PAGE THRE3 OLD BIBLE SCRIPTS LAUGHS FROM THE DAYS NEWS I that the people of North Carolina not only his former comrades in arms, hut all of us should find joy and satisfaction in fulfilling some of reason to justify support of any caw the primes made to the boys nearly twenty years ago The Courier Journal. ARE PHOTOGRAPHED OEflR WR6 ACCEPT MS TOKEW OF -food Monasteries on Mount Athos Yield Valuable Data. 11. s TrUS r KK(j I) LMA-No WEEKLY.' HERTFORD, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 22, 198 - . ., . , t MAJWIWIllUUIl : 1 I - INDIA PRESENTS VMS FRIENDS I -Am Princeton, N. . X Approximately 2,200 photographs of Biblical mann- acrlpts In Greek Othodox monasteries on Mount Athos, many never before photographed and several never be fore seen by American scholars, have made It possible for Princeton unlver i slty . professors to . reconstruct the " eritflna and development of Biblical 'illustrations in manuscripts from the ! Second to the Nineteenth centuries. I The photographic expedition, spon sored by Princeton university, passed 'two and a half months In 14 of the 20 monasteries on Mount Athos, one of the richest depositories of early Bible pictures. , I Since late in January Profs. Albert M. Friend, Jr. and Ernest T. DeWald, 'of the Princeton departments of art and archeology, and Dr. Kurt Welts i maun, leader of the expedition, have been compiling a preliminary classifi cation of the photographs In prepar ation for publication of all the Illus trations found In the Greek manu scripts of both the Old and New Test aments. Doctor Weltzmann was as--fjstejd 1 the, expedition by Frelhers Anotal von Melbohm, of the Univer sity of Prague. lIh" Unknown to Scholars. ' The earliest of the manuscripts pho tographed, many of which .had not been catalogued and were therefore I unknown to scholars, were painted in the Ninth century. ' Other pictures now in the Princeton collection date to the Sixth century, and, with the Mount Athos photo graphs, make possible accurate deter mination o( the general structure of Bible illustrations as far back as the Second century, Professor Friend said. In the collection which Professor Friend began to compile about 1920, are 10,000 photographs of Old and New Testament manuscript Illustra tions, of which 2,000 are of minia tures in the Vatican library. There are about 1,000 similar illustrations from manuscripts In the Blbllotheque Nationals in Paris. With the addition of the Mount Athos pictures seven eighths of the known material has been assembled. . See Ancient Volume. The expedition was the first per mitted to see the contents of the "Gospels of Nlcephoros Phocls," an imperial gift to the Monastery of Great Laura, the first on Mount Athos. The volume is bound in golden covers and embossed with gems and enamels. Miniature pictures In the volume of the three great feast days are among the finest examples of early Eleventh centuryByMntlnevart. J The work at Princeton has been un dertaken as a part of the prepara tion of an exhaustive index of Chris tian art, a catalogue of Christian art which has been In the process of classification for more than 20 years. Two volumes on the Old Testament . corpus are planned for publication this year, with complete publication of the enormous collection expected to re quire about ten years. Ten volumes of Old Testament Illustrations and four volumes of text about them are planned. ' The New Testament is ex pected to require four volumes of Illus trations and two volumes of text Professor DeWald Is In charge of prep aration of the text of the first two volumes. TWe'i ZZZ "I see as how the total of alpha betical guv-mint units has now reached 81." "How kin that be?" "Huh?" "There's only 26 letters." Dad, the Censor : Guest o this la your daughter's coming out party? . Host Yes, and If I hadn't checked ,up on the dressmaker making her gown she'd be out even farther than she is. RYLAND Mrs. Bill Hansley and daughters, Ramona, Barbara Joyce and Marilyn, of Washington, D. C., are visiting Mrs. Harriett Parks. Mr. and Mrs. T. L Ward and .chil dren were in Edenton Saturday af ternoon, Mr. Ward attending1 - the County Democratic Convention. Mrs. . Julian E. Ward, of Edenton; Mrs. Vance Moore . and little son, Grady Vance, of Gates County; Mrs. C.W. Ward, from i near Sign Pine, WflPW o Pcmlpa Miaa . Hf am Tab MM...... . MH WUfl .MftfUJ. J T ! J , I uavia ami uuiun rants were dinner guests of Mrs. Randolph Ward : on Friday. . . Miss Gertrude Jackson spent last week with her sister, Mrs.' Albert Keeter, near Evans Church., Boy Parks was in Washington, D. C, Thursday and Friday on business. T. E. Parks and daughters, , -Mr. and Mrs. Preston Parks and baby, of Rocky Bock; Mrs. 3. T. Byrum, Jliss Montaze Byrum and Forrest Byrum, from Cannon's Perry; Mrs. R S. ' Ward, Lehman and Lelia Faye Ward, were among the guests of Mrs Har riett Parks Sunday afternoon. , Miss Thelma Ward returned Fri day from Colerain, where : she spent several months nursing an invalid 1 Little Miss Sarah Jane Boyce has returned home" from a fVo weeks' visit -with- her - grandparents near Sunbury. -. - , , , i., Mrs. Roy Parks has been enter taming the preachers who are con IMAGINE, IF WE ROUCnJEDlPnf IDEA, HH?f r WTC mm x& ducting evangelistic services at Happy Home. The attendance at this series of meetings has been large, and much interest has been shown. Mrs. H. N. Ward is visiting rela tives in Edenton. WHAT