THE PERQUIMANS "WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1935. PAGE THREE ViM.'U.i.'. llWKiKt :MV : :ii:ii;i,m i i CHAPTER , 6 . hat His Govs Bmaa . . m CamfoAoW, rpetor, op- ping mt Bern Fronouco o th wag Aoms to New York, folk in tovt with girl, who, k it thocktd to loom, it th notoriont Steady fmrtntr to Loul ChanuUU in th management of tht trooktd gambling h&vue, tht Bella Donna Et loiet hi fortune at her whttt, but th rtttortt it to him vehen h play again, and urge him to re tnm home,. Meanwhile, tht Vigilant art forming 'to axenge iht death of a miner, thot by ChamalW heneh . man. HOMEWARD BOUND Swan was sitting- in the drawing Nroom of the Bella Donna, staring oat into the fog which had again wept over the Golden Gate, when Chamalia burst into the room with a group Qf followers. " ' ' "The guns " are ' in the closet," Chamalia -called oat "Pais them around." He stamped nervously np and down the room. (i '"law and order! Well, here's my orders, and dont get them f wrong: Round np the boys and And . a gvaasg bv tv- mr -fr-and-co! I'm going .bern'dawn Httterr bunding wtth. a VlgflanU k HI Waltv r stBte!-'Ye'B-e Slenty of money. . . . Bill, bow much v we got downstairs ?' "We got nothing," said Bill gloom fly; ' ....... . . . ... , waat do yon mean?" Ton ten him, Swan,". Bin said. "Whtngon lov, "We lost," Swan said ahortly, , "What table?" "Mine." " "tlow much?" A UtUe over $70,000." 1 Who ran the wheel?" I did." . lhurmii turned to his gang. . "Go on, boys. You got your or lers. I'll be along." He closed the door upon them and ' (-heeled around to face Swan. s. "Who was it, Swan?" Swan told him. "Oh, that's him, eh?" Chamalia a prowled. "Listen. I'm going to bring . four little friend back to see you igain. 1 m going out lor you to lie' n again to his pretty poetry. Lock v ter in. Bill, and keep her waiting un v U I come back with her sweetheart" The key turned in the lock. Swan ' talked over to the window, and then -rheeled around with sudden premoni tion. There was Jim standing at to other end of the room, regarding ter intently. ; The Etcaie Swan regarded him in' silence. Then ae laughed, coldly, nervoualv. "Mr. Chamalia is looking for you, "I heard," Jim aaid quietly. .'"..v. Rwin '(rmi. .'v iaVI don't think this is quite the aace tor you to aide a." "I'm not hiding," Jim said softly. Swan became angry.--::. -.-' "Ton fool, get out of beret Don't on understand ? Chamalia is looking ., or you to aui your f:-:-v-r "Wbv ahould he want 1 -do that f" sjlm asked aJowr,:..;ivi'?: r . "Because he's mad. Because he ibors under the delusion that fm in eve witt you...s;vl.::?.-'v:;.' w "Are you?'! asked Jim almnlvi' Swan began to laugh hysterically, ' J .r ... a. il t. . 1 ' "You must be mad, too,; she said. i' "I love you," Jim aaid. The hard expression left. Swan's ace as if by magic. . Her ' laughter eased. An expression of pain took a Is place, h wnen ene spoke again it r. fas in a new voice; low and miser- ble. "Why did you come back to make le cry? I have never cried since I ame here. Uo away and thank you, ihank yon for being what I thought " en were nice, so nice." z"1 , Tou're coining back with me," Jim , aid. He caught her in hie arms. v Swan wept and struggled to release .' enelf. T no good, do you heart I i'.i bat you. I did lie to you, Don't iU me say it again. Too much has -"nd to me." : . . - -t.otUcr has, happened," Jn a' 'J Tr. "iili pla' has nerr er' L YouTl see. t.Itn j ?n kre, i.i li tie fog t"t eKes down, ai I i est ev'r:iJt I t yearsc J aci ryoa feL" - . atea) mm - a. y-n r"e - trrn a j u t. "i, you. r.:.' r l'.Le i. tf'jl r. Jo j i a re?' IFt-fc i r J"rnismsmiTrsMiTirTif -rir-ri-"niMi--fiiiiiMiriiir TiniMHii.fiffivinrrnrHini V - ' tr VNITeO AHTI5T4 t,, "Mot that way," she exclaimed ai be led her toward the door. HOv here. There's a window." 