33 TOE PERQUIMAN3 Y.T-ZLY. HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1938 'V- a Vi , I . y.w.vjyiV.jlW ("'4' ( A " ' - ' '5' j ? ;?'&t-:r: Claceified and Photo Grace Line ROMEO ABOARD A BURRO THE chief actors may be getting a kick out of this balcony act. but the burro is bored and beaded tor home. Scenes like this lend end less charm to the delightful city of Arequlpa, which rests 7.600 feet above sea level In a fantastic moun tain setting highlighted by three ramous peaks Pichu Plena, Cha chanl, and the perfectly formed B3 Ulstt Artqulpa Is approached by rail from Mollendo, port Tlslted by the weekly cruises from New Tork to Pen. The rail root leads through the Desert of I slay, noted for its creeping crescent-shaped sand dunes phenomena encountered nowhere else in the world. The cltj which today Is the second largest In Peru was originally a resting place for Indian runners who cov ered the trail between Cuzco. cap It& of the Incas, and the coast Later, when Plsarro discovered in It an excellent location tor a Span lsh stronghold, the city was made the seat of a bishop and adorned with the beautiful Spanish edifice which lend so much character to the city today. Most of the build lngs are constructed of "sill at" oi petrified lava, a pore white material strikingly set off by the profus foliage and flowers which bloom tb. year round In Arequipa. Records Help Growers Qualify For Payments Farmers participating in the new farm program need to keen records of the soil-conserving crops they grow and the soil-building practices they carry out The records will be a means of proving they are entitled to soil building payments, said Dean I. O. Schaub, director of the State College extension service. He pointed out that it is particu larly important thaj farmers Seep records showing the acreage of green manure crops grown and the date they are turned under. They should also keep receipts showing purchases of ground lime stone or superphosphate applied to, the soil as a soil-building practice. Aa a further means of proof, the dean suggested that farmers notify their 'local committeemen! or their county agent's office whenever they carry out soil-building practices. The notification does not have to be in writing, he continued. The im portant thing is to inform the com mitteemen. Then in checking up on a grower's compliance, the committeemen will take note of the practices carried out and give the farmer credit for them. Before a producer can qualify for the payments, the dean emphasized, he will be required to submit proof of the soil-building practices he has followed. This is why it is important to keep records, and notify the commit teemen of all such practices observed in connection with the new program. Farm-Home Week Be Educational Vacation The prograiv fcr Farm and Home Week :;t State College, July 27-31, will present a representative cross section of agricultural activities in North Carolina. It has been designed to show farm ers air! farm wo men not only what is going on in the State, but also the value of improvements that are being developed in all aspects of farming and rural life. Farm people will find the trip to Farm and Home Week a good invest ment, said John W. Goodman, secre tary of the week, inasmuch as they will have an opportunity to study better methods of doing things on the farm. But that is only a part of the pic ture, he continued. Along with the educational features o? oe program will be a variety of entertainment and recreation that will make the week "a delightful vacation." . State and national agricultural leaders will lead discussions regard ing all farm matters of current in terest to men, and class room work . in -home demonstration activities will be given, the women. In addition, there will - be joint - meetings for men and women, at Mch the new 'farm program, rural y electrification, farm cooperatives, fcVlT club work, Borne demonstration - work, farm organizations and agenc ies, ana many other subjects will be discussed, tram- jaw-... Jtrws "A number' of farm organizations a: jr11 taAlA enViwMial iwanifti um - saw1 ram and Home Week, and all or Conizations anc , agencies working T North Carolina , farm, people have been invited to take part in the week's activities. Wheat growers report short straw but well filled heads in the crop now being harvested over North Carolina. J. W. ZACHERY Dentist Offices in the Postoffice Building Formerly Occupied by . Dr. Luther