' .'t-.,t'.M vt ' Si 1 ' -is i, , . . . t if a . . '. . ... ... . - , , . .. . Ay . . -k ,.V . ..... .. . - . k , v- - , , , J iW WEEKLY ' ' j " 1" I I WEKLyjSPA OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTO MltifflElSirO EDWARDS MAKES Board Of Education Dr ni MTrn cnnn nniT wt unin U VJl LiUUtaUUIl coiorea .ootiegger , , Kl Kl Ami I f II M II I J tIUH I III Hill III . .. .u. r . rtr: iLUlili n nil I if A 1 1 1 KU.ir.l J 1 1 1 IK K JL-idic UlliUUt& ffl ? 1 - ' I' H 4C Simon Williams Has . Long Been Able to ; Evade Law NOW IN JAIL Locked Up For Ihtimi datingr Witnesses For State . Simon Williams, Negro bootlegger and the King Pin of King Street night, life, who appears to have ter : Torized, Goobo HoUow residents, and . whosje ''activities were the' object of a sweeping investigation, conducted by local officers last week, is in the Perquimans County Jail where he is held : under a iousand dollar bond, haying been arrested by Officer M. G. Owens, on Wednesday, afternoon. Willfams is charged with. Interferfalg with , and intunldaang witaesses. He will be tried in Recorder's Court on Tuesday, on this charge and also on a charge of possessing liquor for sale. That Simon Williams' cafe on King Street, the scene of so many affairs which sooner or later found their way into Recorder's Court, was the big bootlegging headquarters of the Negro section of the town has long been known, but officers have, never been able before to catch Simon with the goods. Somehow, he has man aged to keep his operations under cover since his return from " the federal prison at Atlanta some years ago. His shop is said to be equipped with the most ingenious devices to protect his operations, including elec tric bells, sliding doors which open only from the inside, to protect those who drink in especially arranged booths, And other equipment - - Nobodoioiight iiqutr from Simon, would ever tell. JMBcen have searched " the ; premises ' time and again but have' been unable to get the evidence. Their efforts were re aewe& over the - week-end, however, and their determination was reward ed with success. J. T. Britt, Chief of Police, secured evidence against Simon last Saturday night and Simon was arrested for selling liquor, - but when the , ease came up for trial on Tuesday wit " nesses reversed the sworn statements previously made and signed before officers.. Two women," Roberta Jenk ins and Cora Martin, were sent t 'jail for perjury by Judge' Oakey, both being unable to provide the thousand dollar bond under which ach was ordered placed As a re sult of no evidence the case against Simon u noxnited.1 Bight then' began the investiga tions, when Silas. M. Whedbee, acting prosecnting attorney, ' interviewed and secured sworn statements from numerous men and women whom Mr. Whedbee believed had knowledge of the case. The investigation continued turoqgh Tuesday afternoon and Wed Tiesday, resulting in a bench warrant against Simon ; Williams, ; charging him with interfering with and intimi-dagng-- witneBses..."vi: $f,tt:: S&yij Meantime, ' on Tuesday night, Special Night Officer M G Owens, secured a searcn warrant, aeterminea nd the liquor .which he. felt sure m had hidden. - Mr.? Owens took along Officer Britt and Deputy Officer C. E. Walker, and the three men searched for a long time before the cache was located.: Simon ' " had re . ,built a large writing desk, concealing cleverly arranged compartments, and in each . one reposed ' v gingefTfle bottle i filled with whiskey. Thirty eight of these were found, each in its own pigeon hole. ; The " liquor was " taken to .the Court House to, housed as evidce;.; : Simoiu wa;i arrested - and released . tmderfnb'IZolOlJMk j ?; . ' It was after? this toe as'sjaiied :i in default of a thousand dollar bond on the charge of interfering with and t mUmidatmg'i:witnesse8.,Hi:sf r-T WOMAN'S CLUB TO -MEET DECEMBER 19 : Meeting ' Week i Earlier Due 'To The Chrigtmaa Holidays; Will Give J ; ' '. The December meeting of the Hert ford Woman's Club" will be held on , Thursday, December W, ; which is a week in advance of the regular meet , ing time.. The mettirj . is held, a week earlier because tie regular meeting time falls ia the Chricimas holidays Pre: tszla st t!.: 'A time t i at CI.