. t. a ia C ' -i'Zt ' Curh, Street, .it. a. ' ...1 LISTER WEITE Editor J-t I i--.e -.lCM :IPTICN RATES Out Yerr 4L25 .75e i-jit ea . as second class matter IJov :.zt 15, 1S34, at the post office tt I. I'-ford, North Carolina, under Wwl uuLue4 ty re quest , FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1938. EIELE THOUGHT FOR WETS x ' SWIFT AND SLOW: Wherefore, my "beloved ' brethren, let ' every man be swift to hear, slow to apeak, alow v ' to wraths-James 1:19. . ; ' I 'r rf f m i f :IT TAKES MORE THAN V $ m :"- -" TEACHING t r : liiindreds of Perquimana boys and v irl went to.. school this week, -some , -. stacking out for the first time, timid . little beginners, with book, pencil, "; tablet, that paraphernalia so dear to the hearts of .the - little first grade .. .folks,' clutched .tightly m nervous ' t fingera; ethers going back to take no: where they left oil last spring, primary grade. tots, grammar grade ; children, high school students. Many , ' oave gone oil to colleges ana urn . versit.es. , ' t ' $ we look into the bright, eager faces of these young - people . and . - catch a vision of the potential great ness of their lives, of what they tody mean to the world, and as we . reflect ' on 'the-, far-reaching " effect .thai failure may mean in the lives ot these boys and girls,' the impor tance of -right training for the young ' people impresses ua anew, l,.So much time and effort is spent , m framing we youu, ana sometimes one wonders if the . young people, many of them,: realise what it is all about. Do they know why they are being sent to school, why aH this time and effort and money is e vended to keep them In schools and . to ieend them to college? 'Do these young folks realise that, after all, it is but to prepare them to live better, fuller, more useful lives T 'j In a word, do they understand? The Wise Man said "Get wisdom, $ut with all thy getting get-under ' Randhur. ' Who can teach them as to the real - Values of life? Who can make them Itnderet&nd that , in the words of the poet, "Not enjoyment and not sor- 4ow is our destined end or way, but jo act that each' tomorrow finds us better than today"? i!? Preaching won't get that across It takes living example to do it if We may spend all the money in vthe world on school buildings and ."equipment, and we may employ the -tnost learned teachers on earth, and -send our children to school for years, nut when jt comes to getting across to. them true understanding of the .values of life, it has to be done through the lives of men and women, 3 , And sometimes, in s the words of another, our actions speak In tones ffrn loud that it is difficult to hear what we say. ?-' ' ' , i: : L. - ' X " ITFT flT? IfTOO Mirt 'a- ' Honor and fame from no conditions l ' rise. Act well thy part; There all the honor lies.' Selected. What with pineapples and bananas t growing .in Perquimans, - it would ''.eem-'.that we are - living in ' the , tropics, and some of the hot days we VJiave had recently certainly add to .1't the illusion. , , w . s - '& ) Near the famous lotus garden.' in . J I the rear- of the Clyde ' MeCallum - p home in Hertford, ' there is is Voung banana tree Which bears a couple of : dozen bananas , which : are