PAGE POUR THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. &, , FRIDAY. .JANUARY 81 1936 I f I'vi M1.M.M.MIMM i i'.UIg Sarah Brian, who is a stu dent at Duke University, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Jurs. k. I . tfrinn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brinn, who have recently been living at Roches ter, N. Y., are visiting Mr. Brinn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rosser Brinn. Bill Jessup, who is a student at Duke University, spent the week-end at home. . Edison Harris, who is a student at Wake Forest College, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Harris. . Miss Mary Ella Newsome, of Wake Forest, spent the week-end in Hertford as the guest of Mrs. Chas. E. Johnson. Mrs. B. F. Ainsley has returned from a week's visit to relatives at Columbia. Mrs. W. G. Hollowell. of Winfall. who has been sick for the past two weeks, is convalescent and is back at her post as saleswoman at the store of Simon s. L. W. Anderson and his son, Jack, Taylor Theatre EDENTON, N. C PROGRAM COMING WEEK ' Today (Thursday) and Friday, January 30-31 "HANDS ACROSS THE TABLE" Carole Lombard Fred MacMurray SATURDAY, FEB. 1 mxc29 (3 ft tsrcqj STARTS SATURDAY, FEB. 1 Dont Miss a Single Episode Monday and Tuesday Feb. 8-4 Lf, -- "DRv SOCRATES" Paul Muni - Ann Dvorak Wednesday, February 6 "M i" "MURDER MAN" lSpencer Tracy . yirgima Bruce L pi j - "V REPUBLIC X X PICTURES ajme PS s JXN "Top Hat," fMutiny on the m Xa C14 Kentucky." Watch y . '"'- f ? rTTi t?x attractions.'; spent the week-end in Raleigh. The condition of Mrs. P. H. Small, who has been very sick, is much im proved. ' Misses Carolyn and Hattie Weaver Kiddick, who are students at E. C, T. C, Greenville, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Riddick. The condition of Master Joe Towe, I. i ... " . . wno nas oeen sick witn an attack ot malaria, is much improved. Mrs.L. R. Crawford is on the sick list. Rev. A. A. Butler recently visited his son, Heywood Butler, of Wilson, who is & patient in a Norfolk Hospi tal. Mr. cuuer reports ins son convalescing satisfactorily. as Mr. And Mrs. Howell Honorees At Showei Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Howell, whose marriage took place during the Christmas holidays, were the honor ees of a miscellaneous shower given by a large number of their friends on Tuesday evening at the close of the Parent-Teacher Association meeting of the Beech Spnng school. Mra. Howell, who before her re cent marriage was Miss Delsie Whitehead, is the teacher at the Beech Spring school, and the shower was planned and carried out as a complete surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Howell were asked to come up on the stage at the close of the program, at which time, Miss Minnie Louise Nixon appeared and recited an original poem. Following this two tiny tots, Lizzie Ward Hun ter and Horace Layden, dressed as miniature bride and groom, pulled upon the stage a heavily laden wag on. The "load" proved to be gift packages for the bride and groom, which upon being opened were found to be most attractive and useful ar ticles for the new home of the new ly weds. There was an additional program of contests and games, and all of the prizes won were graciously present ed to the bride. Later in the evening dainty r freshments were served- - Those nresent included: Mrs. Ward Hunter and little daughter, Lizzie Ward, Miss Mary Davis, Master Mack Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Nixon and little daughter, Mae Wood; Mr. tnd Mrs. Jarvis Forehand and two daughters, Marjorie and Lucy; Mrs. C. B. Stallings, Miss Callie Stallings, Thurston Stallings, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Layden and children, Horace and Myra; Elliott Layden, Mr. and Mrs. John Hill and little son, Billy; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Perry, Misses Lil lian Rae and Paulette Perry, Misses Alma and Sybil Howell, Mr. and Mrs Wayland Howell and little daughter, Eleanor Faye: Mrs. Ben Winslow and children, Lawrence, Joyce and Rosa lyn; Mrs. D. J. Rogerson and son, Thomas; Miss Stella Rogerson, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Copeland and two children, Ethel and Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winslow and sons, John Newby, Tracy and Howard; Harry Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wins low, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nixon and daughters, Mariam and Minnie Lou ise; Preston Nixon, Miss