'But -Chamalia was not long in die covering their escape. Despite the threat of the Vigilantes, he et out in hud pursuit. Out in midstream, poking their waj In- a rowboat. towards the Flyint Cloud, wreathed in the fog, Jim anc Swan, murmured to each, other th words they had been longing to say since drat they saw each other. "Do yon still love me J" Jim aiked. Swan, whotwas steering, abandoned the oar, and dropped to his feet. "My dear, ask me'-that when I'n an old woman with gray hair. Asl me when I'm dying, . sometime, sur rounded by our grandchildren, anj I'U tell you I haven't begun to lov. you ytt." - "It's bard rowing when , you're so emotional," aaid Jim, smiling fondly. "If I splash you it's because I'm so confused." Riiddenlv Swan irrew tanse. L ..JShh"! . K J heard somethtag. Over mere, ustenr ' It was Chamalia. And the fog was -lifting. . Desperately, the lovers row ed,, bat the. sound of the pursuing, oars grew more and more distinct. Soon they could make ont the' dim outlines" of the ether boat A shot rang out, and Jim dropped hie oar, and dumped forward. ' f " ..-The fog swirjea, around tkem again, UnTpwrlly-savior -tem' from their pursuers; Swan fu riously. ' The " breakwater 4' wharf kosaed.betere tbeie? sa aad for this shelter, dragging tow incon- , dons Jim ashore .with great effort, to where the rocks partUuy hid them. JDscape was but for the moment Hardly had she reached shelter, when Swan heard a voice call ont: Wt like a fog" "They landed aomewheres around here." Swan held her breath. Chamalia and his crew were aahore. They paased her hiding place no more than a few feet away. And then Jim groaned. "I Got to Do It" u Instantly, Chamalia appeared before them,, gun in hand. He aimed it at the semi-conscious man. . "I'U put him out of bisiseryl" he snarled. k. But Swan threw heraelf'at him, clinging to his knees. "Louia, listen," she salt "Yon wanted something from mo J you wanted me to love you. Dtf you still want it, Louis? Do you? Then let him go. Don't kUI him. And 111 love VOU the mr nn'n J tf forget him . . , J swear wu . "How do I know?" Chamalia ask ed, huaitatln L b BwasTl five you my word. Not Swan's word, but the word of some one you've never known yet . . . aOmaOIM Vanll Ilka fnnh .1 - . " MHLU LUUi Swatt.-; " V-. ' . . ; i -1 , "I'll do iU Rtimlla .M "I got to doit That's what I want' . Shamir, ho nrArA hi. i.. tfke Jim aboard the-Flying Cloud, to the ship's doctor. Swan thanked him tearfully. xr-i:.-r v- ?. . TOThe fog had lifted. Aboard the Flying Cloud was a bustle of activity, ae the sails were unfurled, prepara tory to weighing anchor. ' Bwan atooneil- in bl Tt i.. lay on a blanket stretched out . for min- on aect una turned away -to-ChauiaUs, her face white and tenae, - j gnie g, sne saia. ,- shore. 'Tin thw JL . - - . viicu vu LU the dock Swan turned to Chamalia: iuanar you," ane said. , . - - y"j f Chamalia stared. , Yon HM tliiiiilr ma " ' ' T! "Thank you again. ' then, Swan' said gratefuUy.-. "I'U always thank ' you. ; You'fl never regret it," , . v But Chaaialis had reached a deci sion. . f . r - v . ."rmsnevJr Vnin' ta Mmf' ltw 1.. Said CllJ iV.v'hftc.n.a V. . t to see jrncato. I don't take pres- . . CntS O r ' r.fkfttm -alaanami fV AU, . - WHHV.w...ia .yVa take r 's off . anrhndv. T rin v ?en. . . annVa 41.a...VI-S1.ka - . " - . . "fym, ' Mw VKKuaiHVB ; appearel t ..uBrh the Brlinln la - tue out, menacing. fi- V meir leaaer saML a t c ? t", fia a4 aj' Li;'i- alt ' t r - - t'r cf i v t i , 4 . ' ' 1 - ' i .vr " 'it' I 1 TtJ KING CAROL HUNTS ? FOR ANOTHER WIFE Seeks ft German Bride After f Helen Snubs Reunion. BochareatBuchareat la hearing re portg of King Carol's lntentloni of breaking his long relaUonship - with red-haired Mme. Lupescn and getting respectably married to a princess of royal blood. It Is reported , that he approached his divorced wife Helena with a view tu offering a reconciliation, but that she declined the offer and the king Is consequently looking for a suitable bride. It Is a fact that for the Brat time In ten. years Carol spent hi summer holidays without Lnpescu," It Is also true that Prince Friedrfch of Hohen-zollern-Sigtnaringen, the king's uncle and the bead of the. Hohensnllern branch to which beliihs -thiH kihtr at ' Rbmanla, has been in Romania on an Important family mission at the court of his nephew. -Qneen Marie. Prince Nicholas and ex-Queen Elizabeth of Greece are in constant communication with Carol. The greatest secrecy surrounds these family councils. Rumor has it that Prince Frledrlvh of Hohenzollern-Slgmarlngen will be entrusted with the mission of finding Qkroi a