--: 1 '1 tv V r 'r School Holidays Be Dec 20 To Jan. 2 . Christmas holidays for the schools of Perquimans County will begin on Friday, December 20, and will last until January 2, accord ing to an announcement made this week by F. T. Johnson, Superin tendent of Education. RED CROSS SIGNERS LAGGING IN DRIVE Less Than 50 Percent Secured in the County According to Mrs. C. P. Morris, County Chairman Mrs. C. P. Morris, chairman of the Red Cross Roll Call, reports that less than fifty percent of Perquimans County's quota of one hundred dol lars has been collected up to the present .The campaign has been extended to continue through next week, and everybody who wishes to join the Red Cross is. asked to do so whether or not a personal call has been made. Any one who desires to make a con tribution may, if it is more conven ient than to give the dollar to one of the canvassers, leave the money at the office of The Perquimans Weekly. As has been previously stated, half of the money collected remains in the county for local work. The matter of using this fund to help to finance a course, in home nursing for the senior class in the Perquimans High School, Is being discussed, but as yet no definite plan has been made as to this. Following are the names of those who have joined the Red Cross Roll Call up to the present Additional names will- be published next week: -,( Mrs. D. S. Darden, Mrs. Guy New by: Mrs. TV J.- Nixon. Jr.. Mrs. Trim Wilson, Mrs. R. M. Fowler, Mrs. J. R. Stokes, Mrs. Isa Tucker, Mrs. V. N. Darden, Mrs. F, T- Johnson, Hotel Hertford, Mrs. T. P. Brintt, Mrs. R. T. Clarke, Mrs. R. M. Potter, Mrs. C. C. Winslew, Mrs. A. W. Hefren, Mrs. E. E. Payne, Mrs. T. S. White, Miss Mae Wood Winslow, E. T. Jillson, Mrs. E. T. Jillson, Mrs. R. A. Perry, Walter H. Oakey, Jr., Thomas Nixon, Mrs. Thomas Nixon, Charles Whed bee, Mrs. Charles Whedbee, J. E. Morris. Central Grocerv. Mnnran Walker, J. Broughton & Bro., John son, wmte Vr. L-uther H. But ler, Simon Rutenberg, Mrs. J. E. Winslow.-; Mrs. Mittin Mater XVh Fred Winslow, Mark Gregory, J. c! wanenara go., Davenport A BlanchardV Mrs. C F. Sumner, Jr Mra. C. F. Sumner, Sr, Mrs. G. T. Hawkins, Mrs. C P. Morris, Mrs. V. A. Holdren, Mrs. E. L. Reed, Hollo well Chevrolet Co.. Momn'a Mmtorn Grocery, Mrs. P. H, Small, W. M. morgan, Mrs. Clyde McCallum, Mrs. C. G. Stephens, and Miss Kate M. Blanchard. v r Contributions were made by Miss Esther Evans, Miss Scott Mrs. J. C. Blanchard and Miss Evelyn Riddick. Jurors Drawn For January Term Court ; The following jurors were drawn Monday by Master Howard Brough ton for Hie County Commissioners, the jurors to serve at the January term of Perquimans Superior Court, which will be. for the trial of civil cases only: ' ' . :.H. P. Hollowell, Wallace Bright. A. R. Window, Jr., H; G. Swain, J. P. Elliott " J. ,B. Whedbee, B. F. Bray, G. R. Tucker, Lr R.' Webb, W. F. Hollowell, i E V Lee . Hurdle F. N. Mansfield Nathan Mathews, Joel F. HollowelL Demnsev A- Winslow. ..N. REHIott, T- R, Ward, Elvin Spivey, w;i . jLong, JosBua; C. : Winslow H. G. Baker, Arba Winslowi and R. Lee Layden. .. 'X. s; .y-. Sunday School Class . Meets Tuesday Night ; :The . Judson '' Memorial Sunday School Class of the Hertford Baptist ChurclL :held ltrf,, ,xejgar meeting' '-at the- home of Miss Marie' Fowler on Tuesday night ; ' .'. '' " ' - Mrs, Josiah Elliott had charge of the program, Dainty 'refreshments were "served. ' dujring the aocial.hour followmg. . : i;. t?i,mx ' Those present y were Mesdames Charles. Johnson; Josiah Elliott, Sid ney i Layden, Tommy ? Miller, Bill Boyce, Klarie Whitei Kermit Lane, and - Misses Elizabeth Wood, Lucille Cotton, I's.-a Powell, Katherlne C J " i Cl7'M, Arry Lane, Ovic Clubs Aid In Beau4 tifying Streets In Town PLANT 100 TREES Mrs. B. W. Thach Con tributes 50 Mimosa Trees Mrs. B. W. Thach is contributing the mimosa trees which will be plant ed in Hertford next week. A hundred trees are to be set out by the town of Hertford on the high way through the town, from the Per quimans River Bridge to the Perqui mans High School, Hf ty mimosa trees and fifty dogwood trees A committee from the Civics De partment of the Hertford Woman's Club, under the' direction of Mrs. R. T. White, is designating spots at which the trees are to be planted, the Hertford Rotary Club will sret the trees and the Town will have them planted. There are large quantities of dog wood trees on privately owned prop erty throughout the county, but it is probable that the trees will be taken from the county-owned property near WlnfalL A number of the home owners on the highway who wish to have crepe myrtle trees planted have evpressed the intention of putting out crepe myrtles in front of their homes, at their own expense, and it is believed that many will do this, thus adding much to the beauty of the highway. Perquimans High School Raises