. 1 -(I t - I 0 To) volume 11 Number 47. Chas. Morgan Dies At Home On Monday Was Oldest Native Born Resident living In Hertford ACTIVE MASON Prominently Identified With Town For Many Years Charles W. Morgan, 72, prominent Hertford resident, died at his home on Grabb Street in Hertford on Monday . night at 10 o'clock. Funeral services were held from ) the home at 11:30 o'clock on Thurs day morning, with the Rev. B. !P. Robinson, pastor of the Hertford M. . Church, of which Mr. Morgan was a member, officiating. Music was furnished by a choir of selected voices. Burial took place in the fam ily plot in Cedarwood Cemetery, in Hertford. The pallbearers were G. E. jNewby, Jr., of Rocky Mount; W. C. Archie, of Wake Forest; T. S. White, Jr., of Richmond, Va.; John Buchanan, of Durham; Clinton W. Morgan, Jr., of Duke University; Clinton W. Toms, Jr., of Durham; W. H. Pitt and Al fred Williams, of Hertford. Mr. Morgan, who for several years ' had claimed the distinction of being the oldest person ttvfctg in Hertford who was bom ia th -taw was a son of the late Mr. and'.rs. William Morgan, and spent the entire period of his life here, except for the time when he attended school at .Pough keepsie, N. Y. For more than forty years Mr. Morgan was engaged in the mercan tile business in Hertford, and for a number of years he was chairman of the Board of County Commissioners., He was an active member of the Hertfrd,-jSfcBl served for a long tinte on the 'Board of Stewards. He was also a leading member of the Masonic Lodge, hav ing served 16 terms as Worshipful Master, 12 of them consecutively. Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Annie Toms Morgan; two daughters, Mrs. R. A. gtamey, of Houston, Texas, and Mrs. George Harrell, of Orlando, Florida; two sons, Clinton W. Mor gan, of Chicago, 111., and Charles W. Morgan, Jr., of Hertford. Two sis ters, Mrs. G. V. Kimball and Mrs. Garfield Belt, both of Baltimore, Md.; and two brothers, Albert Morgan, of Philadelphia, Pa., and William Mor gan, of , Trenton, N. J., also survive. Among the out-of-town people here for the funeral of Mr. Morgan were: Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. Mor gan, of Chicago,.Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. George Harrell and little daughter, Annie Toms, of Orlando, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan, Mrs. Stubbs Mr. and, Mrs. Clinton Toms, Jr, all of Durham: Mr. and . MnfW. C. Archie, of Wake, Forest; G. E. New bv. Jr., of Rocky Mount,' T. S. White, Jr., and Zack Toms, of Richmond, Va.; Wm. Morgan, of Trenton, N. J.; and Albert Morgan, of Philadelphia SCARLET FEVER IS WIDELY SCATTERED Only Five Cases Reported Since First Attack Developed In Hertford Few Weeks Ago " Only five cases of scarlet fever have been reported in Perquimans since the first case, that of Mollis Oakey, developed in Hertford' some weeks ago. All of the cases were Widely scattered. , . - There were two cases in Hertford, the other being that of little. Mary Leland Winslow. : B6th : these. chil : ,dren attended the Hertford Grammar School, as well as did Moody, the lit tle son,- f , Mr. and Mrs. . Moody '- Mathews, who live near Bethel, s4 , .-' TIia nttiAi' fvn rura ni . nmnno T r" " o 7 vaor-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Willie ' Lamb, near Belvidere, is still In ' quarantine, as is also the three-year- old child oi xar. ana Mrs. jonn uog ' - prson of the Ballahank neighborhood- V. Quarterly Meetxn.'f ,.'-:' ; At Up River Church The Eastern Quarterly meeting of 4riends will be held at Up River unurcn on ioveiuucr ou, i. xr a, in., and. on Dec. 1, at -11 A. M. . Murray C. Johnson, of Greensboro, field Sec retary of North ' Carolina : Yearly Meetinar. and Robert Crow, a minis ter of Goldaboro will be In attend- ance. .,".-' S. - The public . Is .cordially Invited to ( attend these meetir aid hear these , . ministers.