C i J r 0 ,..-,JjT"WAf,W1-)iW 0 THE PEE A .WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE. UPBimi)INd' OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume III. Number 31 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Fridayy July 31, 1936. $1.25 Per Year Physicians Unite In Joshua Winslow Also Recalls War Times .VETERAN TEACHERS HONORED if! WEEK! .Y War On Diphtheria 3- mm' Agree to Inoculate Chil dren at Very Low Rate UNTIL SEPT. 1 Parents Urged to Coop erate Before Cold Weather Begins Cooperating with the Perquimans County Board Of Health, in an effort to render a many persons immune to diphtheria as possible', the physi cians of the county have agreed to give the diphtheria toxoid for the prevention of this dread disease, for the price of one dollar, provided the treatment is had before, September first. --....iA,;;,f .-, The price of the. treatment for the prevention of diphtheria is usually a dollar and a half and the;reduction is made 'at this time in an effort to induce the people to take the treat ment and so reduce the diphtheria hazard in the county. It is now only necessary to take one treatment for diphtheria preven tiofwwhereas some years ago three trealtaJaita were ; administered, re quiring three weeks V.fa which to complete the series. One treatment is now suffldent and renders immun ity for iife.- The, members of the Board of Health are very anxious that all pa rents have their children -. inoculated before .the cold weather begins, which is the season when the disease is most prevalent. Although diphtheria does not often occur during the hot weather, 'one case in Perquimans resulted .fatally this week. An eighteen months old child died of a brain abscess follow ing diphtheria, on Sunday morning. .'i-iyiMMii mii Miin.iii ii'-iSyTTTfr LeRoy Cartwright Victim Of Malaria LeRoy Cartwright, eighteen years old, died at the home of his mother, near Burgess, on. Sunday, after an illness of several weeks of malaria . fever.'"v:;-.;';-""";:.'' ; Four other members of the same family; including the mother, are re ported as having been sick with ma laria for several weeks. Funeral services were conducted for the young man at the Bethlehem Christian ' Church, near Bethel, on Monday afternoon, and burial took . place in the church yard. Surviving i are his mother, Mrs. Mary Cartwright,' and several broth ers and sisters. 4 '.'':.' " . ' ' Funeral tTiwsday v For Barber Child The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Barber died at the home ; : of' his parents in Winfall on Monday night. Funeral services and burial -took place in the Cedar Grove Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon' the . services being, conducted by the Rev. J. W. Dimmette, " pastor Lof . the Winf all MethOdiBt Cfourch.:,. ' ( , . r,'Mi, f. ..fr m '.ii"r,.i. TWO HERTFORD STUDENTS i SNTEB SUMMER; SCHOOL Dorothy Stevens - and, 3. A. White, of Brtfordr'rerni)ng students from this county enrolled in the, first term of the University of North Car olina Summer School at Chapel Hill which'clojed' this' week.5 J ?m. The' second term, which will, eon- centra,te all work of the three units of the University at Chapel HiU, got way immediately andwill con through Ausust;i.., ;; V-1 UySchi- nsnssKSN- makb big sflllA'imdred and liftyjf unds - flounder constltiit!:iiha!eAtel ht '': s jfsMtky ;x";lh4enneii, f!Jertford : 5, who spent Thursday at Oregonflnlet. S In the party were Mr. and Mrs.. W. 'Ci 3ozier and Mjss Peck !Doer. 'Iw -N.'-Nv TrjcilooJi'lo htui''fr' tie Jvp::S i 3 ; :i;t:-n-tVrr.'?!t 'of;th' ' Norfoife; Southern-f-Kallroad. here, ex h ''L f pects to: move : his fsmjly. ..here ''short-' ly, . They will occupy apartments in ' , the residence of Mrs, Seymour Chap pelL The Trueblooda livealnt'Eliaa-, " 1 1 Kr. t 1 I . r. !!. I ',::;; t .- Z- r,wwsnt a t -'j v'Wp.4;nouit-j 1. 1. t ." -,t.