ir, r 1 Mrs. C, M. Harrell spent last Thursday with her daughter, Miss Joyce Harrell, who is a student at E. CT. C, Greenville.: , Miss Dorothy Elliott, who teaches at Williamston, spent the week-end with her parents, Mt. and Mrs. J. F. Elliott - . Robert Hollowell, a student at Duke University, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Hollowell. '.: . Richard Payne, a student at State College, Raleigh, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne. .'; " V Miss Elizabeth Hollowell, a mem ber a the South Mills faculty, spent the week-end with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Hollowell, In the country. Gaston Turner, of Fort Monroe, Va., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Turner. He was accompanied by Frank New by, of Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Turner and their daughter, Myers, of New Hope, accompanied by W. A. Turner, of Weeksville, spent Sunday at Ahoskie, visiting Mrs. J. B. Atkins. Dr. T. A. Cos and Mrs. Cox motor ed to Emporia, Va., "Sunday. Miss Virginia Tucker and Miss Alice Hudson, of Hampton, Va., er's mother, Mrs. Nathan Tucker. sperit the week-end-- wilh Miss Tuck Dr. Julian Blanchard, of New York City, spent the week-end with rela tives in Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Elliott, of Weldon, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White. The Elliott family, former residents of Hertford, expect to move back to Hertford shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Pool Bagley and their little daughter, Mary Sue, of Elizabeth City, visited Mrs. Bagley's mother, Mrs. Mamie Blanchard, on Sunday. Mrs. Arta Winslow, of Whiteston, was in Hertford on Monday. Misses Emily Baum, Margaret and Sallie Davis and Elizabeth Saunders, of Elizabeth City, were week-end sruests of Mrs. T. W. Perry. Clavis Perry, who is a member of the CCC at Manteo, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Perry. . Preston and Calvin Fulcher, of Norfolk, Va., visited their aunt, Mrs, T. W. Perry, on Sunday. ,Y. W. A. SOCIETY MEETS WITH MISS EDNA HARRIS The Y. W. A. Society of Bethel Baptist Church held its monthly meeting Friday night at the home of Miss Elna Harris. The meeting opened with a hymn, and the devo tional was read by Miss Ruby Kea- ton. The program was in charge of Miss Addie Mae Ward, the subject being "Thank You, The Spirit of Praise," with 0. C. Long, Jr., Carol Hill, Ruby Keaton, Elna Harris and Pencie Ward taking part. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess to the following: Mrs W. P. Long, Misses Ruby Keaton Addie Mae, Pencie and Esther Ward Ruth Parrish, and Elna Harris Carol artd Fentress Hill, Clyde Har ris, 0. C. Long, Jr., Josiah Proctor. Ernest ai. . Ambrose Long. BELVIDERE NEWS Mrs. Lucinda Lane, of Center Hill, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Chappell. Miss Marie Copeland, of Tyner, was the week-end guest of Miss Syble Rogerson. Mrs. Margaret E. White, of Cen ter Hill, was the guest of Mrs. Lillie Mae White Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Ward, of Rocky Mount, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ward during the week-end. Mrs. E. L. Chappell and Mrs. Lu cinda Lane spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Copeland ai Woodland. Mrs. Laura Ward' is ill at her home. Miss Mattie Hendren, of Tyner, was the week-end guest of Miss Irene Chappell. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Duncan return ed to South Mills Sunday after a vi it with Mr. and .:- Mrs. T. C. Perry. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.: J. A. Chappell. Mrs. W. T. Smith returned home Sunday after a week's visit with her son, F. E, Smith and family, of Tar boro. . ' "; Miss Mary Louise Chappell : was the . week-end guest of her aunt, Mrs. Effle Miller, at WinfalL .,- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Layden and daughter, Lulu Mae; , Mr. and Mrs. -. Howard .Layden and son, Howard, Jr., of Elizabeth City, visited Mrs. Sarah Layden Sunday. - , , - Tl - Those from Belvidere who attended the peace conference ' at. "Woodland Saturday were! Miss Attle Chappell, Miss Sara Mae Chappell, Miss Orene Chappell, Miss Lillian Hendren, Miss Mary Elizabeth Winslow, Miss. Ber tha V. Smith, Mr. Oliver WtffSftw, and Mr. F. C, White. . . ; ; 'C, Eugene Byrum, of Swan Quarter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Chappell. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION MEETS WITH MRS. C WINSLOW The Woman's Missionary Union of Piney Woods Church, Belvidere, met Saturday aftetfioon at the home of Mrs. Claude Winslow, with Mrs. T. R. Winslow and Mrs. S. M. Winslow as joint hostesses. The hymn, "More Love To Thee, 0 Christ," 'was sung at the opening of the meeting, and the devotional was conducted by Mrs. T. C. Perry. Eighteen members ans wered to the roll call with Scripture texts on Love. Mrs. E. L. Chappell presented the lesson from the study book "Women of the Southern Cross." Sketches of Jamacia were given by Mrs. W. L. White. A spec ial collection was taken for Alice I. Kennedy. The meeting was dismiss ed by repeating 1 Cor. 13:18 together Jello, cakes and mints were served by the hostesses. Those present were: Mrs. L. J. Winslow, Mrs. W. L. White, Mrs. Lillie Mae White, Mrs. E. L. Chap pell, Mris. Callie Copeland, Mrs. Vel lum Winslow, Miss Gara White, Miss Lucy White, Mrs. S. M. Winslow, Mrs. T. R. Winslow, Miss Margaret White, Miss Emma White, Mrs. Claude Winslow, Mrs. Vick Stallings, Mrs. Odell Stallings, Mrs. E. S. White, Mrs..T. C. Perry and Mrs. Sarah Layden. WHITESTON NEWS The Whiteston Better Homes and Garden Club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Lindsey Winslow. Mrs. Lucius Winslow conducted the devo tional. Miss Lucille Lane read ar. article, "November and December." MrsTDempsey Winslow told the Club how faded garments could be made to look like new by the use of dye. Mrs. Mercer Winslow read, "Country Things I Love Most." Mrs. Mamie Lane gave a recipe, and Mrs. Roy Winslow told how the kitchen furniture- could be re-arranged to make things more convenient. The meet- incr mna thTi turned over to MisS Gladys Hamrick, home agent. Those I present were: Miss Gladys Hamrick and Miss 'Scott, of Hertford; Mrs. Arba Winslow, Mrs. Lucius Winslow, Mrs. Mamie Lane, Mrs. Mercer Wins low, Mrs. Roy Winslow, Mrs. Demp sey Winslow, Miss Annie Winslow, Miss Delia Winslow, Miss Reby Winslow, Miss Lucille Lane and Mrs. Lindsey Winslow. Miss Bertha Smith, of Belvidere, visited in the community Thursday. . Mrs. Jesse V. Rountree and son, Winslow, spent Saturday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hill, of Curn tuck, visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Winslow Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams and little son, Howar, Jr., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Winslow, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday and Mon day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Winslow. Miss Hazel White, of Norfolk, Va.: spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest White. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. White spent Sunday in Portsmouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Winslow visit ed Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Winslow on Sunday afternoon. Roland Winslow, of Elizabeth City, wa3 in the community Sunday.: Miss Mildred Hinton, of Roberson vilie, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Dora Hinton. WINFALL NEWS . f.v ;-,:' - ; W- , Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith, - of Ahoskie, visited a few friends here Tuesday. . , - Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Daughter, jbf Bayboro, spent the week-end with Miss Dona White. While here they attended the funeral of Mrs, Daugh- trys mother in Norfolk, va,"" .' Miss Lucille