in! ill C- N THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, "HERTFORD" tt. CmiDAYJTn.v 193SS 2 itT5 - ; Brvoma: - Driving from Chi cago to a western town to moot hit girt, Kathorimm Grant, to bo married, Joo WUoon to mupoetot of betas tmm of a Mdrnm gang and arrotiod hut boform roachr mg hi goal. Infkmoa tovmifolk march to t ho fan to V him; but ore held off b tho Shrift. wit toor-goo bombs, Kathorino, voaitmg to moot Joe. hoaro that ho UjaU at a nearby town, OM&, tho but out having gone, iww' aoum tho root to go ,o Mb nvpmg jot, a Chapter'Four I THE MOB AND THE MAN Trent the windows of a house 'Werlooldng the jail at Bam junn eel Mmiann war rapidly ana lafflrilanthr t&lrlrur DictureS of the nng catcalling moo wmrani Sheriff sad Ills deputies. They not dare-work in tne, open; ruiuru would have been smashed and themselves subjected o oouiiy hmm. "Oh boy!" cried the head camera toan. "Warn awaep the country with fthla atuffl Where's Tonyr "Taking etUls," replied aa aaatst jent "X got a spot for aome aweri gttose tips i "Thafa fine, but take care of yourself 1 This mob sots camera men!" "Hey" cried aa assistant at an lether window. "They're goto to break la the jail door-t" - , Their supply of gas-bombs nearly xhausted. the Sheriff sad fcla de gmties bad taken refuse from the aaob .aside the JoJL They stood ba tilnd the desks, chairs aad other furniture ther bad tiled up aamlnst the door listening to tho thud, thud oc a poie ma crowa was using as a tattering ram. other woman fell on Go? IcheeaY praying: "Oh, God, forgive htm e ana zorgive our Trespasses . i Tho eight of that agonised fao( at the window infuriated the enrag ad, blood-thirsty mob as though If feared Its victim might aquaaua; ; through the bam and esoapa Ita , vengeance. A perfect hail of stones rafcled acalnst the walla of thai burning building, against tho barsj fTheo, Katherine'a numb terror; left bar. Bb round ner voice, -or No!" v aha cried gaspingly, and slumped lown in a Xalat t A boy, gasping for breath, ran; up . into the mob. en-imr: "Soldi era aro coming! Jfuur trurtt loads osVetaJT Bomt nr , -no annual "Soldiers!" cried many voices, and tho mob began to disperse. a gov aa loea." nn i mmmv "Wo oaa fix it so ther be aw to ima tn jaui i got aomc dyaamlta otioka!" "Thafs tho stuff!" said hfc conv paaloa, Ther na towards the jaU. ware; nerrs a woa-aa samxaoy said a man. retreating from tat crowd. "Help her up," aald the woman wtth him. "Wi oaat leare her - A roaring eyplosion from the Jail drowned her voice. As tho roar subsided, acreamlng of brakes an nounced the arrtraiof the traoka of militlamea. Charlie and Tom Wilson sat la the room they had shared with Joe, staring numbly at tat beadlinea of a ntwspaper. "Kidnappers caught; confess. Q Maa nab whole gang. Helen Pan body and ransom money returned. Charlie stared at the headlines la another Chicago paper: "Innooant man lynehed! Burned attra tag mob!" He cruehed tha paper and threw It away. - "Teh, note hVa Innooant! Teh." "I oaat get it out of mr head, said Tom. Cant sleep , , t When I close toy eyea i ". "St 1 eould onr gat at them dirtji rataf orted Quaife with a Yidoua mm They turned etared with bulging cr. "J-oe?elR cried . Tom. -Lock those ceTlblock doors, ! Ttank!" cried tho Sheriff to the lock-up man. "Bom gat tha fire boss ready! We'll drown the rats! aire me the rest of those bombs. But doat shoot! Mo matter what happens, doat shoot!'