-;f t'-? -iai. ft''''-'' -?, r5 ''.XiaZ'- "': ' ': :", '.''" J'.S.t'. I I' ' - - - H V , f r HIT OR MISS By M. L. W. Judge not! Thou canst not see The inner workings of his heart or brain, What to thy dim eyes may seem a ' stain In God's pure eyes may only be A scar, brought from some hard-won field, Where thou wouldst only faint and yield. How interesting are these first hand reminiscences of the Civil War. They are very rare nowadays. Most of us remember when there were any number of men and women who could and would tell interesting tales of the local happenings during those four years of war between the states. We didn't .appreciate the situation, didnt pay enough attention to those bid tales which sometimes we heard oft repeated. We were ac customed to the stories of things that happened "Befo' de Wa" Now there are few indeed who re member anything of those days. We have learned to appreciate the stor ies we hear. . Eighty-two-year-old J. T. Winslow told a story last week, which appear ed in last week's issue of this news paper, of his recollection of turning back home when his father was warned to do so in order to save his horses from the Yankees. Oddly enough, another Perquimans man recalls vividly the same occasion. Joshua Calvin Winslow is a first cousin 6f J. T. Winslow. They had the same grandfather. Joshua Cal vin was als. on his way, with his father; to visit grandfather's house that day in 1864. . He recalls that his f1lMr!wa slaves-had been taken away by the Yankees. He recalls that the slave owner was crying as he told of what had befallen him.' . How many other Perquimans men or women ' remember anything of those war-time happenings I Let's have the stories to publish in The Perquimans Weekly, Everybody likes to read about those times, especially if the stories are first-hand stories. No one has complained, so far as can be ascertained, of losing a pock etbook in Hertford this week. Doubtless, the person who was so un fortunate feels that there la no use in attempting to recover ,the lost pocketbook and money, t- However, it was found by an hon est man, who is very anxious to lo cate ' the owner. J. E. White, at Central Grocery, who found the pock etbook, will gladly return it to the owner upon proper identification. Q WHATS.IN A NAME? , Woodrow Wilson sold me a sub scription to a ; magazine last week. Woodrow, who bails, from-. Orange burg, S. C., was in town with a party of magazine subscription solicitors, and, was working, he said, for a scholarship at . tne ; University ol South Carolina. While the youngster expects to be a civil engineer, who knows but that by the year 1976 he won't become the fortieth - president of the United States? : The - first president, you know, was i civil en- John L. Wnite and 7 Allan Henry Lane 'Were neighbors . for ;72 years, living on adjoining farms in Belvi dere TownsUp, Last week Mr. Whita, at the ripe oll- ae of 81, passed to his reward. He lived all mis life an the farm where ' he was born. And '' on the adjoining " farm Mr. Lane, who is now 72, has lived id! 'his; lSfe?;-w' : There jis;, ihUSA? sensatidn" some times when Robert Hollowell takes a ride on the motorcycle which he re cently, acquired. The older folks ap pear to view the' noisy machine , with something of alarm, "when Robert takes a little ride around fe , "I don't wear my wrist watch," ex rbfecd 'rcicrt;:t"wfc9Cat!se I might t- "t it" Sowrlddy remarked 'the oU.tr, day that ";8" there probably woulHt be an accident; since Robert la a pretty levtl-liead flow"Oh, yes," agreed another,' ''Robert ? is level-headed, all right, but ' the trou ble is, that darn tlfeg he Is i riding is 2d per--;r's -5 ? L - T. K. BrowMb State Director of VocaboMi EduOKtSon U shown presenting fcays to (front row. seated left to right) H. K. Melniyre. Red Oak: H. W. Bullarct Kerr: 0. a Bock. Hertford i H. K. Cherry. Cooe: (staudlng. left t rlxtit) W. B. McDonald, Seottof K. tt Mukchlsosj. fM Whitney ; jr. J. Wolfe. BaUey. Pl(tore above, are the 11 year veteran' teachers C ol ,v-VocstJonal Agriculture who were . honored at the Annnal-Teachers' Conference held recently at State College- In recognition of heii; Jong! servtce ihey were ' awarded god keys Weird Sounds Judged To Be Practi Blood-Curdling: Yells In Hotel Hertford Awaken Folks Early Wednesday Morning as Scene of Puzzling Sounds Changes Just as the people of Hertford were beginning to feel that the mys tery of the weird noises which dis