PAGE FOUH ' -X " -' TOfi PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD. N. C, FRIDAY, MARCTI 13, 1936. . . . . 1,1 f i: K" F- y 1 K I it W I'.v J;'.f THE PERQUIMANS .WEEKLY Published every Friday Perqulmant Weekly ffice Gregory BuiMUng, Church Hertford, N. C ; " - MATTIE LISTER WHITE Day Phone Mght Phone 100-3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year -41-25 Six Months 75c t The in the Street, .-Editor . S8 Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at the post office At Hertford. North Carolina, under the Act of Match 's, 1879. - Advertising rates furnished by request FRIDAY, MARCH 1&, 1936. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT WORSHIP HAS VALUE: It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, 0 most High; to ahew forth thy loving kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. Psalms 92:1-2. MAY WE HAVE MOREl There appears in this jweek's is sue of The Perquimans Weekly a letter signed by Dick Potter, ex pressing his views on the matter of which of. the proposed improvements for the Town of Hertford are most important. The Perquimans Weekly welcomes such letters as Mr. Potter's, and would be very glad indeed to have more of. our citizens express their views on matters of interest to the community in its oohmm. in BETTER BE CARREFUL The simple drunk is now taboo Hertford. Time was when the simple drunk merely had to prove that lie was simply drunk and everything was ok. Now, however, since the Town Fathers have passed an ordinance which prohibits the simple drunk from appearing on the streets or in THE PEOPLE'S FORUM A PLEA FOR A SEWER ON KING STREET Now that we have the opportunity to employ goyernment funds to give the. deserving work and at the same time to improve our public facilities, we are confronted by the problem of how to ret the most benefit for the town as a whole out Of the allot' ment. I cast my vote for completing, the sewage system of Hertford. First, because in this project the ratio of expenditure for material to that of labor involved is small, and "thereby employment., is given .at a small ex pense to the town. Secondly, because the work would . eradicate forever what is known as " public nuisance, one particularly prevalent during the warm summer months, when the wind is impartial as to which direc tion it blows. Thirdly, and chieffly, because it would improve the sani tary condition of the town one hun dred percent. As a chain, is as strong as its weakest link, so a system that is not complete is hardly a system at all. Very few outhouses are fly- proof and flies have the insidious habit of finding one place as welcome as another. For instance, your most sanitary and shining kitchen. Com bined with good screening, a com plete sewerage system will do much to thwart them in their destructive existence. DICK POTTER. HIT OR MISS ftanaoa. v Mrs. Iron DX2raey is convalescing after a recent illness. . J. C Wilson was In Hertford on business Monday morning. " Mrs. M R. Griffin and Mrs. J. C Wilson attended the Baptist State Convention of. the W. M.-TJ. in Ra leigh this week. They "Were dele gates from the Woodvflle Baptist Church. Some folks seem to be born lucky. A representative of a certain brand of chewing gum was m Hertford on Wednesday, with a pretty neat little advertising stunt in action. He would walk up to some person and say, "You don't happen to have a pack age of Blank (Jhewing oum, do you?" Practically nobody did have, so he was perfectely safe in showing a card which stated that if you did public places, tne cirunK wno is sim- . tQ haye DackaEe of that . 1 1 A I J-.., J 4- naA tin II' ' ' - particular gum it would entitle you pie enough to be found at large will have to pay for it. For indications are that this ordi nance is going to be pretty strictly enforced. At least one Hertford of ficer has expressed himself as heing tired of the conditions which have existed heretofore, when the officerj had no right to arrest a man for drunkenness, no matter how drunk he might be, unless he behaved in a disorderly manner. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The Woman's Missionary Society of the Bethlehem Christian Church met on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. E. Cannon, in Hertford, with the president, Mrs. E. Y. Berry, presiding. Mrs. S. I. Cullipher was the program leader and there was a very interesting program Those present included Mesdames W. M. Harrell, S. I.Cullipher, T. T. Harrell, E. Y. Berry, R. A. Perry, Louis Eaves and Reuben Stallings. There were also two visitors, Mrs. Luther Barrington and Miss Mabel Harrington, both of Edenton. BEAUTY SHOP IMPROVED Considerable improvements have been made in the Fashion Shop, run in connection with Hilda's Beauty Shoppe, making room for a larger stock of merchandise. New equipment has also been add ed to the Beauty Shoppe. J. W. ZACHERY Dentist Offices in the Postoffice Building Formerly Occupied by Dr. Luther H. Butler Phone 163-J Hertford, N. C. to a dollar. Well, Miss Gladys Hamrick, Per quimans County's Home Demonstra tion Agent, had one. What is more, she got the dollar! Others reported to have so won a dollar are Cleveland Buck, Jack An derson and "Governor" Broa3y. Where on earth did so many eggs come Irora; Tney are piled up -in stacks down at the warehouse of Reed& Felton, who advertised last week in The Persuimans Weekly that the firm was in the market for eggs. "I guess we'll have to take that ad out of the paper," said J. 0. Felton, in commenting on the response he got from his advertisement. And speaking of results, I have forgotten how many thousand cab bage plants John 0. White, Jr., says the sold as a result of a little ad he ran in this newspaper. But he had to stop advertising them for sale. "A word to the wise," you know. If you have anything you want to sell just insert an ad in The Perqui mans Weekly. Add to the signs of spring the ap pearance of gnats. They came out aftsr the rain Thursday morning, probably around seventeen hundred million appearing on the Point. The figures, however, are not authentic. The Daffodils in Hertford sight to glad lo eye how. are a CHAPANOKE NEWS Mrs. W. H. Elliott is ill at her home at Chapanoke. Mrs. J. C. Wilson and little daugh ter, Susie Mae, and Mrs. Alberto H. Ros were in Elizabeth City 'Monday BlSIBlSfijiJcifiJra I be w fin m THE AIL F E A T .11 RE ii 330 Zenith No. 6-S-J7 . . . tube. Tunes American and Foreign Stations; police, amateur, aviation 'conversations, ships at sea. Black Magnarision Dial. Split-Second i Tuning. The new 1936 Zeniths are herl Every vorth-w hile feature. Zenith's new Black Magnavislotl Dial Overtone Amplifier and many- other feature that give the new Zeniths excellent tone, quality better all rond per- formance. Ak for th radio with the black tfal. JESSI!P & JBDM TEXACO SERVICE STATION , . PE10NE48 ' .HERTFORD,,!. C , Delightful Surprise Shower Mrs. Joe Copeland and Mrs. Exum White gave a. very delightful sur prise miscellaneous sliower for Mrs. lindsey Russell at the home of Mr. and MrsElihu Lane. Before her marriage Mrs. Russell was-Miss Wil ms The gtjests were entertained with many delightful, games after which the"' nostss': served' " a delicious fce course. v, The "bride was 'the recipient -of many useful and. attractive gifts. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lane, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. John Asbell, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Hurdle; Mesdames Annie Hall, Lewis Lane, Exum White, Belle Lane, Sal lie Banks, P. L. Griffin, John Sy mons, Roy Pierce; Misses Gerrie Griffin.Waverly D'Orsay, Hilda By- rum, Margaret Harrell Clara Ferrell, Alice Lamb, Emma Deal, Louise Russell, Sarah Deal, Ruby Lane, Elizabeth Goodman, Mabel Chappell, Louise Bright, Martha and Dorothy Copeland; Messrs. Robert Hurdle, Wilbur Bright, Harvey Ferrell, Wil- lard Hurdle, Crofton Russell, Rothle Hurdle, Bill Bright, Hervey Copeland, Carey Copeland, Edward Copeland, Alton Banks, Louis Roy -Lamb, Tim and Roscoe Stallings and Augustus Story. ing made of the P, C H. S. basket ball teams which competed in the Albemarle Tournament held in Eliza beth City. , As most o yori know,' the 'girls walked off . with the champs'" crown again this year, for the second con secutive year. r. hi 5 the finals . they defeated Weeksvjlle 49 to 4. Prue Newby again took honorv .She was high scorer in the tournament, on the all tournament team, and was given recognition on the All-Ameri can High School basketball team for girls. . . K'-. ; . The Perquimans boys 'Showed marked improvement over last year's showing in the tournament. The boys this year reached ' the semi-finals. ! . The, InliajB . took their, first two games hut wer; defeated ;ift ..the semi-finals by !ti,e Central f Quint which won the "tournament; Coach Rogers was pleased with the showing the boys made this year. The Lady Indians, with their eoach, Miss Nancy Woods, will jour ney to Rocky Mount this Friday . to again enter the Rocky Mount .tourn ament. Last year the girls took "this they again. have high Go get it SPORTS TALK By "WWtle" The crowding out of this column last week resulted in no mention be- tournament and hopes of doing it again, Girls 1 With the closing of the Albemarle Tournament, the Perquimans boys closed their basketball schedule for the year and at once started baseball practice. Although the weather has halted the practice for the past few days, the squad has had a little bat ting and field practice. A goodly number have been out each day and there should be plenty of material from which to choose. Nearly all positions on the team are wide open, due to the graduation of so many of last year's players. Practice" will continue for. some time before any games are played. The Washington girls basketball team forfeited their return game to the Perquimans ladies. Who says this Perquimans girls team isn't a dangerous bunch? Use muffin tins for baking toma toes, apples, stuffed peppers, etc. They will keep their shape better. BY USING You Save Time and Money LET US SERVE YOU WITH PROPER EQUIPMENT I Leather Horse Collars - Bridles - Back Bands 1 Hames - Traces - Plow .lines' Pads Singletrees - Plow Beams, Castings, etc 3 i OUR PRICES. ARE RIGHT- SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY Carolina Hardware "THE FARMERS' FRIEND" Hertford. N. C. . MOTIG Will shell Seed Peanuts every Saturday, be ginning March 21st. LET US SHELL YOURS 2Scptrlbag WINFALL PEANUT CO. , Winf aU, N. C. nttl t-wrM;.r..-..M.....mmlm,,rrm-r.r..uiaf:aiiiiaui , ili,m,-iMHiliiiail.l'MWmttiiminit wlliw I mH:l!ilii!H''l''''!l!!!i!!!!i!!!n!l!l!!!!!!!! I IBiiKjij! P!i!W ili'iiMI'MiilHtimitHiiitiffilrUiiFtiHit a:iPHlitrilHBB Our Advanced Spring Suits Offer You Worthwhile Values NEW STYLES . . . QUALITY with a Suit that's as new as We're ready and so should you b the season aheajd . . . SPORT BACKS OR PLAIN BACKS DOUBLE OR SINGLE BREASTED Tans - Blues - Greys and Checks ALL SIZES 2.50 to 9JL (g).2)5 1 SJM I 181.49 SPORT SWEATERS FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN In Spring's Leading Shades MAROON AND BLUE CHECK - WHITE - TAN GREY - SLIP-OVERS AND COATS BLUE SIZES TO 44 $1.90 DRESS and SPORT SHOES Smartly styled for foot flattery and stroiigly - made to give you added wear TANS COMBINATIONS - BLACK AND WHITE . . FORTUNE SHOES ; 1 J- $2.98 1 i ii i t J -" - f 104, Tears of Senric QUALJTY MERCHANDISE f J. LilMiniclhara Coo9 RIGHT PRICES , . - i. j - . si, pd ;Co, ,1 VADTII llDftltWJ, i HERTFORD, NORTH CAROUNA 1 'V ' i it!

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