. . , , :.: :. .. ... -4 C .. " , ' - " ' i THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY; HERtFORD,?N.va, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1936. PAGE FIVE Tn4iiActimi IVMlflinfv' ' I Mrs. Braxtoji DawsonTDr. and Mrs. ,(r ClrnvA Qnnietv , I were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ion his part he would order his driv-lboth colored, were found ''mdlty'ldT ' "Tvt,Tt' nST.i Zl. M. S.' Bulla's Mr. and Mrs. W. R. fr n f. m a Jlm Gregory, of Woodville. er's license revovked. simple assault and each taxed witfc At- Uply iTimty jorenian Sophia Wood; Miss ; JtlOlaS IIS Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Alberto H. Ros, Mrs. William Everett and Luke White, half of the court costs. ,r"'"V Ci?---" ' ' -' " M- " ' 1 .'! 'if;- JWi.-'.i.'!-' A weddiwr of much interest ..was solemnized at Holy Trinity Episcopal Churchy Hertford, on Saturday, April 25, at high-noon, when. Miss Louise Jocelyn Gaither ; became the bride of Rdbert Brooke , Albertson, .'of Ports mouth; Va., with the Rev Edmund T. Jillsonv rector of Holy Trinity, officiating, assisted : by the R"e.V. C ; M " ; Holmead:?;rector ;1 of ' Trinity Ijhurch; Portsmouth, Va. ! The "church was beautifully ; decc rated with. palnis,' ferns vahd white . powers, ,and -.waa .ligtitea Dy.;,catne! 'dral. candles.!"-.f f-''- -l :v..The 'ushers were' Iftuish,? It .Jfriplett, Tom E. (Silman and A. T. BidOiCK,c TOt 4-orismputn, y a.- $ Miss ' feeler Montgomery Gaither, of Eliiabeth- City, was maid of hon or and the. bride's only attendant. Miss ' Gaither wore f an afternoon gown of aqua lace, .with brown ac cessories, and carried; a nosegay of mixed flowers,, with pmK preaomi nating. The bride was lovely in a gown of white net over taffeta, with a large hat of aaua horsehair. Her flowers were ar old-fashioned nosegay of valley lilies and Wue forget-me-nots. She was given in marriage oy ner brother, Charles W. Gaither, of Eli zabeth City. The groom had as his best man R. A. Robertson, of Portsmouth, Va. The Bridal Chorus from "Lohen grin" was used as a processional, arid Mendlessohn's Wedding March was used as a recessional, with Mrs. H. A, Whitley at the organ. The bride is the attractive daugh ter of Mrs. W. G. Gaither, and the late Mr. Gaither, of Hertford, and is a member of one of the oldest and most prominent families of Eastern Carolina. She is a young woman of much personal charm and is very popular with a wide circle of friends. The bridegroom is the only son of the late John W. Albertson and Ber tha Vaughan Albertson, of Elizabeth City, and a grandson of former Sur terior Cour Judge Jonathan W, Al ertson, of' North Carolina. Mr. Al bertson is a graduate of the Univer sity of Virginia and is a prominent young attorney of Portsmouth, Va., and formerly served as Common wealth Attorney. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party, out-of-town guests and a few intimate friends were en tertained at a wedding breakfast given at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. T. F. Window, after which Mr. and . Mrs. Albertson left for $ wedding trip and. upon, their return will be at home in the Har- borview Apartments, in Portsmouth. Among thp out-of-town guests at the wedding eret Q. W. Gaither, Miss Helen. . Moatgomery GaiUier, Miss Mar Oaitheri Mr., arid Mrs, E. C. Conger ; IJr.., und Mrs. W. r G. Gaither, ipsa Mary. Leigh Gaither Bettie and Bill Gtjher, Mr., and: Mrs. W. H. Gaither, Carolyn and Joe Gaither, Misses Marcia, Minnie, Catherine and Mildred Albertson, Mrs. Albert Worth, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Flora, Mrs. John H. Hall, Mrs. Ray Toxey, II'BrjvxtoM. Dawson, Dr. and Mrs. Sue Grice. Miss Mildred Husrhes. all of zabetin City! Mri arid , Mrs. R. 