ma i uiAx. j jly, m:rwTrcr.D. n. g, iiuday, may 22, ices fVi H ' r 1 1 ' -i r 1 , Hetauwa thra UNITED ABI3S1B What Bu Gorta Baron: Jlddie JPfofe, ovmer a cleai- pressing MtatHahmvwt a oHsye town, i the butt 0 an the etudentf practical Joke. Onttr Butch Carton, one of the etudente, with mart brawn than brain, hat faith in BddU. Eddie ft eecrstly to love with Joyce Lennox, might chtb entertainer, and determined to get mw where to t world. To thie end, he subscribes to a correepond enoe cowrie on how to become ttrong and fearU and a leader of mm. Meanwhile, Butch Car ton' mother, owner of an amusement park, to having trouble with elot machine racke teer. MASTER OF MEN Chapter II Thanks to Eddie Fink's Ingenui ty end the confusion of the profes sors, Butch Carson finally won the coveted sheepskin. His mother and Claribel came to the commence ment exercises. Claribel was dis posed to be facetious about Butch's scholastic achievement. stalled in his office as manager of Dreamland Park, but in a daxe be cause of trip he bad taken to New York with Butch to celebrate his new position. There they had rone to the Club Udo where Joyce Lennox was entertaining. JQddie was still numb v from his experi ence of having seen Joyce. . Claribel, Installed as bis aeere tary, earns Into the office to take notes. Eddie, wakuur from his reverie struck a managerial pose. ' "As I was aavlnr" he said. man- aging an smusumest park is . . . " Claribel Interrupted: Too gonna tell me Claribel Higg who was bora under a scenle raUwav: ma that eat my teeth on a brass rinc from a merry-go-round! Mister my family have bean concession aires since Coney Island was a wig wam; Now, go ahead MI me some thing!" This is neither the time nor the place for speeches. I have work to do, a task to perform!" said Eddie, pompously. And he began to busy himself with articles on the desk, picking up several and laying them down, taking the telephone off the hook and replacing it and finally picking up a pencil and looking at it. "Say, what am I supposed to do around here?" "The first thing." said Claribel. "is where do you want Mr. Har- i:V "He's etOl a tailor," Claribel exclaimed. "You'd better beat it with that diploma," she said, "before they dis cover it's all a mistake." "Wait," Butch said. You got to meet Eddie. If it weren't for him I'd still be a freshman. He knows what ifs all about He's got brains." At this point Eddie entered the shop loaded down with clothes for pressing. On his head were stacked half a dozen hats. Butch introduced him to Ma Carson and Claribel. Ma Carson was disappointed, but de termined to be polite. Claribel was disappointed and made no effort to o pome. A Go-Getter "Well " Sftid Ma ronnn'i "T'ri .1. ways glad to meet any friend of Butch. Claribal nmllpri- "T'm lmn to say goodbye to any friend of jauicu. iioouoye: Tho vomen prepared to leave taking: Butch with them. At the floor, However, Butch euddenly re- Y.:'..:l - f A- , . .... . 'i a mmuie, ne saia. listen, Eddie. What am I going to do? Ma warn me 10 manage .Dreamland I can't do it." "Can't?" said Eddie. "Are you a man? He took his coin from his pocket and flipped it. "Yes! Then have nn four! R flrmt Ri hnirii Have confidence in yourself! Never retreat always attack! Alter you have memorized this thoroughly, 10 coapier Me caugnt nim eelf, cleared his throat and struck up a pose. Act act ACT! Ma Curium WOM 4mnrAnMi1 "Phlneas. my husband, used to talk like that" ah M thni,ri. fully, "and Phlneas was a howling go-getter." Claribel was skeptical, but Ma varson saw in iuadle the man of iron sne needed to run her amuse ment park. Over Claribel's protes tations, she said to Eddie: "Young man, the job is yours." And silencing Eddie's feeble objec tions, Ma Carson turned to Butch: "You help Eddie pack, III be ex pecting you both at the park to morrow. But Butch euddenly remembered . "Gee, Ma, I sort of promised n feller I'd go with him on a boat trip around the world." "What?" said Ma Carson startled Its a sort of a cruiae," Butch explained apologetically. . Well, tell the man you're fer ry," said Ma Carson. And she left determinedly with Claribel. A few day later found Eddie in- rigan's wreath sent?" 7,Who's Mr. Harrlgan?" asked Eddie. Mr. Harrlgan, he learned, had been manager of Dreamland before him; so had Mr. L. Johnson, Mr. M. Peters, and Mr. C. Reilly. "Wfaa What happened to them?" said Eddie nervously. Nobody ever found out," said Claribel ominously. The clue as to what had happen ed to the other managers came to Eddie earlier thnn h Vi-q h ..muioj Into his office that same day walked four villainous looking "mugs." "My name's Copple," said the leader. -This is Mr. Marsh. Mr. Selby. And this is Mr. Thrust, in charge