- A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO TfflMTPRTmHNfi OF HERTFORD ; Hertford. Perauimnnfl rvnnfxr srh rasses rrom scene Chas." W. Morgan, highly re spected and beloved Hertford cit izen, who was claimed by death Monday, following a lingering illness. OFFICIALS GUESTS OF EASTERN STAR Pleasant Get TogetneirAffair Held Monday Night In Perquimans Lodge Room State officers of the Order of Eas tern Star, including Mrs. Finlator Worthy Grand Matron; Mrs. Mary G Weatherly, Grand Secretary, both of Greensboro; Mm. Bessie Lewis, As sociate Grand Matron, of Asheville; and Mr. Moag, Associate Grand Pa tron, of Greensboro; and others, were present at the get-together meeting of the local chapter of the Order of Eastern .Start heloV in the - Masonic Lodge rooms on Monday night, when a number of local persons were guests of the Eastern Stars. There were also several guests from Eliza beth City, including Mr. and Mrs. W T. Culpepper and Mrs. Clarence Twi- ford. . Preceding the t very interesting short addresses by the various State officers, there was an interesting ses sion, with Mrs. Charles Johnson Worthy Matron of the local chapter, presiding, and an entertainment pro gram, including music and readings. Rev. D. S. Dempsey, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, conducted the devotional exercises, which in eluded a brief but fine address. Mrs. H. C. Stokes gave a most amusing dramatic reading, entitled "Babies," and Mrs. W. E. White read "Aunt Het's Prayer" and "Growing Old." Several delightful song numbers were given, with Mrs. Charles E Johnson, Mrs. T. E. Raper, C. P. Morris, Jimmie Smith, R. A. Sutton and J. M. Newbold, taking part. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Joint Hostesses To Local Music Club Misses Mary Field and Ellie Mae White were hostesses Friday evening to the Chaminade Music Club, over which Mrs. Elwood White presided. : After a musical program in which all took a creditable part, Mrs. R. M Riddick, counsellor, gave the story of Mozart's life. Mirth provoking stunts followed, at whlch Hazel MatthewB won the prize. ; To Mary Louise Chappell went th prize for best hand position in the musical program. , An ice course was served by the hostesses. ; , . " Those present were: Jean Newbold Minnie Wilson - Wood, Julia, Miller Chappell, Ruth Winslow,' Mary Louise Chappell, Ellie ;Mae White, Sallie B Wood, Marjorie White,. Mary Field, AddieEuth Morgan, Hazel Matthews, Mrs Elwood White and Mrs. R. M. Riddick, counsellor. . ' : ' - DcllaShamburger; r Society Has Meeting The Delia Shamburger Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, met on Monday night at the home of Mrs. Sammy Sutton, witlTMrs. Sutton arid Mrs. George Barbee as hostesses. ?. Those present-;; included Mesdames Cecil Winslow, George Barbee Jacob L., White, Tommy Sutton, Crafton Mathews, Durwood Reed, Julian White, J. H. Towe, Jr., Charles Skin ner, Edjar Morris and T. E. Harrell, leases E-aa V.JLli, Nellie' Fieldf and Ilary T One visitor, Mrs. Cxvze, was i) i-. nt ONLY WEEK LEFT TO SIGN! UP IN RED CROSS DRIVE Catiassers Working To Add New Members To Roll URGEDTO JOIN Mrs. C. P. Morris, Chair man, Anxious to Se- . cure Quota Only a week remains for the Red Cross Roll Call. Mrs. C. P. Morris. the County Chairman, and her corps 01 assistants are working hard to se cure as many members this year as possible. While most of the assistants are residents of Hertford, Mrs. Luther Nixon, of Winfall, has charge of the work of that community, and Mrs. Morris is anxious to get workers placed at New Hope and at Belvi dere. in Hertford the assistants are Mesdames Charles E. Johnson, D. M. Jackson, Walter H. Oakey, Jr., D. S. Darden, E. S. Pierce, and T. P. Brinn. One half of all the money collected by the local chairman is retained for use in our own community, the other half being sent to the National Head quarters. Mrs. Morris requests a generous response from the people of Perqui mans to this worthy cause. Mrs. Goodman New Teacher At New Hope Mrs. E. A. Goodman, former teach er in the New Hope School, is the new teacher provided recently by the State School Commission for that school. Mrs. Goodman has already taken over her duties. The extra teacher is the result of an application made by F. T. John son, Superintendent of Education of Pecguinians County, and Hon. Charl es Whedbee, County Attorney, who appeared before the State School Commission in Raleigh on Friday ir the interest of the matter, at which time the matter of securing new school busses and the financing of those purchased by the county was :'so taken up with the Commission. Not only was the new teacher ar ranged for, but the matter