' : O -.i ; Fa V TTn;ATT.;" ' m v - , "Mr. and-Mrs. W. C. Window and their, daughter, Mies Frances, , of Greensboro, were week-end guests of Mrs. WinslowV mother, Mrs. JK. JR. - Winslow. ' Mrf and Mrs. L. N. Hollowell and their two children, Robert and Ruth, have 'returned from Nags Head. , Miss Gladys Hamrick has returned from a visit to her parents at Kings Mountain. ltJ r. . , , (W . "Mr. and Mrs. W. fi. Hardcastlo and "their son, William, returned last reek from visit to Mr. Hardcastte's mother at St. Michael's, Md and Mrs. Hardcastte's aunt at Seawarren, New Jersey. Mrs. Duke Morgan and her two children, Duke and Bettie, have re turned to their home at Raleigh, af ter a visit to Mrs. Morgan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evart Newby. Miss Elizabeth Nowell, who holds a position as instructor in the Ports mouth School of Beauty Culture at Portsmouth, Va., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nowell. Miss Gladys Bagley, of South Nor folk, Va, spent the week-end with Miss Mary Elizabeth White, near Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Nowell and their two sons, Vernon and Alpheus, Jr., of Savannah, Ga.; and Mrs. E. A. Twine, of Norfolk, Va., were recent quests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nowell. Mrs. R. D. Elliott and her son, Darius, have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. S- F. Pollard, at Bellarthur. Miss Hattie Pearl Nowell left Thursday for a ten-day trip to Phila delphia, New York and other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nowell and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Nowell and children, and Mrs. E. A. Twine, spent Sunday at Nags Head. Mrs. Fred Morrell and her attrac tive little daughter, Anne, of High Point, are visiting Mrs. Morrell's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nachman. Taylor Theatre EDENTON, N. C Cool As An Ocean Breese PROGRAM COMING WEEK Today (Thursday) Only Regular Admission Jack Oakie and Sally Eilers in "Florida Special" News Act Comedy BANK NIGHT $40 Friday Only Regular Admission Robert Taylor and Loretta Young in "Private Number" News Comedy Saturday Only Regular Admission John Wayne in Winds of the Wasteland Rex and Rinty No. 5 Charlie Chase Comedy Cartoon Monday Only Regular Admission Robert Montgomery and Rosalind Russell "Trouble For Two" News , Sport Red Tuesday Only Regular Admission George Raft and Dolores Costello Barrymore in Yours For The Asking , K "News'. Comedy ' Wednesday Only (10c 15c) Gloria Stuart Robert Kent . ;Henry Armetta 5- i4 i ' s in- The Crime of Dr. Forbes Cartoon " Comedy ,: Soon:' v , ' A ! f;f i : , "Eicn School Girl." Betto Davis in "Satan Met a Ladv." Clark G-"b rni Jeanette MacDonald in li .. Carl Rogers, athletic coach for Perquimans High School, after spending his vacation at his home in New England, has returned to Hert ford. ' Mr. and Mrs. Effie White, v Miss Ellie Mae White, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Chappell; . Miss Mary Thad Chappell and Miss Betty Lordley will leave Monday for a trip to Viagra Falls. Mrs. J. . E. White, -Mm - SL W. Lordley, Mrs. R, G. Church, Misses Ellie Mao White and Betty Lordley spent Wednesday at , Weldon. Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Darden had as guests this week Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Porter, of Honaker, Va., and. Miss Arlene Porter, of Greensboro. Mrs. Julian Brinkley. of Plymouth, spent the week with her mother, Mrs. Nathan Tucker. W. E. White and his son, W. E. White, Jr., have returned from a vis it to Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Pollard, at Bellarthur. Mrs. Lloyd Horton, of Plymouth, was a recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nixon. Mrs. S. T. Sutton is spending the week in Norfolk, Va., visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Moore. Mrs. G. I. Bullock and her son, CarlAnd. Jr.. of