! Above tha dm came tho voice of Toe Wilson, only part of whose words were intelligible. "Let . . . nut! . . . Til talk ... ma a chowce! t , . talk to them!" With a crashing of splintering mood, tho door gave way amid the rheerlng and Jeering of tha mob. The leaders burst into the toom, knocking aside tho furniture. Sher iff Hummell and Bugs Meyers turn ad the hose on them, momentarily knocking back those in tha van. Tha Sheriff and his deputies swung the butts of their guns until they were wrenched from their hands. Tho mob was in control of the jail. Tha lock-up keener was pressed against tha wall. "Give us those keys!" commanded Dawson. ain't got the keys, I tell you." "Where are they? Too frightened to speak, the man pointed toward an iron-barred door on the landing. A man with a picket from a fence ran up the stitlra and tried to dislodge the keys. They were beyond reach. "Oct the lamp-post! We'U break it downl" cried a voice. "We haven't got any time!" shout ed Dawson. "Those mllitla'll be here! Well smoke 1m out!" "Teah, that's the ticket!" cried another voice.' "Get aoma wood! Break up the furniture!" In the confusion, Joe's dog, Hash, atUl tied to the radiator in the Sher iffs office, got loose and streaked rap the stairs towards Joe's cell amid a hall of missiles. "That's his dogt Dont let her out! Keep her hero with Mm!" Hash squeeced between the bars of Joe's cell, crept Into his out stretched arms aad fen to licking his face. Ckuoko began to filter up into the corridor , , ' j ' -t turn off hero, Miss," said the plumber who bad given Katherlne a lift in his truck. "Sag is only half a mite over thataway where you see all that red; Must bo a srettv blr fire in Base." . With a terrified catch la her breath, Katherlne jumped down from the track and without a word . of thanks started running along the branch road towards that red glare In tha sky. .rr-..- v a- Breathless. stumbUnx. terrified. Katherlne pushed her way through the mob of men, women and boys .tn front of the jail. She saw a lamp post and clung to it to keep from sinking down. Sobbing for breath, aha raised her eyes towards the smrnlng building. Her face froze in . stark terror. - ' - At an uvper barred window aha .saw Joo Wilson. The agony on I fJoea lace m tne lignt or ue I lames, iwas a utarror. counterpart to , r. , JJ her own tit J . F "Ther ha is) At tho window!" rnw vuHJua xsnvv una whu . ha- back ' there.-Wilson" . iwt. hiM vnn Innkinff for? Tha Paa ' 1A woman twld tfp her child to ' tr that faos at tha window An- J4 expulsion of breath. rWe're gonna go out mere, ixxn ana ge uiem skunks kill them tho way they killed .Joe." ' That's ten-cent store talk." said an icy cold voice behind them. ney lurnea, starea wnn Duiging eyes. "J-JoeT Joe!" cried Tom. "uii aown toe soaaes. mt out that light." ordered Joe Witoou. When they had obeyed ha aht dowa la a chair. "Know where Tve been all day! In a movie watching a aewsreel of myself . ret tin ir burned alive. The place was pack ed. The people got a kick out of seeing a man burned to death." "But, Joe ... Wo thought . . . How did you "- ' "The exnloslon blew out the cell door. It killed the dog. Almost burn ed my stae orr. i got down a rain- 81 pe. Swam across a river. Hid In is country. Stole these clothes." "Did you get burned bad?" ask ed Tom, gently. "Teh, but that don't hurt me. Tou cant hurt a dead man. I'm dead. The whole country knows that . . . Remember me preachln' to you to llv right, be decent? I tried to People won't 'let you. Tou were right, Charlie. Donelli' was right I was wrong. But now I know. And I'll get 'em. I was burned to death by a mob of animals. I'm legally aeaa ana tneyro legally murderers. I know 'em a lot of 'em. And they'll hang. The law says sa. But I'll give 'em a chance they didn't give me; They'll get a legal trial a legal defense, a legal judtro, and a legal death . . . But I can't do it myself. A dead man can't file cnarges. You'll nave to do it for me. See this? I tore this page out