t:: rzru: iats v.nrrjLY, Hertford, n. c, feiday, October 2, 1936. PAGE THREE ' . I 4T I i Farm AncTcrd 9 Question: Is a grain ration neces- - sary for a dairy cow during her dry . period? - . - r " 'k Answerri If plenty, of good pas ; , ture is available and the animal is in good flesh: no other feed will be necessary.' . However, the cow should have free access to a suitable miner al mixture, unless the grazing is le gume crops or a legume hay is being fed.' If pasture is short or the cow K jte poor; flesh enough concentrate '." should be fed to put the animal: in good flesh before freshening. Where ' . concentrates are added, all high pro tein grams and most of the' corn 'is ' t removed from the ration about 1 two weeks before freshening. A gopd v grain mixture to feed durifig this ' period is composed of equal parts of - wheat bran and ground oats, f- i -v : vueBuon:i -uow-can 1 na my poui' try flock police .,.,. ( ..Answen Probably -the . most ef- 1 fective delousing " product is sodium flouride. 'This, may , be secured at : any drug store and can be applied in three ways. - First,' , by the pinch - method, second, ; by . dusting, .., and third, by dipping. Dipping is proba bly the most economical method., as it requires much , less material and U time. One ounce of. the - sodfum TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. " . r. WE HAVE THE.PICTVRES PROGRAM FOR WEEK Today (Thursday) 'and Friday , Reticular Admission THIRLEY TEMPLE "The Poor Little Rich GirP with Alice Faye - Jack Haley Henry Armetta Act News Saturday Regular Admission Tim McCoy The"TVaitor, Rex and Rinty 10 t Comedy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday One Show Matinee--3:15 One Show Nights O'clock h ADMISSION: r Matinee, 10c 25 Night, 10c - 35c Box office opens ,8 and 7:30 P. M Same as the 3-hour road show. ay mn..,iw gins .12 song thrills three hours of never-to-be-forgoN Ion entertainment I Y, A Metre-Goldwyn-Msyer Picture . NOT": I9 t the fact that f'The Great ZJff old runs for three days, Rank I.'' t will be held on Thurs day, C 8. - i ' CQZLlllQ ATTS ACTIONS r Oct 12 "The ErHe Walks Out" M X I - K ,1 I - 'myism LOYT; , ' vi With . fft It :cc, peo; Oct. Oc ' Oc Oct. y Oct. 13 Vs-We on stage, 19 - "De- "1 T 1!." , - - r arei." used to - each gallon of tepid water. Hold the wings .over the back and dip the birds feet first until only the heads are'out of the solution. Ruffle the feathers thor oughly with the free hand to insure penetration of the fluid to the skin. The head should also be ducked a few times during the operation. The birds should be dipped at such times as to allow them to dry thoroughly before going to roost. .. Question: ' What 'is the proper temperature for curing sweet pota toes? ' Answer: The temperature for best results "should be from 80 to 85 de grees. 3 This should be continued un til the sprouts begin to appear, which usually requires', about twQ weeks. After this curing period, the storage temperature ,should be low ered to 60 degrees and kept at that point until--removed for- shipment or use. Thtf temperature should never be: allowed to, go below " 40 degrees nor above 60 as high -temperatures during' the 4 storage ; period causes excess shrinkage. - Market Weight Pigs 1 " Bring More Profit Columbia, Sept. 29 v Refusing an of fer of 15 cents a pound for 20 pigs that weighed about 60 pounds each, H. C. Davenport of Columbia, Route I, in Tyrrell County , fed them to market weight and made an addition al profit of $48.04 above the 15 cent offer, reports County Agent H. H. Harris. The pigs -weighed 1477 pounds when , started on feed and during a period of 65 days made ; a gain of 2,174 pounds at a cost of only $102.90. t The animals when started on feed were worth $176.56. They sold for $327.49 which,; leaves Mr. Davenport a profit '. of $4844 after deducting cost of feed and allowing 15 cents a pound for the pigs when the feeding period began, Harris says. and Legals SALESMEN WANTED MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH Route of 800 families. Write to day. Rawleigh's, Dept. NCJ 100 SA., Richmond, Va. oct.2,9,16,23,30 WANTED EIGHT CORDS OAK Wood, split and cut for stove .'