turbed: the slumbers of certain of the folks of the town was about to be cleared up, after weeks of specula tion as to the source of the moans, groans and agonized cries heard about town, there comes a report of another outbreak, this time at the Hotel Hertford, which seems to indi cate that a practical joker is at work. Something like a month ago the first disturbing sounds were report ed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morrell, of High Point, visiting in Hertford, heard sounds as of some one in mor tal pain one night, or in the early morning hours. Mrs. J. H. Towe, Jr., heard the same thing. Others, in various parts of the town, reported they heard strange and awful sounds that night, and some heard the same sounds repeat ed for several nights- Many were inclined to make a joke of the mat ter, believing the sounds were only the baying of a dog. Some thought the mournful cry of the shivering owl had been heard. The Morrells, however; insisted that what they heard was tjhe voice of a human be ing in distress. It recently came to light that a Negro youth who is deaf and dumb, and who has been heard to make strange and awful sounds, roams about town considerably at night. In fact, he lives only a short dis tance from the point at which the sounds were first heard, near the river shore. ""'; Peggy Jane Hobbs Is Hospital Patient Pem JaMr ; the two and a half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Hobbs, who live on Route Two, is a patient in the Albemarle Hospital, Elisabeth City, following a very unusual accident in which the little' girl's .hand was painfully in- JM& v A : $- .- : t Tne UtUe. girl placed' her hand in a: corn shelter which was being oper ated by her . brothisrrat the home of theirparents, and the hand ;was se verely crushed' before I the machine could be stopped. After first aid was rendered by a Hertford physician, the child ?riievJ-tto hospital. , , S8iefe6fBrimr' " The eighteen-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. ; Raleigh White, who live near "'Burgess, .-died i; early .Sunday morning, death resulting V from? a brain abscess following: nasal diphth-. eriav . ' ' ' -"h . f ratrvniY at Kr.1 niCAn ; Mr. and Mrs. Elwood White, Miss es Virginia "and Minnie .Lee y.'inslow fir j 7Mtv ef 'Ealeji''iE??tri - :t 7 tt r 1 r it 1. - J.... -t -"-11 through the courtesy of The Agri cultural Development Bureaa ol The Barrett Company, marketer of American-made Nitrate of Soda. Other teachers, numbering thirty, who have been In servtce over ten years were also awarded keys, ft er And pen, something entirely dif ferent was heard at the Hotel Hert ford early Wednesday morning of this weeTti - Mrs. WilUford, her son, Charles Williford, and his wife, who sleep on the first floor of the build ing, were awakened at 3:30 in the morning by loud and blood-curdling yells, apparently coming from the second floor. At the same time A. D. Saks and M. S. Wright, each of whom occupied rooms on the second floor, heard, and thought the sounds came from down stairs in the lobby, or outside in front of the building. Following the first distressing yells, both Mr. Saks and Mr. Wright heard a man's voice crying "Help!" This, they say, was followed by cries of "Let me go," ending with a sound they described as a gurgle. By the time Mr. Saks, carrying a flashlight, reached the lobby there was no one there. A search of the entire premises revealed nothing. The deaf and dumb boy cannot say "help " Nor can he say "let me go." It is believed a practical joker is at work. Hillary Bogue, Sr., the father of the deaf and dumb youth under suspicion, was placed in jail on Wednesday night. Hillary's step-mother denies re ports that the boy is ill-treated by the father. The boy, who can read and write, appeared much distressed on Wednesday morning. In answer to the question; "Did you cry out in the night and scare people?" he wrote the answer "Yes." He cannot hear at alt , Only Three Cases Docketed In Court Only three cases came up for trial in Recorder's Court on Tuesday, all involving traffic law violations. A plea of guilty was entered by Harry Lane Seely, charged with reckless "driving. Corporal G. I. Dail testified that the defendant drove his pick-up , truck at a rate of speed between 60 and 65 miles ' an hour on the ' highway. Prayer for Judgment was continued upon pay ment of the costs;' 4 William L Jordan and Neal Spruill were tried for operating a truck without proper license. Mr. Jordan was found not guilty. Mr. Spruill was found guilty and fined ten dol lars; -VdviiS,..' J Heywood Goodwin; who plead guil ty to being drunk-upon the street, was fined two dollars. FIYE ROTARIANS ATTEND rt . 