Freemont. are visit ing Mrs. R. A. White and Mrs. R. L. Knowles. Miss Jessamine Bullock has re turned to her home at Freemont, af ter a visit to relatives in Perqui mans. Mrs. C. W. Griffin, of Durants Neck, is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. F. Phillips, at Crozet, Va. Wedding Tuesday Attracts Many (Continued on Page Four) given by Misses Helen Nixon, Sara Brinn and Joyce Stokes on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Riddick, the parents of the bride, entertained in honor of tihe couple at a reception on Monday evening immediately after the re hearsal, the guests including the bri dal party, out-of-town guests and the members of the younger set of Hert ford. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mrs. J. J. Riddick, Miss Celeste Riddick, Miss Mag Riddick, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cowper, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Riddick, Emmett Riddick, Miss Nell Riddick, all of Gatesvffle; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Taylor, Misses Edla and Ruth Taylor and Thornton Taylor, all of Greenville; Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lewis, of Edenton; Mrs. Frank Fletcher and Miss Marguerite Fletcher; of Elizabeth City; Mrs. Emilie Savage, Miss Rachel Savage, and Robert Savage, of Whaleyvflle; Mrs. J. J. Robinson, of Charleston, W. Va.; Mrs. Otto Stenger, Mrs. Lucy Woodard, Mrs. J. J. Taylor, Misses Caroline and Gertrude Ellis, of Em poria, Va.; Miss Mary Elizabeth Rae, Mrs. White, Miss Coleman Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory, Mrs. Gurley, George Mizzelle, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hofler, Miss Janie Floyd Perry, Steve Cooper, and Miss Mar garet Gilliam, all of Windsor. BETHEL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. P. A- Rogerson and their little son, and J. E. Rogerson, of Ballahack, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Chappell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Howard Matthews, of Nor folk, Va., is the guest of her mother, Mrs. R. R. Keaton. W. P. Long spent Saturday at Sanatorium and in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perry . and their son, Dewey, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Perry spent Thursday in Nor folk, Va., with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Long and their daughter, Miss Eloise, of Elizabeth City, visited relatives here Sunday afternoon. ,,;! Mr. and Mrs. J. C Hobbs and two sons, William and Wallace, were the guests of relatives in Kinston on Sunday. Miss Leone Williams hat returned to EastviDe, Va., after spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Beu- lah Williams. Mr. and Mrs R. A. Mansfield and daughters, of Edenton, visited Mr. Mansfield's father, J. H. Mansfield, Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. .Joe White, of Small's Cross, Roads, spent last week nere witn relatives. '.. R. S. Chappell made a business trip to Norfolk,' Va., Tuesday. Frank Hill and., his sons, , James and Ernest, of Connecticut, were the week-end guest of Mr. and f Mrs. Robert Goodwin. ;4 ? vt s ,x " Miss Lucille Long ;has returned from Greenville, where she attended summer school at E. C T. C. . - t " Billy Dafl ls ' visitlnsr , his aunt. Mrs. . John - Morris, tunr Cannon's rerry.. ' yjr j , J v. . v .. " ........ uittulU. -rfT- r, Stmopsis: Driving toat to marry Katharine Grant, J09 Wilson it arreted on autpioion of oofcM one of fhm kidnaovtrt o a young girl infuriated town folk - otorM tho. .Jait Xatkm1mo, twnma pi At amt, arrive as fhm iaU Km boon Jtrtd, '- dutf falmu. Dynamifm. toon, off the 4oon of hit o0, and Jo otompm oao to vntcago, legally ataa. Thm actuat ' kidnapper art caught. Jot tend, hit. brother weet : to tUt mrdef charae agatntt member of the-ntob, but iao vttmct Attorney camrt rtna on MrtoK vho ww admit Joe wot in the )aU when it teas bum- m ana he ha nobody.. But then learn that Kathmine aw Joe at the oott window a the fan burned, . ChapHr Rv THECUNCHING EVIDENCE Beeause of the natloeMde prom inence mat had been; given by the newspaper and the radio - to the Peabody kidnapping1 and the burn ing of an Innocent man in, the iau, Jndg Qaniel i Hopklna permlttM the trial to be broad cut . ,. . Joe Wltoon could not remain so far avway as Chicago s ba oasae to Capi tal City and went into biding in a loom his brothers had . found for hiav He bad a radio put in so he eould notes In on the trial i ' Witneas after witnaca was ealled by the District Attorney in the at tempt to prove the presence of the men charred with murder to the mob that had. stormed, burned and dynamited the Jail. The auto's wit nesses swore to allbrr for the men on trial. Even Sheriff Hummell wore though the perjury came V - hard to Mm thai he had net reeognized any members of the mob. He aald they must have been men from out of town. The bnsties at aa imaavory inn teetifled that four esT the defendants Dawson, Piper, Lope and Dnrkin spent the en tire oventoff; in the cafe of the Inn. Defense attorney objected to al most everything statement or Ques tion from the District Attorney. The Jndg threatened several times to have the eourt cleared; a bu billy waa thrown out of the room; farmer fined for contempt. A de fense lawyer Insisted that the State produce facto instead of tittle-tattle. "X did not put these representa tive dUsens of Sage on the stand eaeeept. on their oaths, to tell the truth,17 said the District Attorney, "and. so help them God, they are all liars! X snail ask for their in dictment for perjury, on the evf dence that will prove the identity of these defendants with that of twenty-two active members of the nob that burned the jail and lynch ed Joe Wilaon. I shall introduce that evidence how." .a After Judge Hopkins had heard the attorneys', arguments on the admission of this mysterious evi dence, a contraption covered with a sheet was wheeled into the court room by two attendants. It proved to be a motion picture projection machine. Against the back wall had been arranged an Improvised screen; The Judge warned the spec tators against any demonstration and ordered the District Attorney to proceed. .-.-'..-... "State's Exhibit A." aald the Dist rict Attorney ."A film record taken by Ted WHagerald at Sage la the regular course of bis employment aa a newsreel cameraman. Defend .No. V KJjby Dawson, known a "BuBbles" Pa won, who, aeeord ing to the testimony, waa m the Green light Inn all daring the A Hectare was throw mate, tha ereea. It ahowed men resnlns In ; the door cftho leU Dsi was ; the leader. Than U ahowed Xweon pooring luroeene oav a po of , broken desks, chains and crtfUe ta 1 the jail Itsett. A stop-action p4ure was called for by tha District At ; torney; it revealed Dawson alearty, tmmistakabty, aa sii eselit of aad- bus joy on jus nee. -t tnonth half open with fear. oner oeienoanu sourmed nr'v i The newsreel was agate zWel on . the aoreen, showing other members i at the mob Mrs. Sally Hun-nrey i throwing a lighted rag; reerick X Garrett fighting the firemen who v stttempted to extinguish the f.r-ne, ; for . possesion of the hose.' Wra. ? Garrett v o had testified that her ; husband t -e borne all evening-, . fainted. twenty-two defendants I yrere thus ICanUJed, I ' Defense torneya were pAr on their feet; "Tour Honor, our c..nts mro not on trial for being at a fire, i for starting a fire, or for he Zdni In a Ja'Vout for the 'mutter of - j 'Joseph Wilaon, which the Estate baa not proved, who proves titat Jo seph Vilaon was In the Wl at toe if '. time tie t waa burpedT" . , i i "K-r-r r-"'- -eCraettof-e x - r. 2 f ---.