. length' and -delivered during the months of September and October at Hertford. See J. S. McNider. FOR- RENT SEVERAL FARMS Applicant please state locality de sired and size of farm can culti vate and farm equipment and in cidental requirements of tenant with generous references assuring honesty and dependability and agreeable temperament. Address "Farm Bureau," care The Perqui mans Weekly, Hertford, N. C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of W. K. Barclift, de ceased, late r of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tote of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Du rants Neck, N. 'C, on or before the' 8th day of September, 1987, on this nonce will be pleaded in bar of 'their recovery. All persons indebted! taif staj will please. make immediate'payment. This 8th day of September, 1986. m .iEtrnrfijRNER barcuft Aaminisirainx or w. oarcun Sepq85jfic6jT NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administra tors of the estate of J.-M. Hollowell, deceased, , lata of Perquimans County, North; Carolina,, this is tponotify all persons having, claims against ; the estate . of, said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Winfall, N. C, on 'Or .before the 29tih day of August, 1937, Jai? this jnoiieev wiU be pleaded in bar of their recovery;" All persons indebted to said : estate will please make immediate payment. This 29 day of August, 1986. " W. G. HOLLOWELL E. B. HOLLOWELL 1 JOEL F. HOLLOWELL ' Administrators of J. M. Hollowell. Sep.4,ll,18,25lOct.2,9 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE , UNITED STATES . v -For -the- Eastern District of v.rf: ", t " North CaroUna(-n',rf:', ' In the Matter of ' , ' ' THOMAS' SKINNER WHITE Bankrupt. NOTICE OF SALE , , Pursuant to an order entered on the 7th day of September, 1936, by Honorable Isaac M. Meekins, United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Norths : Carolina,; the m? dersigned Trustee will,' on the 17th day of, October, 4986, at. 12 o'clock noon, at the : Court House door , of Perquimans County, suffer for sale, at public auction,' to the highest bidder, forc5h or, at the option of each purchaser upon 'terms of one-fourth ( ) cash and the balance in one, twc-i;'4 "ire ,:e;!rAt deferred payments to bear iutereit iX the rate c! 6 per annum, paille annually,! ETid to be secured by a deed cf trust ci t'..e real estate bo sold, those cer- Classified LOVELY JEVELS FOi&Ai ! fcOVELY WIFE Since the memorable "Thin Man," William Powell and Myrna Loy have been ealled the most perfect "married couple" on the screen. In "The Great Ziegfeld" they, are once again united as nusband and wife, Powell playing the role of Florenz Ziegfeld and Miss Loy portraying his wife, Billie Burke. Together with Luise Rainer they1 form the stunning star triumvirate of this tremendous musical hit which has a Edenton, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. tain tracts of land lying and being in the County of Perquimans and State of North Carolina, more par ticularly described as follows, to wit: First Tract: Adjoining the lands formerly belonging to TVS. White and W. E. White and others, and be ginning on Old Neck Road at a path a corner running N. 48 E. 2699 feet, thence S. 79 deg. 80 min. E. 98 feet, thence S. 41 deg. 10 min. East 884 feet' tos01d Frog Hall Road, thence S. 48 deg. 80 min. W. 2736 feet to Old Neck Road, thence N. 42 deg. 50 min. W. 932 feet to the beginning, being part of the Fleetwood Farm and being part of the land conveyed to Joshua Skinner by W. F. Martin, Commissioner, by deed recorded in Book LL, page 177, containing 59.04 acres. Second Tract: Adjoining the lands formerly belonging to T. S. and W. E. White and others, and beginning on Old Neck Road at a corner and running S. 42 deg. 50 min. E. 1916.5 feet; thence N. 48 deg. E. 2699 feet, thence N. 4 deg. 45 min. E. 885 feet to Durants Neck Road; thence along Durante Neck Road 768 