t - , f- -i V I i - r, antorm JTwy Bum. MWtty MMr o ' Ut p lMrr.JM WltMiiu It rttM ifBtrmdt waat4 ay Ik ; tmNMi Ma Dn cell her M WMkf , to MtfrtMi to JbHl ( "Joo tmrtuuM V O-M. A vu battU mmm in wMdk Don't t pal, Ji, It tmid. Dm rriort Marg to tofct tJU tloim toiutoJU to oonytoo o4 tr I tk oorw boAr. Wktn See ttrottft to tQiMdl ooooM Do to Uaving ktoi tko latter Wit Mm 1m ooU Woo , Do mmmi and Ik ooMoo 4 tko trnknofotno Vary tUlw (J koiul. Bht to taftm toto cm tody. CHAPTER m "KM ART BURNS," shouted the Dls- , trlot Attorney, "Is It not true .that yon and Wilson Intended to set married T" "I I didn't know he was ..." be gan the frightened girl on the wit ness stand. She looked out oyer the -crowded courtroom as It for assist- at your restaurant while he tried to hoot down officers of the lawt It It not tnwT Answer res or not" "TC! whispered Mary, who was almost at the breaking point "Thea yon e admit (he Conowing: That you 4U aid him la too destruo- I homes . , ; ehOdrtaJ Hon of erlmlnal evidence. That yoa M harbor and protect him against tht forces of tha law." : Daring this speech Vary had be come more and more distraught When the District Attorney finished she rose la the witness chair, trem bling with embtlon-Hnrused be wildered hardly able to think co herently. Her Toloe came In an hys terical scream: Test TesI Yes! rve done all those things! So rm guilty If yon want me to say It! I'm guilty! rm guilty!" Two or three days after her forced "confession" Mary again waa led T caa hardly believe I've been hart three months," Jnnsed Mary aa aha started to andrwa tor bed. "Ill atrar gat uad to seeing" women caged ap Ilka animals robbed ot aTerythlng that belongs to them . . . Tva always wondered how a alee country girl like yon got mixed u with a tough hombre ilke WUaon, sald Goldie as she slipped Into her coarse nightshirt It don't make sense. And yet . .'. t dont know of a woman in this hen-house who isn't here because ot some rat Uke Wilson." A knock at the door Interrupted their conversation. In a flash Goldie hid her knitting under the mattress. I hare some good news for you" said the Chief Matron as she un locked the door and entered a mo ment later. Mr. Cameron, of the mm Mt'r ' m to;i"'imiiim'trririrr-ff "Honest, I'm telling the truth," cried Mary. "I dont know! If I did I'd tell you." "Mary Burns," Harper said I coldly, "you're lying." ance, but each face there seemed to gloat at her misery. "The question is," interrupted her torturer, "did yon Intend to marry hlmr "Yes," said the girl in a small, faraway voice. "Did ne ever tell you he was wanted for killing a cashier and loot ing a Federal Bank!" . "No." "Where did yon think he got his money?" "I don't know. . . ." "You planned to marry him yet It never occurred to yon to ask him?" The District Attorney's tone was sarcastic. The crowd Uttered. "But . . I . . . I . . ." Mary twisted her handkerchief into a knot "Answer the question yes or no!" 'Yes," she replied bitterly. "At the time ot your arrest, you admit that Wilson was burning ne gotiable bonds in your kitchen. Yet you stated you didn't know those bonds were stolen? If so, then why did you think he was burning them? WasnH it because you KNEW they were stolen?" "No . . . I . . ." "You didn't know the bonds were stolen yet you sat there and let them burn," the District Attorney pounded the point home. "Did you try to extinguish the flames?" "No-o-o." "Then you did know they were stolen! And you did know that you were helping a criminal to destroy evidence! " "Why ...I...I..." "Can you deny that you were aid ing a criminal to destroy evidence?" the prosecutor rushed on, giving the anguished girl no chance to collect her thoughts. "Is It not true that your sweetheart used the protection into the courtroom, this time to hear the Judge pronounce sentence. "This Is not merely an Indictment against an Individual but against a system. The time has come when we must look npon all persons who designedly or otherwise, help thfi criminal ... as enemies to society." The Justice