Elizabeth Nixon, Judson Caddy, Jack Hunter, Miss Eleanor Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Perry, Mr. and Mrs . Jim Perry and son, James; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Layden, Tahnadge Stallings, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Goodwin and son, Will, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Good win and son, Earl, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Boyce and sons, Horace and Jutian; W. F. B. Sawyer and son, Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Perry and sons, Elwood and Vernon Lee; Joseph Perry, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. White head, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Miller and daughter, Doris; Alton Winslow, Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Walston. Announces Schedule -Of Club Meetings Miss Gladys Hamrick has an nounced the following dates of home demonstration club meetings for the month of February, all the meetings to be held at 2:30 in the afternoon, with the exception of the Durante Neck Club, which meets at 7:30 in the evening: Chapanoke Club, with Mrs. C. Quincy, on February 4. . Whiteston Club on February 6. Hunters Fork Club, with Mrs. R. R. Chappell. on February 7. Ballahack Club, with Mrs. L. B. Perry, on February 10. Beech Spring Club,' with Mrs. W. O. Hunter, on February 11. - Durante Neck Club, with Mrs. L. R. Webb, on February 11. Woodville Club, at the school house, on February 13. , . Bethel-Burgess Club, on February 14. ; Belvidere Club on February 19. -Miss Hamrick expects to take up breakfast cereals nd the menu of different types of breakfast wOl be discussed. There will also be given a demonstration of preparing meals. - All zen&ers are ured to attend tiafr Kt?.'.7i Czb inecUs. - MANY A SILK-STDCWNGfO GIRL GETS A RUN FOR HER MONEY P.T. A. Of Belvidere Meets At School The Parent-Teachers Association of Belvidere school met Monday nisrht. The meeting was opened with the hymn, "The Battle Hymn of the Re public." Mrs. Herman Winslow con ducted the devotional. After the business was transacted, the follow ing program was given: Song, "Dixie Land"; poem, "Robert E. Lee," by Mattie Lou Turner; reading. "The Death of the Old Year," Lois As bell; "Ring Out Wild Bells," Mrs. Edla Asbell; duet, "In the Garden," Mrs. Freeland Copeland and' Mrs. Murray Lane; reading, Mrs. F. C. White; "New Year's Resolutions" Harvey Chappell; reading, Worth Dale; songs by the 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades; jokes; Lois Asbell. Evelyn Copeland and Cassie Winslow. During the social hour, Mrs. Her man Winslow and her group served ' nome made candy and apples. Ford Co. Distributes valuable Almanac Publication of a "Farm Almanac and Facts Book" which will be dis tributed to the rural population in all parts of the country has been an nounced by the Ford Motor Company. Xhe book is of a convenient pocket size, containing 48 pages. It is un usual in makeup and content pre senting an extensive array of handy tables, statistics -and charts for the assistance of the farmer and business rman. Other sections are designed to aid the farm wife. This first Ford Almanac js publish ed for 1936 and is now being distri buted. It carries a readily available calendar on the back cover and con tains tables showing the time of rise and set of sun and moon in all parts of the country every day of the year. Other helpful and interesting astro logical and astronomical information is included. Among the other prominent sec tions of the book are: A list of mem orable historic events for each day of the year, facts about the universe, explanations of physical phenomena, a list of important festivals and an niversaries for the year, rules for foretelling weather conditions, popu lation statistics, facts and records on farming as an industry, , discussion of the farm of the future, informa tion on citizenship and naturaliza tion, a brief review of the history and development of the United States, "do's and don'ts" for use in emergencies, poisons and their anti dotes, instructions for floWer and vegetable gardening, crop seed sow ing instructions, a list of places of interest to the tourist, parcel post rules and regulations; temperature and rainfall charts, dates of killing frosts in all parts of the country, and a table of distances between the principal cities of the country. Stories on the founding and devel opment of the Ford Motor Company and about the Ford Rouge Plant, word pictures of famous Edison In stitute Museum and quaint Green field Village, established within a few miles of the Rouge Plant, are other features of the Ford Farm Almanac Never leave food in the tin in which it came after it has been open' . Empty the tin after using what is needed, and keep the rest in covered dish in the ice box. FOR SALE -at- J. P. Perry's Bargain Merchandise Store SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS , .7; ; WEEK-END Men's Suits .