1. t.i t" a I i It he j ,jiiS7:' '"V ' v - lfeS 'Discover tbn IsieoMirt r 4,CC0TrsOIL V .f . v ' , i - . , Bismarck, N. D-The influence of i Mayan cult 'people of the Great Plains habcn I further corroborated to Nortn uaxo-rta- wltlx the diacoverr of : ' ttone telescope" in gravel pit north of Grand Forks in the Rea river ya Iriawardi 'X, Mflligan, North Dako (ta mnSaatisll'WlyVBy ;tog of Indian village sites lor tne iWPA, announced the discovery.' He (estimates the instrument was usea i by the aborigines who roamed this f ; Hero IhnV Wforim ;.i amestone; ithat faal beeorne almost as hard as! i marble. the telescope is o incnes (lonj and m toches to diameter; Itf thas a conical cylinder H-inch in dt- ,ameter at the eye end.. On the ex? ; terior is a single carved symbol, the i nature of which is unexplained. The telescope was. one of the nu imerous artifacts recovered from the I gravel pit, a graveyard of prehistor ; ic people. Archaeologists know (tubes of this kind were employed for astronomical purposes, because carvings on the Mayan pyramids of Central America' depict people of that era studying the heavens with, I the tubes in connection with .their 'worship of the heavenly bodies. ' Mr. Mllllgan believes that the i Mayans, their relatives or offspring ! migrated by way of the West Indian islands to Florida, thence along the Appalachians to Ohio, and thence ! along the Ohio, Mississippi and Mis isouri rivers. He points out that ar itifaets of Mayan character have ibeen found along this supposed route and as far west as Yellow stone National park. Slouching Good for Some Folks, Doctors Declare Kansas City. "Chin up, shoulders back, chest out" But the military bearing is not the best for every one, Drs. Louis B. Laplace and Jesse T. Nicholson of Philadelphia told the American Medical association at its recent convention here. "Every person has a certain pos ture, determined by his particular build and function, which is best suited to him," they said. ; "Slouching" Is good for some peo ple, or, in the words of the doc tors, "there are many persons whose optimum physiological func tion is attained in a posture which is not entirely correct by orthopedic standards." In such -persons, they believe, "the greater spinal curve" compen sates for individual differences in body structure and physical activ ity. Studies of twenty-three healthy men' and women, they reported, showed that "vital capacity" the functioning of the heart and blood system can be diminished "by ex treme correction of posture as well as by a marked slump." They found two persons, however, whose blood circulation improved with corrected posture. "Flexibility of posture" results in the best vital capacity and each case requires in dividual study, they conqhided. New and Simpler High Power Air Fuel Produced New York. A new fuel for avia tion engines was described by W. S. Farish, chairman of the board of the Standard Oil company of New Jersey, and F. A. Howard, presi dent of the Standard Oil Develop ment company. The fuel is a synthetic one com posed of gasoline, isopropyl-ether, itself a product of a gas now pro duced in large quantities in most large oil refineries and a small quantity of tetraethyl lead. It is still called by its laboratory "incu bator" name, "EL-435." The discovery of the blend using so common a by-product as isopro pyl ether, Mr. Howard explained, assured the aviation industry of be ing able to obtain in ample quan tity and at commercially practical prices fuel of 100 octane rating which had .heretofore been made in a different way and confined to mili tary use. Tests indicate that the new fuel will give an increase of 30 per cent in power. New Device Junks Hand Cranked Rural Phones Rochester, N. Y. The old hand telephone on the farmhouse parlor wall, with its disturbing jangle of shorts and longs, is on the way out. With a device perfected by Wil liam J. Vincent rural subscribers are promised the same type service as urban users Vincent's invention is a Aeon relays tube that eliminates w. hand crank - and the old code ringing system under which every ; ' 'J telephone on .the party line jingled. ' ' , Now only the perty wanted is sum vI-Va- 'V ' moned fcy thheli-: 'Kf . . The tube is being installed on all rural Ones Mrved by .the Bochester IMtmst'Omt!: predict it win .W. ?, t fet itosrai.ttMidM;flM cotmtrr sooni mno.,:- . iwir ? ,..: V p - n rr ' il tMsmd Leg Strata Besot Niriawin. Sask-E. J. Morris has ' eaUtcwht;..lK'Jbelieve4.'to:J: Mm new Canadian Muling record Xwita ct. r. The tractor hauled 1 trn'n Wi-hln t.40& inn nftul ;'fleg;toji:'i.: . Mr.: and Mrs. W. E. Copeland and sons were supper guests of Mxa. Ua Mae ward Satutwewawfrj v George Ward, of 'Edenton, spent Saturday and Sunday with Wiffiam Ward.;c -ui..:.