0 MEETING AT MOREHEAD ijjjj Hertford? Rotary Club who attended the District meet ing at Morehead City on Wednesday included the President, Dr- C A, Davesrcft. ArW. Eefren, C P. Mor i'i, J. E. TVisdow and S. M. Whed- cal Jok BABY CONTEST COMES TO CLOSE Sammie Sutton Winner In Boys' Group; Bet tie Anne Mathews Moat Popular Girl Sammie Sutton and Bettie Anne Mathews were the winners in the Baby Popularity Contest sponsored by the Delia Shamburger Missionary Society of the Hertford Methodist Church, and which closed on Friday night. Prizes were offered to the boy re ceiving the most votes, and also to the girl receiving most in that divi sion. Sammie Sutton, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Sutton, of Hertford, received 1755 votes. Bettie Anne, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mathews, of Old Neck, received 1002 votes. Mrs. Lydia Chappell Buried Wednesday Funeral services for Mrs. Lydia V. Chappell, who died on Tuesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Winslow, were held at the home on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with the Rev. Mrs. Elizabeth White, pastor of the Up River Friends Church, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Mrs. Bertha Smith White, and burial took place in the family bury ing ground at Hunters Fork. Pallbearers were her nephews: El mer Chappell and Arthur Chappell, of Portsmouth, Va., Irvin Winslow, of Rocky Mount, Ernest Winslow, of Driver, Va., Louis Winslow, of Belvi dere, and Bennie Winslow, of White ston. Mrs. Chappell was the widow of the late Townsend Chappell, who died ten years ago. Surviving are two brothers, J. C. Winslow, of Whiteston, and F. T. Winslow, of Eli zabeth City; two sisters, Mrs. Wil liam Davis, of Webster, Texas, and Mrs. C. E. Winslow, of Whiteston. HERTFORD MILK SUPPLY SHOWS MUCH IMPROVEMENT Considerable improvement in the milk supply of Hertford is indicated by reports just released of the Fed eral milk rating. Dr. T. P. Brinn, Perquimans Coun ty Health Officer, received this week photostatic copies of the Federal milk rating for 1936 showing that the rating is now 92 percent- In a letter from Warren H. Booker, Di rector of the Division of Sanitary Engineering of the State Board of Health, attention is called to the fact that Hertford's rating in 1934 was only 86 per cent. "We believe," wrote Mr. Booker, "that Hertford will be included by the Public Health Service in its so called 'honor roll' a list of cities having a milk rating of 90 per cent, or more. However, we are not abso lutely certain that it will be includ ed, owing to the fact that the rating of enforcement methods was below 90 per cent. We must recommend that every effort be made to increase the enforcement rating to a figure much higher than 78 per cent." Mr. Booker stated that the goal is to obtain a milk rating of 100 per cent "We do not believe," he stat ed, "it impossible to attain this fig ure, but we hope and believe that if the present rate of improvement of the Hertford milk supply is main tained & rating close to that figure can be obtained at the next survey." MRS. MARGARET ANN LOWE BURIED WEDNESDAY P. M. Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Ann Lowe, 77, were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Over man, Hertford, Route Two. Mrs. Lowe died Tuesday afternoon at 4:20, at the home of Mrs. Overman. Mrs. Lowe was the wife of the late George W. Lowe. Two daugh ters, Mrs. Alice Overman and Mrs. Joseph Ferrell, of Hertford, Route Two, and a son, Q. M. Lowe, also of Hertford, Route Two, survive. Burial was made in the family burying ground. NEGRO YOUTH JAILED FOR THEFT OF NEIGHBOR'S MEAT Charged with the larceny of meat, Lloyd Overton. Negro youth of Chap- anoke, was placed in Jail on Tuesday by Sheriff J. E. Winslow. The meat alleged to have been stolen by over- ton was taken from the smoke house of Percy Stewart, who Is a dose neurhbor of the Overtons, at Caapa noke. The boy will be tried , In Re eordcCotrt a Trr!:y. Story of Yankees Last Week Brings Back Memories WAS SMALL BOY Still Very Active De spite 78 Years of Age "I know all that to be true," re marked Joshua Calvin Winslow, of Whiteston, in reference to the story which ran in last week's Perquimans Weekly concerning the time when the Yankee soldiers camped at White ville Grove Church, near Belvidere- Joshua Calvin Winslow is a first cousin of Jesse T. Winslow, who fig ured in that story, and who as a small boy was on his way with his father and mother to visit his grand father on that Sunday morning in 1864 when he was warned to turn back and protect his horses from the Yankees. "I was on my way to Grandfath er's, too," said Joshua Calvin Wins low. "I was young, but I remember it." It seems that the children and grandchildren gathered at Grand father's house on Sunday, just as they do now. There probably was a "big dinner" waiting for the crowd at Grandfather's house, all the good things that country people knew how to prepare in those days. "Mr. Ellsbury Riddick came out to the road and he was crying," said Mr. Winslow. Mr. Riddick, it ap pears, owned a large number of slaves, and the Yankees had come and taken them all away. "He will take your horses, too," Mr. Riddick told Mr. Winslow. Grandfather Winslow didn't have any guests that Sunday. They all turned back to their respective homes and hid their horses away in the woods until the Yankees broke camp. The Winslow were Friends, Quak ers, and the Friends were opposed to Blavery; they owned no slaves. They also are opposed to war. They did not take sides with either the Confederacy or the Union. Joshua Calvin Winslow is younger than Jesse T. He is, in fact, only a youngster of 78 years. He i3 pretty active; in fact, gets about like a young man, climbs up on top of a pile of hay on occasions, even now. But there is something more re markable about this fine old man than all that. He says he has never even seen any kind of fight in all hi3 life. He has never been a witness in court. He has never tasted liquor, does not smoke or chew tobacco. He did, he says, take one chew of "sweet tobacco" as a small boy, but the ex perience wasn't pleasant and he nev er repeated it. MARJOR1E PERRY RECOVERING FROM SCARLET FEVER ATTACK Marjorie, the five-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Perry, is recovering from an attack of scar let fever. This case is the only one to have occurred in the county re cently. The Perry family live in the neighborhood of Beech Spring, near Hertford. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED AT BRIDGE PARTY THURSDAY At a beautifully appointed bridge party, given by Mrs. R. M. Riddick at her home on Dobb Street on Thursday night, the engagement of her daughter, Hattie Weaver Riddick, to John Lewis Perry, of Windsor, was announced, the wedding to take place at the Hertford Methodist Church on August 25. The house was tastefully decorated with summer flowers and six tables were arranged. Those present in cluded Mrs. Margaret King Gregory and Miss Honey Rae, of Windsor; Miss Celeste Riddick, of Gatesville; Miss Dot Dees, of Freemont; Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. J. M. Matheson, Mrs. E. W. Lordley, Mrs. Herbert Nixon, Misses Spivey Roberson, Ruth Alice Ward, Evelyn Riddick, Cather ine Broughton, Eloise Broughton, Joyce Stokes, Helene Nixon, Mary Onella Relfe, Lillian Blanchard, Dor cas Knowles, Elizabeth Morris, Edna Ruth Cannon, Ona' VMary Stephens, Ruth Elliott and Carolyn Riddick. v VISITS OLD HOME Dr. Randolph Winslow, noted Bal timore surgeon and ' distinguished son of Perquimans, , visited his old home this week and stopped for a few days at the Hotel Hertford. Dr. Window was accompanied A; by Mrs.4 V:: !ow, and abo ly Lis son. Dr. V n TTfedow and lis wLTa.'