- I .A THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY; FEBRUARY 7, 1936. PAGE THREE " THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Published every Friday at The Vreaqwipap',; Weekly fflce in the Gregory ; Building, Church Street, Hertford, N, C. MATTIE LISTER WHITE Editor Day Phone 88 Night Phone -100-J SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.25 Six Months 75c Entered as second class matter November 16, 1934, at the post office at Hertford, , North Carolina, under the Act of March 8, 1879.. Advertising rates furnished by re quest. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1936. BLAME IT ON THE WEATHER That habit we have of always pouncing upon any extraordinary happening or circumstances and us ing it as an alibi is amusing some times. The habit applies very par ticularly to weather conditions. We can and do blame so much on the weather. Grandma lays her pain in the neck on the east wind, and Grandpa blames it on the west wind when the chimney smokes. It is doubtful if any weather ever got the blame for more numerous and Tnore diversified happenings than the recent cold spell. ' The weather was directly responsi ble for four persons in Perquimans sustaining broken bones; the weather was responsible for the schools in Perquimans closing for a week; the 1 .-weather was responsible for bad I Jus among a large number of our wfrflDle: the weather was resnonsible the roads. And now The Perquimans Weekly "steps forward to timidly suggest that it is because of the weather that there are so few personal news items in the paper this week from the various communities. Some of the correspondents, particularly those who do not live on hard surfaced Mads, were unable to get away from home, and, therefore, could not learn any news to write. There was very little coming or going for several days in. certain of the more isolated communities. PLENTY CLOTHING FOR COUNTY'S POOR Dozens upon dozens of garments, warm winter garments, underwear, dresses, overalls, needed by so many of the poor people of Perquimans; stacks of sheets, pillowcases; piles of heavy warm quilts, all piled up in the Community House, where it was made, laid by for nobody knew ivhatl The people who have known about these articles which should have been in the hands of the folks who need them during the bitter cold weather, and who have been waiting for weeks to see what distribution was to be made of them, have grown impatient, and there has been criticism of the seeming indifference of some one higher up in authority somewhere who failed to hand down to those waiting below for orders the instruc tions to give out these garments made presumably for the poor by the women working for the WPA. Well, it looks, like they are at last to be distributed. Miss Ruth Daven port, who has been sent to Hertford to serve as case worker for the Wel fare Officer, in the new set-up to aid the poor, is to make investigation and to place these articles in the homes where they are needed. The news was received with relief by those interested in the matter. Miss Davenport told the Board of Commissioners on Monday that she could distribute these articles just as soon as she could get a room large enough in which to handle them. They have to be gone over and sorted and arranged according .to sizes, so that selections can be made of the , proper sizes. xne commissioners tgreed at once to furnish the room Sand the work is to be begun imme- " diately. There are many needy ones in rags to whom these articles will be a veritable godsend. 1 NOTICE . As I am leaving Hertford per manently in . the near future, I wish to notify all persons desiring to have completed any unfinished dentistry that it will be necessary to get in touch with me immedi ately. This also applies to those hav ing unpaid .balances. Dr. Luther H. Butler CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE Early Jersey, Charleston Wakefield and Flat Dutch .,.,'. .... . . -'"r : See Me For4 Prices JOHN 0. WHITE, JR. . ' ' Route 1 ' . -- Traveling Around America .,' I , l I , stew mm Photo Graft Liu - 'T'HERE'S as much excitement here when the wheels turn, as there is in Monte Carlo. This is the Casino at Vina del Mar a swanky, cosmopolitan place where roulette, 'baccarat, (Chemin de fer, as this most exciting of games is known elsewhere) and practically every other game of chance Is In order every night. In addition to the large gaming saloon which has eighteen roulette tables, there are libraries, drawing rooms, dining rooms and a cabaret theater, which will seat 1200 people. This Casino, a magnificent new hotel just opened, and nearby bath ing resorts are fast .bringing Vina del Mar to the front as one of the MONTE CARLO" IN AMERICA world's leading lidos the Biarritz of the New World. It is located half way down the coast of Chile ahoji six miles from Valparaiso, h port visited regularly by luxurious ships sailing weekly between New York and South America's West Coast It Is in "Vina" that the elite ol Chile spend the summer- ihpir vil las set in gorgeous gardi.3 and protected from