-.-. ' c ty.: ' Mrc and i Mrs. T, ,W, Davis, spent Sunday, with Mrs. Davis . mother, Mrs.. Harriett Parks. Guests in the afternoon included . T. E. Parks and daughters, from Kocky Hock; Mrs. Joe Byrum, Miss Montaze Byrum '."and Forest . Byram, from near Cannon's Ferry,;:', - ;,- ..,, .;' Miss Lois, Davis, from near Sigh Pine,: spent several days - Mast week with, her grandmother, Mrs.;; Harriett .Parks..; :- w,-.:i"""-..J.:,w Mr. and Mrs.' Jim Beasley , and family, from .(7urrltuckir were, week end guests of Mrs; Beasley inother, Mhk Peiua-Ward, V Mr. and , Mrs. Haywood, Phthisic and children, of Edenton, visited with relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Roy Parks is visiting relatives in Richmond, Vav and ' friends in Pennsylvania. Mrs. P. E. Lane and her little daughter, of Ballahack, spent the week-end with Mrs. Lane's mother) Mrs. Louisa Ward. Others of Mrs. Ward's children and grandchildren visited her Sundav afternoon. Mrs. D. T. Ward, Misses MaSel and Daphne Ward were dinner guests re cently of Mrs. Robert Bunch, near Cross Roads. Mrs. R. S. Ward visited Mrs. Matthew Parks one afternoon recent- ly. . . : . ' .sWQuite. a" large number of relatives and friends were entertained at eup- per Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Byrum, the occa sion complimenting Mrs. Byrum's birthday and coming as a surprise to her. BALLAHACK NEWS Travis Trueblood, of Washington, D. C, is spending a few days with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Parrish . Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Aebell and family, from near Belvidere, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Perry Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bristow Perry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Dail Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Layden had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Owens and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Perry, and A. C. Layden. Mr. and Mrs. L. B'.f Perry and fam ily visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Perry, in Hertford, Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Hinton, of Elizabeth City, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Perry. Mrs. Joe Layden, Mrs. Alton Stall- ings and baby were guests of Mrs. J. E. Perry Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. S. Layden and daughter, Mary, visited in the home of John Rogerson Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Layden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spivey. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Perry and their family visited Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Perry Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nixon, of Chowan County, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Levy Goodwin, a few days last week. Miss Catherine Owens, of Hert ford, spent Friday night with her aunt, Mrs. C S. Layden. WE DO COMMERCIAL JOB PRINTING THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Clearly concisely . briefly The United State News ' presents the news of na tional affairs In depart ment. THE CONGRESS WEEK what the House and Sen ate debate. THE PRESIDENT'S WEEK the visitors he saw, and why -what he said and did. STATE OF THE UNION a 5-ralnute swing around the country with the na tional news. THE POLITICAL WEEK up-to-the-mlnute ' reports of all that the political leaders are doing and planning. WHAT THE PRESS OF THE NATION THINKS offers a quick, interesting survey of public opinion. Including percentage of press for and agalnst on leading issues. THE TREND OP AMERICAN BUSINESS a remarkably complete statement of business in one page. VOICE Of THE NEW bal signed article administration iDokmmen. " Hers fen DAVIO LAWRENCE erttl- what U likely to happen nut. The United eaily appraises sovera- Hew Is truly the newimata1na of national , . menl ,jv.:-;-.v--alhlii.,yiw-,w,,''f,-, ",. ")'"' ; i. 