H. Butler Phone 163-J Hertford, N. C. - KILL BUGS -WITH ROBERSON'S DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST "On the Corner" Hertford NOTICE OF. ADMINISTRATION 4 Having . . qualified as - Administrator of the estate of Lula & Humphries, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina,' this is to notify all persons having claims', against the estate of said decseased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, Route 8, on or before the 6 day of June 1937 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of. their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This day. of JuneT'1936. R. W. HUMPHRIES, Administrator of Lula C. Humphries. Junel9,26uly3047,24 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having-qualified as Administrator of 'the estate, of John Coleson, Sr., deceased, late of Perquimans County North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, Route 3, on or before the 24th day of June, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 24th day of June, 1936. JOHN COLESON, JR., Administrator of John Coleson, Sr. June26,jly3,10,17,24.31 NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority contain ed in that certain deed of trust exe cuted on the 12th day of January, 1928, by R. L. Kndwles and wife, to Southern Trust v Company, Trustee, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Perquimans County, N. C, ., ill UWA- default having page been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will, on the 20th day of July, 1936, at 12:00 o'clock, Noon,' at the Court House door of Perquimans County, N. C, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: All those certain ' lands containing Vt acre, more or less, situated on the South side of Market Street, in the town of Hertford, Perquimans Coun ty, N. C, and bounded on the North by Market or Main Street; on the East by W. R. White and E. S. Doug las; on the South by Dobb Street; and on the West by T. R. Winslow, formerly L. W. McMullan heirs and beginning on Main or Market Street at the Northwest corner of W. R. White's lot, 362 feet from the North east corner of the M. E. Church Lot on Covent Garden Street and running along" W. R. White's line S. 2 deg. W. 203 feet to Dfbb Street; .thence 124 feet to the lot of T. R. Wins low, formerly L. W. McMullan Lot; thence along said Lot N. 2 deg. E. 203 feet to Majn or Market Street; thence along Main or Market Street S. 88 deg. E. 124 Vt feet to the place va ivvguiuiug i Maaii miv oiuuv avw vvu veyed to R. L. Knowles by Nina P. Cox and husband by deed recorded in Book 14, page 155, Perquimans County Records and being the place WE DO COMMERCIAL JOB PRINTING THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Do you look rK "jfettr HairTelL Your hair tells your agel If your hair is drab or streaked with gray you look older than your years. Clairol will help you to look your young est by imparting natural color to your hair or by changing its shade so gradually. . . so secretly no one will know. Clairol does what nothing else canl Only Clairol shampoos, reconditions and TINTSI Ask your beautician or write for FREE Clairol booklet, FREE advice on the care of hair, and FKIE beauty analysis. Write NOW on this coupon. . ft 9v19f; Mnt PiZM CWHpI bMMfC t" MyMvitiMb: ' where R. I' Knowles now resides. Excepting, such portion of this prop erty as has: been sold to E.- S. Doug las. ' . "i " ' . The" above Drooertv1' will-be vsold subject to all taxes now due and un paid, i v it,. A deposit of five' ner cent of -the amount bid will be reauired of the successful bidder at the hour of sale. This notice dated ' and posted this 20th day of June, 1936. ' . SOUTHERN LOAN & INSURANCE CO., Trustee, . (Formerly Southern Trust Co.l By Worth & Hornery Attorneys, Elizabeth City, N; C. June26,July340,17 , .;f?vNOTICEI,j;;, '4 Sale of Valuable Real Estate Under and by. virtue of that cer tain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned trustee on April i; 1933 by W, H.' Elliott,; which Deed - of Trust is duly recorded in : Perqui mans County in Mortgage Book No. 19, page 98, I. will sell for cash to the highest bidder before the Court House door in Hertford, N. C.t on Monday, July 13, .1936, at 12 o'clock M, the following described real es tate lying and being in Parksville Township, Perquimans County, and described as follows: Lot No. 4 in the division of the J. R. Stokeley lands, same contain ing one tract of woodland contain ing 40.70 