thtj rcuQUiHANS wttxly, imrTrcr-D.-N. c rnrAY. it.. Published every Friday -at III Tenpaimans Weekly office in the Crory Building, 'Church Street, Hertford, N. C. ; v , , -1; KATTIS LISTER WHTCEJjEditM Dav Phone ? L LL88 ? Might Phone -100-J - SUBSCRIPTION RATES "' Six Month J J. .76c ' One Year , , , ,,,, ..." US Entered as ' second class matter November If, 19S4, at the pest office at Hertford, North Carolina, nader the Act of March S, 1B7. ' Advertising rates furnished by re- ' ' - ;i ' - FRIDAY, NOVEMEEB 29,1935. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT MAKE YOUR CHOICE: Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth cor rupt, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor Bteal- For where your treasure is there will your heart be also. -Matthew 6:19-21. BACK OFFICERS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT Give Judge Oakey a hand! There is a lot of criticism because the laws are not enforced. It most in fairness be admitted that mnch of the criticism is justified. Law en forcement oncers are deplorably lax in their duties. But there is at least one law en forcement officer in Perquimans County who has the courage of his convictions. That man is Walter H. Oakey, Jr. Judge Oakey made the statement in his court some weeks ago that, af ter considerable reflection he had de cided that, m order to do what he be lieved to be his duty in helping to prevent so much slaughter on the highways, any man convicted in his court of driving an automobile while under the - influence of liquor must serve' a'' jail term. He stated at the time that no exceptions would be made, no matter who the convicted person might be, even if it should be his own brother. Judge Oakey has stood by this de cision and has sentenced five men to jail for driving automobiles while drunk. It happens that several of these offenders are otherwise law abiding citizens, men with good re putations and from good families. It is obviously hard for Judge Oakey to send these men to jail. Last week it became Judge Oakey's unpleasant duty to find a personal friend and a fellow practitioner at the bar in contempt of court because of the young prosecuting attorney's repeated appearance in court while under the influence of liquor and to forbid him the privilege of acting as prosecuting attorney. That the thoughtful people of the county approve Judge Oakey's stand with reference to law enforcement is hardly to be denied. Such approval on the part of the right-thinking ele ment of the public is only natural. But that few of the people of the community have sufficient interest in the betterment of the conditions they criticize to make known their atti tude was evident when Judge Oakey in addressing the members of the Hertford Woman's Club on Monday, stated. . that he felt discouraged be cause he had received so many re quests that certain men convicted in "his court of drunken driving be spar ed the serving of the jail sentence imposed. We have been criticizing the situa tion as it has existed in Perquimans. We had a right to criticize. But one law enforcing officer is taking very drastic steps to Tender law enforce ment His efforts should be encour aged. It we have been dissatisfied with conditions as they have existed, and if we are in earnest about this busi ness of respect for law and order, and if we have any interest in the improvement of these conditions, we See Paramount's Big Broadcast of 1936" With AMOS 'N' ANDY and their grocery store-rls we regusted? BING CROSBY singing "I Wished On the Moon" and many others. BILL ROBINSON top-dancing. , ETHEL. MERMAN sutrinar MIt's the Animal In Me" , X CHARLIE RUGGLE&-in a comedy p.TogetiMr. with JACK QAJOB and many radio stars r f I Tavlor Theatre FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29 ; . ;C WATCH THIS PAPER FOR COMING OUTSTANDING t' ATTRACTIONS '", ' 4 HIT, OR MISS, The first letter to Santa Claus to find its way into The Perquimans Weeklv office this year arrived en Monday, and a. fine letter it is. .This in what the writer say: -' .'Dear Santt Claus: Christmas will soon be here, so I will tell you what I want. Please bring 'me a bicycle, and lots of good things