'RobertlDr'ftnd.Mrs H. HooosMr alMrsTorii;E.. Oilman, the Rev.'; Mr"C. M, ' Holmede, W. G. ' Farish', Mr. W and Mrs. , Emmerson Smith, Mrsi C M.' Holmede, Mrs. Kenneth , MAlphin, Mrs. Stewart Sylvester, Hi Triplet, Mr. and Mrs. William-CasV Mr.-and Mrs. A. T. Riddick,"-;;M and Mm. W, V. Gres ham, Mr, kM Mrs. L. A.' Williams, Mr. and 5 Mrs. A. A.; , Wendell, Mr. and Mrs. A.& H. Carney, Mr. and Mrs. ST. Hi Wilcox, Bettie, Katherine and Tom 'Wncox Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hudsi, Miss Mary Tudor Hudson, all ff Norfolk, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Franks Winslow, . of Rocky Mount; Missji Adelaide Winslow, of Rocky Moiinfj Mrs. James C. War ren, E. I. Wasfren, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Conger, Mrsj Elton Forehand, Mrs. Joe-Conger, Mrs. C. G. Conger, Mrs. B. W. Hathaway, Mrs. J. M. Jones, Mr. and MrjB. Graham White, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wood, and Mrs. Budlong, all ff Edenton. Shower lib Honor Of Mrs. Benton Hurdle Mrs. Jesse Hurdle and Mrs. E. L. McDaniel delightfully entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Thursday evening honoring Mrs. Fenton Hur dle, at the home of Mrs. Jesse Hur dle, near Chapanoke. Mrs. Hurdle was formerly ? Miss Ada Lee Mc Daniel. ; Games and contests were enjoyed, the prize winners being Mrs. Jesse Hurdle and Mrs. Elisha Russell. Delicious candies and apples were served. The honoree received many useful and beautiful gifts. Those attending and sending gifts included: Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Red Ferrell, Mr. arid Mrs. M. C. Boyce, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pierce, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Kadat White, Mr. and Mrs. Elilhu Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Russell, Mr. axfi Mrs. Elisha Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Stallings, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hurdle, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McDaniel, Mr. arid Mrs. Fenton Hur dle, Mr. andiMrs. Leslie Sumner, Mesdames Thomas Deal, W. H. Pierce, Sr., J. Sumner, Sue Hall, Otha Jordan, Jil Lane, 0. C. Elliott, and E. B. Hollowell, Misses Margaret Ferrell, JuanitaSWmte, Eunice Har rell, Ruby Lee&umher, Susie and Claudia UmphWtt, Alease Wilcox, Juanita McDaniel, Onella Fierce, Hazel Hurdle, Slrah and Emma Deal, Ruby- fcjne, Dpfs Bater, Hilda., By runi, Annie Blle Russell, Sajlie White;; Messi- Ardell, Byruin, Joseph S $W5 FeiielL Craftpn Russell, chard Russelif Jack Hogatha, Wil lard, Rothie, Mather, Robert, Thom as and Lloyd Hardle, Maryland and Eugene Boyce, Wmfred, Herbert and Pack Harrell, and Kadar Franklin White. 1 i i 4 1 k - .... .. J- AskUt , . ; Still Bam . . . tef U$ $h$w You of tfi Pdnf Vcrr.!;!i St i b CtbsFAST FRIDAY -AND TsATtJBMt " -, , May jlsc ana? , V AT OUR STORI ; . rt d4monstrator$A . ' 'S - 5 frltifM (aporj of The v ' - Patterson-Saraent - demonstrata up-io-datev , Staining; Varnishing, f 9 t r I life 'if 1 ' i3. ( . ture o. 1 L. 1 your coupon, wt.kJi -z. !e , Y"' t'jo "w i C. . ,tPS Your choice of color.' : : Yov wilt not bs czxed to bu;'-1;-' -: I Bring Your Point Qwnt W.:H Yo ?Xi 104 Year of , Service' Quality. KwfeVe' " . "Right Prices J. :-C. 'P'-a-'ocr;' C, Lie, . : 1 r . . d, n. c. Oak Grove Society The Woman's Missionary Society of Oak Grove Church met on Wed nesday afternoon with Miss Lillian Bright. - Tha devotional was led by Miss Mildred Lewis, and Mrs. Over man offered prayer. Readings on Foreign Countries were given by Miss Mildred Lewis, Miss Mattie Ferrell and Miss Grace Ferrell. Several, interesting poems were read by Mrs. Lillie Belle Perry, Mrs. P. L. Whitehead, and Mrs. Georgai Jackson. After the business session, a social hour was enjoyed. Delicious ice cream and cake was served by Mrs. Bright and Mrs. Roy