nearing r'-h'f maturity. v f . ' '' ' - w: ? In Roberson's Drug Store, preserv " k I ed in alcohol, there is shown - a fine $1 specimen of pineapple V. which -was ! grown by Mrs. Wray Smith; j)f 'l Bagleys Swamp. It Js telieveUHhai ' i ) Mrs. Smith has grown tpis :only,piner pple ever produced in 'this'piftJwf ,vthe country. J v, ,;.. .j;.V'.lit ' ' .if,'' 1 ' m 8 1 XI . I" , - : . T h-3 t son, I r t y cri her v f-i r-n. -J, I c. : l 1 tt .:. It vi-i Itr f . C. Terry. Llias Anna V.Titj, ' cf City, is spendlry'sor-tt:-sister, Mrs. JIaie C. . Krs. V. n. r I'rs. rr?T.k r X i) , ii 5 A?n:v:y-r :y . T AT Tr2T4C iCPHM .THPinA vs 'TSJFWR ! 'r- , - ' . (i 4 "CJ w wow tme ;f,v.-. bPtNACH EM1NG C04TEST :! HV" ( 72 ' V"4 PROPOSED FDQ CHILDREN, ; - TO ! (cmSSpSSship) 'WiTR 'A GOLD MEDAL FORL ' " -r-o 'J 5TT - ,; -; : biggest eaters . .- .' y ' wiv ViV' NEWS ITEM.- " ?f ?' GtJS "j Jw?- : modern f7 , , -. OLIVER TWIST' IW fEV MOM CAN HAWE I I H 1 iPL ' . C VLSk DESSERT INSTEAD 7 4 -v V" - 2S SJO iy L "V CREAM ?7 , 4 IVJt ' ' (PRESERVES , , i ; . - - j 'Iff; WTZT - .-a' LOVELY! Connatulations to Mr.'L."'J 'CoD- land, who celebrated his 76th -birth- -! t day on Friday and is still a" young i, man. Mr. Copeland neither-looks ,' ,; nor acts like an old person and any I id , one might well believe he was less .than 65. , f - ; Corn a Friend,' or Quaker, Mr. Cr-'d (Hsed to attend the famous" i ( .-ry. school, the Belvidere A.. " r, f boy, walking to the scl.c J , t.J ' ever day, ' dis ta of eLt r.lc5 round trip. No " wonder it seems ridiculous to Mr. Cccland that c!i!4ren in ' Hertford ss-.mes comrt-.ii of the long walk f -y t&ke to tee. FeruImans.Hlgh ; :.oou r-' t" i v ,--v T i gf n-Jilarlty . of the names of ) is c-..i ecz " j" youth- P"mvtoMKBM9mmmMvrm&tf4m i More lovely -than-ever in . the -role of. a ihrill-seeking deb. Claire Trevor helps to smash the racket ring' that traffics in human- souls . in. the. film "Human t Cargo" at the Taylor Theatre, Edenton, Tuesday. ' , .' remark made by my friend, " Tommy Sumner.l, r' '''Ci y'U i , ' Tommy is two and - a half.. Be heard the family discussing the mat ter of the recent destruction of whis key stills, and he was curious to know more about the matter Parti cularly; did he wish to know why the stills .were destroyed. tils' mother very painstakingly undertook to exf plain , to' Tommy thit "wh?-' :y is bad," going into de mU:r i-t t-me length. . It wasnt very conv:r.:rj to Tommy who listened . att::r.i;vcly though with evident dullor s. . "I don't fink whLkey is lil eJI Tommy. .. f My 'grandpa hit Cem on VvTNFALL NEWS , The Young Woman's Circle of the WInfall 1 Cedar , Grove Missionary Society met at'1 the home of Mrs. Jesse Stanton with a , very good at tendance., Those taking part on the program were , Mrs.' Raymond Stan ton, Mrs. Jesse Stanton, Mies Myrtle Umphlett and Miss Pike. . Delicious refreshments , were served , by the hostess. - ;U't4-a; ! , b fS .COACHING DAT, tr 7 ;A Study Coaching Day will be held by the Woman's Missionary So ciety at the First, Methodist Church in Elizabeth City on Tuesday; Sept 22, at 10 o'clock A. M. All presi dents, study leaders . and Christian Social Relations superintendents are asked to attend. A. very