, ' fit' ' v ' ' . -r i . - ' I 1 ' . - I i jfc' i i & I tin -'vii ii iwr 1 1 f av i j"v l m , iwi ; iu it ii J 4 v Volume jLi. inUxh Weddiiig Miss Nixon So 1 v Pdpmar : V County ;. Girl Weds Frank Bnght well Skinner OLD FAMILIES Newlyweds Will Make Future Home In : Statesvifle The wedding1 of Miss Elizabeth Mae Nixon, daughter of Mrs. Mae and the late Thomas J.' Nixon, Sr., of the Winfall section of Perquimans Coun ty, ' and' Mr. Frank Brightwell Skin nerj son . of Dr4 and Mrs. . J.. J. Skin nerj of Washington, p. C, took place Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, De t&HSifZ; i9!:Hoiy '. Trinity. Church in Heraord;'ii:the presence of a large .number1 of friends and relatives. The rector, ' the Bev,.E. T. Jillson, of ficiated. . ',' , , ' . The church was effectively deco rated with Christmas flowers and evergreens -and was lighted with Cathedral candles. ' The bride, whc was given in mar riage by her brother, Mr. Irving Nix on, wore a gown of white angel crepe, fashioned on severely simple lines, with a bateau neck and long fitted sleeves, a white hat and accessories to match. Miss Charlotte Nixon, the bride's sister, was maid of honor and the only attendant. She wore a dress of red taffeta, with gold accessories. The bridegroom had as his best man his brother, Mr. Joshua H. Skinner, of Troy, New York, . .The ushers were Mr. Jfed Nixon, a brother of the bride, and Mr, Herbert Nixon and Mr; Jesse , P. Perry, , , Muiiuaiia -vAtuniy uign scnooi ana me University of, Maryland Hospital in Baltimore where she has made her home tor the " last 'five -years,-;:, Mr. Skinner is a graduate of McKinley Technical High School, Washington, D. C., and the University , of North Carolina, where he was a member of the Kappa Alpha fraternity. He has spent considerable time in Perquim ans! County, where he is well known and has many , relatives. The wedding, unites two of the old est families of the Albemarle section, whose ancestors were . among the earlier settlers of Colonial North Carolina.-, : t,"-.4';,-1-:" --.-. A reception followed the ceremony at tithe county home of the bride groom's family, where relatives and intimate friends were entertained. Mr. Skinner 1b" av . member -of .the' staff of the soil conservation service, U. S. Department of Agriculture," and is (ationed at Statesville. ' After a shaft wedding trip' the newly wedded couple wiir .nsiA'HiV'tiieit.. Extension Workers .; -Stuae:Igram ' ''ami Agricultural authorities agree thai the complexity, of modern civilization has given rise to farm problems un like any that have Deen .encountered ' ' before. . To : aid' in l( the solution if se problems have been called the philos opher and the sociologist,' as well as the scientific research woTker and the farmer in the field.; ". : . " ' Tiie 'broid'eiiwWWl-'' toil economic aspects of rural life must be consid ered in the development of an ade quate long-time farm program, said Dean J. 0.' Schaub, ? director ? of the State College agricultural extension seJrvice..W :vV';pt';' With this in view) North Carolina's extension , worl::rs ,.'maie a - special study of s the dcer ;; fcr pllcatfop's of present conditions whHa iokSii.i'lheir 1 annual conference; at Etatollcge last week. .. . -fr , Tn working -out sound program, the dean said, they must encc";?age ' farmers ; to cooperate :'; .in .balaiic'f "j " their farming schedules ' so as ti . maintain their " own self-sufficiency while t: producing " the S commodities needed' by 'society??? iftX' "Not only must we promote better cultural' praetlcc.V';he 'lKt we must also Btady t.e maiketj to determine the t ;t : li: ' n t .1.3 dulcs. , ' j "Ve heed to i&4 cart'al ebhr'Jya f t!on to the welfare of tke farmer end '. I'a family, to t' s devdcjssnt cf tit ter K t r 1 a .mora '';'-l, lemnized i hursdav TV t' I "A WEEKIiY, NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO,TIB? UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD :-":;K; q the Lindbergh Quits America JNew York" City Aroused by a fresh avalanche of threatening letters; following recenfattacks on the con viction of Bruno Richard Hauptmanr f or the "kidnaping and murder of hu first son,' Col. Charles' A. Lindbergh, his wife and 3-year-old son, Jon. sail ed Becretly for England, fi(;ry thej will make their home.' fingllsh 1 re spect for law and order