wife of German royal blood. Lu'pesca leads'a retired life In a vil la pn the outskirts of Bucharest. She seldom" appears n public and devotes sow most of her time to discreet char ity activities. Recently she donated an important sum for the' erection of a jOreek-Orthodox church at 8lnaia, the picturesque village in the Carpathian ilttoniitalns where Carol and she spent .fjtyt ..happiest moments of their ro-Mac.''h- ' olittcal leaden In recent months f"" uejparjngjgBM uaxoi must choose between Lnpescu and revolo- -itlon. Th romors Indicate ho has mads felt choice. Classified and Legal Notices WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS Must be free from buttons and hooks. Will pay 5c per pound. Bring to The Perquimans Weekly, in the Gregory Building, Hertford KEYS MADE, SAFE COMBINA tions changed, guns repaired, and any work of a locksmith done in first class order. See Geo. Leary, Queen St.. Edenton. N. C. tf SALESMEN WANTED . GOOD RAWLEIGH ROUTE NOW open near you. Industrious man can earn better than average in come. Complete line of household necessities established 46 years Permanent No investment or ex perience needed. Write us today. Rawleigh, Dept NCL-100-Q, Rich mond. Va. It NOTIICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Mary H. Miller, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hert ford, N. C, Route 2, on or before the 26th dav of December, 19S6, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This 19th day of December, 1935. SARAH E. WHITE, Administratrix of Mary H. Miller, Deceased. - ' Dec27JahS,10,174,81 NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of an order of resale of the Superior Court of ' Perquimans County, made because of upset bids, in the Spetlil. Proceeding, entitled Mollie W. Lane, Administratrix of U. C. Ward, deceased, vs. i Mollie W Lane et als, the undersigned commis sioner will on Wednesday, January 8 1936, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, agair offer for sale ; to, the highest bidde for cash, the following described tracts of land in Hertford Township Perquimans County, N. C.t ' First Tract Bounded by lands c: Nora Rogerson, R. E. Chappell estate Chinquapin and Poplar Neck Roads, containing 44 acres, more "or less being part of Jerry Floyd lands an. Warren Welch tract - Second Tract Bounded by lands of T. C. Whedbee estate, Goodwin's Mil! Road, W. W. Copeland, Jos. Blanch ard Estate et als, containing 60 acres! more or less, 'being tracts bought of T. B. Lamb, W. A- Felton, L. M. Land and Jos.: Blanchard, deceased. TWrd Tract--Beginnlng at J.-'O Felton line near Yellow house road fork and running said line S. 48 W 6 chains, thence N. 88 E. 6 chains to a stake in; F T. Felton- field, then N 10 W. 4 chains along road to the be ginning, containing 1- 1-5 -acres, be ing the store lot -( : .,' Fourth Tract; Beginning public road E. L. Winslow's line and run ning his line N." 81 E. 18 chains tc E. L. Vinslow and Henry Dail's co tier, then alonj H Dail line S. 42 F t' : h. tlen S. 47 E. 6 chains rlccsi, then alonj road . ,s u. f-s ' r--i, t i t - public road to beginning, . containing 10 acres, more or less. Fifth Tract Bounded by lands of Ueorge Davis, faster Boone, Henrj Newby tract, the Axie tract and J. P. Winslow .tract containing 43 acres, more or less, being the Feltor Ward home place. Bidding on above tracts will start as follows: Tract No. 1 at $253: tract No. 2 at $363; tract No. 3 at $209,' tract No, 4 at $44; tract No. at $1,737-75. This. 24th day of December, 1935. H. G. WINSLIW, d27Jan3 : Commissioner. , NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havine OUallfled as AHminlatraAr of the estate of Henry T. Turner, de ceased, late - of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notlfv -Al! persons hayjng claims against the es tate of said decease4 to exhibit them to' the- undersigned at Belvidere, N. C, on or before the 80 day of Novem ber, 1936, or this notice will be plead ed in bar pi their recovery. "All per sons 'indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 30 day of November, 1935. AMBROSE TURNER, Administrator of Henry T Turner. Dcc.6,130,27aTan.3,10. NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a deed of trust