of a law book In the public lib rary"... The law proved not so simple. Tho District Attorney at Capital City sympathetic but what could he rttnout a corner -uvenr move I make I bump into a atone waD. Sure, they're guilty. The way they ciearea away ue aeons or tne gsu in Jig-time proves that- ashes and all dumped into the river. Befofe I can charge anybody with murder TO have to prove that a murder was committed. And I can't even find one person who'll swear that at tha time the Jail was burned your brother was in it at aO. If on person would admit it, I'd go before the grand Jury tomorrow. - Charlie and . Tom went to see Katherlne. The doctor was Just leaving. She did not know them seemed dazed, impervious to all out side sensation. ; She . had been in that condition, her landlady told them, ever since she was brought back from Sage. Charlie spoke to her compassionately yet eagerly.- Wero Joefe brothers. KatheHne. Charlie and Tom. Try to remember." M tne name oc ner lover, a anud der passed- over Katharine's face. . She appeared to make a great effort to think. After a tuna aha recognis ed them. "Charlie, Tom . . . Oh. Charlie, I saw him v I saw Joe, behind the bars In that burning Jail , . . His poor face the agony U tha mob yelling." ,. "The witness,1 whispered CharUa to Tom, "We've got, 'em!" , . j : -pyx WTO mini mm om -', - - r", (To bo ootmut&) 4l - 'A $J J u Mr. and litl Walter H. Oakey, Jr., and their two' daughters.' Dorothy Gordon and Mollie, left Wednesday for Salem, Ya.t where they will spend some time as guests . of Mr. Oakey's parents. ' Mrs. TV W. Perry, Miss Jeannette Perry, ; Mrs. J. E.. Everett, . Misses Blanche and Edith Everett, Mrs. J. E. White and Miss Ellie Mae White spent Thursday at Jfags Head. Dr. C A. Davenport spent several days last week with his mother, Mrs. W- S. Davenport, at Mackeys, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jordan and Mrs. Thompson, ; of Windsor, were guests of Mrs. R. S. Jordan on Sun day. Mrs. C. A. Davenport and her little son, Carlton, have returned from a visit to Mrs. Davenport' parents at Cambridge, Md. Miss Marguerite . Ward will spend next week at . Pendleton, visiting relatives. . ' v " Miss Dorothy Stephens, of the Wilson school faculty, who has re cently completed a summer school course at the University of North Carolina, is at home with ' her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Stephens, for a vacation. u t ;' , Mrs. W. M. Stephenson and Miss Foy Ward Stephenson, of Pendleton, are guests this week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rutenberg, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams and their son, Alfred, Jr., spent last week at Nags Head. Eloise,. will leave Sunday to spend two weeks at Virginia Beach. Mrs. George Ferebee and her two daughters, Mary and Peggy, have returned to their ' home - at Norfolk, Va., after a, visit to Mrs. Clyde Mc CaUum, ,. t ; f Mrs. W. C. Winslow, of Greens boro, who arrived last week to visit her mother, Mrs. K. R. Newbeld, spent several days this week at Jar visburg, visiting her sister, Mrs. C. A. Wright She also visited rela tives at Nags Head. Mrs. E. N. Grady, of Wilson, is the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Ward. ; Dr. and ..Mrs. I. A. Ward, had as guests on Sunday W. M. Stephenson, Margaret ' and r Corrye ; Stephenson, Dabney' Pegram, John ' and Jacob Pegram, of Pendleton, and E. N. Grady, of Wilson. - A party of Hertford ' young folks including Misses f Joyce : Harrell and Grace Knowles, and Billy Tucker, Jesse - Lee Harris, James Robert White,' Claude Brinn - and . Herman Ward, attended a. party given by Miss Alice Bundy in Elizabeth City on Monday evening. Mrs. Sidney v Broughton had as guests on Sunday Mrs. Bettie Jerni gan and Paul and Jack Hemingway, of Dunn - Dr. J: D.