of the busses was also satisfactorily ar ranged, according to Mr. Johnson. Mrs. S. D. Banks Hostess To Club The Durants Neck Woman's Club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. D. Banks. The de votional and business sessions were conducted by the president, Mrs. W. E- Dail. Thanksgiving readings were given by Miss Rebecca Webb and Mrs. Dail. Mrs. S. D. Banks and Mrs. L. R. Webb were appointed cap tains in a contest to raise funds for a community house. Miss Gladys Hamrick, Home Dem onstration Agent, gave a very inter esting and instructive talk on styles and fashions. Several very attrac tive dress collars were shown and the patterns distributed. The hostess, assisted by Miss Vida Banks and Mrs. R. R. Perry, served delicious refreshments. Those present were: . Mrs. L. R- Webb, Mrs. S. D. Banks, Mrs. B. Davidson, Mrs. E. M. Perry, Mrs. J. H. Gregory, Mrs. J. A. Sawyer, Mrs. W. E. Dail, Miss Vida Banks, Miss Lillian Davidson, Mrs. B. S. Banks, Mrs. R. R. Perry, Mrs, T. A. Hurdle, Mrs. E. A. Turner, Mrs. C. W. Has- kett, Mrs. M. M. Spivey, Miss Gladys Hamrick and Miss .Rebecca Webb. Mrs. J.'W.Jackson Hostess At Bridge Mrs. J W. Jackson was hostess to the Ace-Deuc.e Contract Club Monday evening at her home in New Hope. High score prize was won by Miss Rebecca Webb. Delicious, refreshments were served to the following players! Mrs. C. B. Goodman, Mrs. M. M. Spivey,, Mrs. R. R.! Perry, Mrs. E. M. Perry, Mrs. W. Jackson, , . Mrs. J. A. Sawyer, Miss Laura Wood Goodman, and Miss Rebecca Webb,- Seventeen Employed r; ;, On Sewing;Prdject Mrs. P. H. Small is supervisor of the sewing projects now .wider way in Hertford. Seventeen . women are employed., in the sewing room main tained; -for white women at the Com munity ilonse. Another project for coiorea women is vnaer wra at xne jueruora voiorea -h rwi RECORDER COURT CROWDEDDOCKET LASTS TWO DAYS Numerous Taser Tried Involving Minor Offenses NO DRUNKS Judge Oakey Sympa thizes With Unlawful Parking Victim "Recorder's Court lasted for two days, with numerous cases involving minor1 traffic violations, petty larceny and assault. Elsbuiy Lane, of Whiteston, tried for unlawful parking on ihe highway, was found not guilty. This looks pretty unjust to me," remarked Judge Walter H. Oakey, in dismissing the case, as he summed up the evidence which showed that the yoiyig man had parked his car to wait until a force working on the highway under the direction of the State should finish the work they were doing while they had a car and a truck parked side by side on the highway, and Mr. Lane stopped his own car alongside in order to wait for them to finish. "I have seen these State highway trucks stop that way," said Judge Oakey, "and when a man stops to wait to give them time to finish, and then he gets hauled into court for stopping, it looks pretty un just to me." The case against Miss Thelma Div ers, charged with passing a stop sign, was dismissed upon payment of half the court costs. Noah Bright plead guilty to the charge of unlawfully entering the highway and the case was dismissed upon paymente of the costs. Fatham Hoffler, colored, was tried for driving with insufficient brakes. The case was dismissed upon pay ment of the costs. Edwai'd Welch, colored, charged with assault, was required to pay half the court costs, the prosecuting witness, Katie James, being required to pay the other half. The State took a nol pross with leave in the case of Benton Hunter. charged with trespass and removing a boat. Laura Winslow, colored, found guilty of receiving. The charges were dismissed upon payment of ten dollars. Cecil Modli and Frank Jordan, both colored, charged with assault with a deadly weapon upon T. J Trueblood, of Winfall, were found guilty of simple assault. At this writing there are still sev eral other cases to come up. The case aginst Alphonso Dail Grover Lamb and Linwood Lamb, charged with assault with a deadly weapon on Robert Chappell, was again continued. Bethel Better Homes And Garden Club Has Good Meeting The Better Homes and Garden Club of Bethel met with Mrs. W. P. Long Friday afternoon. The president, Mrs. M. T. Griffin, opened the meet ing, and the group sang "It's a Good Time to Get Together." Mrs. Mary Long Hayman presented the follow ing program: Reading, "Fashion," by Mrs. C. T. Phillips; Reading, "Coun try Things I Love," by Mrs. C. E. White; Poem, "Thanksgiving," by Mrs. W. P. Long. Miss Gladys Hamrick, Home Agent made a very good talk on "Fashions." During the social hour a "Scram bled Nuts" contest was enjoyed, and Mrs. M. T. Griffin won the prize, a pair of nut crackers. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the fol lowing r Mrs. Reuben Stallings, Mrs. C. E. White, Mrs. Neal Spruill, Mrs. M. T. Griffin, Mrs. C. T. Phillips, Mrs. J. C. Hobbs, Mrs. W. D. Perry, Mrs. Mary Long- Hayman, Mrs. J. M- Fleetwood, Mrs, J. Hi Parrish, Miss Virginia Umphlett and Miss Gladys Hamrick. Methodist Ministers Attend Conference Rev. B. P. Robinson, pastor of the Hertford M. E. Church, left Thursday for Wilmington, to attend the Annual Conference of the M. E. Church. Mr. Robinson was - accompanied by Mrs. R. T. Brinn and Mrs., R. L. Knowles, who will be guests of Mrs. Knowles' sister, Miss Lena Barber, in Wilming ton, for several days. , , Rev. J. W Dimmette, of Winfall, pastor of the Perquimans Circuit, is also, attending the .Conference... Mrs. Dimmette will spend the week-end in 4Wihington.h.U!:, -I;: AND - PEROTTTMANS rOTTMTV Winfall P.T.A. Meets 1st Time In New Hall II7XJI?TYII?Ei XT A UTTTV COUNTY SOLICITOR Judge Oakey Forbids W. G. Edwards To Appear Before Bar as Pro secuting Attorney S. M. Whedbee was requested by Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., at the opening of Tuesday's session of Re corder's Court to serve in the capa city of County Solicitor, pending ac tion of the Board of County Commis sioners, following an order read in open court in which the present pro secuting attorney, W. G. Edwards, was forbidden by Judge Oakey inde finitely to appear before the bar of the court as prosecuting attorney, charging that the young attorney was in contempt of court by appearing in court in an intoxicated condition. Mr. Whedbee served for several terms as county prosecutor prior to Mr. Edwards' election in 1934, at which time the former did not run for the office. Mr. Edwards noted an appeal to Superior Court from Judge Oakey's order. Mrs. Arba Winslow Gets "Chicken Thief The hoary-haired chicken-thief in vading the premises of Mr. and Mrs Arba Winslow at Whiteston in the dead hours of the night met the fate which he deserved. That thief will steal no more chickens. Three, fine, large chickens were found dead in the Winslow chicken yard on Sunday morning by Mr. Winslow. The necks of the fowls had been punctured and the blood sucked. The method of death pointed to the sly old weasel. From the be ginning of time the weasel has been known to destroy his victims in this manner, and a slick old worker he is. Mr. Winslow lost no time in going after the marauderT" Tie set a trap that night, putting it out before darkness closed in. Before the fam ily retired Mr. Winslow went out to look the situation over and lo and be hold! It wasn't a weasel at all caught fast in the trap but a gray and wizened old 'possum. He had slain tlie chickens after the mannei of the weasel. Could it be he meant to throw suspicion on the weasel ? Or had the weasel got in the previous night'y-- work, and the 'possum merely follow ed with a visit on his own? Missionary Society Of Bethel Holds Meeting A very interesting meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Bethel Baptist Church was held on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. A F. Proctor, at her home on the Eden- ton-Hertford Highway. The presi dent, Mrs. J. M. Fleetwood, led the devotional. Routmne business was disposed of, and officers for the com ing year were elected as follows: Mrs. J. M. Fleetwood, president, and Mrs. S. M. Long, vice president, were re-elected. Other officers elected were: Mrs. C. E. White, secretary; Mrs. M. N. Dail, personal serviif' chairman; Mrs. Mary Hayman, pub licity chairman; Mrs. W. P. Long, Y. W. A. leader; Mrs. W. D. Perry ant' Mrs. J. C. Hobbs, G. A. and R. A. leaders; Miss Gertie Chappell, Sun beam leader; Mrs. Seth Long, assis tant Sunbeam leader. A very interesting program was rendered, the topic, "The Christian Conquest in China," was used, with the following members taking part: Mrs. 0. C. Long, Mrs. W. D. Perry, Mrs. C. E. White, Mrs. S. M. Long, Mrs. M. T. Griffin, Mrs