OTHER I EDITORS SAY V AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE GOOD A PLEDGE AND TO SERVE THE STATE From time to time since that eventful November day in 1918 when guns ceased firing on the Western Front, and the boys embarked for home to take up again the ordinary procedure of earning a living, ex service men have offered themselves as candidates for public oflflce. Too often they have had no qualifications for the office they sought, and no claim upon the voters other than the fact that they had served their flag during the war. This paper has always felt that war service alone was insufficient didate. On the other hand, it has all along contended that when other qualifications are equal that war service should be perhaps the decid ing factor. All of us 30 years old and above remember the high patroitic fervor of 1917 and 1918. We recall the fly ing banners, the panoply and parade. We recall the solemn dedications of the young men who went to camp to the service of their flag. We recall, too, the solemn promises that those who stayed at home made to them that they should not be forgotten when they returned home. Early in 1919 they began coming home. Shipload after shipload came all through 1919, 1920 and 1921. Soon the young men who had come home began to ask for fulfillment of the promises. Some of the requests assumed proportions of demands. The boys were too young to fill the positions they desired. Their claims sometimes smacked of baseness, in that it seemed that they were trying to capitalize patriotism. The public generally resented that. Time marched on. Youth became middle age- Rashness gave place to mature judgment. The callow boy became the experienced man of af fairs. The service men reached the age and the position in affairs which qualified them for leadership. For the first time the people of North Carolina have opportunity to honor one of those who went to France with the highest office in the State. He bases his claim to that office not upon his war record, but on the fact that he has won the right to it in civil life. In 1918 when his country needed him in uniform, Sandy Graham did not hesitate. So well did he serve his flag, that he came out with captain's commission. In 1920 he felt that his people needed him in the leg islature of his State and again he did not hesitate. He came to the legislature which met in January, 1921, and since that time he has con tinuously served the people of his county and his State. That exper ience has endowed him with certain qualifications for larger service now as governor and again he does not deny the call to service. If Sandy Graham now claimed the governorship as his right because of war service, he would be presumpt ous. But when his ability is recog nized as equal, if not superior, to that of the other candidates; when his experience and training have giv en him peculiar qualifications not possessed by either of his opponents; when his political philosophy seems aptly fitted to the needs of the State at this time; it seems to this writer TRACK CHAMPION, Johnny Follows, sayi : "Camels help to stimulate my digestion, bring a feeling of well-being." HARRY FISHER, iteel worker, p c 1,2 r- i. L-i WM my digestion.'' Camels add zest to any meal. accos WBJ Insurance - Real Estate Attorney-at-Law Office Facing Court House Square Vonor Own Uome Hertford Building & Loan Association Will Offer Its 31st Series of Stock For Sale on Sat May 2, &93S Money loaned to lift mortgages, make re pairs and pay taxes on homes. Subscribe for stock and take advantage of this opportunity to save money. HERTFORD BUILDIU6 & LOAN ASSOCIATION A. W. Hef ren PRESIDENT W. H. Hardcastle SECRETARY-TREASURER a a worn m stfmm atteM! iRENE That's the kind of proposition Ford dealers offer you with these unusual used car values! HERE'S WHAT JG TO YOU- MEANS ' SATISFACTION Guaranteed or your money O BACK" that's the kind of promise Ford Dealers are ready to give you on any used car priced over $100! And no questions asked no strings attached! In giving this unusual guarantee your Ford Dealer wants to convince you that you can buy your used car from him with complete confidence. Read this Guarantee at the left. Then visit your Ford Dealer. It won't take you long to make your selection, for you'll find one of the finest looking assortments of cars you've ever seen cars that are clean inside and outside, with good tires, lively batteries and sound electrical and mechanical systems. - Your present car may cover the down pay ment on the car you choose and you won't need any cash "now to put a fine, modern car in your garage. See your Ford Dealer today. USED CARS: AND TRUCKS authorized ford dealers A fully renewed car of your favorite make With a ten-day mechanical guarantee And a two-day money-back guarantee You (usl can't loiel Just ask your favorite rord Dealer to show you his splendid selection of . . . ALL MAKES YOU GET THIS 4 POINT PROTECTION When You Buy a Used Car From Your Ford Dealer 1. Your Ford Dealer's long established reputation for fair, square dealing. 2. Record demand for the fast selling Ford V-8 which has brought Ford Dealers the cream of traded -in cars; 3. Low down-payment liberal allowance for tout present car easy terms through Universal Credit Company. 4. A two-day MONHY-BACK. GUARANTEE of Satisfaction on any used car priced orer flOOj GEE THESE cGOARAOTEEO VALUES BEFORE YOU CHOOSE ANY CAR