- Hemingway and his two sons, ; Edward and John, of Bethel, Pitt County. .MTK Arthur Woods, Jr, and her Jittle aon, Rrthur M, of Philadelphia, Pa , are guests of Mrs. -Woods' moth er, Mrs. L.- R. Crawford. - f- Mrs. W4" R. Whife, Mrs. Henry Rood and her little 'son, Henry, Jr., of Greensboro, wererecent guests of Mr., and Mrs. W. G.jjNewby. ' '"' " " r if i . Nat White,' of New York City, was a recent guest of Jesse Parker Perry. ! r Mrs. C E. Walker and family have returned from a trip to Nags Head. David Broughton4s tives at Dunn. - - ; visiting rela- Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Whitley had as guests on . Sunday Mrs. Louis Hines, of New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Drewry and . Miss Charlotte Moore, of Boykins, VA William E. White, Jr., is visiting Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Futrell, at Rich Square. ' ,s "' Miss Elizabeth Clark, of Wilson, and Miss Catherine Spivey, of Pe tersburg, Va., are guests of Miss Alice Spivey. Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Kewbold, of Goldsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar New bold and Mrs. Rosa Waldron, all of Washington, D. C, were guests at the home of Mrs. K. R. Newbold for the week-end. Mrs. W. C. Winslow and her two daughters, Minnie Mac and Frances, of Greensboro, are guests of Mrs. Winslow's mother, Mrs. K. R. New- bold. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jarvis and their two sons, Jack and Kenneth, of Eli sabeth City, visited Mrs. Jarvis' mother, Mrs. K. R. Newbold, on Sunday. Mrs. Elmo Cannon and "her little son, Guy, have returned from a visit to Mrs. Cannon's daughter, .'Mrs. Frank Gilliam, at Elkin. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Riddick and family are spending some time at their Nags Head cottage. - VERY ILL Mrs. Sallie Hollowell, who lives on Route Three, near Hertford, is very sick. ' - - Bfr. and Mrs, J). Reed and their little "daughter, Virginia Lee, of De troit, Mich.; are guests of Mr.' Reed'B parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reed, near Hertford. V , ; J. W. ZACHERY v Dentist ; Offices in the Postofflce Building Formerly Occupied by Dr. Luther H. Jutler, " Phone 163 J " Hertford, N. C. W ANTED Second Hand Safe H. G. WINSLOW HERTFORD, N. C-; Hqt Cnly BafK as a TRUCK C-'Hvfccd as a TRUCK Sorvizi Costal B : O You catt, absolutely count on the ECONOMY of the service jhis Company-owned International branch will render you on your International Trucks. First, the srvice-frt mileage from Internationals will sur prise youXbit's74fy. But, when you V need service, we provide all truck service at low cost set by the scale of bur opera dons, and with Interna' tkmal original parts also at a gratifying tow price. International owners are satisfied, and they stafsat isfied. Come .to'us and get low-cost Hauling that means just that. sSps. later national sizes range from Light-Delivery to pow erful Dump and Tractor Trucks, starting with V4-ton OHrylinder chassis at ! $400 f o.b. faaory r" Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spivey spent the week-end in Wilson, visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clark. Mrs. R. L. Spivey, Sr., who . accompanied them, will spend the week. Dr. W. H. Glasson, of Duke Uni versity, and Mrs. Glasson, who re cently visited their son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Brinn, have returned home. Mrs. Robert Brinn had as a guest this week Miss Frances Newbury, of Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmle Jernigan have returned to their home at Suf folk, Va., after a visit to Mrs,, Jerni gan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving White. Miss Emma Milteer, Va., is the guest of of Suffolk, her grand mother, Mrs. R. T. Clarke. Miss Dot Dees has returned to her home at Freemont after a .visit to Miss Joyce Stokes. t?;' Miss Katherine Fleetwood, who is attending, summer Bchool at E. C T. C, Greenville, was at home for the week-end. -vvv;.