of sales resistance. I talked with Mr. Harrlgan Just be fore his unfortunate accident You see, our company is going to put a number of amusement machines In the park to educate the great Amer ican public." At this point Claribel entered and handed Eddie a note. It read: THESE MUGS ARE CROOKS. TELL THEM NO! A Tight Spot Here's the contract Mr. Pink" Said Mr (IrnnnlA R,,f ITJJi. rerring to his man and mouse book for freah mitmo-n .af,i.. . , The men advanced upon him omi- uMuaiy. v-iariDei supped behind him and nut a mm Intr, lila nn.i. '!?J eonn& get tough. Everybody out! See!" cried Eddy. "Get out!" uku rexueea to move and eXChaniFMl alfmlAoan ij - " -o . w.ifcl Oiauuo, die voice lost its conviction. nonest, you a all better go." Marsh reaha1 t.u i , x " V. njg UIDIUQ gocket as if to pull a gun. But laribel's hand went into the side DOCket of Eddia'a oA was the crack of a pistol. A burst buiuks came out or a gaping hole in Eddie's pocket Coppie'S Marsh in the eye. Eddie convul sively clutched the desk for sup port - i he gangsters retreated. Ma Carann wftk Aam.. . " MMMO VU wo scene in time to witness the rout- In a rf tUm maIvaa-. .1 1 .-vMSMviB. uiraw nor arms mmtnA vum. ii . . , impulsively.. "AnA tt.l-1, v. tailor," she said. But IBrlrilji a1ra4, h.j vi. 1 off, and was sitting cross legged on ? " wesa paicmng up the hole in his coat ' "TT' .4111 t.n n ... , Claribel. ""'' fro be continued) Classified and Legal Notices Town of Hertford, CAR FOR SALE FOR REPAIR bill Saturday, May 30, 1936, 12 o'clock M. One Chevrolet Touring Car, Serial No. 9K24478, Motor No. - 1802757. Hollowell Chevrolet Co., Hertford, N. C. May8,15,22,29c. NOTICE , At ft regular meeting of the Board of ; Commiesioners of the Town of Hertford. North. Carolina, ponvonad , ' at the Town Ofilce, the regular place of meeting, at Eight P. M., , Monday, May 11th, 1936, present and . presiding H. Gr Winslow,' Mayor, and fnmmiauinnoraj A.! W . "Hofrcn C. a ' " Commissioner A. W. Heir en Jntro- ing the issuance of Bonds of the Town of Hertford, and the same was read: k " Order Authorizing (15,000 - Bonds for Refunding- Street Improvement Bonds of the North Carolina Be it resolved and ordered by the tsoara or commissioners of the Town of Hertford, North Carolina 1. That Bonds of the Town of Hertford, North Carolina be issued pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, as amended, in an amount not exceeding $15,000 for the purpose of refunding a like amount of principal of valid subsisting indebtedness of the Town, which indebtedness was in curred prior to July 1, 1933 for street Improvements, in said Town and is evidenced by the following 6 Street Improvement Bonds, dat ed January 1st, 1920, and maturing $3000 January 1st, 1935, $6000 Janu ary 1st, 1936 and $6000 January "t, 1937 .,, , 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bondB when due shall - be annually levied and collected.. ' " : f That a statement of the Town debt has been filed with the" Clerk and is; open to inspection to the public i 4. . That this order shall take ef- feet from its passage and ,shall not oe submitted to the voters. The Board t thereupon designated W, G. Newby, Clerk,, as , the officer whose duty it should be to file the statement of debt and assessed val uation required ' by the Municipal finance Act to be filed before the final passage of the Bond Order this day introduced.' . ; -Thereupon W. G. Newby, Qork filed in the presence of the Board the statement of debt and' assessed valuation as required by the Munici pai finance Act. The order authorizing $15,000 bonds was passed on its first read ing . - , ' ihereupon the Board fixed June 8th, 1936, at 8 P. M., as the hour and date for public hearinir as re quired by tne Municipal Finance Act, and directed the Clerk to publish the Bond Order which .has been intro duced this day, together - with the appended note - as required by the Municipal f inance Act. in The Per quimans Weekly, not later than the luth day before the date so fixed. . NOTE ' The foregoing order has been in troduced and a sworn-statement has been filed under the Municipal Fi nance Act showing the. assessed val uation of the Town to be $1,037,733 and the net debt for other than school purposes, including the pro posed bond issue to be $163300. A tax will be levied for the payment of the proposed bonds and interest, if the same shall be issued. Any citizen or tax payer may protest against the issuance of such bonds at a meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners to be ;held on Monday, June 8th, 1936 at 8 P.