, 'w.jUw.J, J. C, ...JAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1936 Fair At Vdtca : , , Opens September 23 A full week of gala entertainment and instruction has been arranged for the WiUiamston Fair beginning on v. September! 28. 1 v" 3 V- t - ' ' Resident Manager- Harvey Walker, who was irt charge of the exposition last year, emphasized today that the WiUiamston Fair would present more extensive . and varied exhibits , of Eastern North Carolina products and that some of the highest class enter tainment available had been booked, Premium money, will .:' total $1400, and win Tie limited strictly to resi dents of ; Martin, Pitt, Edgecombe, Washington, : . Beaufort and - Bertie - ' counties This, jrolicy -wa inangiuat. ed to protect local exhibitors from the unfair competition of profession als.. 'VVy , i. " Manager Walker is being assisted in the supervision of farm exhibits by Miss . Lora E. Sleeper, Martin County home demonstration a agent, and T. B. Brandon, ' Martin County farm agent.. , On the midway of the WiUiamston Fair will be the Cetlin and Wilson Shows, a colorfulr wholesome outfit featuring 20 interesting shows and 15 popular rides. Grandstand enter tainment will be enlivened by 10 novelty acts and a glittering revue of talented performers. School children of Martin and sur rounding counties will . be admitted to the fairgrounds and the grand stand without charge on Tuesday of fair week until 4:80 p. m. A special program for children is being ar ranged by Miss Sleeper. Harness racing will feature the arena program on Wednesday, Thurs day mi Friday. Races will be. run under the supervision of Joe McGraw, the veteran starter who functions at the famed Hambletonian classic and also at the North Carolina State Fair, which will be held in Raleigh Vthe week of October 12. A number of horses coming to the State Fair will run at vVQuamston. Professional automobile races will be held Saturday afternoon to top off a week of gala entertainment. PAGE THREE QheSNAPSWDTGUIL WHAT'S THfc MATTER WITH TAKING YOUR OWN PICTURE ONCE IN A WHILE? mil WW FT 1 3 V f How to prove, when there it m witness, that you were telling the truth. You snapshoot yourself and the with a self-timer right on the spot. CHAPANOKE NEWS MtffWaverly D'Orsay has return ed aRer spending -several days with her mother, Mrs. Irma D'Orsay, at Nags Head. Miss Dorothy Perry has returned to her home at New Hope, after snendinar the past week with Miss Mattie Meade Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Alexander at tended the "Great Ziegfield" at the Carolina Theatre, Elizabeth City, on Wednesday. The condition of Clarence Byrum, who has been very ill with- pnue TJOW often have you opened your snapshot album to view, o&ee more, treasured pictures you have taken ot groups of friends or of the family, and closed It with a feeling 01 regret qiavyou Aid not appear fa these picture iypurselft Or, how often, when you are showing some body snapshots you took on a mem orable occasion, do you hear the re mark,' 'Where 'wen jw all this ,tlmen Modestly you reply, "Why, I was just the menbeoind the camera, ttosweody had to take the pictures." But really wouldn't you like to have been In those pictures Of course. you would. Obviously, one solution of this dif ficulty 1a to let some one else use four earner on these occasions and take soma pictures with you in them. 0004 enough except that that some- Ky else iDad or whoever it may -is missing from them Just as you were missing from the others. There is another answer to this problem and a perfect one. Get a self jtlmer, which is the name tor an at jtachment which permits most cam eras other than the box type to take pictures unattended. It is an inex pensive accessory that fits on the metal button at the end of the cable release which operates the shutter. In the manner ot an alarm clock, the mechanism of this gadget may be set to "go off" after a time Interval, whereupon it presses the button and releases the shutter. Meantime, you have taken your place in the picture and are looking your prettiest await ing the snap. Some cameras have a self-timer In corporated in the shutter. Of course, you must have the camera on a firm support In the picture to the left above, the camera is fastened with a clamp having a tripod socket Ton prepare for the picture by focusing in the usual way and using' the same stop opening and shutter speed you would use ordinarily. If you have Placed your subjects Quite close to the camera, see that there Is a par ticular space In the group for you to enter and dont fail to occupy pre cisely that space, else you will blan ket somebody or, if the space is at the side, you may find in the mint that you have tost an arm or so. Nothing prevents you from taklna- a picture of yourself alone it you feel that way which suggests one very Important use for the self-timer. Ever go fishing alone and wish there were somebody to take your picture hold ing up that whopper at the actual scene of the catch? Or, do you always buy one at the fish store? JOHN VAN GUILDER I Taylor Theatre EDENTON. N. C. WE HAVE THE PICTURES PROGRAM FOR WEEK Today (Thursday) and Friday Regular Admission ,, Kay Francis As FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE 'The White Anger With IAN HUNTER and DONALD WOODS f V Act . ' News Saturday Only ..J.