Pierce. Those present were: Mrs. Henry Ownley, Mrs. W. R. Perry, Mrs. Molly Trueblood, Mrs. Bertha White head, Mrs. George Jackson, Mrs. John Bright, Mrs. Roy Pierce, Misses Mildred Lewis, Gracie and Mattie Ferrell, and Lillian Bright. CHAPANOKE NEWS Mrs. Irma D'Oisay lias returned home from Norfolk, Va. where she was the guest of Mrs. Roy Branch a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Atoerto H.. Ros spent Monday afternoon visiting rel atives in Weeksville. Miss Cora Laycten was a visitor in Hertford Friday. Those from here attending Quar terly Meeting at Woodlawn Church Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. Tal madge Lewis, Billy Lewis, Mrs. Daisy Perry, Mrs. W. H. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jackson, Miss Mil dred Lewis, Mrs. J. C. Wilson and daughter, Susie Mae. Mrs. Mary Bray, who has been ill at her home near Woodville, is convalescent. Mrs. G. W. Gregory had as her dinner guests Sunday Mrs. Addie Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mercer, of Elizabeth City. Mrs. Johnnie White, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henry Gregory and little son Jim Gregory, of Woodville J. C. Wilson, Jr., Misses Ruth Rob erts Wilson and Mildred Lewis have returned home after a week's stay in Washington. 1 Mrs. Daisy Perry, Mrs. George W. Jackson, Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Jr., and Miss Mildred Lewis attended the club meeting in Hertford Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Lewis were in. Elizabeth City Saturday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Perry, of New Hope, were visitors at the home of Mrs. G.W. Alexander Sunday. Mrs. John Symons has returned after a short stay in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Evans, from near Edenton, passed through Chap anoke Monday. BOYCE CARVER Miss Martha M. Carver and Robert Harry Boyce, both of Hertford, were quietly married on Saturday, April 18, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. D. S. Dempsey, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, at the parsonage. The bride is the attractive daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carver, of Hertford. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyce, of Hertford. He is employed as book keeper at the firm of Reed & Fel- ton's. Both young people are very popular with a wide circle of friends. The couple are making their home on Grubb Street, in Hertford. Two Strangers Held (Continued from Page One) Charlie Mullen, colored, that White had told him he was going to steal the revolver. Daniel Felton, colored, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, was found not guilty. Murden Rhodes, driver of the Acme dairy truck, was fined ten dol lars and taxed with the court costs after being found guilty of reckless driving. Judge Oakey cautioned the young man that if there was any further evidence of reckless driving I l Ll1 tat M 1 : mbeisAMFM - V I STANDARDS FOR : REFRIGERATOR :. .... I BUYING NEW PRICES 1 AS LOW AS Y H $99.50 $4.50 Per Lock lor U,!.iBJ laaolo 1. LOWER OPERATING COS1 2. SAFER FOOD PROTECTION 3. FASTER FREEZING MORE ICE 4. MORE USABILITY 5. FIVE-YEAR PROTECTION PLAN EL . JJflDIEtlLDABJ Authorized Dealer LOCATED AT J. C. BLANCHARD & CO. HERTFORD, N. C. T 4' mm 4r, tsm 1934 PLYMOUTH DE LUXE SEDAN 1934 FORD V-8 COACH REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE TO TO THE FIRST LUCKY BUYER 1935 CHEVROLET COACH 1930 CHEVROLET COACH sold With -an o.k. that counts- reduced for quick sale 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN 1928 PONTIAC COACH WITH LICENSE PLATES WITH LICENSE PLATES J0(j5.OO . $gQ.QO - ; ISSyCllEVROITRUOT ONE GOOD LOG TRAILER . 13MNCH WHEEL BASE WITH UCENSE WITH LICENSE A REAL BUY : :C:-;g Crjay Oa Suro of S'afEcfaefa