Fund To Buy China-Silver The china-silver project went over big at the Perquimans High School. A campaign was instituted recently to provide china and silver for the high-school to be used in the many affaffil given each year by the school. Heretofore it has been 'necessary to borrow the china and silcer, which is a great deal of trouble to those re sponsible for the articles. The children were each called upon to contribute a small sum, and a very generous response was given, and sil ver and china to serve 150 persons will be purchased immediately. Miss Jessup Expected Return Home Sunday - Miss Katherlne Jessup is conval escing satisfactorily after an opera tion for appendicitis. Miss Jessup, who had been stricken for a few days, was taken to the Protestant Hospital in Norfolk in the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day, where she immediately underwent an operation. She is expected to return home on Sunday. Session Of Recorder Court Held Tuesday Pauline Ryan, colored, plead guilty to the charge of assault with a dead ly weapon in Recorder's Court Tues day. Prayer for judgment was con tinued upon payment of one-half the court costs. Joseph Harrell, colored, plead guilty to larceny and was sent to the roads for thirty days. X';K- Sadie Grisselle, colored, plead guil ty to the charge of being drunk and disorderly! and was sentenced to thir ty days on the roads, the sentence tc be suspended upon payment of a fine of ten' doUeM; v Weldon Mabin and Mock Rountree, charged with affray,: were, found not guilty;'-;.;, ;ufMi4'''; ' Elihu Key, colored, plead guilty to the charge of. assault, and was ' sen tenced to the roads for thirty days, the road f sentence to be suspendec upon, payment of a fifteen dollar fine William Reed was found guilty o! assault with a deadly weapon. Prayer for 'judgment was continued for She year upon"" payment V of the court costs.;'vS;Sf .K SvtXy- :. 1 Roberta Jenkins and Cora Martin, witnesses in the case agafast Simon WilUams,-' who made statement on tiie witness J stand contradicting j previously sworn statement signed be fore officers, were ordered sent to jail by Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., to await trial at the Atfrfl: term of Perquimans Superior Court for per jury. Bond was fixed in the sum of J1CC3 each. Roberta Jenkins was l '-r r :i from JsO, following f-tCirr krtrt'-i'-an Ey e ourt. . Attorney Tells Commis- sioners They Have No Jurisdiction motiojTdenied Claims Oakey Acted Il legally; Whedbee Now Prosecutor In spite of the vigorous protest of W. G. Edwards, through his attorney, J. R. Edwards, of Greenville, the Board of County Commissioners, at their regular meeting on Monday, made a temporary appointment of a prosecuting attorney for Perquimans Recorder's Court, to serve in the place of W. G. Edwards, who was for bidden indefinitely to serve as prose cuting attorney by Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., on November 19, said ap pointee, Silas M. Whedbee, to act as prosecutor until the Superior Court acts upon the appeal of Mr. Edwards in the matter now pending. The next session of Perquimans Superior Court will convene in January. W. G. Edwards was elected prose cuting attorney in 1934 and served as such until November 19, 1935, at which time Judge Oakey read an or der in open court which set forth that, whereas W. G. Edwards had appeared in open court on November 12 in an advanced state of intoxica tion, and that despite warning from the bench his condition became pro gressively worse during' the day un til it became necessary to adjourn court before the business nf the ses sion had been completed, and because or several similar occurrences during the past year, that great discredit and unfavorable reflection had been cast upon the court, that the said W G. ftdwards was adjudged in con tempt of court and forbidden indef initely to practice at the bar of Per quimans Recorder's Court. Silas V Whedbee, the former prosecuting at torney, was requested by Judge Oakey to act in the capacity of pro secutinsr attorney nendinc the nation of the Board of County Commission ers, which Board was requested to fix the compensation of Mr. Whed bee. Upon the reading of the order by Judge Oakey, J. R. Edwards, repre senting his brother, noted an appeal to Superior Court. At the -next ses sion of Recorder's Court, on Novem ber 26, J. R. Edwards, representing the former prosecuting attorney, ap peared with his brother and tendered W. G. Edwards' services as prosecu tor and requested Judge Oakey tc find as a fact