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Raper, Mrs. John Broughton and her son, : John B rough ton, Jr., Misses Marion Raper and Edith Everett, and Harrell John son are at Nags Head for a week. Mrs. J..G. Campbell . left Sunday for Myrtle Beach S. C, where she will spend some time.' j Miss Jocelyn Whedbee is spending her vacation at Nags Head. ' SPRAINS ANKLE IN FALL Mrs. R. W. Smith suffered a se verely sprained ankle when she fell from the first landing of the' stair way at her home on Monday. While her condition is improving, she is still confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden and their two daughters, Nancy Coke and Elizabeth, and Mrs: George Alexan der, of Chapanoke, have returned from a trip to Dallas, Texas, where they attended the Texas Centennial. Randolph Clarke, who holds a posi tion at Harrisonburg, Va-i to visiting his grandmother, Mrs. R. ft,-.. Clarke. Lou Whit Powell, of Wmdsor, was recent guest at the horna - of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newby. Irx, - ; Mrs. L. W. Anderson has returned from h week's visit to her mother', Mrs. a W. Young, at Raleigh. ' ' . "Miss Sara Brinn, who has been at tending summer school at Duke Uni versity, is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brinn, for a vaca R. D. Elliott, , Jr., of ; Ahoslde, spent a few days last week with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Elliott ' Mr.-and Mrs. D. M. Jackson, 'Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Malheson1 and Miss Blanche Everett' are taking a motor trip" through NetrEngland- and Canada,' ..A..i-UsU' 't- ; p Luther . F. Congleton - and. his daughter, Miss Alma.i Congleton, former Hertford residants -v. ho now live it T,":m!r.ton,' were Li t??u TO VISIT AT CHAPEL HILL Miss Mary - Wood ,7 Koonce will leave Sunday for Chapel Hill,! where she will visit her aunt, Mrs, M. H. Stacy.V;-;;; . j - : iByriim Co. "Everything In Hardware and Supplies" Phone 4 -:- Edenton, N. C. JThis is the. Vt to 2-ton I International Model C3S I Mrs. Banks Hostess To Woman's Club Mrs. E. G. Banks was hostess to the Durants Neck Woman's Club on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. M. Perry, near New Hope. Nineteen members and three visitors were pttaei&TZMM- Wi Miss Gladys Hamrick gave a very interesting and instructive demon stration in the canning .of snapbeans and tomatoes. Mrs. S. T. Perry was winner of the Jar of tomatoes, and Mrs. E. M. Perry , the Jar of BMP' beaiaV;;s The hostess , served - delicious re freshments to: Mrs. J. E. ;Turner, Mrs. G- L. Turner, Mrs. D. W. Simp son, Mrs.' Mattie Simpson, ' Mrs. E. M. Perry, Mrs. L. R. Webb, Mrs. J. B. Whedbee, .Mrs. ' J. R. Whedbee, Mrs..D. .S. Banks, Mrs. J. A. Sawyer, Mrs, J. , H.. Gregory, Mrs. M. Spivey, Mrs. R. L. Spivey, Mrs. S. T. Perry, Mrs,.T. A: Hurdle, Mrs. E. A. Turner,. Mrs. C E. Sutton, Mrs. Ed Matthews, Miss Gladys . Hamr'Jk, MiaarMaude V Simpson," "Miss ViJa Banks' and Kiss ; Dorothy Perry. ee xfw imkmm e I Yes SSir-ir-e-eS 1o Your up! easiire , and ft 4 C-' FT - Just received our new i Pall samples in the Iarg-1 est variety of . patterns and styles to suit ypur-1 seix,p;r'i.'m,?;;, "i 'livt 1 .v ; r ; Guaranteed! V- AU Wool ''S-? ''.TVs : V' v " ''ft Fabrics" t I. i I 4 e

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