TAC3 SIX ' f f THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, N. C FRIDAY MAY 8, 1936. MUM .A . - 7 a M 11 t- grifopsia JTary Sum, pretty owner of i 'roodside rwfarant, to wprtoed to ; ! - find out lAat r lover, Don TPttee, ' "to noted desperado wanted by , tin 'Department of Justice, When G-M surround her place, WOeon ' 'esoapee put Mary to caught burning tolen bond that he wot tarrying. ' Sentenced ta vriton, Mary breaks ; fail Kith Goldi Gordon, her cell' mat. Unknown ta Mary, Goldie , le working under oover with Harm per, govtmmmt agent, to get in- formation about Wilton. Mean . wJMe, Mary get a fob in a hos jpital and tali to love with Barton 'Fowell, patient; When one of ' Wilson's gangsters attempt to lake her back to him, Mary rune -away only to be run down again by Wilson in a Salt Lake City church. The latter makee a daring get away when G-Men arrive on the scene. Harper finds Mary and prom isee her a pardon if she will go to Powell's cabin in the Rockies and act a a decoy for Wilson. Mary agrees. . CHAPTER X ""A FTBR Har - per had de r parted owell paced op' and' down the long y room, smoking and thinking. He was still pacing -when the sun '- sank behind the Rockies like a ball of tire. When an auto mobile, without lights, swept up to the lodge en trance, he hur ried forward and opened the door. Two women got out ot the car. He stared at them curiously. One was rather plump and middle-aged. That would be the ma tron. The other returned to the living room band In'.' hand, with shining eyes. 1 "You'd better go tip to bed now," said Powell. "Yon mast be about dead after that trip. Wait they dragged you np here for anyway I can't understand. Ton and Miss An drews will sleep In the bedroom at the head of the stairs, ril wait down here to see It Wilson comes." ' The two women . mounted the stairs and Powell returned to pac ing the living room. The log lire threw grotesque shadows about his tall, lean figure and the scratching of tree branches against the north window sounded like ghostly fingers. Half an hour later the upstairs bedroom door opened and Mary, wrapped In her dressing gown, came out, and hurried down. M..yMM)Wt mlmmmlmamt0UIUemliWmmnmmmmmmlm V "1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-mM-m-mm-mmm-mt i j.uuSteaSiM.M.i ...ilnlnniiMllWHIHMilMIHH I "Show that Sir Galahad you were kidding him," Wilson exclaimed. "Show It to him with a kiss, angel, before I shoot him." bad great sad eyes under a cloud of dark hair, and a face which looked pale and wan In the dusk. That must be Mary. . . . "Hello." The girl's greeting was trained and embarrassed. Then, aa he studied his face, "Tour eyes. They're al right r "They must be," he smiled at her tenderly. Then, noticing that the matron was at the other end ot the room, taking off her things, he add--ed: "And they're never seen anyone more beautiful than youfe "Miss Andrews," he turned to the policewoman. "Do you mind if Miss Burns and I walk In the garden a bit" "Sure and I don't." was the an swer. "You can't be gettin' away with the whole forest sowed thick with G-Men. And It that murderin' Con Wilson comes In, I've that in tny bag which will make him think twice before botherin' me." She pat ted her bulging purse. What took place between the two lovers In the garden will never be known. Suffice it to say that they "I couldn't possibly sleep," she ex plained. "Not with Don out there, somewhere. Besides Miss Andrews forgot her precious purse and wants me to bring It up to her." As she spoke the north window flew up with a crash and Wilson himself leaped into the room. "Fooled them again," he said as casually aa If he was replying to an Introduction. "They didn't think rd pull a Tarzan on them, and travel through the trees Instead ot under them." He strode over to Mary and started to take her in bis arms. "Easy there," Interrupted Powell "Miss Burns is my fiancee." ., "Your whatl" Don whirled on him, automatic In hand. ."You lie. Come on. Mary. We've got to get out of here." "Wilson, you can't get away this time." Powell goaded him. "And It would be murder to drag Mary along. You're Just a cheap grand stander and . . ." "YeahT" That crack had hit Wil son hard. "I'm the most famous guy in the country, that's all." "You're insane, Wilson." said the explorer as he inched toward a gun rack.1' TU show yon bow Insane I am." the gangster gloated. "Mary; come beret" - . fhyr-. Mary was- thinking shrewdly. Knowing the spot that Powell was in with : this madman killer, she moved slowly toward Wilson In such a way as to pass close' to the piano on which lay the matron's handbag. "Make It