to eat Please be in Elizabeth City , the day before Christmas. I think I will be there. I want to see yon. for my first time. There are many reasons for wanting to aee you. I love you , althougn i haveat ever seen you. Lots of love, h HORACE BOYCE 4th Grade. .Then is just one thing, wrong with that letter. , It is a pity, I think, for Horace to ask Santa Claus to be in Elizabeth City, because if Horace will stay in Hertford bo will probably see Santa Claus and Santa Clans would not have to go to all that trouble of making the long trip to EUzaoetn City. The Hertford merchants are pre paring to help old . Santa Claus out by having on band lots of fine toys and good things such as Santa uaus deals in, and it might be a fine idea for the children to write to Santa Clans and ask him to be in Hertford that day. Maybe one of the mer chants could arrange to have the good old Saint come here for a short time just to meet Horace and the oflier Perquimans children who are sure to want to am htm. WHITEST NEfrS Misses Nellie and Anna Baker are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew WfeaVw in Norfolk, Virginia. ' ' Mrs. Lucius WJnslew, Mrs. Arba Winslow, Mrs Eugene Winslow and Miss Beba Winslow visited Mrs. Jo seph Winslow, of Bagley Swamp on Tuesday afternoon. . Roland Winslow, of Elizabeth City, visited in the community Sunday. Miss Hazel White, of, Norfolk, Va-. spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White. Charles Peasley, of Gonic, N. H., is visiting friends in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Winslow and daughter, Miss Reby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Winslow, of Bagley Swamp, Sunday afternoon. Misses Jessie Belle and Syble Winslow visited Misses Onella Wins low and Johnnie White Sunday after noon. Those who visited Mr. and Mre. J. C. Winslow Sunday were their daugh ter and her husband, . Mr. and Mrs. Addison Winslow, their granddaugh ter, Mrs. James Raby, their grand sons, Sherrill and Gerald Winslow, and their great granddaughter and son, Janis Faye and James Raby, Jr., from near Elizabeth City: there granddaughter and her husband, Mr and Mrs. Walter Umphlett and little son. Walter Umphlett, Jr., of Win- fall. have an opportunity to express our attitude and it is our duty to stand back of Judee uakey and let mm know that he has our support Positive MALARIA! Sure End to Chills arid Fever! Here's real relief for Malaria -Grove's Tasteless Chin Tonic t Quickly it stops the chills and fever and restores your body to comfort Many remedies will merely alleviate the symptoms of Malaria temporarily, but Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic goes all the way and completely rids your system of the infection. f Grove's Tasteless (Ml Tonic is a real corrective of Malaria because it contains ; two things. First, tasteless quinine which kills the Malarial infection in the blood. Second, tonic iron which helps overcome the ravages of the chills and fever and fortifies against further attack. Play safe 1 Take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It now comes in two sizes 50c and $1. The $1 size contains V times as much as the 50c size and gives you 25 more for your -noney. Get bottle today at any drugstore. sketch f ; Edenton I Relief (or Saturday, -Norember 89 'r j GENE AUTREY (a new western sur) to- "! , : ImbleWeeds,, Call ef the Savages Comedy Farm ; Period Near CI n4 V 1 i.j eisisBanra a l "- , The' emergency, period In agricul ture is drawing to a close, and farm ers are nearing .the cross roads where they must' choso. between individual' ism and cooperation. " ' The choice ' is up to the fanners themselves, said E. W. Gaither, dis trict farm agent at State College, v The Agricultural . Adjustment Ad ministration is willing with a pro gram of cooperation, he continued, but it has no desire -: to force upon farmers any program they do not want , - , -r Both -individualism and cooperation have their advantages and disadvant ages, Gaither pointed out.. The ques tion is under which policy wiH there be the most advantages and the few est disadvantages. - ..;t. - Under the old .Individualistie sys tem, each fanner is relatively free to