- Regular Admission - - Gene "Guns and Guitars? Rex and Rlnty No. 8". Comedy Monday Only ; ,: t fi Regular Admission Jane Withers . "little Miss Nobody? With JANE DARWELL and HARRY CAREY; Act News Cartoon Tuesday Only--' Regular Admission Claire Trevor Brian Donlevy "Human Cargo" News ' : .Comedy Wednesday Only . Regular Admission James Stewart Wendy Barrie Una Merkel -Ted Healy , . Ralph Morgan.' BANK NIGHT., Cartoon Cometfy I Coming, Thursday and Friday, September. 24-25 ' , , ' : ; Robert Taylor and v "; Barbara Stanwyck "III Brother's Vife? monia, is much improved. Miss 'Lessie Elliott, Miss Ruby Small and Mrs. Alberto Rob were dinner guests of Mrs. J. C. Wilson Sunday. C P. Quincy and Miss Alcesta Whitehead were in Elizabeth City iuesday afternoon. Miss Mildred . Lewis is spending the week m Norfolk, Va., with Miss Sadie Bundy. Miss Bundy is under going treatment at a hospital there. Mrs. J. C. Wilson was in Elizabeth City Wednesday. Carey Quincy, Jr., will leave next week for Fork Union Military School to resume his studies. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. John Symons attended the show in Elizabeth City Friday even ing. ; ,' - Mrs. Edna Bateman. Miss Elizabeth Bateman and Robert Bateman were visiting friends at Wsodville Sunday afternoon.' -. J. a Wilson was in Elizabeth City Tuesday.'":- . -j"'.J. Miss Louise Wilson left .Thursday for Macon. Ga., to resume her stu dies at Mercer University. Mrs. Z..W. Evans, from near Eden- ton, spent Monday afternoon in the home of Mr; and. Mrs. 3. C Wilson. Mrs Qiduey is iU .this week. Mrs. iTJecil Garrett ? of Elizabeth City, visited friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Kooert. Wood. of. Elizabeth City, is the " guest - of her parents, ur. and Mrs. a. c White. Crawford Wilson was in Hertford Tuesday.'. ,:., t Miss Cora Layden has returned to resume her duties as teacher of the Chapanoke schooL Miss Layden has many friends here who are glad to have her bade . .She will make her home with Mrs. W. R. Perry. HOPEWELL NEWS Mrs. H. D. Elliott" spent the week end with her J sisters, ". Mrs. Louis Chappell, in Elizabeth City, and Mrs. Keen, in Petersburg; Va. iMr. and Mrs. George Beverly and family, from . :. near Murfreesboro, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs R. D. Creecy. Mrs. Creecy" returned nome wath them for aivisit.&;- Mrs.: Mary Hayman. Mrs. J. M. IfleeWfOod and Miss Katherine; Fleet wood Went to Norfolk; VaW. Tuesday. irwin xanff nas retnrnmt from a trip to Wilmington, DeL and to the Blue Ki age Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harrell. from Bear Swamp," visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrell Tuesday. - Baptist Meeting In t Shawboro Next Week The Chowan Baptist Association will meet, Tuesday and Wednesday of, next week.' at Providence Church at Eawboro, with Rev W. S. Wood all, of Gatesville, scheduled to preach the Associational sermon. A fine program has been arranged and all representatives and anv oth ers .that will are urged to attend the Democratic Campaign "Opens Formally" In High Point Friday mi i- , n ine &tate Democratic campaign, which has been gaining momentum for the past two weeks, will he "opened formally" at the Sixth. Dis trict rally irt High Point on Friday, September 18. It must be admitted, however, tnat enthusiastic Democrats "jumped the gun" aiid that the campaign has reached unprecedented SeDtemher neights in advance of the oneninar. The visit of President Roosevelt to the Green Pastures rally in Char lotte September 10 was the highlight of pre-opening politics. "Ihe Green Pastures rally was one of the most inspiring . assemblages l nave ever attended " said Chair man Winborne. '.'And I am not talk ing only about the President. True his speech, was inspiring and his appearance, dripping wet and smil ing as he greeted the throng -in the staaium, was even more so. Yet the thing I will, remember . longest wm do tne crowd itself." The Sixth District rally, to be held at the High Point , municipal lake, is expected to ' attract thousands of Democrats. - Among those on the program will be: Clyde R. Hoey, Democratic nomi nee for Governor who will make the principal address; Governor J. C B. EhringhauB, former Governor O Max Gardner, United States Sena tors J. W. Bailey and Robert R. Reynolds, Congressman William B. Umstead and Robert L. Doughton and other Democratic nominees for office. But oratory will not be the onlv uung served up to the Sixth District Democrats. Among other things, 10,000 pounds of pork and 5.000 pounds or cabbage have been pur chased for the barbecue. Clean Midway At State Fair Assured XT-' t ... , iOHB vDUG ' lesntimatB ennfaaainria will be allowed on. tiie grounds of the North Carolina State : Fair, which will he held in Raleigh the week of uctober 12r General Manager Nor man Y. ChambUss has emphasized. "We are going to take even mora stringent measures to see that the miaway is Kept clean and that the public la protected from 'rrn' mmh. ung arusu," declared Chambliss. 