exe cuted to -me by Margaret W. Cohoon and husband, Walter L. Cohoon, for certain , purposes therein mentioned, which said deed of trust bears date of January ,20th, 1930, and is regis tered in the; office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C, in Book 16 page 640, I shall at 12 o'clock M. on Saturday, December 28, 1935, offer for, pale at the Court House door in the said County, at public auetion, for cash, the property conveyed; to me- in aaid deed of trust, The following described property, situate in New Hope Township, Per quimans County, North Carolina, to wit: 1st Tract Bounded on the North by Tom Simons and Wilson heirs, on the East by Ferry Road, on the South by Ben Grey and on the West by the Public Road from Woodville to New Hope, containing 180 acres, more or less, and being the lands where C. E. Jayden, deceased, lived at his home. 2nd Tract. Bounded on the north and east by C. E. Layden, South by Ford Canal, and west by road lead ing from New Hope to Woodville, containing 1 acre, more or less, and known as Hickory Grove School House Lot. Both tracts being parts of the Co lumbus Layden Lands. And being the same property con veyed by Silas M. Whedbee, Commis (MM We wish to purchase Cotton or Linen rags They must be CLEAN and FREE FROM BUTTONS, HOOKS or PINS Wiilllli pay 5c psir IWd. EDirnimg them tt ubs M Ha DP Gregory - Wa. Duiitiinf? sioner, to Margaret Cohoon by deed dated January 6, 1930. This November 25th, 1935. J. KENYON WILSON, Trustee. Dec.6,13,20,27 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Quinton T. Johnson, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons. having claims against the es tate of said deceased tc exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 12th day of Decem ber, 1936, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 12 day of December, 1935. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Administrator of Quinton T. Johnson. Dec.l3,207Jan.8,10,17 NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY The undersigned will offer for sale, for cash, on Wednesday, January 8th, 936, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the resi dence of the late Archie R. Miller, near Winfall in Parkville Township. Perquimans County N. C, the fol lowing personal property: 14 Mules 2 Horses 14 Cows Peanut Hay Corn 1 Farm Wagon 1 Horse Cart 1 John Deere Disc Plow 1 International Riding Plow 1 Gordan Bean Harvester 1 Grist Mill 1 Feed Grinder 1 Pair Bellows 1 Drill Press 1 Dirt Scoop 1 Steel New Ground Plow, and all other farming implements and personal property. J. W. WARD, Administrator of A. R- Miller Estate. Dec.l3,207aTan.3 North Carolina In The Superior Court Perquimans County S. M. Sutton Vs. John Sutton, Townsend Sutton, Lem uel Sutton. Fred Norcum, Israel Norcum. NOTICE The defendants. Fred Norcum and Israel Norcum. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Perauimans County, North Carolina, to sell for division certain lands situ ate lying and being in said county, of which the plaintiff and defendants are tenants in common; and the said defendants will further take notice Truro) ISA ; ) i . that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county - in the 'Court House in Hertford. North Carolina, op or before the 4th day of January, 1936. and answer or demur to the complaint, or special proceeding, filed in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint or special proceeding. This 10th day of December, 1935. W. H. PITT, Clerk Saperior Court, Perquimans County. Walter G. Edwards Attorney for Plaintiff DecJ307JanJ NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Charles W. Mor gan, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 28 day of November, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 28th day of November, 1935. ANNIE TOMS MORGAN, Administratrix of Charles W. Morgan Nov.29J)ec.6,1307Jan.3 CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE Early Jersey, Charleston Wakefield and Flat Dutch See Me For Prices JOHN O. WHITE, JR. Route 1 HERTFORD, N. C. FOR SALE FARM LANDS and TOWN LOTS For Cash or on Easy Terms H. G. WINSLOW HERTFORD, N. C in Hertford; NC. , . i i

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