Long, Miss Alma Leg gett, Mr. and , Mrs. W. G. Hollowell attended the Armistice Day program at the First Methodist Church in Eli zabeth City on Sunday, f RYLAND Mr. and Mrs." Arthur Jordan and daughter, Miss Evelyn Jordan, spent Tuesday in Elizabeth City. , " v Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lane were in Hertford Wednesday. , - ... Misses Grace Hollowell and Ronella Ward were in Edenton Friday. - Velva Byrum, of Poughkeepsie N.1 Y., was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Byrum, a few days this; week. j ' George r, Ward, , of Edenton, and Elma Wardi of Sign Pine, '-spent Sun day with William and: Lehman Ward. John ; Irvin and ' James. Copeland were over Sunday ; morning; , , ' Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Ward were in Edenton Saturday evening; ' Mr and I MrsI Jesse Leroy Byrum spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. JE. Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis and their daughter, Lois, of Sign Pine, spent Sunday with Mrs. Davis mother, Mrs. Harriett Parka. Guests in the after noon included Mr, and Mrs. Joe By rum and children, and Miss Mildred Byrum, from near Cannon's Ferry; Mr. and Mrs."; Joe White and son, from Gliden, and Miss Avis Ward, of Sign Pine; . - ( Mr. and Mrs. Tommy-Boyce and children visited Mr, Boyce's parents near Icaria, Sunday. hi Mrs. Julian ;E. Ward, of Edenton, Mrs. Harriett Parks and Mrs. Ran dolph Ward visited Mrs. Roy Parks Friday afternoon. Roy Parks drove the mail a day or two this week for the regular carrier, Herman Copeland. Miss Laura Copeland returned home Sunday after spending the past three weeks in Norfolk, Va., with her sister, Mrs. Lucius Stafford. Mrs. G. A. Boyce and children and Miss Mary Lee Davis visited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Elliott Sunday afternoon. Miss Inez Perry, of Sign Pine, was the week-end guest of her aunt, Mrs. Cornie Spivey. Mrs. Louisa Ward, Miss Thelma Ward, Beechet, Ralph and Dalton Ward spent , Sunday evening with Mrs. Ward's daughter, Mrs. Callie Copeland, near Belvidere. Mrs. Dempsey Copeland spent a few days recently with Miss Alice Lamb in West Chester, Pa. Pete Hasbroock and Johnnie Chap pell, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and Miss Mary Lee Davis were supper guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Boyce. ., Mrs. Herbert Lane and son, Her bert Ray, are spending this week with her mother, Mrs, Mary Phthisic, who is very ill at nqr home near Bera dere. ". Johnny and Leroy Chappell,. of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., left Wednesday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parks. They were ac companied by Dayid Edgerton, Pete Hasbroock and Edward Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lane and children, Mrs. T. L. Ward and chil- dren were in Edenton Saturday af ternoon. Gilbert Chappell spent Monday nisrht with Orestes Outland. Mrs. Carhes Berryman spent Tues day with Mrs. Merton Copeland. Mrs. Duck Henigar is on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Lane and little daughter visited her mother, , Mrs. Louisa Ward, Sunday afternoon. Sale To Continue Until Nov. 25 To give my customers; oppor tunity to take advantage of the many bargains I am offering, I will continue my sale through No vember 25. . ' r MRS. ROY PARKS RYLAND, N. C. 2 Taylor Theatre EDENTON, n. c. . PROGRAM COMING WEEK loday (Thursday) and Friday, ; ' November 14-15 - 'fOie Irish In Usw PAT O'BRIEN r JAMES CAGNEY Saturday, November 16 , . . Outlawed Guns" J-j ' '.j BUCK ' JONES ' ' ? ('!?. New Serial, "Call of the Savage-, "A ' ;" .