually yield to Dr. porter's , AiVaepuo jaeauing KJIL -iry it It nit vni nr icouipv or nroaen out sain ana bm hn - elective it ts. Dr. Porter's Antlse?" - JieaJi 'g Oil is mae by the Vers Groves I-'ve iiromo Q ' (i :praaby auo 'uta at 80o and buo W. i Sjuaranteeof suafactionormoney bacu. ! :; ' ' . r ' , aa cunfwuir notinff lie v. S-orter'a Anfcaeptle KMuog VL lbe mar be 1-noier iiMjMuratlone but nouiina that Will da tha work lika . W U v-s4 I WHITE 2 FT. 5 FT. a .ol.----- .cp PH0T0FLA5H OR PHOTOFIOOD cards, book plates, and place cards. ordinary 60-watt bulbs such as you use in your home lamps, or a Photo flood or Photoflash bulb. The latter are available at moat electrical or pnoto supply suopa ai r very- jow i prices. The Photoflood bulb,7 which! gives an 'exceptienally brilliant; white light, is probably your best ; bet. Its life is about two hours of constant burning, thus It can be used i for many pictures. Pose your aub- ject about two feet In front of the' sheet (on the side away from the light). See diagram. Place your camera on a tripod or table so that i it is directly opposite your subject . When the picture Is taken, tbe light , that illuminates the sheet should be! the only light in either of the rooms, j Now about the exposures. If you use the two 60-watt lamps, you will . need an exposure of about 10 sec-' onds, with the lens well opened ; with : a Photoflood, a couple of seconds will suffice. Using the Photoflash (which gives an Instantaneous, vivid lash of light) set the shutter at "urne," turn out all room lights, open the shutter, flash the bulb, close the shut terana" there you are you've got' your picture. ' -- A little practice with silhouettes is worth . volumes: of Instruction. Good silhouettes make excellent ma terial for greeting cards, book plates, place cards and so on.' ' In making them, you can call all your ingenuity and Inventiveness Into play. Try It tonight JOHN VAN GUILDER ' For quick results try a Want Ad The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in sures deposits in this Bank .with $5,000 maximum insurance for each depositor under the permanent deposit insurance now in effect. Permanent Deposit Insurance embraces more than fourteen thousand of the approximately v fifteen thousand banks' in the natioh, 'giving aild- : ed security to fifty million bank accounts.';.' w . .? ;, , . v..rv i.-- f -r . . : ; ! , . . , We; of f er 'you , a safe place to deposit your s v. money, uf;.tM LVvC, . -v, " ' r" u ' - ,4V," ! TheHeftford ; Banking Co, 1 '. . .; j "..'. ' ',' .1 a MRS. W.E. WHITE ; ; Agent for 1 4M n' V-' :-i - S "' '. .'. 't'flf f'1 . -f '- ' J . ii Mildrerfs Florist Shoppe Fresh Flowers Quick Service Prompt Delivery All the significant hews of the world, gathered by 5,500 correspondents, tensely, concisely, yet completely told, and superbly illustrated with action photographs. THE WEEK'S MOST INTERESTING NEWS PICTURES FROM ALL OYER THE WORLD 10 Cents on All Newsstands A Permanent Deposit Insurance A MESSAGE FOR DEPOSITORS D- "Since 1901" :.; oi the 1 ? r r-5 hi v 4 c r-

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