interesting program has been prepared. . , .i MISSIONARY SOCIETY MTirrS i ' The Woman's Missionary Society Of winfall Cedar Grove Church met with Mrs. Emma Hendricks for its regular meeting. The president, Mrs. J. L. Nixon, was. in charge of the meeting and a . very Interesting nro- gWf was rendered, The Society de cided W have !'Bm 1 Study rclaas whichJ tiaiifieghAiepjti ar j, (last through, -Sept- ?b .,TJie class,- ViU' be held at.ihe' church, ihtf .i. jfJW. Dimmette-'iwill; be Shqjlead l-jft,- -jf Iter the program delicious ice cream arid pound cake was served by the host ess. . . V: .a', -.: Miss Hattie Pearl Nowell has re turned home after aceom-" ' her cousin, Miss Dorothy of Norfolk,' Viu, - on a motor ,t 'p to Philadethia, Usbury . Tz ':, Ilaw York City, Washington r 1 t r:rh the western part of Vir' ' .. Kiss Alaia Lf-rett, -" ' ' ton, N. C, and L..: ImJ '1 Ce'J:el, hzve f 1 to l ? dIvS as r.c :rj cf A faculty. . , . ' I..s Audrey Umphlett, I i V,7.ita ad Llljah V.lta r t) r - Va., Tuesd. ' T - I " i i-A t -In ' V. Joel, Jr spent . several days last week in Norfolk '. and Portsmouth, Va., with Mlatives. . , ,". ' Miss Lorna Brothers, of Fountain, was the guest of Mrs.'jW. G. Hollo well "several days last week. I'Jitk Brothers will teach at the Bethel school this year. Mr. and Mrs. Tom White and two daughters, Lucille and Eula, motored Durham f or ths week-end. --( . , Mr. ind Mrs. W. (j. Eollowell mor tored to Elisabeth City on Monday twain. " 1 j w BETHEL NWS ; Bethel "Sunday School enjoyed a fish' fry and picnic at Road Landing Tuesday.--. l f.;,Vi"; f ;sv t' Mr.' and ; Mrs,' W.5 D. Perry ; and their son, - Dewey' Jr., spent Sunday with relatives at Rich Square. 1 5 Miss Kathleen Long has returned - . v i .1,. IJcLATliii . .Cv. .2 woocl chopping champion- .5 v. ship 6f rAniericr.; yill ? ;l ! stage a ; logV cutting s A; contest: and demons J.;. stration here on . . V WEDMESDAX . A 1 1 IJ I:.."'' J k 3 l'-"; eoIsst is .open, to- any local ' , 5 man who has iot previously'-com-peted against McLaren. A prise of fifty dollars wul be paid to; any contestant ' if McLaren fails to .chop- through, a log in .two-thirds of. the time the contestant takes. Every one is cordially ; invited to attend, -"v1' M'K ' 4' -j-Vi 'iny : : ' . Dt.11 - T 44, T THB FARMERS'. FRIEND ' - "' r " - Hertford, N Ci o. I Arriving .Daily -jlen's and Young-Men's f . - NcW FALL TJ '!' YourUta of C.r t.i Tvur Home i i f r.:-; j ' tit quitttLz j cf ( I. . 1 "V Ik. .iV..'v.-:'-'nS I.ilt 1 . . .a In Single and Double '': ; ; ; ; Breasted Models i , " S r STIUPES - CHECES : : : -: 'i sbuns 4 PLAIDS S 1 1 xx biyie a size - a cuiur i a pattern for every man J ; in; this section: .Come f : and see the savuigsl -i",," 1 J-'-- .,4-.,-. , X , i lji. j r.ff- m ...nil ,m .y wij w " ' .JB die largest -.. selection . that we have . j ever had.- 2 r,",.vrv . . f ' Your "visit will be greatly apprecl- ' ated to come fat and look them over. 9 1 SIZI3 83 TO 60 Regulars : Shorts : Stouts ! Slims J , NEW FALL HATS; i: cwo Styled .nd.olo to Suit 'Any;Fcee1? w ,. - .An ... .. I, ; Any Leather : Celt Qacr C'--? r t .-4-, f , a ( ' V N' " -l " 1 - A t- a,3 I II' i 'b, as was den. ...la.i by a his mouth." His, JoJ LV.IoweU a.,, . ,