THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD. N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,11936 PAGE TWO UshtsofNcvyorlc by LL STEVENSON m THRILLS! i; It seemed mighty queer to go down the hay the other morning without har lug my cutter pan Inspected by MatheW P. Cassidy. ' He had been doing that for so many years that It seemed an absolutely essential part of the trip, ror the flrst two or, three years, he not only made me sign my name on the back every trip, so that he could check up on the handwriting, bat also made me show my police card.. To gOT- wrnment is careful concerning ; cutter! passes. It has W be or It would be rnnnlng a free ferry down to Quaran tine and there wouldn't be , any room for the eostoma and Immigration offlcen and the public health service doctors. In Mr. Cassldy's mind; his duty to the government was always uppermost, so be took nothing for granted and over looked nothing. Mot only did he check passengers as they boarded the cutter but also after the boat got tinder weigh. If he found a phony, he talked to the captain with the result that there was a stop at Rosebank, on Staten Island, and the Intruder was put ashore. j "When the cutter reached the liner ifor which It was bound, Mr. Cassidy jwas always the last one to climb the tladder or cross the plank. He Inspect ied and counted every one who went aboard and until that was done he 'remained on the cutter's deck. Then he went up and with his associates be came busy with the declarations of passengers. In the course of time, J he became known as "Old Reliable," -. and as has been Indicated, lived up to that name faithfully. For 48 years, , 1 1 a I 1L. I v 4VA, .1ma me served in we vusiuuis. xu mm uwc, the boarded more than 33,000 liners and . j it j . ii r iraYcieu many luuusuuus tu. uiuca uu ' Coast Guard vessels. But be never TV CUb fcv hvOj m ft outyi mhww tt v jreached the age of seventy and with vthat came compulsory retirement In all those years, Mr. Cassidy met practically every celebrity, In one way tor another, that came to these shores. fHe also had considerable to say about rwho met the celebrities, as none could (board the liner until he gave the W Observation brought the convlc jtion that celebrities were merely pas sengers to him. His only concern was tthat all the customs requirements were jmet and he always saw to It that they I were. Every newspaper man who ever j covered ship news knew him. But he made them show their passes Just the isame. With repairs to existing bridle paths fand the opening of some new ones, the (Prominent citizens who enjoy early morning canters In Central park are out In force these days. The sport !was recently given a revival wit, an English hunt breakfast and everything. Of the various riders, Jefferson Sellg jnan. the banker. Is the dean. He has cbeen riding around the paths at dawn ing for the last half century. Various attempts have been made to cut down the bridle paths and even to abolish them but the horse lovers have so far 'won out In their fight to maintain 'them. According to a report that Just reached my desk, that Rockefeller Cen iter hairdresser who discovered a way to make, women's hair give off light In ithe dark had occasion the other night ito put: his Invention to practical use. 'A fuse blew In his fashionable salon tand left the place In darkness. So !ie got out wigs he had treated and (obtained Illumination In that manner. No radium is used In the treatment though the effect Is said to be the same. - Subway eavesdropping: "When the k!op takes him to the station, he tells the sergeant he's a bookkeeper and 'gets away with It too, even If he can't jcount up to twelve without taking off ( Bell Syndicate. WNU Service James Stewart and Wendy Barrie in "Speed," the feature picture at the Taylor Theatre, Edenton, on Wednesday in connection with Bank Night. . Ocean Will Yield Vast . Supplies of Magnesium i New York. Scarcity , of magnesium deDOslts In th9 United States has caused scientists to turn to the ocean tfor this mineral, valuable to mans health and to Industry. "Limitless supplies of magnesium re covered from the ocean," the American Chemical society said, "will strengthen human resistance to cancer and other diseases." m -C-.iU Commercial recovery ot minerals from the sea, for centuries the goal of Science, Is proceeding oa the east and west coasts of the United States, Bromine for anti-knock gasoline is be Ing extracted off the coast of North Carolina the society reports. Produc tion of magnesium from sea water Is progressing at South San Francisco. The production of magnesium salts Inexpensively, It Is believed, will open 'new-fields for their use medicinally. "Farm Bureau," care The Perqui mans Weekly, Hertford, N. C. ' SALESMEN WANTED MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH Route of 800 families. Write to day. Rawleigh'a, Dept. NCI 100 SA.,' Richmond; Va.r ( NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ' Having kualified as Administratrix o f the estate of W. K. Barclift, de ceased, late ;of 'Perquimans .County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having; claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at thirants. Neck, NC, on or before thtv 8th day of September, 1M7 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of '' their recovery. All. personajndebte$,to said .estate.! wui pieaser mase immeaiate payment. This 8th day of September, 1936. MRS. NETTIE TURNER BARCLIFT Administratrix of W. K. Barclift SepU8,2510ct.2,9,16(23 ' , BALLAHACK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. LerOy Haskett and son, Roger, of Edenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rogerson on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Layden and their daughter, Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Layden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Layden at Beech Spring". Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Parrish visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Layden Saturday evening. Mrs. Will Porctor and her children, Mrs. Inez White and her baby, all from near Norfolk, Va., were guests of relatives in this community last week. Mrs. A. J. Parrish returned home Tuesday from Suffolk, Va., where she had been the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. E. Whitehead. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Perry and children spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Porctor, near Norfolk, Virginia. Mrs. J. E. Perry, Mrs. Mary Hin- ton and Mrs. Joe Perry attended the Missionary meeting at the home of Mrs. A. S. Layden Sunday after noon. Rev. Frank Cale, of Center Hill, is assisting Rev. A. A. Butler in a revival at Great Hope Baptist church this week. Miss Ruth Hurdle visited friends in this community Monday after noon. MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear brother, Thomas H. Layden, who de parted this life June 1st, 1936. Dearest brother, though we loved you, the angels loved you more And they did sweetly call you, To yonder shining shore. The golden gates were opened, A gentle voice said, "Come," And with farewells unspoken, You calmly entered Home. .. . Your loving sister, MRS. A. A. PERRY. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Jesse, Campen, Sr., deceased, late of Perquimans Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. G, on or before the 7th day of August 1937, or this ; notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 7th day of August, 1936. MRS. JANE CAMPEN, Administratrix of Jesse Campen, Sr., Deceased. aug.l4,21,28,sept.4,ll,18 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administra tors of the estate of J. L. White, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decseased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. G, on or before the 8th day of August, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 8th day of August, 1936. G O. WHITE, J. OLIVER WHITE Administrators of J. L. White, Deceased. aug.l4,21,28,sepU,ll,18 Classified and Legals WANTED EIGHT CORDS OAK Wood, split and cut for stove length and delivered during the months of September and October at Hertford. See J. S. McNider, FOR RENT SEVERAL FARMS Applicant please state locality de sired and size of farm can culti vate and farm equipment and in cidental requirements of tenant with generous references assuring honesty, and . dependability and agreeable " temperament; Address August, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment : -- This 29 day of August, 1936s , , ' , - W. G. HOLLOWELL, - w E. B. HOLLOWELL . , JOEL F. HOLLOWELL f .. Administrators of J. M Hollowell. Sept44148S,OctJ!,9 , ; ; - NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION' " - Having qualified as Administratrix of the ; estate pf Margaret A. Lowe, deceased; late' -of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is, to notify all persons having claims against the estate "of said ... deceased V to exhibit them to the undersigned t Hertford, NT. C; Rout 2, n W before the 8th Aarr inimot 1R7.""'or 'thin notice Wltfbi'pleadedto'' of their 're covery - AuJ persons j inaeniea io said ; estate -vill please . make Imme diate payment." . ' This 8th day of .August, 1936. AUCE M OVERMAN, Administratrix of Margaret A. Lowe, Deceased. aug.U,2128,sept.4,ll,18 NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority given me by the widow and heirs-at-law of the late Geo. W. H. Lane of Perqui mans County who was also known as Tobe Lane, I will on Saturday, Sept 19th, 1936, at 12 o'clock M., at the courthouse door in Hertford N. G, offer for sale for cash the following tracts of land in Belvidere Township, Perquimans County, N. C. 1st Tract: Bounded on the south by Daniel Lilly land, north by the old patent, on the west .by the Caleb Lilly land and east by the B. F. Lilly land, containing 25 acres, more or less, and being the tract conveyed bv Millv Lilly. 2nd Tract: Bounded on the south by the Public Road, east by the B. F. Lilly land, north by the old patent, and west by Caleb Lilly and Nat Riddick lands, containing 47 acres, more or less, and known as the Milly Lilly land. This 1st day of September, 1936. H. G. WINSLOW, Attorney for widow and heirs-at-law. Sept.4,11,18 quimans County, 'N. C, Bounded on the North byN. C. State Highway No. 321 leading from Winfall to Bel videre, on the East by a lane, on the South and West by land of the S. C. Nowell Estate, containing one-fourth (1-4) of an acre, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to the said Annie Harrell Murray by S. C. Nowell on the 7th Hay ' of March, 1931 w V 4 t Sale is made to satisfy the notes secured by said deed x of trust that are due and unpaid. - A deposit of .ten percent ..of the amount bid will be required of the successful ihidder immediately after the sale. ' . 