snappy, kid we've got to get going," said Don, paying no attention as Mary, casually picked up the bag. Then, to Powell he add ed with insane, killing lust, "That crack about my being a cheap grand stander Is your last crack. "But Fm going to give you a mem ory to take with you!" He turned to Mary who was standing near him terri fied, her hands gripping the bag. "Show, that Sir Galahad you were kidding him. Show him who you really love! Show It to him with a kiss, angel, before I shoot him." With his tree hand he swept jttaror toward him while be kept Powell cov ered with the au tomatlc. He kissed her pas sionately. Mary, the purse in her hand, pressed close to him, as If willingly, with a smile. Then, when' their bod ies ' were close in a tight embrace, there was the sound of a pistol shot, another and another. Wilson's gun fell from his hand as he slumped to the floor, a bewil dered, Incredulous, baffled expres sion on his face. One hand was pressed to his chest, while his eyes were turned toward Mary as It. even In death, he could not believe she had shot him. He tried to speak, then tell back and lay Oulet. "I had to do it I had to." sobbed Mary, covering her face with hei hands. "I knew he would kill you. And I don't care" She turned furi ously to Harper as that astounded O-Man charged through the front door. "1 don't care . . . what happens to me. I don't care." Harper hurried over to Wilson's figure, laid bis head to the chest, listened a moment, then straight ened up, satisfied. "Miss Burns," he said Jubilantly, "looks like your worries are ended You've Just shot yourself a pardon." ' THE END. estate of said deceased to exhibit them ' to the undersigned at Belvi dere, N. C, ' Route 1, on ' or before the 28th day of March,' 1937,- or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please ':. make imme diate payment. , , This 28th day of March, 1936. . W. T. EASON, Administrator- of ; Maggie Robinson. Apr.3,10,17,24,Mayl,8 . North Carolina Perquimans County In the Superior Court Hojlowell Chevrolet Co., Inc. vs Joseph H. Small and wife, Sarah J. Small, Horace Eugene,' Kateene, Ida. and Shelton Small, their children " "- W -. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION The defendants, Horace, r Ida and Shelton Small and the other defend ants above named will take notice that an action as entitled, above" has been commenced in the Superior Court of Perquimans County, N.' C, for the purpose of setting aside and having withdrawn from the entries a certain deed made by the' defendants, Joseph H. Small and wife, Sarah J. Small, to the said . Horace, Ida, and Shelton Smair along with several other brothers and sisters, same plac ed on record for the purpose of hin dering and defrauding the plaintiffs from the collection of a certain judg ment, and the said defendants, Hor ace, Ida, and Shelton Small will take notice that they are required to ap pear on the 13th day of May, 1936, at the Court-House in Hertford, N. C, and answer or demur to the com plaint in saidcause or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said complaint: This the 13th day of April. 1936. W. H. PITT Clerk Superior Court. Robert B. Lowry, Att'y. Apr.l7,24,Mayl,8. conveyed to me under the ' will of John O. White, Sr., which" is recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of "Perquimans County in Will Book J, page 83 et eeq., and in compliance with item 16th of said will, I will on Friday, the 15th day of May, 1936, offer for resale to the highest bidder for cash, or on terms, at the Court House door in Hertford, "the Coffin Shop and store property and all land belonging to it, situate on Market and Edenton Koaa Streets in the Town t of Hertford, North Carolina" said lot adjoins lot of Lilly Rebecca Harrell and Nellie virtue Griffin on north,; the lot of a. G. Winslow, formerly Sarah Spiyey, on east, Market Street on south and Edenton Road Street on wesfc t The property .will be y offered for resale ; on account of insufficient bid at prioKi.aala and, alsoupset Ibid. Property will be offered on ; terms, first cash, second one-half cash and balance in one and two years, defer red payments' bearing interest and secured by first claim on property. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Nathan T. Saunders, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hdving claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 1617 Willoughby Ave., Norfolk, Va., on or before the 24th day of March, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded . . . . . ... in bar oi ineir recovery, ah per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 24 day of March, irao. WILLIAM T. SAUNDERS, Administrator of Nathan T. Saun ders. . Apr.3,10,i7,24,Mayl.8 MANY VITAMINS YET ' TO BE DISCOVERED Dr. Funk Emphasises Need for Diversified Diet. : Paris. "There are many vitamins yet to be discovered, and the present' conception of a perfect diet is by no means the final word In the matter." This was the atatemeat of Dr. Cas-' tndr Funk, American biochemist .who In 1912 advanced the" vitamin theory,' when Interviewed here concerning re cent findings of the health commit tee of the League of Nations on the eating habits of the. world. 1 will say,,. however," he added, "that a report such as the one made by the league experts Is something that I have been advocating for 25 years." ' .Doctor Funk Is famous also for his. theory that there' afe four different kinds of vitamins "an antlberlberl vitamin, an ;antlscurvy. vitamin, an matlpellagra vitamin, ; and probably also an antirlckets vitamin." "Dr. Leslie ' Harris, the English dentist, in his new book, 'Vitamins la ! Theory and Practice, credits Sir' irrederlck Bjopkins and - myself with being responsible for most modern: nu tritional ideas," continued Doctor rank,-"but I really claim these are due chiefly If not entirely to my propa ganda ot the vitamin theory and the experimental work done for many yean which for a greater part JustK tied that theory." , k "( am not only a vitamin expert, ut also an hormone? expert," he said, 'and I believe a more diversified diet 1 what is to be desired today espe cially since It I is certain there are some vitamins which remain to be dls- The progress In the use of knowl- edi of vitamins Is Increasing rapidly. Host Btamins' are not the mysterious substance they used to be, but are , quite velj known, and some are even telex produced sjrttficlally in labora- CT-'-r Funk Is now conducting sev 1 (. : ; : !3ents both with hormones l.v:i;3S at the laboratory, Casa Buell Ualmc'.son, ' near ., l&asjJL , ''L Famous Songs of Foster to Gain Favor Abroad Washington. Stephen Collins Fos ter, most famous of North American composers. Is to be Introduced to mu sic lovers abroad as result of inter American musical enthusiasm fostered by the Pan-American union, Foster Is the best loved of American song writers because of his four great songs which reflected kindly, sentiment of old plantation days In the South and inspired American pioneers In their trek Into the. western plains and deserts. Among dozens of songs which he wrote prior to his death at New. York in 1864, those best known are "Way Down Upon de-Swanee Bibber," "My Old Kentucky Home," "Massa's in de Cold, Cold Ground." and "Old Black Joe." Another of his hits, "Oh I Su sanna," attained modern popularity as the theme song In the western pioneer epic ot the films, "The Covered Wag on." " ' ":' Through the talent of Luis Ousman, a Colombian by birth, now member of the United States Marine band, 20 of the best Foster melodies have been se lected and arranged for conceit band. As result of the beneficence and en thusiasm of Joslah Klrby Lilly, manu facturer of Indianapolis, Ind 000 sets of the, "Stephen Foster Melodies,'' for 17 piece bands, are about to be cir culated to V musical organizations throughout Latin America. Tattoo Furnishes Age ' Affidavit for Pensioner New Britain, Conn. There are ways of .proving one's correct age aside from birth certificates and tombstone inscriptions, the Social Service club learned. . A man applied for old-age assistance under the state's new law but he was puzzled upon finding It necessary to : furnish an affidavit certifying his age, 'Suddenly be was struck with A bright - idea ; be rolled .. up his , sleeve and showed the date of birth tattooed ' there.1;,"' v ? ;r'j"vy--y ; ;i Such a tattoo, he said, was neces sary upon entering tbe Swedish army. In forwarding his application to Hart ford the local department will cite the applicant's mr'"iod of proving bis age iss tu t?m i m. Bull's-Eye Camera Traps Pickpocket in Naples Naples. The camera - doesn't lie. Which makes It tough .for -Vlncenzo Salleno pickpocket. ' It happened this way. Walter 81 monaszi, private In Mussolini's army, went to a rifle range where, as an at traction to customers, there Is a special camera, that Snaps a picture: of a marksman. if hls'bullet bits thebull's- eye.Y ' ''Al , Slmonazsl hit the bull. But when he went to: pay for his cartridges his found his pocket bad been picked. The picture did the rest. When he showed the photograph to the police they recognized a man beside Simonassl as he fired as Salleno, a well known irfa pies 'crook. ' Now Salleno Ms. npder arrest -i , .r4": . NOTICE . Under and by virtue of the power Taylor Theatre , , EDENTON, N. C. PROGRAM COMING WEEK W i PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! Classified and Legal Notices CAR FOR SALE FOR REPAIR bill Saturday, May 80,. 