IAG3 TWO THE PEfcQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1938. 1 THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY - Published every Friday at The Perqoimans Weekly ff&ce In jthe ; ' Gregory Building, Church ,; Street, ' Hertford, N. C. 5 MATTIE LISTER WHITE-JBditor Day Phone -,.t$8 Night Phone 100-3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.25 Six Months '. ,l,76c Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at the post office at "Hertford, "North Carolina,-; under the Act of fiUurclt i ll9, m ft Advertising rates furnished by re quest. ' '' FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1936. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT REAL RELIGION: Pure religion and undefiled before our God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:.7. STARVE THE FLY! The town generally is cooperating in the clean-up movement. On every hand is seen signs of cleaning and improvement. Nobody wishes to feel that they are not keeping step when others are cleaning up. The thing is catching- A number of the unsightly spots "have already been cleaned up. This is good. A clean town is always an attractive town. Painting, too, is being done here and there, and we have reliable in formation that a great deal more im provement in the way of painting is planned by various residents. And now comes a suggestion which is timely indeed. The warm weath er is upon us, the season for flies. There are, scattered about the town, many trash cans and garbage cans. Into these is dumped much which at tracts the filthy fly. Many of these containers are uncovered. They should be kept ocvered. The owner of each container, whether it is one used by individuals, or those in use by the business places of the town, should see that there is a well-fitting top and that it is kept on the gar bage can. Let everybody cooperate in elimin ating breeding places for flies and help in the destruction of the pests. BELVIDERE NEWS Miss Frances Pulliam ' and Miss Enola Reed, of WinstonSalem," were week-end 'guests o Mr. and Mrs. "E. S. White. . ' tr . Mrs. Oscar Felton, and children,- of Hertford, were dinner guests, of Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Chappell Friday even ing. . , . . t Miss Blanche Chappell spent the week-end with Miss Hazel Twine, of Hickory Cross. . Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs F. C, .White included Mr., and Mrs. Murray White, and soh'Jack?! of wuision-otuem, jar. anu airs, viviuii White and family, of Biscoe. . DifC E. White spent "Tuesday in Edenton, on business. v Miss Edna Layden, of Hertford, was the. guest, of Miss Elsie Copeland Thursday.. .. . WHITESTON NEWS ? Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith spent Sunday with Mrs. Smith's brother, in Franklin, Va. - Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Jessup and two daughters, Carolyn and Faye, of Gates; Miss Vivian Maude Chappell, of Suffolk, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. Maude Chappell. Miss Fannie Maude Corbifcwri the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Wilbur Elliott, of near Hert ford. ; Miss Elsie Copeland, Miss Orene Chappell and Mrs. Louis" Winslow spent Friday with Mrs. V. C. Lane. Miss Doris Miller, of Winfall, was the week-end guest of Miss Julia Miller Chappell. Mrs. M. G. Brown, of Edenton; Mr. and Mrs. Tim Brinn, of Hert ford. Dr. Clyde Millener, president of Guilford College, visited Dr. E. S. White and sisters Sunday. Rev. Murray Johnson, f Greens boro, and J. Edward " Ransmond, of Tennessee Mts., visited friends here Monday. Mrs. Julian E. Ward, Mrs. T. J. Hoskins and son, Richard, of Eden ton, visited Mrs. N. Q. Ward, Thurs day afternoon.. ENTERTAIN BRIDAY PARTY WWt HIT OR MISS A colored man, who was charged with the illegal possession of liquor, was on the stand in Perquimans Re corder's Court The defendant was explaining that the liquor at his house had been placed there , by some one else. On the stand he tes tified that while he was in jail awaiting trial the owner of the li quor sent him word that if he would not mention her name in court she would employ a lawyer for liim. The Albertson-Gaither bridal par ty, out-of-town guests and a few in timate friends were entertained by Mrs. W. H. Hardcastle and Mrs. Clyde McCallum, at the home of the latter, on Friday night immediately following the rehearsal at the church. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Heywood Goodwin, at their home in Hertford, on Wednesday, April 22, a daughter. "And," said the defendant, "I told the fellow to tell her that I didn't want no lawyer because 1 was going to tell the truth." 