isT'given a the Colonel's' determination to quit the -United States. Eden British Foreiitn Minister ' London, England Close upon col lapse of , Franco-British plan giving Italy half of, Ethiopia to end African war,. Capt. Anthony Eden, implacable foe to Mussolini's aggression, as sumes Foreign Ministry resigned by Sir Samuel Hoare, who negotiated th discarded deal with French Premiei LavaL Prime Minister Stanley Bald win revealed dangerous proximity to war, while Britain moves to modem ize entire army and solidify the new coalition of Mediterranean countries in support of League of Natioi stand against Italy. Threat Or Promise? Des Moines, la. Describing two stick-up men who robbed bank where she worked, Cecelia Galantine said they "weren't so bad looking." Later she received a postcard: "Thanks for the compliment. We'll be back later better looking than ever. Bart and Diogenes Loses Out : Washington, D. C. -VAttired in sandals, a yellow toga ;with purple edging and carrying an unlighted lantern, Harris Tzotis, Detroit restau rant man, paraded Capital streets and invaded Supreme Court Building wit! a canvas bag labeled "Quo Vadis Uncle Sam?" His search for ar honest man landed him in a hospita' for mental observation. Artichoke War New York City" Racketeers havr long skimmed $1,000,000 graft yearly from, the handling of artichokes, f av ored tid-bit of this city's liuge Italian population. - To end the gouge, Mayor LaGuardia appeared before dawn a largest municipal market and by pro clamation forbade all dealings in thf thirsty .delicacy. California growerr cheered, willing to lose Bales to shake off gangsters' tribute. Only twice before have New York, mayors rr sorted i t V ancient " proclamations h insure peace in city. Pj-esident Cuts Bed Tape 5 San Francisco Jii When :;Toyohiko Eagawa' famous Japanese "Christia teacher, arrived' there, immigration authorities ;detained him t because of trachoma, an infectuous eye disease. Many protests arrived- at the White House. Assured that a doctor or nurse Wduld constantly accompanr the djtinguishd visitor,' Vthe Presi dent snipped -tap,"' allowed him t beginhis: tour of America. , , ' ' - .,.., , ,,,, -. ,,;..', $&M S.' StlU Iarsne Hopson AVashingtonV P. Cj-4-After sweatinfj' Howard (X. Hopsoh much of the sun Lmer" about - his. manipulation of the Associated, Gas. & Electric system Uncle Sim; has played ''tarumpetttf by slapping tax liens on. the big util ity for $57,000,000, representing Fed eral taxes, interest and .penalties ; o' four'Veara'tuldeclarrincome.A on wopson iumsen was served ;,oe mand for arrears of $12104 jm "ids personal .income w.W, Political Spectre"" tooms Washington;; D.; C -Politicians re fnkly . worried 'over campaign dan gers of the Townsend play to pay s?, Americans over4 60 ; years $200 pe? month; V Already! ii" Michigan district has elected ; Qpngiassm-tt pledged r the scheme ' T,ownsendites ! claim 150 ,3rpp.art3rs:;Sh''.'i :thi'Vl6wrj( :;hdU8e;In spite ' of economists,' .plea that thr "n ia "ctter faras'.' V Townsend ( ' i -9 rT-'l:.x alarminr;" - ; , j; . :J r - c'aL.is. 25,000,000 sisnalcres tuusu j his program. A I."king r in- Hertforderqmmane6untNorth;.Garolinat Friday, December 27, 1935. . EIRIE DESTROYS FILLING STATION ffllOSIMAS iDM Building on Hertford Edenton Road Burns About & A. M. NO INSURANCE Property ot Winslow Oil Co. and Operated by Claude Chappell rire destroyed tne Khejl service station ..on the Hsrtfdrd-Edenton highway early Christnias nornng. - ,The istation, wHch was .1wned" V. the Winslow Oil Company,, of" Hert ford, ana -operated by Claude, Chap' pell,' Wfesr discovered at .about :4 o'clock in the mornintr bv. MrrChai)- pell, "wh"(F wa, Sleeping in a room ad- jacerir to the. station. ... J. minett Winslow, of the Winsiuw Oil, CoTripiany, estimated the extent of the loss to be approximately twelve to; fourteen hundred dollars. There was no insurance. The origin of the fire is undeterm ined. Crowd Braves Storm To Attend Program At Baptist Church Through the worst snow storm tc strike Hertford in years an interested crowd of people went to the Baptis' Church Sunday night to attend thf community Christmas service given under the direction of Miss Kate Blanchard and Mrs. S. P. Jessup, when the story of the birth of Christ was beautifully told in songs and liv ing pictures. Probably