- M, or an ad journed meeting thereof, at the regular place of meeting at the Town office. W. G. NEWBY, Clerk. Mayl5tf NOTICE! By virtue of authority conferred upon the undersigned trustee by a certain deed of trust executed by Leroy Smith and wife, Priscilla Smith, dated April 11th, 1933, which deed of trust is recorded in Book No. 18, page 429, office of Register of Deeds, Perquimans County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of note secured by said deed of trust, and at request of the holder of the note, I will on Friday, June 12th, 1936, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Hertford, N. C, offer for sale at j public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land: Located in Belvidere Township, Perquimans County, N. C, and bounded and described as follows: Six and one-half (6) acres of land on the south, side of Nicanor road about 400 yards from said road and bounded on the . north by the Lydia Kirby land, on the south by Will StalUngs, On the west by W. E. Smith and on the east by the lands of Asa Stallings, and being known as the Rosetta Smith Old Home Place. This deed of trust also includes any timber on the above lands. Dated and posted this the 9th day of May, 1936. ' W. M., HOLLOWELL, Trustee, Mayl5,22,29June5 - w NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator with Will Annexed of the estate of J. F. White, deceased, late of Perqui mans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit-them, to ; the undersigned at Sunbury, N.'C; on or before the 2nd day of May, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please " make immediate payment. . This 2nd day of May, 1936. B. L. WHITE, Administrator of J. F. White, De ceased. May8,15,22,29IJune5,12 Celestial Touch The dust storms have given the Sun day school teachers a splendid subject iwlth which to impress their young pu pils. A Texas teacher recently said to her class that the whole human race was made of dust but of course there was something which had to be added besides the dust "Yes," piped up one little, boy. made a man out of dirt and be looked all right But I couldn't put the wig gle Into lum." Pathfinder Magazine. ! i , - NOTICE OF ADJIINISTRATION , - Having qualified as Administrators of the estate of Alphino Pasco White deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina,' this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the .undersigned at HerfrfordNon or before the 11th day of April, 1937, of this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. 'All .persons in-i debted to said estate will please make immediate payment i This 11th day of April) 1936. -- J. L.. WHITE, 3- 0." WHITE, Jr. ' J.JA.' WHITE ' , Administrators.'' Apr.24Mayl,8ilfy22,29 j 1 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ,1 . J. 4A I wish, to sell the house and lot now occupied by me as a home od the comervof Grubb" Street . and Pennsylvania' Avenue in; the Town of - Hertford. Terms may be ar ranged.' ' v Wilson Reed PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! a. SAN N O u'nc'ement ' "!-; ; hereby ,aniiounce my barididacy for re nominauon xo tne omce 01 onenii 01, rer- j iIquimans:County, subject to the Democratic J r rruiiaxies vw ounv o. i our vote anu yuui- I'suppbrt will begreatly appreciated. J, Emmett Window ee4eeeeeetew SaiiaisiH who have rjEVEn rcrjoivrj defeat .: :;-::;: Clearly . concisely . briefly The United States News S resents the newi of ns ionai affslra in depart ments. THB CONGRESS WEEK what the House and Sen ate debate. TBI PRESIDENT'S WEEK the visitor he saw, and why what he said and did. - 8TATE OF THE UNION a 5-minute swing around the country with the na tional news. THE POLITICAL WEEK up-to-the-mlnute reports of all that the political leaders are doing and planning. WHAT THE PRESS OF THE NATION THINKS offers a gulck. Interesting survey of public opinion, including percentage of press tor and against on leading Issues. THE TREND OR AMERICAN BUSINESS 6 remarkably complete statement ot business In one page. VOICE OF THE NEW DEAL signed articles by administration spokesmen. DAVID LAWRENCE criti cally appraises govern ment. WASHINGTON WHISPERS XOMORROW-A IOOK AHEAD tells you what Is going on back of the scenes to Influence what wul happen In the future. INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL OFFER neguiar price $3 a year. WaxhlriFtnn- n. r. T fnUw? Unlte1 "S New every week for the next EIGHT MONTHS. I enclose $2.50-your special Introductory rate to new subscribers. To Help You Keep Abreast of the Times ; So much is happening every day in the' world of government that affects your liv ing, income and buying power. What is Congress doing? ' For what is money to be spent? How will they raise it? Who is to administer the spending? What does this business improvement mean? 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