1 Dated and posted this 22nd day of, August, 1936. : , ' ? -W. F. C. EDWARDS, ' V v' Trustee. r- By C. R. HOLMES,, . t - v ' Attorney. , aug.28,sept.4,ll,18 malaria; 9tt days i vflOLDS r. SdnM, tftUeto 's. first day ' Sktrt, stom Dropi ' Headaches, 30 mitt. - Trr "Bn-K7-Tlrai"-Wftrl4' ESS NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Millie Bryant, de ceased, late of Perqv&ttWSv County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased! to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvi dere, N. ., on or before the 10th day of August, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment This 10th day of August, 1936. SEATON BRYANT. Administrator of Millie.' - Bryant, Deceased. . aug.l4128,sept4,ll,18 NOTICE On Wednesday, September 30, 1936, at 12 o'clock M, we will offer for sale to the highest- bidder for cash, at the Court House - Door in Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina: ' 25 shares Capital Stock of Kramer Bros. Co. : Same being evidenced by certifi cate No. 69 issued to H.G. Kramer and pledged or collaterated with the undersigned for lpan. y rrvi .. r- . . j' ft AA . . inis sept. v, ivw, I ' HERTFORD BANKING COMPANY, By R. M. RIDDICK, jl Cashier. Sept.11,18,25 f, ..;;!.- NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Annie Harrell Murray and husband to W. G Edwards, Trustee, said deed of trust bearing date of 7th of March, 1931, and bemg of record In the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Per quimans County, N. G, in MDB 17, page 507, default having been made in the conditions of the said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee, will on Wednesday, the 23rd day of Sep tember, 1936, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Hertford, N. G. offer for sale at puBlic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: That certain lot of land lying and being in Belvidere Township, Per- if Hunting a USED CAR? Duck new car depreciation and get a nearly new USED CAR. Hunt no longer, we have the car for you-rhere are our best "hits." EASY TERMS. USED CARS x i 1934 Master Chevrolet Sedan, good value $465 ; ; 1 1935 V-8 Ford 4-Door Sedan -r.$475 : : 1 1935 Chevrolet Truck, with cab and long t wheel base 05 i 1934 Master Chevrolet Coach $425 i; 1930 Chevrolet Sedan ....$150 : : 1929 Chevrolet Sedan $125 1 1934 De Luxe 4-Door Plymouth $395 1 1935 Master Chevrolet Coach .....$475 t 5ll z "Duck in" and our shop will fix your car in a jiffy. Snappy ser vice reasonable prices all work guaranteed. Let Us Care For Your Car TRY AND YOU WILL BUY THE NEW CHEVROLET A car you will be proud to own Hollowell Chevrolet Company Phone 115 ; j t ' Hertford i :: m NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified - as -Administrators of the estate of J. M Hollowell, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is o notify all persons having claims against the estate of said ffeceasedV to exhibit them to the. undersigned - at Winfall, N. G, on or before the 29th day, of DO YOU HEED SOME . i t a Clever Lad Builds . His Own Telescope Pasadena. Here In the lee of the famous Mfc Wilson observatory Is a fifteen-year-old youth, whose hobby is building telescopes. . . . , Dick Cale. built his first reflector by pilfering- papa's shaving mirror and using some cardboard tubing and a' Christmas tree stand.' : His latest effort, built for the' Pasadena Junior Astronomical society; which : be founded among junior high school students. Is a more expensive slx l -i r " It cost ?2.5. It Is t r --t p-' To help you realize a PROFIT front; your surplus crops and wastage? If. so, we can supply extra fine stock at a :price that will make you money. v Terms If You lik e. Cash If You Prefer. Will have another lot of 400 ready livery . h . r y 'Tuesday, ScptcmbeKM " Come with your truck. ; You-.'may-have- your cnoice. " mi Some. Extra Good Breeders. II Delco-Heat with THIN-MIX fuel Control puts tho finest automatic heat within vour roach ' ;: Even if your income is small you can afford automatic i beat, if it's Deko-He&L The Delco-Heat "THIN-. IHX" Fuel Control cuts oil heating costs. v , -, Talk to the nearest Delco-IIeat dealer.' Ask mm for proof of "TinN-MIX" Fuel Control economy. YouH ' 1 be delighted to learn bow easily you can get rid of all , ; ' furnace drudgery, and enjoy healthful automatic beat. i.. Delco-IIeat mets a3l 7 rsHjulrements for reable, lowest automatic heot -; 1. Lew Urtt Cstt.v.S ywurs 1 wpay nodownpeynMOh , ' 2. UwCpsnrtbig Cost... with' . the ''THIN-MIX" Ful , Control and other f Mtuns.; 3. Entirely Aatenstie dust, no dirt, no ashes, '4. Quiet Operaties i . . one .;... . moving part, no vibration. J Fuel Control, TL Fuel Control . The "Tt grade domes- ttofacloatbi9BlcH THlN .MDtTUI jjjj, ta beating PwWJ fll00fly. It its wy:-ilitr4i A TOO? M" 5. Fast AcUm. . anlok wx-v; anthMtfrom"8anFUmM-, - ;--;':r(i,j? 6, aBab.'Sty ... a Product of General Motora. . : 7, Dependable . ; . the only oil burner completely de aigned, built and controlled . by oneorganizatiori. " ' : 104 Years of, Serv' -s . C"j"ty Kerchandise r.J;lit rces ..vl O vl' .5. -e r , . , . i Product f General Motors -, , ... : , i - I riLL OUT AND MAIL TO ANY I DELCO-HEAT DEALER USTCS HEX J " I I went to be howl that Delco-Heat wilt J ' J five m automatic heat I ean afford. ; J if Nam ' uu! u? ...nii.V.;. ' f, I ' I I J - f City Kid S!tta ,,. ,. . .. , Thnnm :-

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