. "x tin i rfo ..-r i WEEKLY DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY, Volume IILrNumber 3. 1 - i ertfor.d, Perquimans County, North Carolina, .Friday. January 11936. $1.25 Per Year I I 11 ii .r i nertrora Standard Gil Of N. J. John Pitt Seeks $100,- 000 Damages For Injuries TWOSUITS Transferred From Hert ford to United States District Court John Pitt, of Hertford, has insti v tuted damage suits against the Standard Oil Company, of New Jer sey, for one hundred thousand dol lars, onje suit for fifty thousand for actual damages alleged to have been sustained when the plaintiff operated a service station in Hertford and handled the Standard Oil Company's products exclusively, and one for -fifty thousand for punitive damages t& The suits which w,ere at first insti tuted in Perquimans Superior Court, were shortly thereafter transferred to the United States District Court at Elizabeth City. The complaints allege that Mr. Pitt lost the use Of hi arms and legs and "has become practically totally and permanently blind in one eye,'? - and that the other eye has been im 'paired; that he has been rendered incapable of doing any type of work because of injuries resulting from handling the Company's products." Lead deriviatives in the Company's products, listed as Esso, Essolene and others, resulted in lead poison ing, the complaints allege. It is charged that the Standard Oil Company had exclusive knowl edge of the dangers of its products and did not instruct Mr. Pitt in the careful handling necessary for pro tection against injury. Governor Ehringhaus Greeted In Hertford The Hon. J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Governor of North Carolina, and distinguished son of the Albemarle, who was in Hertford on Wednesday, was very cordially greeted by many of his old friends who in former years were more or less closely as sociated with the Governor when he practiced law in Elizabeth City and was a frequent visitor to Hertford. Attorney Ehringhaus generally ap peared at every term of Perquimans Superior Court in the old days and always when anycase of particular importance was taken up. The Govrenor was a witness Wed nesday in a hearing from Carteret County held here before Attorney J. D. Grimes, of Washington, N. C., Referee, at which hearing a number of out-of-town lawyers were pres ent. Methodist Ladies Plan Unique Supper Something unique in the way of church suppers is the one being giv en on Thursday night of next week by the ladies of the Delia Sham burger Missionary Society of the Hertford M.-'E. Chtoch. The supper, which is a chicken salaed plate, will be delivered anywhere in town from the home of Mrs. Charlie Skinner. The ladies figure that as Thursday night is cook's night, off in most of the homes of the town, there will be considerable calls for. suppers to be delivered. MRS. J. L. LEGGETT SPENDS SEVERAL; DACS AT HOME Mrs. J,-If. Leggett, who is spending the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Ur sula Carter, jat Fentress,. Va., was ,t. ; home for, 8eveiS4aycently, re turning tQ-.Fenteess: wk;iwk- Mra Leggett's son,tliur?teggettv of Elizabeth City,; spentf; Sunday", Jier witfc his mother.ii p. trs. Iirwtt nlansj to: return to Hertford andi;Openf hetpusH .sope timein the";eariyprfagifSt;fe . "1 iM i r ! RETURNS FROM HOSPltALi Mw. C, O. " White, - who fives near Hertford on the Burgess road, retnrn ed Monday, fqto three-weeksrstay at tie ProteitantHospitat f0lkTiW;Bh 2 Sopefation-jMrs. 'H. condition: is reported as satisfactory,; ? .;;!..'. RIRTH .ANNOUNCEMENT f('l '''Bwn tqi ''an4iMra,sGnes?Korr VV"fiegay,' S their home at Burgawj on ll Saturday, Jannary IS, W36; a danghi M'h$lMr:.6rnegay;:'wa the former and faC.T.R..Win8lowyi!of Bert - Wa Sues Man Perquimans Girls Take Second Game From E. City Team With a score more than double that of their opponents, the girls' basketball team of the Perquimans High School took their second game from Elizabeth City on the local court on Tuesday night, the final score being 62 to 30. In the first half the line-up was as follows: Forwards, Blanche Chappell, Margaret Tadlock and Elizabeth Trueblood; guards, Syble Lamb, Louise Delaney and Sara Ward. These played a good game but were outclassed. In the last minute of the first quarter the score was 14 to 6 for Elizabeth City. At this time the lineup was changed to the regular team, minus Prue Newby, and the game really started. Edith Everett