paused dramatically and looked down over his glasses at the trembling girl who stood before him. "Mary Burns," he continued at last, "you hare been found guilty of aiding, abetting and harboring a criminal and ot you aa example must be made once and for all. For you are as much a criminal as the criminal himself with gun in hand and murder la his heart This court, having found you guilty, prescribes the maximum penalty provided by law. Mary Burns, I sentence you to the Penitentiary tor a term of FIF TEEN YEARS I " "Fifteen years!" Mary leaped for ward, wildly entreating, her hands pressing against her throat as it to repress a scream. "Fifteen years! You con'tr "Some fun: eh. Udr Goldie. Marv Burns' cell-mate, flopped down on her cot and wiped the perspiration from her face with one grimy paw. "The end of another nerfect davl" answered Mary as she tugged at her shapeless shoes. "I washed ten thou sand dishes and loved it" "In a pig's eye," Jeered Goldie. "The heat in that kitchen would cook a Chinaman." As she spoke she turned up the mattress.' reached Into a hole she had cut in it and brought lortn a ball of heavy string. Two make-shift wooden needles were stuck In it Quite a bit of stuff al ready had been knitted but she kept it so tightly rolled that it waa lm- possiDie to see wnat sort of garment it was suonosed to be. Prison Parole Board, has taken per sonal Interest in your case, Mary Burns. HeU be here on Monday to talk to you." But the interview proved of little value for Mary. 1 can practically promise you a parole In return for certain infor mation," said "Mr. Cameron," whose real name was Harper and who was a special agent of the Department of Justice instead ot the parole board. "Til tell you anything I can," the girl answered quietly. "Good! We want to know where Wilson hides out who his friends are all about him." "But I don't know. Honest I'm telling the truth," cried Mary, "I don't know! If I did I'd teU you." "Mary Burns," said Harper coldly. "You're lying." Then for half an hour he begged, bribed and threat ened, all to no avail. Mary could not tell him what she did not know. To her, Don Wilson had been known only as an ex-football star who was in the oil business. "Why do you sacrifice your free dom to protect this murderer," pleaded Harper at last "He's not worth such love." "I don't love him! I hate him." Mary leaped to her feet her fists tense. "I've hated him ever since that night I saw him kill a man . . . Can't you see I'm Innocent? Can't you see a girl like me couldn't love a murderer. Won't you believe me?" Reading stark disbelief in their eyes, she allowed herself to be led away. When she was gone Harper said to the Matron: "That girl Is either the cleverest, shrewdest and hardest criminal I've ever encountered or what she says Is true, rm the Special Agent of this , ease and it's my duty to find out . . . one way or another." .. (To be continued) RYLAND Llewellyn Ward was in Edenton on business Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Ward and two children, William and Lelia Faye, were in Edenton shopping Saturday and Mrs. Roy Parks and Miss Gertrude Jackson motored to Em poria, Va., Sunday. They were ac companied home by Mrs. Parks' Mis3 Mary4 Lee Copeland, and sons, Elbert and Wendell, of Edenton were guests of Mrs. Callie Copeland, Sun day afternoon. Arthur Jordan has been very ill v.ith an attack of ffu this week, Mrs. Harriett Parks visited in Edenton Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs- Jesse' Leroy Byrum spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. .N. E. Jordan. ' , " Miss Thelma Ward returned to her RECIPE DELICIOUS CARAMEL CAKE brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and work near Colerain Tuesday after Mrs. Samuel Lane, of Richmond, Va. spending a week with her mother, They will spend this week with Mr." Mrs. Louisa Ward. and Mrs. Parks. . - 1 George Ward, of Edenton, spent f ' T Sunday with William Ward. John' THIS WEEK'S irvin and James Copeland were also jests' of William Ward during the day. , , Carson Davis, Mrs. Harriett Parks and Mrs. Roy Parks spent Saturday in Suffolk, Va. 1 Oliver Chappell, Miss Gertrude Jackson, Miss Mary Lee Davis and Garner Byrum spent Thursday in Norfolk, Va. They visited Mr. . By rum's wife, who is critically ill" in a hospital there. McCoy Ward and family, ;from iWhaleyville, Va. visited his mother, Z(ra renins ward, Sunday. b cup butter or substitute cup sugar 4 egg yolks, beaten light Second cup sugar jv 3 cups cake flour 1 ' . 