-.Comedy :.vj,-v '' ' Monday and Tuesday Nov. 18-1& j'O'Shaughriessy' Bo -WALLACE BEERY - -. ,, JACKIE COOPER .1 Wednesday, November 2 t Wbfcil P. T. A lie ziz, - At Cfciarnuraty IIcuss The Winfall ; Parent-Teachers, As sociation will hold its regular month ly, meeting at the Community House next Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A good program has been arranged, and all parents are urged to attend. Note' the change , from the school building to the Community House. v BETHEL NEWS W . The Ladies Council of Bethlehem Church held their monthly meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Mr& Louis Eaves. The president, Mrs. K. A. Perry, was in charge of the meet ing, which opened with a hymn. Mrs, Perry read - Matthew 13:1-40 and Mrs. S. I. Cullipher offered prayer. After the business meeting there was Scripture reading by Mrs. E.'Y. Berry and Mrs. T. T. Harrell. Mrs. R. A. Perry and Mrs. S. I. Cullipher sang a auei, jjunng tne social Hour the hostess served ice cream and cake. The following members, were present: Mesdames R. A. Perry,.T. T. Harrell, W. M. Harrell, Reuben Stall ings, B. A. Berry. E. Y. Berry, W. A. Russell, S. I. Cullipher, Louis Eaves. Two visitors, Mrs. J. E. Eaves and Mrs. Norman Winslow were also present. Surprise Birthday Party A surprise- birthday party was given in honor of Edgar Riddick on Saturday evening, ' it being his for tieth birthday, at the home tt Mr. and Mrs. : Norman Winslow. y The hostesses were Mrs. W. A. Russell and Mr. Riddick's mother, Mrs. Rid dick. The room was beautifully de corated with white and yellow chry santhemums and potted plants. Sev eral interesting games were played. basket of useful gifts was pre sented to Mr. Riddick, and a beauti ful birthday cake with forty cherries on it The hostesses served cakes and candy. The following were pres ent: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Russell and children, Violet, Lucy Hope, Mary Ellen and filly; Mrs. Riddick, Edgar Riddick, Mr. and Mrs. Norman -Wins low, Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Berry and sons, Edgar Young and Dan; Mrs. Mary Wood and children, Dennis Minnie Wilma and Mary Ruth; Mrs. V. L. Proctor and small daughter, Mary; Mrs. C. L. Lassiter. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stallings and son, . wa- Layely Jell Gelatin Desserts ASSORTED FLAVORS 3pkgs.for a.Ki , 1 4 - t4H--f..-idt nmi -: liiiiiiiiiiiilillillliiliilllil in mull ' "" " ftiamBST- -J Sunray Salt Crackers Lb. pkgr..... :..:.-:.:.. Made-at-Home Molasses, quart jar. Our Mother's Cocoa Pound can;:. J..l Crisco' 3 lb. can. SALT WHITE MEAT. . PER IB. " '3IC3' p&is SOAP OR . Ilrs. r A. Peru I J. U rrry, Krs, V.'ard Hunter - tzi chfl-i dren, Lizzie Ward and IreixoW The soil erosion unit handisd by the county agent in Haywood County has completed 12,000 feet of terraces, With Wetherill's Adas Paint House Paint 10 JExterior White and Colors Interior Flat and Gloss 4 Hour Finishes 6 Wetherill's Eriamels O Wetherill's Stains Roof and Darn Paint . OWetheriU's Roof Paint Grange Ban! Paint I WE PAINT ROOFS! WE PUT METAL ROOFING ON! By rum Bros, Hardware Co. "Everything In Hardware and Supplies" . EDENTON, N. C. . Pound SEC Break-0 Per lb.... B. S. Pineapple Lare can:... 25c Condensed HOC Rose Brand, can. .....L Cocoanut, Bulk Per lb.:........:.-.... 5C3 CLCANSZA w "ft Approved by Oood HeuMkeeplnt GREEN CABBAGE , S LBS. FOR, NAVY BEANS ' . 4 Lns. FOR- t J 117J tz 'Z of C'ea id ZZd ff rf fmt road. j Hertford County peanut growers have received 785 1 checks tstsp.y"'') $5398.93 in rental payments with 600 additional checks to come from " ' Washington. i't , w u it H -.iflnnni"" nn nifi '.' t i-lui wnr jwuici ,mal3ll!ilaull.-jniiril'lli-li-ii i- " " "J-'J"""".".' '- WE CEMENT ROOFS Silver Medal Salad Dressing OR Sandwich Spread QUART JAR Morn Coffee - r........... - ....: Milk FLUFFO; COOiONG - t.apt ' -4 LB, PRCS. V :CLOOX: V""t PINTS ' ., . -.. -' . . ,V . J - ' r- 4 f g;.f 11 1 . . aT F ' s -; t-'s v ... GccJ Tlirec Hcrcs LTcrmFcrQct 'r'c - 'Opportunity For Right Man V i):'1.-- see .:.-v . v4 1 :::-vnrn n7. Adapted from "Vanity Tdr" with MIRIAM EC :i " Hade r-"- 'y I- ' VcB. b. c, r .j nr d, n. c ,

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