was changed from her position as guard to that of for ward and played a wonderful game. Although Perquimans took the lead and kept it in the second and third quarters, the score- was still too close for comfort, being 26 to 29 for Perquimans. , In' the last minute of the third quarter Prue Newby, who has been out of practice for more than a week with a sprained back, went in for Everett, who took Lamb's place as guard. In the last nine minutes of the game Newby scored 26 points and the game was over. Newby was high scorer, with 26 points to her credit, and Nowell was second, with 16 points. These scores were made possible by the wonderful floor work and co operation of Mabel Spivey and the guards. A fair crowd of fans witnessed the game. In the game between Elizabeth City and P. C. H. S. boys which fol lowed the girls' game, the Elizabeth City boys were victorious, the score being 13 to 23. Durants Neck Club Meets At New Hope The Durants Neck Woman's Club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. H. Gregory in New Hope, with eight members present. Mrs. J. W. Jackson was appointed food leader, and Mrs. L. R. Webb, garden leader. Miss Gladys Hamrick, home agent, distributed various recipes and meal planning guides, and make a very in teresting and helpful taik on "An Adequate Food Supply."-Shp also gave the history of coffee and show ed the coffee bean in its various stages as she explained and demon strated the art of coffee making. Delicious refreshments, with the coffee, were served by the hostess. Those present were: Mrs. L. R. Webb, Mrs. Earl Perry, Mrs. J. W. Jackson, Mrs. T. A. Hurdle, Mrs. C. E. Sutton, Mrs. J. H. Gregory, Miss Gladys Hamrick and Miss Rebecca Webb. Ray Perry Breaks Arm Riding Horse Ray, the ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Perry, had the mis fortune to break ., an arm when he fell off a. horse he was riding at the home of his parents on Monday Ray was brought to Hertford, where the: injured arm received attention, and his condition is reported as sat isfactory. Dr. T. A. , Cpx;;Receives Letter Prom President - iV -r Ml . -. Dr. ' T, Ax Coxy who! sent a congra tulatory" wire to President Roosevelt upon the occasion of this message-2to Ppnril ceivs 2 " a nerson&l . acknowledgment hifie; Resident a ; week, Djr.3 Co .is a great admirer :- ox Jf resutent Roosevelt and. he ' treasures , the let ter which expressed ..appreciation' of Dr. Cox's words of approval. . 'to'Mf."'l": -; ' UlCa DVAMO Iltfi TfTkCDTT At ?' ' Miss Esther Evans, English teach er in Ihe Perquimans High .School, is a- patient at the f Frotestant Hos pital,: tluyf. cently underwent an .operation for appendicitis. Miss Evans' condition is reported as satisfactory. " Mrs. W. H. Pitt, a former! teacher m tijr hf school, t Evans during her tllness. " In the Wh school, is; teaching for FARMERS HOPING GET SUBSTITUTE FOR AlA PLAN L. W. Anderson Keeps In Close Touch With Situation ANXIOUS Leaders Concentrate on Plan of Major Crop Control There seems to be little doubt but that some simplified but more or less ambitious farm measure will pass Congress at t,his season. Farm lead ers throughout the country are con centrating on some immediate plan to provide for government control of major crops. L. W. Anderson, Perquimans Coun ty Farm Agent, who has kept in close touch with the situation through the Extension Department of State College and other sources since the collapse of the AAA program, stated this week that he felt reason ably certain that there would be a crop control system in operation in time to permit of cotton and peanuts being included in the program for this' year, but that there was little hope that potatoes could be included, as planting time is so close. A great many of the farmers of Perquimans, said Mr. Anderson, have asked him for information on the subject and have expressed the hope that a crop control program will be put into effect in time for this year's planting. Four days aitei the Supreme Court announced the AAA unconsti tutional more than a hundred farm leaders from various parts of the country assembled at Washington and conferred with Secretary Wal lace. The administration had no monopoly on plans, however, as farm organization in many parts of the country throughout the Nation had suggestions for workable plans. That the new plan will embrace the soil conservation idea and will be worked in correction therewith, is generally