'MWAnamfOH WHiSPESS ' aubeerlba tBdarl Oonsress la m sssatnn. A fwieWv.;--and tOMOiiow- y.'Jiattal mmwm-lipqimrim. LOOK AHSAO tells mi intobMM,4ntiW piUoiil (iIli what is solas on back af ' ilomdptdiM What trlU hannaa In tha . " future., DfTKOOUCTOET gnciALomx THIS sulsr sttas tne. a The Onited States Hews nay week for the next HOST ISOirriDj.''. :,,.,! e. fuiar apaawi nwoanesorf 4- V . -r IT"" m . . x .: b a . . m . k m : k ft Trr.. i ir . .i ,... .... .j!.: ... i ll -.f .i ......j,. . ;..-..,',-: : .-,f -.... ft; t ::V,, wfci-! NOTlCErpFDMJNISTRATON of the estate of T.-5.Broughtont de ceased,' late voCPerxiuiman8w ttounty, North Carolina, thig is, to notify, all persons, having- claims against, the estate of said deceased : to exhibit ttamio the undersigned at Hertford, N. on or. .before. the 30 day of May, W37, .or this notice will be pleaded m bar tof their recovery. All persons mdebted to' said estate wiU please make, immediate 'payment -C&fr'i y4May,:i983 . j .:, $om br6ughton, Admkietriiitoj of T.". Bagn. NOTICE OF -ADMINISTRATION 'fiavug 'ouaiSed Xdminlstrator of the estate t l4da C. Humphries, deceased, late' of Peliquiinans County, North Carolina, this, is to notify all persons having ''claftma gainst the estate" of said decseased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, Route 3, on or before-; the 6 day of June 1937 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 6 day of June,, J36. R. W. HUMPHRIES, Administrator of Lnla C Humphries. Junel96uly8j6,l74" r NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havinir Qualified as Administrator of the estate of John Coleson, Sr., deceased, late of. Perquimans County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the 'ttA tate oi saia aeceasea' to exmoit tnem to the undersigned at Hertford, Route 3, en or before the 24th day of June, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of . their recovery, r AO persons indebted , to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 24th uay of June, 1936. JOHN COLESON, JR., Administrator of John Coleson, Sr. June26jly3,1047A,81. NOTICE OP) SALE By virtue of the authority contain ed in that certain deed of trust exe cuted on the 12th day of January, 1928, by R. L. Knowles and wife, to , Southern Trust Company, Trustee, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Perquimans County, N. C, in book . page , default having been made in the, conditions of said deed of trust," the undersigned Trustee will, on the 26th day of Julyj 1936, at 12:00 o'clock, Noon, at the Court House door of Perquimans County, N. C, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: All those certain lands containing acre, more or less, aituated on the South side of Market Street, in the town of Hertford, Perquimans Coun ty, N. C, and bounded , on the North by Market or Main Street; on the J. W. ZACHERY D e n t i b t Offices in the Postoffice Building Formerly Occupied by Dr. Luther H. Butler Phone 163-J Hertford, N. C. To Help You Keep Abreast of the Times So much is happening every day in the world of government that affects your liv ing, income and buying power. What is Congress doing? For what it .. : money to be spent? How will they raise it? ; v Who is to administer the spending. What , i does this business improvement mean? Will ;. : it continue? Why is there another .side? . to so many questions? jvj v AU this make you Mis yourself "How ota I :-v keep abreMt ol the tune, undenund wbkt tvenU '. t mean, discus ntUonsl affairs lntelllgsntlrf ' ;. Every week you find in Tbv ..United'. " : States News a complete, accurate report ' of national affairs from Washington." -News .v is grouped together in departments for your : convenience. - Simplified for quick" reading. : Connected for ; clearness and . persptcthre. ' And wh sappeaad,. wnat It Ineana, -s - ttMBt TO With UMfLO STATES NEW& ; .Wmm aa linn, m. w.yy,r:rv..