one-third of the pews of the tmtarCftrwere -.HIBSI, "aiid thSse who braved the, storm felt well repaid foi their efforts. Numerous requests that the beau tiful entertainment be repeated have been made, and it is possible that this will be done aftc-r the return of Miss Blanchard from Louisburg, where he is spending' Christmas. Commercial Classes Be Reorganized At School Commercial classes at the Per quimans High School are to be reor ganized when school begins again af ter Christmas, according to an an nouncement made by the commercial teacher, Miss Ruth Carson. Miss Carson has requested that any one wishing ,to .enroll for the com mercial course must get in touch with her before : January 2, when school opens.,, , .:- .- . hour? 8 reomy "sections" provide 2 passengers with comfortable day an night travel at high altitudes. Trans continental lrr" Western Air ' Line: agreed tQ purchase the first Douglas meeting specifications for $125,00C have options on 60 more at $58,000. New Campaign Cry Washington,' D. O. - Republican have aimed a? hard' word at the ad ministration, aiv a .slogan, of . the com ing presjderitial campaign: "Squander lust" They point to a current defici' of $800)00,0001 a total nation debt of more than 80 billions. In th meantime the President and his" a visers are' bending over "the bijr iol of effecting- economies in me relief programs. . . .. . ' v Sports Favorite New. York City Associated Press announces results of a newspaper poll tcr determinemost .popular sports .flg-vitf-$,1Shs:j.4-JojMd$ leads with -184' votes' ' James T. 1 Braddock, the actual heavyweight champion, &bt only 7 yotesOther, leaders; Golfer Lawson UttuvfiilSB: Sprinter ' Jesse Owens, 61; Chicago ,.U.' Footballer Jay. Benyingeri' 42; Detroit t Baseballer M'ckey Cochrane; 19. a Helen . Wflls Moody, .tennis .oueen, ledithe, women's , division Vwith- ,I36L'irote8. Mv jj- fliBWwIi In.Debs;. ,, ,lNew -.York Cityr-rJiaunching i'debu: tante in (Gothfim jsopiety costs all the wayjfrorttj $100 :-toi75,0QP.andj. af highly orratsisedi business -conduct ed by Vsocialr?retaries.whohandlf, all deta'ls;-V; Miss tMedora Roosevelt distant cousin of the sPresident,;,nn- derrates the whole process.; Thf TcheTor whrtjch ',"dcb' parties, she, sW a"MiW- i7itercEted;tH-iii' ft-. 1 r- f fo0'l"-t''.r,in i.i taatinony . c . wt r l la toxf REPORT NEW LOW IN TEMPERATURE Bm PEROUIMANS Mercury Drops to Eight Degrees During Wed nesday Night PLUMBERS BUSY Much Ice Along River Shore But Stream Is Not Frozen Over The .. lowest temperature ever re ported in P!rc(u1mans was reached at 6 o'clock on Thursday morning of thif weak, whewxlM- thermometer at the jQpejfWS?PSeviee Station in Hert- forft eroppwl tb-8:v i Setew "r1'eeing.Jnjpexatares havj prevaHeH mf-pfriajajiB for several day ji ThS';m6rt;uryj. .dropped mor than -2D "d'egre's. '..duriag , Wednesda; night; when a high wind blew fo several hours. - Plumbers have been kept busy throughout the week, with water pipes frozen in many of the homep of the town. There is much ice along the river shores, but the river has not been frozen over because of the winds. Little of the snow which fell or Sunday night has melted. Newspapers Best News Medium, Declares Noted Statesman In Magazine New York. Primacy of the news paper press as the "only real and trustworthy medium for dissemina tion of news and the moulding of pub lic opinion',' is upheld by Winston Churchill, noted English statesman. After a thorough analysis of the subject, Mr. Churchill is convinced "thete cin"ber no'-really serious chal lenge to the press for either radio or moving pictures," and, looking fur ther ahead, from promised television. "I believe that both England and America can be proud of their press," he says, writing in Collier's. "I be lieve they can trust their press. In other countries whose peoples are less intelligent or where educa tion is less careful of the individual mind, the future of publicity may lie with radio and moving pictures. Un der distatorships the press is bound to languish, and the loud-speaker and the film to become ever more import ant. But where free institutions are indigenous to the soil, and men have the habit of liberty, the press will continue to be the Fourth Estate, the vigilant guardian of the rights of the ordinary citizen." Mr. Churchill sees no "menace in