believed, although no de finite, plan has been made public as yet. A bill vhich is being prepared will probably be introduced in Con gress within the next few days. Former Resident Buys Dry Cleaning Plant Mrs. Lena Gregory, former Hert ford resident, who for the past year has been living in Norfolk, Va., has moVed back to Hertford and has purchased the dry cleaning establish ment formerly operated by Cecil Winslow. The new business, with which will be associated Mrs. Gregory's two sons, Tim and Noah, will be under the personal managament of Mrs. Gregory and will be known as Gre gory's Cleaning Works. The family has rented apartments in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. C Buck, on Church Street. Morgan Buying New Furniture More and finer furniture will make its appearance shortly in the store of W. .M. Morgan as a result of the visit of Mr. Morgan and L. L; Wins low to the High Point Furniture Ex hibition this week. Mr. ' Morgan and Mr. Winslow spent several days this week at the semi-annual affair at High Point, and, will return the latter part of the week. Mr.v Morgan stated before leaving that he expected to replenish his stock while in High Point, ship ment of his purchases . to be made immediately. yh . n Unemployed Urged Register On Fridays A representative from the Edenton district, of . the N. C. State Employ ment Service: will be in the Court Honse at Hertford, from 9 o'clock A. NU to 4 io'clock-P M, on. Friday, of each 'wemitUrer iotice for the takmg; of registrations and look ing . atev other business; ofthe ' Em ploymeht Service, v, All' 'unemployed residents of t Perquimans County should see this representative, at the above designated time and place. 5lHEYWOOD BUTLER BETTER VHeywood Butler,-., who underwent an- operation at a Norfolk hospital 6n Thursday morning, is convalescing Satisfactorily. ' Mr. Butler's father, the . Rev, A. A. Butler, spent several days 1n Norfolk, Va-, following the operation. - ,, , , , QUARTERLY MEET OF CLUB WOMEN NEXT SATURDAY Raleigh Nutritionist Be Special Speaker For Occasion AT 10:30 O'CLOCK Meeting Expected to Attract Many to Com munity House Miss Sallie Brooks, of Raleigh, As sistant Nutritionist, who is connected with the Extension Department of State College, will be the special guest speaker at the regular quarter ly meeting of the Perquimans County Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs to be held in Hertford on Sat urday. The meeting will convene at 10:30 o'clock at the Community House, with Mrs. M. T. Griffin, of Bethel, Federation president, presiding. Mrs. Thomas Nixon, of Hertford, who is chairman of the national or ganization of Better Homes in Amer ica, will make the address of wel come, after the devotional exercises which will be conducted by the wom en of the Whiteston Home Demon stration Club Miss Gladys Hamrick, Home Dem onstration Agent, will introduce the speaker, Miss Brooks, who will have a message of special interest to the women on this occasion. Miss Brooks has had a great deal of experience in home demonstration work and is prepared to impart information which will be of help to home makers. A special leaturc of the meeting will be community singing under the lead of Miss Kate M. Blanchard. The meeting will conclude with lunch, which will be carried by the women attending the meeting, and which will be served buffet style. These meetings have been well at tended in the past and have been occasions of great pleasure. It is the aim of Miss Hamrick and of the leaders of the various clubs through out the county to have a fuller at tendance than ever before, and all club women, and any others Interest ed, will be given a very cordial wel come. Beech Spring Club Holds Regular Meet The Woman's Club of Beech Spring community held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday at the Beech Spring school building with three members present. Two new mem bers were added to the roll and one visitor was present. Miss Gladys Hamrick demonstra tion agent, gave out several pamph lets on coffee. Garden and food leaders were ap pointed for this year: Mrs. D. J. Rogerson was appointed garden leader, and Mrs. A. E. Layden, food leader. The refreshment committee, Mrs. Beecher Stallings and Mrs. A. E. Layden, served delicious sandwiches and coffee. The demonstration for next month will be nice cooking, and the meet ing will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 