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk ' 2 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 tet whites, stiffly beaten j ;i r rnui vYiro, ounuay. . t I ireani ' snorxenmg. wun J cap Mxfi -X B. Copeland,' daughter, sugar. Beat the egg yolks until ugnt, ana add the second... cup sugar, beating well. Add this sugar mixture to the rst Mix welL Sift the flour, measure, add bakinsr pow der and salt, and sift three , times. Add flour mixture and milk alter nately to the first mixture- Then add the vanilla extract Fold in the egg whites, and bake in two layer cake pans in a moderate oven. Put- the layers together and cover the cake with the following caramel icing: Caramel Icing : 1 t Cook - 2 cups light brownv sugar with 1 cup milk or water until it forms a soft ball when tried In cold Fiter. Add 1 tablespoon butter, and teaspoon vanilla; remove from tire, leave until': cold, then , beat until creamy. " . '.-' (Note: if the sugar curdles the milk,'add a pinch of soda.) -v 1,443 CARLOINA FARMERS JOIN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION ",0n March 9, 1443 farmers of-17 eastern "Carolina, counties had offici ally joined the Farm Bureau Federa tion; 4,169 others had been enrolled but not reported .officially' to .the headquarters office at Greenville, and 1 17,207 men In 28 counties were listed as possible members. Vaccinatica 01 Dcsrs -f JsltlPertect Says ; ftFeruimaits Inspect . That one dog in Perquimans, out or . 2,300 vaccinated s last, ; summer, went mao: recently is not considered anything1 unusual. . Ay -A. Nobles, who has been ap pointed Ihbies Inspector: for (Perqui mans this year, and who .was one of the two inspectors if the county last year,: appeared before the Board of Commissioners on -Monday, at the request of ne. of the members of the Board, in connectio4 with this occur rence. A dog, owned by Thd Chap-pe'ifrhijm-recently ; went Mnad and was killed had been vaccinated. -- It developed thatthe anti-rfbies treatment is not ; guaranteed to be one hundred per centt effective. It is possible..-that- .other dogs; in ' the county which were treated will fall victums to rabies, but the" percentage of such will be low;f "" : S ' ON SICK LIST . ; Miss Dorothy Strange is sick with an attack' of influenza at her home at the Baptist Parsonage In Hertford. - Classified aiid Legal Notices, 4 NOllCEi OF . SALE OF REAL ESTATE. , f': NORTH CAROLINA, - v ! V ' PJJRQniAjNS WN J4 IWiereas !oa 2: ( eth ber.1928, A;' ,R. Mfller and . wife, urae Miller and T, L, Jessup exe cuted to J. E.; Winslow Trustee, a deed of trust which ' in Mwrinittl in Mortgage Book 17, page 148, office of Register of Deeds of ? Perquimans Countv: and whereaa. S AelnnH. i lina been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured by ? said trust deed, and the holder thereif has re quested exercise of the nower nt ! therein Untamed: ' PuUie Notiel ia ixm&w. on ' Saturday the 4th ' dav r of Anril. 1936, at 12:00 ofcJoek M.; at the front door of the Court House' of Perqui mans County, In the town of Hert ford, N. C. the trndersiimed will of fer for sale at public auction to the mgnest Didder lor cash, the follow ing described real estatA' lvinv in Parkville ; Tbwnshln. Perauimans County, North Carolina, to-wit: 1st Tract bounder! David Lowe, on the south by Cum berland ; Swamp; on the east by C. s J4V' Umphlett, ttonerlyw'rFlorencei'; , Stallingsjj and?oh thewesby the road and Wm. Thomas tract of land; ;'. cbntainijig WA8ifll::': J 2nd, Tract being : the sSame. tract -r purchased by. M. W, Jones from J. ' Rv White and wife Florence .y., and being ,i same purchased ; by s Albert't Lane from . M. W., Jones', and wife; containing p acres, more or less, - v.