-'9-r,.y6'Wr .Washlagtosi, D. C ; - ' ' ? mt w ibsw auMenBen, .... .' and on the est bjr T. li, liiulaw, formerly ; L. W. McMullan heirs and beginning on Main or Market Street at the . . Northwest comer of W, ; R. White'B lot, 362 feet from the North east corner of . the M. E. ;Church Lot on Covent Garden, Street and running along W.? R, White's line . S- 2 deg. W. 203 feet to Dobb Street; thence along Dobb Street. VK. 88 deg. W, 124 feet to the lot of T. R. Wins low, formerly h. W. McMullan Lot; thence along said " Lot N. 2 deg. E. 203 feet to. Mam. : or Market Street; thence along Main or Market. Street S. 88 deg. E. 124 feet to the place of beginning, being the, same lot con veyed to ,.R,t.Li,wowIes'i,'by;;'Hw:i,P. Cox and ' husband by deed recorded in Book 14, page 155,.". Perquimans Cquhty.Records and ".. being the place where R ,1. Knowles" now resides. Excepting such portion of this prop erty as has'been, sold to E S. Doug- las.:''.-', ' 'J"J :" ,t.;The "above; 'pjperty will be sold subject to alj taxes now due and un paid. ' ' jlsposit.ef'fl'.'er cent of the amount bid will be . required of the successful bidder at the hour of sale. ' This notice dated and posted this 20th day of June, 1936. SOUTHERN LOAN & INSURANCE CO., Trustee, (Formerly Southern Trust Co.) By Worth' A Horner, Attorneys, Elisabeth City, r. a June26uly3,1047 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of George W; Sutton, deceased, late of Perquimans. County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons; having . claims against the $$fef&&i deceased to "exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or' before the 1 day of June, 1937, or this notice' will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 1 day of June, 1936. V. N. DARDEN, Administrator of George W. Sutton. june5,12,19,26July340 NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a Mortgage Deed executed to me by Alfred Ferebee for certain purposes therein mention ed which said Mortgage Deed bears date January 14th, 1927, and is reg istered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County in Book 14, Page 528 I shall on Thurs day, July 30, 1936, 11 o'clock A. M., offer for sale at Public Auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, the property con veyed to me in said mortgage deed 5i Scsrlsd-in-Stcsl ,lf "ITHIKTRETRIGBIIATORS trie's leail with sealed typt) emits but ; no cold-making meduobfiiregsjrdV less of what ttey be called --has a record for depeadsble periprmance at low cost tJhsf caji'wmpaje with . the General Electric THRIFT UNIT, i GEf:iRAl ELECTRIC hi lmdlopj and llatbp tttodeb bat nodi Mi'stid mm fijrigfrittirs : . . witb taldt'ttt$J nttbsnhmtibmn x. mII otbir nmwtMC :::$urirtimbiniAti .it ,r .. - .. . . ...:p. ..:r Of?. ':S':: the s .8, Town lothouglit by-'.J'JL Stokes from John and Liilie Seed. Dated and posted Juhe"29, 1936 :f:L I J. K. STOp:s; Mortgagee, , y 7 kite's W m . ,' .'sf.-rr- I 7.,- ial V -x ,;;4 iT.:-: I I Tour hair ttllt your agl If your hair i 'Aw9llnf whh gray you look oldor than youryoari. - .' .) aalralwisl htlp you to look your young ost by mpertlrig natural color toyouf talr or by chancing Its thado to gradually sa tMwtly .no nt fl lftom Clatrol dootwhat nothing iltwcanl Only Oatrol tiicfflpooe, roconHon and TINTSI ' Ask ytHir boautWan or, wrfto for FREE aairol booklot, I1EE advico on tho caro of hair, and KES boaufy anarytJt, Wrlto NOW on this coupon. :fir 0ety Was Sawabaa) faasMMMMM Cay. sill ran SMt vat My PERQUIMANS WEEKLY ADVERTISERS ARE ANXIOUS TO SERVE YOU. . . READ THE ADS Ihr t3 liD THRIFT UNIT The only refrigerator mechanism with forced-feed lubrica tion and oil eooling xcinsive features that givf quieter oper ation, looger life and lower operating cost ! '.. . t-.Tn ' - -- '-"',c" :. ifff ;S,y..: m j,:.' "i " " , hV. ' :: '',V 'vu JLJL ,-:,SJv, Hmr"tt'?8$&t. J: first "day - v. .tm.&m Headaches, 39 minute l Try "Bab-My-Tism' nWM'-. Best ;-" i FDEST a ciiisiaown 30 MONTHS ':'; :.& :iisi'Kt.tff'5ili:i- VA c ;org i .(LA. . ';"t3. x Raj, viS',;.:i':;:-'.lS.:if;M-;lii:..;t::'i TV . ,,,, , :: : 1 s; . , I j 4',V 1 "V , ' ' ,.': V.' --' -J.:. ........ i,. ' t,7:. flT'rf s, Vlv ' jJXii, .; :S-.-. . vr r -,tt;t. :-aaw wi s,f n"! -

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