A. D. Thatch. Following the prayer of dismissal, a social hour was enjoyed during which time the hostess served a deli cious sweet course to the fourteen memberjj present. Turkey Supper To Be Held December 6 The annual Bazaar and turkey sup per will be held by the women of the Episcopal Church on the night 0 Friday, December 6. There will be the usual turkey supper served, as well as a chicken salad plate, also home-made ice cream and cake. Aprons, pillow cases and other use ful articles will be for sale. CASE MEASLES REPORTED Lydia, the attractive little ten-months-old daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tucker, is sick with measles. This is the only ease of measles re ported in the county this season, ac cording to Dr. T, P. Bxbm,v County Health Officer.-''.- vi.v j $1.25 Per Year Large Number Enjoy New Commodious Quarters GOOD PROGRAM Members Plan to Make Considerable Im provements Assembling for its first meeting held in the Community House of Winfall, the Parent-Teacher Associa tion of the Winfall School had a most interesting meeting Monday night, i ith a large attendance in the comfortable and commodious quar ters. While little work has as yet been done on the new Community House, the committee is planning to imme diately make considerable improve ments. Mrs. J. W. Dimmette, president, presided over the business session, and Rev. J. W. Dimmette, pastor of the Winfall M. E. Church, conducted the devotional exercises, making a short but very interesting talk. Following this the roll call resulted in Miss Alma Leggett's room being awarded the picture for the banner attendance of parents. Eight new members were added to the roll. Miss Leggett had charge of the program, which was based on the subject of books and reading, this week being observed- all over the State as Book Week. Mrs. A. R. Winslow, Jr., gave a most interesting talk on Books as Necessary Equipment for the School, during which she read ten answers given by children of her grade to the question "Why We Should Read Books?" Mrs. W. F. Morgan read a splendid paper on Reading Habits in the Home, telling something about the necessity of books in the home for the children. Mrs. Mattie Lister White, editor of The Perquimans Weekly, gave a brief talk on "What the Newspaper Means to the Community." A most delightful bit of dramatiza tion, "Land of Story Books" was given by the following children: Esther Lee Colums, Richard Fox, Dorothy Roach, Milfonl Rae Twine, Joseph Morris, Dorothy Faye White, Flora Louise Ward, and Harriett Lou Layden.'1 This was followed by a charming little play in which the following children took part: Stephe Elmore, Jr., Eula Mae Morgan, Elizabeth Hollowell, Hilda Mae Perry, Doris Miller, Clinton Trueblood, Jr., Joseph Morris and Horace Baker, Jr. The program closed with the song, "Books, Books, Books." LOCAL CONCERN CHANGES HANDS Carolina Hardware Company Pur chased and Managed by H. C. O'Neal of Kinston The business of the Carolina Hard ware Company has recently changed hands, with H. C. O'Neal, of Kinston. who has purchased the business, as suming control. The Carolina Hardware ComDanv. formerly owned by Elizabeth Citv interests, was until last spring under tne management of D. D- Dudley, who maintained his residence in Eli zabeth City. Mr. Dudlev was fatal ly injured in an automobile accident last spring, since which time H. L. Jackson, also of Elizabeth City, has been in .charge of the business. Mr. O'NeaJr whose family consists of his wife and a four-year-old son, expects to move his family to Hert ford as soon as a suitable residence can be found. Fail To Appear On Charge Of Assault When H. L. Seydel and Dick Sey del, charged with assault, were called in Recorder's Court on Tuesday morning they failed to answer. A cash bond in the amount of twenty-five dollars put up by the de fendants at the time of the arrest last week, was forfeited by their failure to appear in court - Capias was also issued, directed to the Sheriff of Lenior County for the defendants, father and son, said to be residents of Kinston. ; The Clerk was instructed by Judge Oakey to require a bond of one hundred :, dollars each from the two defendants when they art apprehended. 1 1 ' v, iCffe

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