-$2.75 to $4.75 Boys' Suits, C. ft P. - $M5 Men Wool Pants 95e Men's Wool Vests ..,.,. .,2Sc Men's Top Coats - $&50 Overcoats .-.$3.75 to $4-75 Boys' and Girls' Coats We to $150 IT. S. Army Shirts , ; .,-50c Pants lL 75c HaU 50c V GRUBS STREET -Just Around the Corner Front .it Tie Test 0:e ., Missionary Society Of Bethel Has Meet The Woman's Missionary Society of Bethel Bantist ; Church met with the president, Mrs. J. M. Fleetwood, Wednesday afternoon.' The devo tional was conducted toy the presi dent Mrs. A. - F.: Porctor was in chanre of a verv interaatinr mm. gram, the topic being, "Thy King dom or Heaven Is Like . . ." The following members ' of the Society took part in the program r Mrs. S. M. Long, Mrs. J. C Hobos, Mrs. R. D. Creecv. Mrs. C. E. White nH Mrs Mary Hayman The meeting was dismissed by Mrs. M. T. Griffin. The hostess, assisted' by her daughter, Miss Catherine; served t delicious sweet course to the follow. ing members: Mrs. S. M. Long, Mrs. J. C. Hobbs, Mrs. C. T. Phil lips , Mrs. M N. Dail, Mrs. J. P. Chesson. Mrs. A. F. Proctor. Mrs. R. D. Creecy, Mrs. M. T. Griffin, Mrs. C. E. White, Mrs. Mary Haymon, and Mrs. J. M. Fleetwood. Chief Holdren Able To Be About Again Chief V. A. Holdren. ene-ineer of the municipal power plant, who has been sick is able to be out again. The chief, who has been sick for a couple of months, recently spent two weeks in bed. His condition is much improved and 'his friends were glad to see him down town this week. A Mystery Why would the average man rath. er be charged with malice than with maKing a blunder 7 Hurt By Little Things Little minds are too much hurt Mr little things.. Great minds perceive tnem all, and consequently are not touched by them. Two County Couples Figure In Double Wedding: Jan. 25tf Two Perquimans Countv eounfea figured in a double wedding which took place in Suffolk. Vs.. on Ratiir. I day, January 25, When Miss Margaret wmw, or lurate Three, Hertford, be came the bride of John Wesley Pike, of Winfall. and Miss Thelma of Winfall, and Harry Smith, Jr., were united in marriage. ; Mrs. me is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey White, who live on Route Three, Hertford. Mr. Pike is a son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Pike, f Winfall. This couple are making BBBH8BBBB8BS8SHSBBESSBBSSSSBBB&BBSBSS3BSSI CHASE & SANBORN NEW ENGLAND ALL FLAVORS Coffee Mince Meat Jello Per lb. Per lb. 2 for S7c 15c age SWEET POTATOES RAISIN BRAN No. 2'2 Size Can........ 1SC 3 pkgs. for: SgC SWEET PICKLES HERSHEY COCOA -Quart jar . ..... SEC y2 lb. box SgC THOMPSON'S MALTED MILK One Bound Can for... Milk Shaker Free NO. 1 YELLOW- CLING LUXURY LIBBfY'S TOMATO Pcacheo Macaroni Juices for .: . S pkgs.' for S cans acg 1 sea I ae Armour's and Iibby's or Bertie Herring Roe rW Corned Beef, 2 cans.....V.i 2 cans . SSO EXTRA GOOD ; PINT BOTTLE , - BARTLETT Oaucrliraqt PrpmicrSyrup Pearo " Saturda1 February 1: is the last day of ;Sale, and we urge every thrifty shopper to take advantage of the ' i i ' , great savings we are off enng.: , , . L . . . A' ' 104 Years of Service T-cri's'' Sirs their hone with 'the bridegroom's parents., ; , , . v Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Mr. and 'Mra. John Lane, who live near WinfalL Mr. Smith:- is the son of Mr. and "Mrs. Harry. Smith,. Sr., who live -near .WinfalL v; Mr. and Mrs. Smith are living near Winfall r Both young couples are very popu lar with a wide circle of friends in their j community.- ft, I STOP THE LEAKS NOWI UJ(2 WE COVER ROOFS! WITH METAL! The experience of our expert metal work ers means a good job for you and we guar antee it. Drop us a card or call us. Byrum Bros. Hardware Ck "Everything In Hariwsaw and Supplies" PHONE 4 EDENTON, N. C PHONE 4 eeeeeeeeteM '"" 'Quality Merchandise - . f tZZi Dr. T. A. Cox HERTFORD; J?. C OFFICE HOURS 9 a. m. to' 12 m. 2 p. m. to 6 p. BV Galvanised Metal 5-V Crnrp Metal Slate Scrface Roofing Composition Roofing Roofing Cement Roofing- Nails our JahiifiTv nnpp f . " Right Pricef V to nzTrcrA N. c M H 4 I