,1 V, PACE tWQ THE PER0UIMANSWE2KLY. HERTFORD, N C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 18S8. THE PERQUIMANS Margaret Perry, Ethel Perry, Fran ces ferry and Nannie Mae Perry. i , V " TO RETURN TO MARION v!- Miss Frances. Fowler, after spend ing the summer vacation ' with her leave Monday for Marion to resume her duties 'i on the "Marion Bchool faculty. Iti'i.f 1 ? ' checks' l k MALARIA , in S days ' COLDS ; " first day -Headaches, 30 miiu. WEEKLY 'published every -Friday at The Perquimans' Weekly office in the " Gregory Building, Church Street, ' Hertf ord, N. C. t MATTIE LISTER WHITE Editor Day Phone ... 88 Night Phone 100-J 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES "One Year ?l-28 Six Months 75c Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at the post office at Hertford, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates furnished by re- liquid, TMto 8alv, Now Dropa Tr "JLyi-WfHm"-vrotW JJt Idnimwl guest FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1986. 1 :)':; BIBLE THOUGHT FOR WEEK QUIETUDE: Better is a dry mor sel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife. Proverbs 17:1. CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to the publishers of The Daily Independent: The new daily, the only morning daily newspaper in the Albemarle, published by the Indenpendent Pub lishing Company, of Elizabeth City, made its first appearance on Monday of this week. Each issue carries eight pages of interesting news, features and adver tisements. The Daily Independent is a credit to the community and an achievement in which its editors and publishers may well take pride. AN APPRECIATION WELL DESERVED Often in the past the stores and other places of business in Hertford have closed their doors as a mark of respect when the funeral of some prominent citizen waB being conduct ed in the town. Probably for the first time in its history, the business places of-Hertford and the public offices dosed for an hour on Monday morning while a funeral was being conducted in a dis tant city. It was very fitting indeed that this honor should have been shown Clinton W. Toms. It is significant that it was unnecessary even to sug gest in some instances that places of business close their doors. When it was learned that it was the inten tion of certain places of business to close their doors, all the others in the town fell in line and voluntarily suspended business for an hour. Such an attitude on the part of the citizens of the town, many of whom had nev er personally nown him, is indicative ' of the feeling of respect that the people of his native home felt for Mr. Toms, whose interest in his old home had fount! expression in so many deeds of kindness. If it. be true, as some one has said, that all we carry with us when we leave this world is that which we have given away, what a world of wealth Clinton White Toms took with him into eternity! CHAPANOKE NEWS Mrs. Oscar Byrum is visiting rela tives in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Viola Alexander, who has been visiting her son, George Alex ander, for several weeks, left Sunday for Norfolk, Va., where she will vis it sevreal days before returning to her home at Pocomoke City, Md. Mr. and Mrs.' A. H. Ros, Rufus Wilson and little son, Billy, were gests of Mrs. Ros' mother, Mrs. J. C. Wilson, on Thursday. Mattie Meade Alexander is spend ing a few days with Dorothy Perry, at New Hope. . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Newman and daughter, Miss Roberta Newman, of Knoxville, Tenn., are guests of Mrs. Newman's sister, Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Revival services are now in pro gress at the Woodville Baptist Church, and will continue through the week. Rev. W. D. Morris, the pas tor, is preaching. The public is in vited. Miss Lessie Elliott has returned after a visit with friends at Winfall. Mrs. George Feilds has returned to her home in Hertford after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Daisy Perry. Mrs. W. H. Elliott and Mrs. John Symons spent last Sunday at Ocetn View, Va. John Ambrose Elliott, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Elliott, has returned home after two years in Panama. Crawford Wilson spent Tuesday in Raleigh. A. G. Darden, of Driver,. Va., has returned to his home after several days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. P, Quincy. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Williams, Bob Williams and Miss Edna Everett, from Driver, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. C. P. Quincy. , Clarence Byrum is very ill at his home with pneumonia. Mr.' and Mrs. George Pool, of Eli zabeth City, attended services at Woodvill Tuesday evening. NEW HOPE NEWS Mfrs. Gregory Webb and daughter, Annette, of Norfolk, Va.; Mrs. Pen- nie Wood Neary 'aad children, of New York City; and Mrs. Mae Ward - and her children, of Eden ton. nave returned to their homes after visit- .tag their parents,. Mr.-and Mrs, L. B 3. QpFTTHr" 1W. Leo" rWfjjaggrJtanrfjaJafe A WISE GUY 1 A - Robert Young and Betty Furness in "The Three Wise Guys" at the Tay lor Theatre, Edenton, Monday, only. Webb. Miss Celia Blanche Dail has re turned home after spending some time visiting her sister, Mrs. Kermit Barclift, in Washngton, D. C While away she visited places of interest in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia. and West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Barchft and Robert Barclift, of Washington, D. C, and Miss Dahpne Barclift, of Bal timore. Md., came Wednesday to attend the funeral of their father, W. K. Bardift. They returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nurney and Miss Marjorie Matthews spent Mon day at Virginia Beach, Va. Mrs. A. C Boyce, Mrs. Charney Umphlett and little Miss Faye Dail, of Edenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dail last Wednesday. Mrs. M. -M. Spivey and her son, Matt, Jr., spent several days last week at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nurney and daughter, Helen, of Norfolk, Va-, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs- Matt Spivey on Sunday. Jtlse Marie Perry, of Hertford, Route 3, is the guest of her grand mother, Mrs. Minnie Perry. Mrs. Clarence Goodman has re turned home after spending some time with her husband in Winston' Salem. Edenton Saturday morning on busi ness. The Ryland Sunday School picnic was held last Thursday evening at Hollys 'Wharf. Quite a large num ber attended, and a good time was had by alL Mrs. Roy Parks attended a camp meeting in Pitt County this week. RETURNS TO CHOWAN HIGH Miss Marjory Hefren has returned to Small's Cross Roads to take up her duties as teacher in Chowan High School. Shower In Honor Mrs. Conroy Miller Mrs. Conroy Miller, of Woodville, who before her recent marriage was Miss Marie Perry, was honoree at a delightful miscellaneous shower giv en by Mrs. R. L. Perry at her home at Woodville on Thursday evening. 2 Taylor Theatre EDENTON, N. a Cool As An Ocean Breeze PROGRAM COMING WEEK Today (Thursday) Only Regular Admission George Brent and Madeline Carroll in The Case Against Mrs. Ames" Act News BANR"NIGHT4-$50 "1" USSlOlf Friday Only Regular Admission Cecilia Parker Helen MacKeljar Mahlon Hamilton in High School Girl" 'Recommended for ADULTS ONLY I News Costedy 1 RYLAND Saturday Only i , Regular Admission V;V Wm. Boyd and Jimmie Ellison in Three On the TrtaF Rex and Rinty No. 6 - Comedy Monday Only The Ryland baseball team defeated a nine from Edenton Saturday after noon, the score being 16-7 in favor of the Ryland nine. The game was played in the Randolph Ward yard, and was largely attended. Miss Addie Jordan, from Acorn Hill, was the guest of Mrs. T. W. Davis several days last week. Mrs. A. L. Midyette and her son, Norfleet, of Swan Quarter, visited her mother, Mrs. H. N. Ward, a few days the first of the week. Miss Minerva Ward has returned home from Portsmouth, Va., where she visited relatives for the past two weeks. Misses Rella Spivey and Thelma Ward attended the show in Edenton Friday evening. , Mrs. G. A. Boyce and children, G. A. and Sarah Jane, have returned home after a visit yith relatives in Portsmouth, Va. , Mrs. Joe