'Mrs. Russet 'Smith and daughters, Janice and Mae Talmadge," of West Norfolk, .Va., spent a - few days last week with her sister,, Mrs. Leonidas Lane. s$i f - : v K Mr. , and Mrs. ' Matthew. Winslovf and daughter, Jean, .of Norfolk. Va., spent the week-end with his-parents, Mr. ahd Mrs." A. II 'Winslow. i ' Dr Clyde A. &ilner of Guilford CoHegej visited Mr., and Mrs. John T. Lane and - family Sunday after noon. . f vi'- , .- . .MrsA. perpy Winslow, l; Mrs. . Leoni das Lane and daughter, Lucille, Mrs RusseU : Smith$:Wrs( Mercer Winslow, Mrs. John Lassiter '. and Mrs. Lind sey Winslow attended the "quilting bee" at the home; of Mrs; Linwood Winslow, of Bemdere, Tuesday af- Mr.' and Mra,W, T!. . Winslow. Mr. and ,Mra.Luciu8,. Winslow andichilr dren, Reby and Leslie,' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; L. .L. Winslow in Hertford. " Miss Lillian Winslow, of Washing ton, D. C, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Luther Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Winslow and sons, Dolan and Gale; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Winslow visited Mr. and J. Af W4iitcro)" Winfall, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Allison White and children, of Hillsboro, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Hen ry Winslow. Mrs. Joseph Winslow and children, of Bagley Swamp, spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Winslow. Mrs. Jesse Osborne, of ' Greens boro,, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Henry Winslow. Property will be offered on terms, first cash, . second one-half cash and balance, jn pne andj two years, defers LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power conveyed to me under the will of John 0. White, Sr., which is recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Perquimans County in Will Book J, page 83 et seq., and in compliance, with item 15th of said will, I will on Friday, the 15th day of May, 196, offer for resale to the highest bidder for cash, or on terms, at the Court House door in Hertford, "The CofRn Shop and store property and all land belonging to it, situate on Market and Edenton Road Streets in the Town of Hertford, North Carolina'' said lot adjoins lot of Lilly Rebecca Harrell and Nellie Virtue Griffin on north, the lot of H. G. Winslow, formerly Sarah Spivey, on east, Market Street on south and Edenton Road Street on west. The property will be offered for 4 nltf ! re, I payments ' bearing interest ' and se ured by first claim on - property. Riht to reject any or all bids is re served, v ' ' ' - W" ' V sale will be at 12 o'clock noon. .uki SUi IT ,f -i 2 . This April 28th, 1936 . JOSHUA THEODORE WHITE, Executor John O. White.' Sr., , 'do ceased.'' s . m '7 f ' C Mayl,8,15 - J tfishbql: ZNr r ?! Wehaye'.' cpmplte line '-1 ox 'isnmi: pinery, , Lqcks, ' 'I ' ' v a. VV Tackle ' - : ' n ; Start the I - k -"W i Season With ; :;.j-.-Gf l. new ' : .J Equipment J dCiuGi d - CHat'duare & Supply o. 5 - . "Trade Here and. Bank the Difference" HERTFORD, Jf. d "Where are you going?" The question was asked of a certain man charged with being drunk on the street. "I am going to court," he answered, "where I am to be tried for reckless walking!" Although she was critically 111 for a long time with pneumonia during the period, losing six weeks of school work, Eva Anne Tucker made the grand honor roll for last quarter. Good work, Eva Anne. ARRIVING. THIS WEEK t Lit n si ri 4L' --v-:'. "i- . :" .evl " ' ' ' . II ' . - r' f I ill New Pastel Shades In CnrriTri fiillr 9 wT?uufi f . S RRr?(OTTOI r i f i : I f a? ajia, ap They Are BeautiM O , NEW SILKS QNEWOTteS . O ALL SIZES 2.C3; 'S.GQ;i 5X3 Drop In And eelXhecit VALUES" ;. : :. Hertford, N. C-' f:': n1 i t: v -. JT l J- Spring ILL A pa G Sftmil J , J 70 " A 1 -And Only Yeuf Old Car f ri Avrte ConiJlUort WKI Ptajbafily Cover Down Payment oft Atsy?" A The old day of used car ImyinKafe tone." Today.' yourwFord -dealer offeri yyd in exclusive, new standard of automotive quality ufR & G can if a ft, , i - --inrr Tinn-' 4i i wxufen guaranxee 01 daustaction or yov ;f tfofi'e BackfT After purchase, you may dri the ca twb diys n& put it, to any driving tet test" 1 ' yWiMsase. Xf yott art. not fully satisfied, your,. j- I !snu receive at written servlte wzri HM'.(.(V'f'1.- s'iS :, i tormr tL.i t ITdoi? eeeieeeeeHe , .4 4 t i I JT!" J ! 'y ? f ce' U;-; Lzsy trtat to!?-V U f ,.v .' V v - . w T r""tr-rwi) -f rrj" Creiit'C&r etsthorlted'FordlF A v ,f " -1 V- 'iK,')- t, , v v-; " Si

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