'Every concession will be Scrutinized carefully before it is granted space in the fairgrounds, -We welcome the cooperation of the public in helnins- us to keep the State Fair clean and wholesome. k If .visitors have ' iust complaints, we want them to bring their compliants 4o . us and we will see that any wrong will be righted." In connection with his emphasis on a clean midway. Manager ChambHsa pointed out , that Max Linderman is PALS! - " Uii 1 ii ill, , ' ? I, In " this " scene from Jane Withers' new picture, "Little Miss Nobody," the - talented little actress is seen with -Betty- Jean Hainey who shares tears, laughter and thrills at the Taylor Theatre, Edenton, Monday only. fourth consecutive year with his "World of Mirth Shows," consisting of a galaxy of wholesome shows and novelty rides. Jn addition to the midway attrac tions, the State Fair has booked some of the world's greatest feature acts for presentation before the grand stand. Nightly performances will be given by "The Revelations of 1936," a glittering revue under the personal management of George Hamid, of New' York, an internationally known showman. Hamid recently returned from a tour for talent in Europe, and some of his discoveries will perform in the grandstand arena. Lucky Teter and his Hell Drivers will present thrilling feats of dare- deviltry on wheels Tuesday after noon, which will mark his appear ance in Raleigh. In the large east ern fairs Teter's troupe has been a premier attraction this fall. Harness races will feature Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday, and professional au to races, under A. A. A. supervision, will be the grandstand feature Satur day to top off a week of gala enter tainment. A brilliant display of fire works will climax each evening's per formance. gest poll of over 10,000,000 persons to ascertain who will be the next President of the United States. North Carolina's returns in this 1936 referendum will be tallied as a unit so they may be compared with the voting in other states, it is an nounced. The voting of the post-card ballots is secret as no signature or other identification is required and the re turn postage is" paid by magazine. To guard agtinst tampering and counterfeiting a specially manufac tured cardboard is used for printing the ballot, according to the sponsors of the poll, and all suprious votes" can be detected immediately and de stroyed. The ballot asks the voter's choice of the seven officially nominated can didates and for horn he or she voted in the 19322 election to reveal the general drift from one party to another. I H "ow-MANTLE LAMP coAtou..j j EYESIGHT MONEY TROUBLE Why? Because the light the Aladdin gives is surprisingly ample and abundant in quantity and is of a quality closely approaching sunlight, the kind of light nature provided for the human eye. It saves you money, too, because it is so economical of fuel, and its splendid light banishes trouble in read ing, writing, sewing, studying, or any evening's work or pleasure. Aladdin light, itt simplicity, its safety, its economy, its beauty, and its deco rative and practical features must, however; be seen to be appreciated. If you need more and better light, come in at your first opportunity we'll be glad to demonstrate one to you without the slightest obligation. y n Ballots Mailed For Literary Digest Poll Individual ballots have been mail ed to voters of Hertford and nearby communities in a new Literary Di- Betutiful Modem ShaJts Aladdiat ire available in Table, Haof ing. Bracket and Floor urlet and may be fined with exquitite decorated Whip. o-lite and Clan Shadea. There's an Aladdin lor every purae. COME IN FftR pRp-i 5, 10 and 25c Store ) ) M.98 1 I T0 15.95 BLACK IS the STYLE Just Now For DRESSES We have them in all styles and sizes. Visit our new Ready-to-Wear Department SECOND FLOOR It will be a treat to you for you to see it Comfortable, cool rest room for your convenience. SILWS ls Cal:. Jl.t . .. . jiors or vaiucs ,, HERTFORD, N. C ' HERTFORD, N. C. eeeeeeeeeeee mm New ' .Ja. 3FI (IRFMnF OIL RANGES I Better Looking . Better Cooking I I (f Flqrence l Oil Range J 1 BETTER VALUES ... in these and the many other beautiful Florence Ranges on display. Models for every need and purse. Come in and see them. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF Wood Cook Stoves and Elsmea Be sure and see these beautiful new models before yea buy. We uiw imvv a large bvitcuuu vi ju neaxers ana Mil circulators inuca wist tvure siusiijr ucuiuj wicdsj vtjsji tUUvS " Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. "Trade Here and tiank the Difference" HERTFORD, N. G meeting. returning to 'the State Fair for. the

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