acres; one tract of cleared land containing 37.14 acres; and one tract of cleared land containing 31.07 acres. Dated and posted this June 11, 1936. J. E. JACKSON, Mortgagee. junel2,19,26July3 jej please make Immediate payment. V This 80 day of May, "1936. , . ; JOHN BROUGHTON, , Administrator of T. S. ' Broughton June5,12496july8,10 ' wvt , NOTICE1 'Sale of Valuable Real Estate ' Under and by virtue of "that cer tain Mortgage Deed executed to the undersigned Mortgagee on April 1, 1933, by W. H. Elliott, which instrui ment Is duly recorded in Perquimans County in Mortgage Book No. 19, page 9T, I will sell for cash to the hicrhest . bidder before the Court House door in Hertford,' N. C., i .on Monday,- July 18, 1986, at 12 o'clock Vui the following described real es tate lying : and being - in -f Parkville Township, Perquimans County Aaa described as follows: One tract of woodbno, containing 40.70 acres; and one tract of cleared, land containing 66.78 acres, both of said - tracts being known as Lot No. . 5 in the Division of the J. R, Stoke- -, ley lands. . , i Dated and posted this June 11,1936. i J. E. JACKSON, Mortgage. junel249,26j'uly3 jej f FARM FOR SALE . About 48 acres, located on Hert-V ford-New Hope hard surface road.'' and known as Will Everett Farm.". H.R. WINSLOW HCTtford, N. C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of George W. Sutton, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify al persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before' the 1 day of June, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pTease make immediate payment. This 1 day of June, 1936. V. N. DARDEN, Administrator of George W. Sutton. june5,12,196July3,10 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of T. S. Broughton, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to . exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 80 day of May, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said ; estate will urn u- hvx r ' i To Help You Keep Abreast of the Times ; So much is happening every day in the ; world of government that affects your liv ing, income and buying power. What is Congress doing? For what is money to be spent? How will they raise it? Who is to administer the spending? What does this business improvement mean? Will ' it continue? Why is there another side to so many questions? 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Washinrton, D. C Bend me The United States Mews every week for the next EIGHT MONTHS. I enclose SI.M your special Introductory rate to new subscribers. Clearly . concisely . briefly The United States News presents the news of na tional affairs in depart ments. THE CONGRESS WEEK what the House and Sen ate debate. THE PRESIDENT'S WEEK , the visitors he saw, and why wbat he said and did. 8TATE OF THE. UNION a 5-minute swing around the country with the na tional news. THE POLITICAL WEEK up-to-the-minuta reports of all that the political leaders are doing and planning. WHAT .THE PRESS OP THE NATION THINKS offete a quick. Interesting" survey of public opinion, Including percentage or press for and against on. leading issues. THE TREND IMF sUlEsUCAIf BCSINKSg statement one remarkably complete of business in case. VOICE OP TBS NEW DEAL signed articles by administration spokesmen. DAVID LAWRENCE criti cally appraises govern ment. WASHINGTON WHISPERS and TOMORROW-A LOOK AHEAD tells you what Is going on back of the scenes to Influence what will happen In the future. 1NTEODCCTOEY SPECIAL OFFER NAME. .crrr ADDRESS. .STATE. G 4 ';' L K5geiratoir yla camr IbpyS Ns.1" Seafsfl-isi-Steel THRIFT UNIT The only refrigerator mechanism with forced-feed lubrica tion and oil cooling exclusive features that give quieter oper ation, longer life and lower operating cost. OTHER REFRIGERATORS have followed General Elec tric's lead with sealed type units but 7 no cold-making mechanism regard less of what they be called -r has a ... record for dependable performance at low cost that Can compare with ; the General Electric THRIFT UNIT. GENERAL ELECTRIC THRIFT UNIT in both Monitor Top and Flatop models General Electric ba made and sold mere rerigeratort . , with sealed-fo'Steel mechanisms than ' ' mil ether manufac- ! ,trers 'combined. ., J I f ; A Small Down Payments 30 MONTHS TO PAY s 1 STfjZVD o t pc rio rir.3 h n c n . p q o t c c ii o ri "TIIE FURNITURE MAN' . Opc::te CzzA Ilcuse ' : ' " ircrircrd, N, C

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