-, . i ahraya fond of them. I went to v,i Sycamore Corners to meet . sdnv topping on the way to remind ta ' minister that Joe and I would bo there at four o'clock to bo married. . We'd been away from each other , for more than a year, and I I-tovod ' t aim aa" - - -.' v She told bow one bad learned that; -be waa in Jail as a kidnap sjiiapeai; -j bow she got to Bag and looked up from beside the lamp-poet. -. "I saw him In the burning win- wwi iwhuw wf wmt ywi h -':'v . -ii The mob was aoreaaaing That be ta. ' They threw tones, bittina; Mm, driving him back from the .' .window back into the flames.'' : Defense lawyer tried to abake bar testimony," to get ber to admit thai she was so -unstrung and ner vous that she expected to see Joe Wilson in that Jail and that what aha thought aha saw -was no thine bat a hallucination. They were un abte to shake her. -;. "Under the Uw." aald aa asso ciate "defense attorney, "Uvea must not be taken on assumption, out on facts. Where is tha corosa at Jo- sepTi WHleonT , "Before tne Mil site was eoiar RWI UIO VUUIW munuv. Willi" see testified that they cleaned It up and dumped taa aanea into too river. In that way they tot rid of the body of their Ytotlm. ' "The law Is that a corpus delicti, or at least fragments of a human body, or articles known to bmvo been wora by him, must be proved. It has not been proved that Joseph . Wilson la dead.' It cannot be prov ed. He mar have esoaned and be live today perhaps with his me mory gone. In the absence -or coo- vinoina- proor oc oorpus aeucu, xoar Honor. I move that this Indictment be est aside and the. charge against these defendant be dismissed-; ,,, "rahaH take the moUon for dls lasal under advisement," eald Judge Hopkins, "until tomorrow. I will bear . the State's arguments . then." "Ho w can y6u be i suretiiis it the ring,: "you gave himl7 s The defendants were ta ft jubilant mood when they were brought into ' ooort the next day ed to order, the Judge addressed -the jurors: ladies and gentlemen; ., w wi jarr, a aav rsoeivoa as 0 ieflt. Whlotl If UitkaiHa miwt k. conaideredta evMenee in tbieease. tm ainoanocKy yon mnsc aeoMe ror yourselves. Over objection of the Attorney to present H to youV a vumm Anorney explained that the object bad come in a ape- dI Mull lalta uUnuaul v Judge. It bad come with a com- l..ll. a i. . . . . . . uuiu-sMMni lonoeo wiu leners cut -out of a newspaper and pasted up. He read the communication: "'I am a citixen of Sage, who helped' ni up ui jau mesa, m me aanea -I found this enclosed ring. Nobody mement memento,, but it la 'upset- uuk wjr mnsoence, ao J. am gerung , it off my chest I don't dare sign this ttr T mllrht rrnt 1im1j( mM.li Ineide the ring is an engraved in scription, 'Henry to K ... I can't 1 .nl.k b .L. L ... uowuui iuo rem neein. in a U1I- Joe'." ' r -T-" ' ' ' Defense objection to introducing an anonymous letter as evidence waa luuuura, ana we jjisincx At- ' torney recalled Katharine Grant to uw Bttuiu. nave you ever aeen uus y rtog before T" he asked. , .. "Tea." alia mnllaJ inglt "Where 7 And when?" -, . "In the railroad station in Chi- eSIm. aa I Wa laawlnc- r ana. t,m.w It was my mother's wedding ring; X HIT " to Joe. He put U ooliia uttle tlnger." . , , ' , "How eaa yon be sure thle h) the wrnwM war ' KsdhorhM. Menry waa my fathf a - name, aty mother's name was Kath erinev AfUr the xatherine' in the rmf X had engraved to Joe maA-?. : A woman's hyrterical seream hv terrupted. - fhe was one of the de feadanta. v, AA H1 n. jha mi - Tl her to stop!"- t'K.? . lite rest or the defendant, over oomo by panto, seised ber, tried to pun Iter down and quiet her, but ste continued beT byeterieal oon- WnUlft A nnnfsimejf T V-.aa . avi a. , blm I helped kill hunt We all u mmi were ail guutyi";; She trta to puil away from re straining hands, to go to Katherlne. "Let, me ( talk to her, let me teU' her X didn't mean , . , Iforgtve me! r afwVSdr.,,t. ' f There i Is your answer to this case," aald the District Attorney. . "Your Honor, the State rests." , , ' - Katherlne, dazed, alckned, con fused, lowered her eyes. 1 hey came J to rest upon the communication" which bad accompanied the ring, were fixed upon a word made of ; printed letters, pasted tf -ther; the -word waa "mementim." Juil dased, -more contused than ever, sbe waa taken out of' Cae eourt roo by Cbvlle and Tom Into a oorrior. lorn was v - mrinr a ratoenet ji-t ' I'ke Joe's? U t- i v -' i i 1 U II if .