1930, ' 12 o'clock M. One Chevrolet Touring -' Car, Serial No. 9K24478, Motor No. 1802757. HolloweU - Chevrolet : CO., j Hertford, N. C. ; May8,159c NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION f ' Having qualified as Administrator with Will Annexed of the estate of i. F. White, deceased,: late of Perqui mans County,' North Carolina, this is to notify alt persons', having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Sunbury, N. C, on or before the 2nd day of May, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payments - . s"" ' f. - This 2nd day of May, 1936. - . B. I WHITE,- -.-. Administrator i of 'J. F, White,' De- ' ceased.' ' '- x May8,152,29une6,l2;" T' . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Haggle L. Lcv1ion, deceased, late of Perquiir.cr s C '7 North Carolina, this is to r.r' ; f J persons havlrj claims r He Today (Thursday) and Friday REGULAR ADMISSION Clark Gable Jean Harlow MyrnaLoy "WIFE VS. SECRETARY" ON STAGE FRIDAY NIGHT AT 8:45 AMATEUR NIGHT With All Children Amateurs $10 TO THE WINNER Saturday Only , REGULAR ADMISSION .Theatre opens at 2 P M- and runs continuously. BoU Steele "ALIAS JOHN LAW" . ALSO t" Miracle Rider, Nov U Cartoon and Comedy Monday Only , REGULAR ADMISSION James Cagney Vt Pat O'Brien - "CHUNG. ZERO" . Also News and Cartoon Taesday Only - f REGULAR ADMISSION ) Walter Connelly ' -SOAK THE RICH" ' Asm News and Cartoon i Wednesday Only5" " " lOe AND 16c " . Behliyoriand Joan' Marsh , , "DANCING FEET" ; Y'ft ALSO T -W" l The Last of the Major Bowes , Amateur Theatre Series ,s " 11 J Act and Comedy - Coming Soon . . r Bing Crosby ' k V ' ' in ; r. ' "ANYTHING GOES" rioff Right to reject any or aD hida la re- gerved,' -) - , i ,- - v : t - V The sale will be at 12 o'clock noon. ' This April 28th, 1936. ' ' - JOSHUA THEODORE WHITE, Executor John O. White, Sr.,";de- ceased. ' , 1 ' Mayl,8,15 - NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ' Having qualified as Administrators of the estate of Alphino Pasco White deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit tbem . to the undersigned at Hertford on or before the Uth day of April, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoyery.;All A persoiis' In debted to said estate1 will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of ..April, . 1936. ' J. L, WHITE, J. O. WHITE, Jr. J. A. WHITE Administrators. Apf.24jaayl,8,lf;,22)29 who have WEVER ItTJOlVrj DEFEAT .itwg-: Rock and Tom, owned by the Scatter Farms Co., Piqwa, Ohio. Driver, KtmeU Sando, Their pment record 3900 lbs. tractive pull, which it equivalent to pMllbij 9 plows cwKlnf furrows 14 inches wide and 6 inches deep. , XT THAT A RECORD! Never have these mighty champions been VV beaten. They've out-pulled every team they've ever met. These magnificent Belgians are Nature at her best. They arc animals to which Nature has given the vital spark -that necessary, natural balance of all the elements of which champions are made. Natural balance is everything! Ifa the difference between this team of powerful champions and common, ordinary plugs. It's the difference between the best and the rest in almost everything. And here's another example of Nature at her . best Natural Chilean Nitrate. This nitrogen fertilizer is favored by Nature with the champion's vital spark the natural balance of the elements that make a champion. Into Chilean Nitrate Najture blended the vital impurities) the combination of many major and minor ele ments over and beyond nitrogen. Through countless centuries, Nature has aged and matured this nitrogen fertilizer in the ground, that you may return It to your ground as the safe, sure, balanced food for your crops. Natural Chilean contabw almost two score of major and minor elements such attoron, magnesium; man ganese, fodinej calcium i potassium; etc each a vitat element in growth and healthy 0veIofment of plants. SRESf THAI OtfUERSES CI KLTOWB OWS JtV sAuxa akd naoi DoosGuelt .Progro Yes, our. Parts and Repair busi .ness have increased to the point i that we cannot serve all of bur customers during the day, so we 7 have put on twenty-four hour aauy service, except jsunoays. We appreciate, your valuable patronage and solicit a continua-i ; ! r. tion 1 01 , your, good will and besV',; wishes; :,v!r?-"; r v Mty H 1 t I 4 nnor7rnn - . ' t :tuttMM:: 1 1

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