Byrum, Miss Montase Byrum and Forest Byrum, from near Cannon's Ferry, visited Mrs. R. S. Ward Wednesday afternoon. Alma Boyce has gone to Morehead City, where he has a Job. Mrs. Goodwin, from - near .. Smith field, Va has been the recent guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ollie Jordan, and Mr. Jordan, -i , '. tx Mr. and Mrs. Isaac. Byrum we're in Regular AdmissioijS; J' '; Robert Young and Betty Furness tjn v "3 WISE GUYS" Act Newa-.'K':' The house was attractively deco rated with summer flowers and the guests were informally entertained with games and contests. Immediately before the hostess served a delicious sweet course the bride's cake was cut, and the bride cut the ring, Miss Margaret Perry, the thimble, and Miss Ella Thornton, the dime. Those present were Mesdames Tommy Miller, of Hertford; W. H. Miller and A. L. Perry, of Elizabeth City; Mesdames H. G. Swayne, Mary Bray, Johnnie Bray, H. C. West, T. S. White, Lucille Miller, C. T. White, Jr., Lloyd White, Sadie Renfrow, W. A. Hoggard, J. R. Humphries, Ar thur Bogue, Cook Chalk, Johnnie Gregory, Ackiss Gregory, G. W. Griffin, Durwood Whitehead, Ned Wood, G. W. Gregory, Johnnie White, and Misses Hazel Bateman, Margaret Bogue, Operine Cook, Mary Cheatem, Daphne WiHey, Mabel Whitehead, Wilma Godfrey, Katherine Bogue, Beulah Bogue, Katherine Godfrey, Grizelda Godfrey, Ella Thornton, Caroline Griffin, Mary Ellen Griffin, Collegiate USED CARS Ttiof fliA ai fa jAllfkrtv Wnnnv hnuro of oriinnl in on ft of our & --.1? TTCT7r niOO C.n. IAlrSMnP nAtmifiTina LUilCMlttVC U OXjU VAXVO( Olia lUVBJUIJ -FcrFj p.vaaawsw A peachy prices. Have dad see these. Nuff said. USED CARS 1934 Master Chevrolet Sedan, good value $465 I 1935 V-8 Ford 4-Door Sedan . . ..$475 1 1935 Chevrolet Truck, with cab and long I wheel base . ..$325 i j Aiirt xuootci viicvivicb vvcvn t 1 1930 Chevrolet Sedan ;$150 I ! 1929 Chevrolet Sedan -$125 1934 De Luxe 4-Door Plymouth .$395 b v a i Ajm1 iy35 Master unevroiet uoacn wd Let us grind your valves clean carbon check ignition your carburetor give your car renewed speed and power. Let Us Care For Your Car TRY AND YOU WILL BUY THE NEW CHEVROLET A car you will be proud to own Hollowell Chevrolet Company Phone 115 Hertford t tHtH4-eMeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wot t BBi -- m m w m - ' m - usi .ib. i Chase & Sanborn Dated COFFEE LB. Gibb's Qeatis with Pr!i AND TOMATO SAUCE 1 Lb. Cans 3for15or TCIS CATJIATIOII COU Caraatlea Oisby net Klaf . rearod T . Iho ftedacei el tne sUsrteel Csnertlea USOu UUs efl wwWs Nooris lMOO5ta.adft.L7U Iba, BMStaej la mm feet, JUk fee Ctaacaoal tmii Tall Cans 25c Libby's Gamed Cset "vllSffli! LB. CAN Armour's Star DE1AEJS WTTH GRAVY - 2 eano 29g Hear Dr. Allen Dafoe, Dioijne Quintuplets' Doctor, on the Carna tion Contented Hour Monday night, Sept 14, at 9 o'clock, NBG. Tuesday Only T7amita A tm! set atc nuuuosivu v;yr- Bette Davis and ' ! Warren Willianf iif "Satan Met aLadjr NewF Act Cartoon T Wednesday Only "r. i- : Regular - Admission w.tf-i Edward Arnold and Binnie Barnes 'in"; Gutters Gold1? . ..- nMidv : BANK NIGH NOTE: .Bank . Night will he every Wednesday from this date on. ; COMING THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, IWv)Mf; ClarS GaWandi ;; Jeanette MacDonald in 3 ----- Libby's Fancy Crushed Pineapple, 9 oz. can Libby's Fancy Tomato Offg Juice, 3 cans... : 11.- Bungalow Brand , JT 05 Vienna Sausage, 3 cans. Argo Medium Sugar Peas, No. 2 Ysanj .:L. Orange Pekoe .Vesper t r Tea, 3 oz. pkg.;.:.....w Do you get't extra coupons when you buy Octagon Soaps and Octagon Powders? Let us give you more, coupons with your purchase's of Octagon pro ducts. ".. l: y E50 Ully Brand Pink Salmon, 2 cahs...L.... Whitehbuse Fruif . Pectin, bottle. Sure-Jell Pectin HgI Mixture, : 2 pkgs.Uw.:......-?n . ; '- - Hersheys Baking '; ", ; frrw' Chocolate, lb:...:..l:AiVs J Underwood's Steamed C 00 Puddings, cans....u... . Ballard's NewV : J J ; P ; Pancake Flour, pkg....U Early Morn , ; , Pancake Syrup, 12 6z.'L We Deliver B. C. Berry, lit.?-? " TZ.cr.0 10 i f,

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