produce as much as he can of any crop tbnt : win grow' on Us farm. Likewise, he is free to sell his pro ducts to whomever wQl buy, and for whatever he can get' . But with millions - of farmers fol lowingthe same policy, Gaitherask ed, will they be able to sell all their production? Will they be able to se cure gcod prices for their commodi ties? ' Prodtttion in this country can. easily outstrip all local demand, be stated, and foreign countries are not buying at the American surpluses like they need to;';0fei Under a cooperative program, each farmer is asked to consider the wel fare of bis feOowa, Vat at tie same time they am considering his wel fare. All are working together. By adjusting production to demand. each can be reasonably sure Of re ceiving a fair price for his products. Cut-throat competition is to some ex tent eliminated. . A well managed program of coop eration also , encourages balanced farming, crop rotation, and living at home, Gaither observed. Rude Question First Doctor -Why so sad? Second Doctor I have lost a pa tient with typhoid. First Doctor And what were you treating him for? Seventeen additional poultrymen in Henderson County plan to keep flock records as the county forges ahead as a poultry center. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Wl H. Hunter,' de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es- r I i Ia GM-m&.'Vivwsvrsmv W rL:'';y. I' Another Tfianksonv- , t '' " 4 ' 4 1 1 g? ? & 'At I iner .together, tn com- I ; ? it wmmwm i . . s. . - i j 1 1 fort, "and independent, j f ; ? - T3of any; outsider's supr 1 I -13 "'' port! People wlio have i'- k T . ; t - )y established sayings as k -' m a regular habit intheir - ' I lives need, never want f X for witli financial r t i independence )'f very "lj I' day is ITianl&vingl ; 'j II , ; i f : ivLU.LiliL'L., j : L - j::f tate of said deceased to e;:!.llit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, R 8, on or before the ZZ'Jh. day of October; 1836, or this notice win be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said e state will please make1, immediate payment.-' -'This 25 day of October, 1CC5. - f f ; CLAUD IE a HUNTER, ; ''" Administratrix of W, H. Hunter. Nov.l,8,15,22,29,Dec.6 ' ( , V v : v, j NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of . the estate of J. L. Leggett, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, H. Cn on or .before the 23 day ofOcto ber, 1986 or this notice will be V'&d ed ; in bar ' their recovery. - All persons indebted to said estate will please make ,lnftnediate payment This 28 day of- October, 1986. BERTHA W, LEGGETT, - Administratrir of J. L Leggett Nov.W5W9JeeJ$ : ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Seymour Chappell, deceased, late of . Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons baying A claims against the estate of said -' deceased to exhibit thetn to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 8th day of October, 1936, or this notion win. be pleaded In bar of their recovery, AH persons indebted , to said estate wIH please make Immediate payment This 8th day ef, October, 198S. ROXANNA CHAPPELL, Administratrix of Seymour' Chappell Octl85rf.l3,15223 of the estate of Bagh P. White, de ceased, later of Perquimans County, North Carolina, tills is to notify an persons having claims' against the estate of said ' deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvi dere, N. C on or before the 24 day of October, 1986, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment This 24th day of October, 1935. MRS. LILLIE MAE WHITE, Administratrix of Hugh P. White. Nov.l,8,J5,22,29,Dec.6 , NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a mortgage deed executed to me by Pettigrew RiddicK for certain purposes therein mention ed, which mortgage bears date of April 1st, 1924 and is registered in the Perquimans County Registry in Book 14 at page 96, I shall on Mon day,- December 16th, 1935 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House Door in Hertford, N.C., offer for sale at public anctio-, for cash, the following property co eyed to me in ; said mortgage de 1: That cer! :a- tract in 'Eelvfdere Township, T. i'z5TJir s County; N.