advertisements" nor does he believe there could ever be any successful corner of news and opinion in the United States or England. "It would be affectation to ignore two burning questions," the Collier? article by Mr. Churchill continues. "The concentration of newspaper ownership in relatively few hands and the power of advertisers to dictate policy are both held to trespass upon the freedom Of the press. "Frankly, I. think that both these fears are exaggerated. There is saf ety in numbers. A press combine must, as a matter of business, dele gate a large measure of responsibility for policy to its editors and a great editor stamps ' his own personality upon the paper Which he controls, and no newspaper can afford to suppress important news which its rivals will print. "There is certainly no menace in advertisements." It was the develop ment of commercial advertising that first enabled the press to stand on its own feet, without relying on subsidies from governments or politicians, and revenue from this sousce is. still the bulwark of its independence today. , 4AdyerUB.era -are -business men-r-they pay;, to ,hajve -k their announce ment, placed before the largest pos sible public,, and they ought to know that permanent! circulations can only be secured by .honest news and, honest "A ' free, press its . the unsleeping guardian of every "other right that free ' wen pme? dttia the f,oipstu.dan oferouk foe of tyranny,", he h writes U Woadeti- ihen Athat the i great democracies nave always peen quicic jflleiifltfli; limlt.iti in denendence or to bring it under regu- libstwaq Program tosfs.1 U f At Befhlehenr Church fT)ieretwiil be aVChristmaS tree .and a special Christmas, program at the Rethlehem. Christian , Church, near 'Tertford, on Sunday nbht, to which AND PERQUIMANS COUOTY H. G. Winslow Named Mayor Of Hertford HIT OR MISS THE- NEW YEAR I am the New Year, and I come tc you pure and unstained, Fresh frofii the hand of God, Each day,, a precious pearl to you i given ' That you must string upon the silver thrtidfLife, - , ' Once stfflW'c'an' never b Unthreaded. buSfjs','... . ;;";' Ah Shdymg recora o your faith and skilj. . . . Each golden, minute Knk , you then must weld, into -the chain of hour? That is -no longer than its weakest link. Into your hajidsT is given all .the wealth and.power . To make your life just what' you will. I give to you, free and unstinted twelve glorious months . Of soothing rain and sunshine golden; The days for work and rest, the nights for peaceful slumber. All that I have I give with love un spoken. All that I ask you keep the faith unbroken! Selected. WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY T "In the home it is kindness. In business it is honesty. In society it is helpfulness. In work it is fairness Toward the unfortunate it is the helping hand. Toward the weak it is burden bearing. Toward the wicked it is evangelism. Toward the strong it is trust. Toward the penitent it is forgive ness. Toward ourselves it is self-control. Toward God it is reverence, wor ship and Love. And the foundation stone, the un dergirding motive of all the motives, is the Spirit of Christ." The Southern Churchman. COUNTY ENJOYS WHITE CHRISTMAS First Time In Many Years That Ground Was Covered With Snow Over Christmas Snow on the ground on Christmas Day! This was the first white Christ mas in this section in many years. Snow began falling at 2:30 on Sun day afternoon and continued until midnight, with the result that on Monday morning the earth was cov ered in a blanket of white.' It. has not snowed here at Christ mas before "since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary." This only applies to the younger gener tion, however, as some of the older folks distinctly recall a Christmas when everything was covered ir white. One recalls that either in 1891 or 1892 it began snowing on Christmas Eve and that the snow continued to fall through most of Christmas Day. That was a heavy snow. Another says that once since then. probably around 1900, there was snow at Christmas. But it has been sufficiently rare to give those Who love a picture post card Christmas s real thrill at the sight of snow at Christmas, and nobody under thirty has ever seensnow in Perquimans a' Christmas before. 