11, with Mrs. Claude Perry. Those present were: Mesdames W. O. Hunter, J. F. Winslow, J. A. Madre, A. E. Layden, Beecher Stall ings, Vernon Winslow, Tom Madre, Claude Perry, D. J. Rogerson and Jarvis Forehand; Misses Callie Stall ings, Stella Rogerson, and Mary Davis; and Mrs. T. W. Nixon. Harry McMullan BWm In Hertford The friends of Harry McMullan, whose appointment as Assistant At torney General of North Carolina, was announced in Monday's daily pa pers, were somewhat chagrined that Mr. McMullan's birthplace was given as Hertford '.. County. . The error arose, of course from the fact that Mr. McMullan's birthplace was the Town of Hertford. That the Town of Hertford is not the county seat of Hertford County obviously is con fusing to many persons in the State. ' Harry McMullan, a son of the late Dr. J. H. and Mrs. McMullan, was born in . Hertford, , Perquimans County. '' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Withrow, at the Portestant Hospital, in Norfolk, Va., on Tuesday, Janu ary 21, a daughter. Mrs. Withrow was the former "Miss Minnie Mae Newbold, of Hertford. Walter Edwards Acts As Court's Prosecutor ROTARY DISTRICT MEET MAY 19-20 Approximately 1000 Rotarians and Wives From 50 Clubs in State Expected to Attend ! Hertford Rotarians are informed that plans are well under way for the annual conference of the 57th Dis trict of Rotary International to be held in Winston-Salem on May 19 and 20, when approximately a thous and Rotarians and their wives from the fifty clubs in the district are ex pected to attend the two-day gather ing. Cleveland Thayer, District Gover nor, of Asheboro, will preside over the sessions. Charles J. Phillips, of Greensboro, will be in charge of the program, which is described as "different, interesting and entertain ing." The convention last year was held in Raleigh. J. C. Blanchard Lucky To Escape Injury In Recent Wind Storm J. C. Blanchard, prominent Hert ford merchant, probably missed more narrowly than did any one else in this vicinty serious bodily harm in the severe wind storm which struck Hertford on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Blanchard backed his car from the garage of his home on Front Street at the moment that a huge limb from an old elm fell against a telephone pole, both the tree limb and the pole crashing to the ground within a few inches of the car. Nobody was hurt in Perquimans, so far as has been learned, but roofs were torn from barns, big trees were uprooted and limbs of trees were twisted off. The pleasure boat owned by the J. C. Blanchard family, which was moored back of the home, was blown across the river and sunk, and oilier small craft on the shore was blown from their moorings. The wind, which rose in the early afternoon, followed .a heavy rain in the mornin.tr, and continued until nightfall, when the mercury fell with surprising rapidity, dropping to 26 before Monday morning. Ladies' Aid Society Of Meadow Grove Meets The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meadow Grove Christian Church met on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Joe White. The president, Mrs. S. G. Chappell, called the meet ing to order, and "The Old Rugged Cross" was sung. After the Scrip ture reading, prayer was offered by Mrs. J. R. Chappell. Mrs. Joe White and Mrs. I. D. Chappell gave appro priate New Year's readings. New officers for the year were elected. The secretary gave a full report of last year's work, and it met with hearty approval from the members. The meeting closed with the singing of "God Be With You "Til We Meet Again. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. J. I. Chappell. The hostess served ambrosia and cake to the following: Mrs. J. R. Chappell, Mrs. W. P. Chappell, Mrs. Ida Edwards, Mrs. J. I. Chappell, Mrs. T. D. Chappell, Mrs. S. G. Chappell and Miss Gladys Chappell. Baptist Ladies Have Silver Tea Program The silver tea given at the home of Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood on Friday afternoon by4the ladies of the Judson Memorial Sunday school mass oi tne Hertford Baptist Church was a very delightful affair and was well at tended. Mrs. Charles E. Johnson rendered several beautiful piano selections and also sang two numbers. Mrs. H. C. Stokes and Mrs. W. E. White enter tained with humorous readings. Sandwiches, wafers and tea, fol lowed by mints, were served by a group of young girls. U. D. C. Honor Lee And Jackson There was an interesting meeting of the Skinner-Jones Chapter of' the United Daughters of the Confederacy on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. R. M. Riddick, with Mrs Rid dick and Mrs. C. V. Williford as joint hostessses. A Lee and Jackson program was the feature of the1 meeting, with all the assembly taking part. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Judge Shaw Rules That Oakey Exceeded His Authority CASEARGUED Edwards Faces Con tempt of Court Charge On February 4 Walter G. Edwards, prosecuting attorney in Perquimans County Re corder's Court, who was indefinitely forbidden on November 19th by Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., to ap pear in court as prosecutor, as a re sult of his appearance in court on previous occasions in an intoxicated condition, and who was automatically re-instated in office by the judgment of Superior Court Judge Thomas J. Shaw, before whom the matter was argued last week, was notified by Judge Oakey in open court on Tues day morning to appear on February 4th in Recorder's Court and show cause why he should, not he found in contempt of court On November 19th Judge Oakey read an order in open court which set forth that, whereas Walter G. Edwards had appeared in court on November 12th in an advanced state of intoxication, his condition becom ing such that it was necessary to ad journ court before the business of the session was finished, setting forth that he had on a number of previous occasions appeared in court in a like condition, he was indefinitely forbid den to act as prosecutor in said court. At this time Mr. Edwards, through his attorney, J. R. Edwards, of Greenville, gave notice of appeal to the Superior Court. The matter was later taken up with the Board of Commissioners, which body appointed Silas M. Whedbee, former prosecutor, to act as prosecuting attorney pend ing the hearing of the matter in Superior Court. Hon. Hallet S. Ward, of Washing ton, argued the matter before Judge Shaw during last week's term of Superior Court held here, after which Judge Shaw remanded the matter to the Recorder's Court, the judgment rendered by Judge Shaw reading as follows: "This cau.se coming on to be heard upon the appeal of W. G. Edwards i'rom the judgment of Walter H. Oakey, Jr., Judge of Recorder's Court of I'erquinians County, ad judging said W. G. Edwards guijty of contempt of court, ami fixing pun ishment by adjudging that said W. G. Edwards be indefinitely suspended from acting as prosecuting attorney in said Recorder's Court, and being heard, and it appearing to the Court from the judgment in this cause that the said Walter H. Oakey, Jr., Judge, adjudged said W. G. Edwards guilty of contempt of court for acts com mitted at a prior term of court, to wit, on November 12th, and dates prior thereto, and the judgment be ing rendered on November 19th, without giving said W. G. Edwards notice to appear and show cause why he should not be adjudged in con tempt; and it further appearing to the Court that the judgment indefin itely suspending said W. G. Edwards from appearing as Prosecuting At torney is erroneous in that it ex ceeds the punishment prescribed by statute, and is not in accord there with: "It is, therefore, ordered and de creed that this matter be hereby re manded to the Judge of the Re corder's Court of Perquimans County, to the end that he proceed therewith in accordance with the statutes gov erning such proceedings." Mr. Edwards appeared in court on Tuesday, carrying into court the war rants of cases to come up for trial, and took his place at the Prosecutor's desk. Immediately upon the opening of court, Judge Oakey read the judg ment 'of the Superior Cqurt, follow ing which he gave Mr. Edwards no tice to appear on February 4th and show cause why he should not be found in contempt of court- Mr. Edwards immediately left the court room, but was called back by Judge Oakey, who told the prosecu tor that he understood from the Su perior Court judgment that he was still in office, whereupon Mr. Edwards proceeded to try the docket. This was the first time Mr. Edwards had served as prosecuting attorney since November 12th, although he has ap peared in court regularly each week and tendered his services, requesting the court to find as a fact that he was not -at this time intoxicated. On each such occasion the motion was denied.

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