that Mr. Edwards was not intoxicated on this occasion, and to further find that he was not in toxicated on November 19, when the order was made? Judge Oakey re fused to go into the matter and again requested S. M. Whedbee tc prosecute the docket. The position taken . by the attor ney for the former prosecuting at torney, as he stated his case before the Board on Monday, is that Judge Oakey had no legal right to forbid the prosecutor to act indefinitely ae prosecuting attorney; that he could only forbid him for one term at the time, and that the Board of Commis sioners had no right to take any ac tion in the matter. Mr. Edwards stated and reiterated the statement that it was a matter which was not the responsibility of the Board and that the Board was merely borrow ing trouble and taking into consider ation something they did not have anything to do with. Before making any statement in the matter, Mr. Edwards asked the Board if theyf intended removing his brother from office, stating that un less they did so he would have noth ing to say'. The chairman, E. M. Perry, answered that, . as Mr. Ed wards had already been removed from office i by Judge Oakey, the Board would not find it necessary to do anything further in the matter than to make the appointment of e prosecuting attorney. Charles .Whedbee. attorney for the Board, after Mr. Edwards' statement that it was hot the Board's responsi bility to make .; such 1 appointment, said, "I will, advise the Board that it is up to them and their duty to do so." - ' , . During the rather lengthy discus sion, of the matter before the Board of Commissioners, when Mr. Edwards was insisting . that it was . the Re corder's privilege only to forbid the prosecuting attorney v to practice at one term at a time, Chas. ? Whedbee remarked that.it would be a very unpleasant; situation if the Judge of Recorder's -Court were placed in the (Continued on Page Four) Woman's Club Is Offering Prizes For Decorations The. Hertford Woman's Club is offering prizes for Christmas dec orations. A prize will be given for the prettiest outside, living Christ mas tree; a prize will be given for the most attractively decorated window or door, outside decora tions, and a prize for the most at tractively decorated store window. LOCAL POST OFFICE ANXIOUS RENDER BEST OF SERVICE Postmaster Morris Offers Timely Suggestions To Patrons That Will Help In an effort to render a better ser vice to the hundreds of people mail ing Christmas packages and greet ing, Postmaster J. E. Morris and the Post Office force are asking that the patrons of the office also help in making the service they receive this Christmas the very best, and is offer ing the following suggestions to thp patrons, which if followed will abso lutely insure a better service to every person sending or receiving Christ mas mail. Don't wait until the last week to mail your packages. The volume of mail increases more than 200 percent during Christmas, which makes it impossible to render an efficient ser vice if everyone waits until the very last to mail. Wrap and tie your parcels well. Use strong twine and heavy paper. Always tell the postal clerk whether your package contains perishable or fragile articles, so that he may so mark the package, which will insure better handling. Parcels 100 inches in length and girth combined, and weighing not over 70 pounds can hf mailed. After the parcel is securely wrapped then comes the most impor tant part of the senders duty, which is a well written or printed address which is easy to read, and also your return address- If the parcel you are mailing is valuable it will be well to insure or register the package or letter. Th fee for insurance and registration i veVy small, but protects you againsl loss. Dressed fowl may be sent in the mails for short distances, provil. ed they are well packed so that no leakage will occur. It is strongjy suggested that a special dftlivexy stamp be used in mailing such arti cles. A special delivery stamp guar antees delivery of the article imme diately after it reaches the office of addressee. In order that the patrons, might familiarize themselves with the rules governing the mailing of Christmas greeting cards and letters, the rules are quoted below: Greeting cards not in envelope, one cent. Greeting cards in envelopes not sealed, and bearing only the name ol sender and a simple greeting, LV& cent Any card or letter with any writng except as quoted above, n envelopes whether sealed or unsealed, 3 cents. It is especially urged by the Post master that