-,1 l-' ' 2 ' i I i J . . f t . ' i t 4 'j .T : ". At School k, The Home ;i Demonstration! Club of Bethel, held its regular meeting bn Friday afternoon' at the seJboolhouse, with Mrs-r ML ;T. Grimn. and Mrs. C. T,j Phillips as hostesses. A - demon stration was given, on Etiquette, jibst Gertie . Chappell, ave , the program, with Mrs. 1. A. rroctor and -.Mrs. Seth Long taking part A play was much ejujoyed, and those) taking part were Mrs. R. S. Chappell, Mrs, M. T. Griffin, Mrs. Mary Haynun, .and little Miss Jane GrUBn.- During the social hour a state abbreviation contest was given, and Mxa 1L T. Griffin won the prize.,, ' ' f I The September meeting will be held with Mri. Reuben Stallings at her home.' "f f . " U VA ' ' The hostesses served , delicious home-made candy to the : following: Mesdames W. D. Perry C. H. Ward, L. A. Proctor,' M. T. Griffin, . C T. PWllips, J. C Hobbs, W. P. Long,; J. Mr Fleetwood, - R. S. Chappell, and Seth Long, Miss , Gertie ; ChappdL Mrs. Mary Hayman, Miss Evelyn Long and Jane Griffin. - Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hunter visited relatives in Norfolk; Va . Tuesday. A Vcnrlcr - In t j r -v in I anil mi McCormlcf ccrbn ' can set all lHa operation in the McConxu-Deering FamaU 12 Tractor. Put' 7-foot Quick-Attachtbla mower on i thia tractortcan beton ui tBout 2 minutea- and you will be able to cut from 20 to 30 acres a day, j ' - ' And the Fannall 12 wiU rakel the- hay eitxwwithasweepraluoraidexleU ted it, haul it to the barn, and put it into the now if you want it to. - The low operating coat of tile Fannall 12 recommends it to every hay grower ; GKrne in and let us tell you about it. , oyram Bros. Hardware Co. "Everything In Hardware and Supplie3,, Phone 4 -:- ; EdentdnJ 1$. . . -i .11 : - - ': - ' I f 4 i tV-1 V j ;t Come and Coo Them and I -": - v -. W' : . r - -: ! v . 1 . '! De I Jj,, 7ia.Ca! ' ii.SV.; Mrs. Paul T,; Pexxy afc$ cOdren, ., ' from nean Elizabeth Cityr ate' visit irig her parents, , Mr. and.. Mrs. .Joe -Perry,, this, week. , , : Miss Novella' WinsTou seJbsrned to i her home near Belvider Sjoaday af- . ter being the guest- of Miss Viola 1 Rogerson: fees th past week. " ' Those from ' this conmnaity who attended! tfift Missionary meeting at . Bethel BaptisA duurch Wednesday were: - Mr, and! 'Mrs. Jons Rogerson ' and fiaoily, Mz. and Mat. A. J. Par-, rish,, 1 Z'A t.";.-. B Mrs, Georgft Proctor Mrs. S. A. ' Owens and! children, of Hertford, spent last week with Mrs. C S. Lay- ,' Norman Smith, wrho Is having' his eyes treated in a hoepital In NevA 1 .-. port News, Va is , showing much im provement' -t -"" 4 ' , Misseo Ytola Rogerson and Novel-; la Winslow wore)' guests- of Miss Mary Lay den 'Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A.' E. Layden and children,' of i BeexhT Spring," visited' tneir parents, mr. ana Mrs. u. s. Layden, Sunday evening.. ! -r Mr. and : Mrs. r Hugh) Harrell and baby were guests Of L Mr. and Mrs. Graham Perry Sunday evening. ; - the Hby 7lil& y-' -:y jj Mrf fUieme to watch tale emM i I f t if aad ewmlss It aaabss aa, w. you get around to haying time you nower vou ntA (iar emrv WE ARE RECEIVING : ALMOST DAILY NEW j; I III II 1 III !... 1 : aV N FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN ii J- and boys :; V, i! Made in sinorle and double 1 breasted models.- i Snort I j and; plain; backs in ; ma-1 terials "that will stand f hardwear:f:;;.:r:"v!!f-;: Plaid3, Checks, Stripes c Jbr: Plain qo fitrown, Medium BluCv ?; I , , . ureys or, iNavy . j .Priced Reasonable as We Bought 4 , . - .nan. r n. . t Have Youra Put Avvcy '0