- The above tw: tracts of land being . the same this day conveyed to. the ' parties of the first part by . Joseph S. Land and wife, - for ; further, de- " Kription and chain of title see said deed. ; i,,.,; . Ai:;:.?:- ! "It is understood and: agTvthat--, the Graveyard is expressly reserved ' and is . not conveyed in this deed of A 6ct cash deposit will be required x : of the highest bidder. - ': ..t . -J ; Subject to all liens for taxes and vi special assessments, if anyl, levied by any governing body. ' ' SI This the 28th day of February, 1930. J. E. WINSLOW, Trustee. Marf6,18,20,27 MEN WANTED TOR RAWLBIGH Routes of .800 families.: Reliable' hustler should start earning $26, weekly and increase rapidly. .Write today. Rawleigh, Dept. NOC-100-S, Richmond, Va.: . : ltp NOTICE! . Under and by virtue of the power conveyed by the will of John O. White, Sr., and in compliance with item 15th of said will, which is duly recorded in the office of the Clerk, of the Superior Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, in WU1 Book J, page 83 ex seq I will on Thursday, April 9th, 1936, at 12 o'clock M-, offer for' sale to the highest bidder for cash, or on terms, at the Court House door in Hertford: "The Coffin Shop and Store prop erty and all land belonging to it, situate on Market and Edenton Road Streets in the Town of Hertford, North Carolina," said lot adjoins lot of Lilly Rebecca Harrell and Nollie Virtue Griffin on north, the lot of H. G. Winslow, formerly Sarah Spivey, on east, Market Street on south and Edenton Road Street on west. Said property will be offered for sale: first for cash, second on terms one-half cash balance on one and two years to be secured by first claim on property. The right to accept either or any bid or, reject same or all is hereby reserved. This the 3rd day of March, 1936. JOSHUA THEODORE WHITE Executor John 0. White, Sr., de ceased. Marchl320,27,Apr.3 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of S. E. Hurdle, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the. es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, Route 2, on or before the 15th day of January, 1937 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted; to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day of January, 1936. CARRIE G. HURDLE, Administratrix of S. E. Hurdle, Deceased. Feb.l418,Mar-6,l3 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION" Having qualified aa Administrator of the estate of Bettie C. Felton, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased ' to exhibit them to the undersigned ' at Hert ford, N. C, Route No. 2, on or be fore the 20th day of February, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All - persons in debted to t- said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of February, 1936. H. V. BAKER, Administrator of Bettie C. Felton. Feb.28,Mar.6,18,20,27,Apr.B Insurance.-Real Estate - Attorney-at-Law . Office Facing Court House Square MAN-TAILORED From the Top of Your Head Sombero-like, with its wide shading brim, and creased crown, Grays, X tans, navy If you haven't got another thing to wear but a man-tailored, suit this Spring, you will still be smart wherever you go And here are the hats to wear with it. Homburg: thoroughly mas culine, with a feminine touch in the bow and you might add a veil. Black, navy and all other light shades. $2.98 1 t l"J J MRS. JAKE WHITE!! In Store of Simon's -:- Hertford, N.C $1.00 4 i 31.98 i o In 10 1 We highly appreciate the business you have given usrduring.the past twenty-five 'years, and will thanky,you:when you are ready for your Spring , - requirements of " ; ' FeMDD22GirB Sdli siinidl Urn : jo take same up with us, or see our dealer in your ' - . " . territory. ,w ;V s -, i4. vt.. c l;:DD2IDI:r;jT.:0;.(3.0IPfi J U a -Ul .vniGnriA1' r r X SUFiTOIil HO' i .j t

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