view by high sione fences reach down almost to the ocean; and In front of them Hip glistening bcac'ies with their prom enades and br.t'ihouses follow the outline of the sea. During t.u snm mer season from January to March races are in full swing which attract sportsmen from all over the world CHAPANOKE DEMONSTRATION CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. QUINCY The Home Demonstration Club of Chapanoke met at the home of Mrs. C. P. Quincy on Tuesday afternoon, with 13 members present. , Officers for-the year 1936 were elected as follows: President, Miss Mildred Lewis; vice president, Miss Lillian' Bright; secretary and treas urer, Mrs. C. P. Quincy; news report er, Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Jr.; food lead ers, Mrs. J. C Wilson and Mrs. W. H. Elliott; garden leader, Mrs. John Asbell; song leader, Miss Lillian Bright; program committee, Mrs. G. W. Alexander, Mrs. John Asbell and Miss Bright. Miss Gladys Kamrick, home agent, gave the ladies pamphlets, and also a helpful talk on "Foods and Nutri tion." She also explained and dem onstrated the correct way to cook rice. . Several contests were enjoyed in which Miss Mildred Lewis was the prize winner. A tempting sweet course was served the ladles by Misses. Janet Quincy and Susie Mae Wilson- The next meeting will be held on March 3rd, at the home of Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Those present were: Mrs. John As bell, Mrs. C. P. Quincy, Mrs. G. W. Alexander, Mrs. J. C; Wilson, Jr., Mrs. Walter Deal, Mrs. W. H. Elliott, Mrs. Bertha Whitehead, Misses Ger rie Griffin, Lillian Bright, Mrs. Roy Pierce, Miss Mildred Lewis, Miss Gladys Hamriok, Susie Mae Wilson and Janet Quincy. CHAPANOKE NEWS Mrs. W. H. Elliott spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. John Wood, at Woodland. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Elliott and Miss Lessie Elliott were visitors in Elizabeth City Tuesday. Mrs. Irma O'Dorsey and daughter, Miss Waverey, were in Elizabeth City Saturday. Z. W. Evans, from near Edenton, was in Chapanoke on business Tues day. Mrs. G. W. Alexander, Mrs. J. & Wilson and Miss Ruth Roberts Wil son say "Tale of Two Cities" at the Carolina in Elizabeth City Monday. Dr.'W. A. Hoggard was in Hert ford Monday. Maryland Bc-yci, Jr., small son of Mr. and Mrs. Maryland Bcce, is ill with flu. Dr. T. A. Cox HERTFORD, N. C. OFFICE HOURS 9 a. m. to 12 m. 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. I CAMEL'S'TRY 10" OFFER STill OPEN! Insure Your MULES and HORSES With Me. Rates Reasonable H. G. WINSLOW Hertford, N. C. Fir a ""iSSfc. ISSiS Smoke 10 fragrant Camels. If you don't find them the mildest, best-flavored cigarettes you ever snloked, return the package with the rest of the cigarettes in it to us at any time within a month from this date, and we will refund your full purchase price, plus postage. Signed R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C COSTLIER TOBACCOS! READ OUR INVITATION TO YOU i mm mm NEW CHEVROLET F0BT19 56 and it's the only complete car that sells at such low prices'' Think of all the good things you get in the new Chevrolet, and don't get anywhere else at Chevrolet prices, and you will readily understand why people call this the only complete low-priced car. It's the only low-priced car with New Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, which are t essential to miiTtmiim driving safety ; v The only low-priced car with the famous Gliding Knee-Action Ride, which brings you comfort and safety beyond compare The only low-priced car with Solid Steel one-piece Turret Top, which gives unmatched overhead protection ALL THESE FZATUBES AT CHEVROLET'S LOW PUCES AND UP. LiMprict tf Nn SundmrJ Coup, ml FUm, MUklfn. WUk bumpon, qmm tiro mud rirt lodk, tholUtprict U 20 mMMomml. Knot-Actio mm Umtow UoioU only. $20 oddMonml Pricm munoi In this rii.mm mrt list ml Flint, UUUimn, mni ouhioaim dm loUkoul notkm. A Gonormi Moton Vmlum. MEW PERFECTED HTDBAUIVIC BRAKES fh OiW and tmoathtt vwr developed IMPROVED GLIDING ENES-ACTION BIDE Hi MioefkMf, oafmtt rldt of oft SOLID STEEL n-plM TURRET TOP a crow of bmauty, a tortmt of lofmty GENUINE FISBEB NO DRAFT VENTILATION IN NEW TURRET TOP BODIES fh most bcauflM end comforfobf bodh$ oymr craatad for a lowpricod cor HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE4N-nAD ENGINE gMng ovon boHor porformanc wthva Ita gat and oif snocBPBoor steebdig making driving nlor and ofr than mvmr bofor MASTER DC LUXK SPORT SEDAN The only low-priced car with Genuine Fisher No Draft Ventilation, for more healthful comfort in all weather . . . with High-Compression Valve-in-Head Engine, giving a better combination of efficiency and economy . . . and with Shockproof Steering, giving unequaled driving ease and driving safety. Good judgment says, Buy a new 1936 Chevrolet the only complete low-priced car. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO, DETROIT. MICHIGAN fft 0 New Monev-Savin 0 G.M.A.C. TIME PAYMENT PLAN Compmn Omnia', hm mVimni pricm mni low montMy pmymtmlo. HEItTFpRP, N. C. "t v $ i f "H M . ' '. '4Sf - f -t St, v ;