-C. containing Z 'A acrc i, more or leps, bounded on l .e ITsrli by the ruLIlc A Eoad, on the East a:4 South by the lands of W. II. Eason. : and on the West by lanJa of L. H. Hurdle, and the Bagley Eat being the same lanas conveyed to said Riddick by.W M. Eason and wi . " ' ' - This 15th day of November, 1985. T 5 rrWm. M. EASON, Mortgagee. ' - By H. G. Winslow, Attorney Nov.229,Dec'.648 , NOTICE OF. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY By virtue of a. mortgage deed exe- cutedto me by W. T. Chappell and wife,. Lucy Chappell, for- certain pur poses therein mentioned, which mort gage 4eed bears date of December IS, 1928 and is registered in the Perqui mans County Registry in Book 17 at page 805, 1 shall on Saturday, De cember 14th,' 1935, at 1:00 o'clock P MV at the Court House Door - in Hertford, N; C, offer for sale at public auction for cash, the f onow- ing property 'conveyed to me in said mortgagef deed: ' v"'Vr-T'--i--,';' y. That certain tract in Belvidere Township, Perquimans County, N. C, containing 5 acres, more or less, bounded on tiie North by the lands of C. S. Chappell,,-East by lands; of Murray JUne, South by lands of J; T. HoUoeJl and West by lands of Al-bert'-Weston; being the same lands conveyed to said W. T. Chappell by S. W. ChappeU and wife. This 12th day of November, 1985. .C S. CHAPPELL; Mortgagee. By E G. Wifilow.Attomey. We. the undersigned, will offer for sale at rpublie Auction at- the Court House. Door in Hertford, Per quimans County, N. C.on Saturday, the 14th day of December, 1935, at 12 o'clock Noon the foUowing de scribed property. That certain piece or parcel of land and appurtenances lying and being in Hertford, Hertford Town ship, Perquimans County, N. C. Bounded on ; the north by Grubb Street, bounded on the east by Front Street, bounded on the south by lot of land, now used by Hertford Hard ware Company, bounded on the west by lot of Miles Clark, being tract of land and buildings now occupied by the Blanchard-Newby Garage build' ing in the Town of Hertford, N. C. Terms of Sale Cash. Deeds will be executed to the purchaser on day of sale upon ; payment of purchase price. v This November 13, 1935. ' j.:c. blanchard e.: Mcm. newby, Nov.l5,22,29,Dec.6 notice cy AL:.;:N:cTr.Anc:r Having qualified : as : Administrator of the estate of Robert Eiddick, da ceased, late of Perquimans w County, North Carolina, this ii to 4dtlfy" all nsrinnii Tiavinar claims' asrainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit , ' them to the undersigned at Belvidere,-. N. C, Route 1, on or before the 14th v day of November, 1036, or this notice will "be pleaded in bar of their re- : eovery. 'All persons indebted to said j .f estate will please ; maxe tmmeaiMe , This 14th day of Novemoer, 1935. - Q " , r SAMUEL N. KWVLVIS -x, Administrator of Robert Riddick',; " ' ' Nov.i52ee.480 t " - ' WDreORNE & CO. ; Suffolk, Va; ; For highest market First class storage Low storage charges Liberal cash advances 4 interest on government money 88 years experience Independent warehouses not own ed nor controlled by cleaners nor " buyers. NOUCS! Just receivM a solid trad load of nlce Indian' River citrus fruit. Lorangesif grapefruit and tanger- ines at prices inaj every one can afford. Wholseale and retail. Phone 9 ; Sanitary Fish Market L. F. CONGLETON m A YEAR 111 OPERATING a LJover;; MiTr COST ToV,ttef V p!( 1! -f. : - a- v.P ,. LsrM.J L J t Zenith Iiai 'tt ."....t.i -i' - amragement witia the xnanafae-! ? : tnrers of the Winchan-er, so that ' every owner of Zenith Varm Radio - on reduce nis opermtim v power coat " to 63 oenu a year for L s ui radio enjoyment every day. 1.U means no more dry A, B or C batteries to hay. No more dead tor- bat- teries to take out ami w ' Zmbh Ka. . . T e-Y-Xr, iUastrated aWv, jt ' mm ittnn Aineki!,,,! a.i ..a,. poJoe ea!, amateur, avL- ' a veiMons,f' VictaoaaJl StmtSonM. LtxVT - - ing U tt a M i t- eawax fort - -a statnuna aceura:. ., Operates from, a 6- vi: i aw r.rvry k. t -rai hr i wJ the Vine! Tgei ) ... : . , ... v.. r ? . Jcc5up & Jo:"' Tours 3:39, 7:15 and 9 P.! A " Uioa 19e and 25c ' ' ' xc: ttitssaaAtt4

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