patrons wishing to either mail or get parcels from the Post Office, avoid the hours between 12 o'clock Noon and 2:80 P. M., as much as possible, as the heavy incoming mails between now and Christmas makes it necessary that the windows to the Post Office be closed for at least an hour between these hours Always bring your package notice when calling for a package. Rev. D. S. Dempsey Has Special Sermons Rev. D. S. Dempsey, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, has an nounced two interesting topics on which he will preach next Sunday: "How To Get Rich" is the subject of the sermon to be delivered on Sunday morning, and in the evening the subject is "How To Be Happy." The public is cordially invited to attend these services. WEEK OF PRAYER The Week of Prayer service, was held Tuesday afternoon at 'the Bap tist Church at ' Chapanoke. A very interesting program watt given by the following ladies t Mrs. Johnnie Bray, Mrs. J. -C. Wilson, Jr, and Mrs. Ar-J tnur uogue. - : ; , Would Increase Capaci ty at Belyiaere Win fall and New Hope THREESOTOOLS Plan Would Eliminate Five SmallSchools In County Three big schools to take the place of the numerous small schools scat tered throughout that section of the county north of the Perquimans Riv er, is the present plan of the Board of Education, the members of which appeared before the Board of County Commissioners on Monday and re quested the BOard to approve the ap plication for a loan of fifty thousand dollars, instead of the forty-six hun dred and fifty dollar loan previously approve . It is the purpose of the Board of Education to build larger buildings at Winfall and Belvidere-, where two new buildings are necessary, than was previously provided for, and to improve and enlarge the school at New Hope, and to have these three schools take care of all the children in that section of the county north of the Perquimans River. This plan will' make the New Hope school a six-teacher school; instead of the three-teacher school' it now is, and the three schools; Wbodville, Snow Hill and White Hat, will' be consoli dated with this school'. The Whiteston school wiH be con solidated with the Belvidere school, and the Chapanoke schoot will be consolidated with the Winfail School. The Board of Commissioners ap proved' the-plan. Only One Donation For Will Rogers Fund Mrs. R. T. Clarke has made the only contribution made in Hertford to the Will Rogers Memorial Fund, according- to information given out by the Hertford Banking Company, which is custodian fbT the fund in Perquimans.. The campaign which originally was announced to end on Thanksgiving' Day, has been extended to December IB, so there is stilT time to contri bute to thi& fund if arry so desire. Turkey Supper At Parish House Friday The- annual bazaar and turkey sup per will be served at the Parish House on Friday at 6 o'clock. There will be the usual turkey supper, also a chicken salad plate, with hot coffe, at attractive prices. Home-made pound cake and devil's food cake will also be served. Home made candies will be sold, as usual. Hand-made articles, including prac tical things such as pillow cases, ap rons and other plain articles, will be sold. The public is invited. Bishop Darst Be At Holy Trinity Sunday The Right Reverend Thomas C. Darst, of Wilmington, Bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina, will make his annual visitation to Hertford next Sunday and will preach at Holy Trinity Church at the 11 o'clock ser vice on Sunday morning. Bishop Darst is always given a warm welcome in Hertford, where he has preached regularly each year for the past twenty years, and where he has many friends. A cordial invitation to hear Bishop Darst is extended to the public. Former Residents Move To Hertford Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Elliott. Mrs. R. D. Elliott and Darius Elliott, for mer Hertford residents, who have, re cently been living at Weldon, moved Dack to Hertford last week. Mr. El liott, after spending a few days - in Hertford, left Monday for California to begin work on the job he recently accepted with the Frits Ziebarth Electrical Engineers, which company is constructing a transmission line between Boulder Dam, on the Colo-; rado River, and Southern California. Mrs. Elliott will join her husband in the West sometime in the spring. ' s. : Visits Parent at Bethel ss Annie Wilma Curtis, of Nor folk, Va," spent the week-end with, her parents, Mr. and lira, W. E. Cut ; us, at Bethel '. -; . , " - -; .

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