3,053 Bales Of Cotton Ginned To Dec 13th W. M. Harrell, special agent foT the Bureau of the Census, Depart ment of Commerce, reports that there were 8.053 bales of cotton ginned in Perquimans County from the crop of 1936 prior to December 13, as com pared with 4,574 bales ginrted to De cember 18 of the- crop' of 1984. Joint HostsrFriday To 'The Big Eight" Club i .Oarke' Stokea apd Jack Anderson were joint hosts to The Big Eight'1 Club' ont Friday 'nighV when a bridge party was grven at " the home of the former. "Two" tables' were' arranged and - those , nlavmsr included France Newby Ruth HoUowell, Ruth' Wins low,: Geneva -White, .DurwooA Reed. George Fields . and the 'two host? Jack. Anderson and Clarke Stokes. ' Ruth .Winslow ;,wa i the," winner of the high score prize, a box of candy. i Dainty refreshments of ice cream $1.25 Per Year, Fills Unexpired Term of E. L. Reed, Recently Resigned CHANGESALARIES R N. Hines Appointed Commissioner' of Pub lic Works H. G. Winslow was appointed Mayor of Hertford to fill the unex pired term of E. L. Reed, who recent ly1 resigned the position, by the Board of Commissioners at a special meeting held on Monday night. The position of Commissioner of Public Works was given to R. N. Hines, who has served for several years as town electrician, and who will perform the duties of both of- (Some rearrangement of salaries was made by the commissioners, re sulting in an increase in the salary of Mr. Hines, and also in an increase in the salary paid to V.;. Newby, town clerk, who will be given extra duties under the new arrangement. An increase was also made in the salary of the mayor. Mr. Hines, who formerly received $160 per month as electrician, will be paid $175, an increase of $25 for his additional duties. W. G. Newby, who formerly was paid $150, will receive $165, an in crease of $15. Thirty dollars per month will bf paid the Mayor. Under the former arrangement Mayor Reed was paid $12.50 per month as Mayor and $65 per month as commissioner of public works, making a salary of $77.50 which Mr. Reed received. The new Mayor is -a prominent Hertford attorney, and was for a number of years clerk of the Su perior Court of Perquimans County. trover C. Talbot Killed In Automobile Wreck Word was received in Hertford on Saturday of the death of Grover C. Talbot, of Norwood, Pa., who was killed in an automobile accident that day. The telegram received by Mrs. L. R. Crawford, a sister-in-law ol Mr. Talbot3id not give any of the details of the accident, merely stating that he was killed in an automobile accident that morning. Mr. Talbot, who married Miss Bes sie Riddick, of Hertford, lived in Hertford about 25 years ago. Surviving are his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Clarendon South- mayde, of Prospect Park, Pa., and Miss Ellen Talbot, of Norwood, Pa. 1,000 Pounds Stolen Sugar Is Recovered A thousand pounds of sugar stolen from the warehouse of Reed Fel- ton on Christmas night was located by M. G. Owens, special night police man, shortly after the loot had been carried to a vacant house on Grubb street. The thief, a colored man who said he was from Elizabeth City, and whose name could not be learned, was taken at the scene. He was smoking a cigarette in the room where he had the sugar cached when the officer came upon him. There were ten bags of the sugar each containing a hundred pounds. rmon Subjects For Baptist Church Sunday Rev. D. S. Dempsey, pastor of the Hertford Baptist, Church, announces as subjects of his next Sunday's ser mons, The Written Past," to be de livered .at the' morning service, and "Intimacy With Christ," to be deliv ered at the evening service. The public is cordially invited to attend. . Mrs. Stallings Buried Saturday Afternoon Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie Stallings, aged 63, 'who died Friday . morning at 8 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Turner, at Belvideip, were held Saturday after nooa at Sandy Cross Baptist church, with the Rev, Mr. Woodall, the pas tor, conducting the services. Burial took place-, in the family r burying ground. ' 1 , ' Surviving JUrSv ; Stallings are the , following children;? Mrs,. H. A. Turner, 1 : , Kr. H, A. I'iiov: Mrs, Judson. ture, " IT"1!! EtatSngs; Mrs. Job Stall- Stallings and "Whittle. ,the r,!' ii cordially invited. ti cske were ser.:i. , '

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