feet, thence still along Durants Neck Road 1139 feet to a ditch a corner, thence S. 23 deg. 25 min. W. 763 feet, thence S. 47 deg. 25 min. W. 1667 feet to the beginning, being part of the Fleet wood Farm and being part of the land conveyed to Joshua Skinner by W. F. Martin, Commissioner, by deed recorded in Book LL, page 177, con taining 132.28 acres. Third Tract: Adjoining the lands of Thomas Nixon and. Perquimans River and others, and beginning on the New Hope Road at Thomas Nix on's corner; thence S. 83 deg. 80 min. E. along the road 1508 feet to corner; thence along the canal, various courses to a corner; thence S. 49 deg. 40 min. W. 5283 feet to Perquimans River; thence along Perquimans Riv er 1637 feet to Thomas Nixon's line; thence N. 50 deg. 30 min. E. 4785 feet to the point of beginning. Be ing part of the Fleetwood Farm and being part of the same lands con veyed to James L. Skinner by B. S. Skinner by will and deed recorded in Book of Wills F, page 521 and in Deed Book CC No. 444, containing 140.8 acres. Fourth Tract: Adjoining the lands formerly belonging to T. S. and W. lormeny oeionging W a. . :Walong said Berry Lane S. 69 W. E- "t0 Bd nto chains; thence N. 34 W. to th on Old Neck Road at corner of James L. Skinner land, now T. S. and W. E. White and running N. 50 deg. E. 1748 feet, N. 72 deg.; 30 min. E. 68 feet, thence N. 23 deg. 65 mm. E. 288 feet to Durants Neck Jtoad, thence along that road 908 feet to a corner, thence S. 23 deg. 25 min- W. .763 feet, thence S. 42 deg. 29 min. W. 1667 feet to Old Neck Road; thence N. 42 deg. 50 min. W. 1129 feet to the place of the ber ginning, being part of ' the Fleetwood Farm and being r part of ; the land conveyed to Joshua, Skinner by W. F. Martin, Commissioner, by deed re corded in Book LL, . page 177, con taining 53.55 acres. The afore-described four tracts of land constitute what, is known as the Skinner and Fleetwood land and will be offered for sale separately and' as a 'whole. ; : ;v. .j Fifth. Tract: That certain tract or parcel of land known as the Gran-. berry Farm, containing,, 850 acres, more .or less, '? and bounded oncthe Northeast by the Perquimans River; "on the Southeast by the Manly Farm: on the Southwest by the Homer land and Harvey's Neck Road; and on the Northwest by the Gillam Farm and the Jordan Farm, and being tract No 19 in the division of the lands of the late M. H. .White, plat fer which is duly of record in Plat Book 2, at page 22 in the office of the, Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C., to which said , plat reference, is here by made for a 'more i particular .and complete description ;,thereof.:vj;; ? Sixth Tract: That certain tract or parcel, of land, known as, the Manly Farm,' containing 80 acres, more or less, bounded on pie Northeast by the Perquimans Riven on the Southeast by the Tucker Farm and Jones Farms on the. Southwest, by Harvey Neck Road; r n the r Northwest by the Granberry Farm and bping tract No. 20 in the division of the lands of the late M. H. White, plat for whicVis dulyof record n Plat Book 2, at pe r 22. in the office of the Register three-day run at the Taylor Theatre, 1 of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C, to which said plat reference is hereby made for a more particular and complete description thereof. Seventh Tract: That certain tract or parcel of land in Perquimans County, N. C, adjoining the lands of T. S. White, T. E White and others, and bounded on the East by Perquim ans River; on the North by lands of T. S. White; West by lands of T. S White and on South by lands of T. E. White, being all the high land of the said T. E. White on the North side of the swamp between the lands of T. E. White and T. S. White, containing 4 acres., more or less. It being un derstood that the line to be along the edge of said swamp and no part of said swamp is hereby conveyed. Eighth Tract: That certain tract or parcel of land in Bethel Town ship, Perquimans County, N. C, ad joining the lands of P. H. Small, Griffin, and Others, bounded as fol lows, viz: Beginning in a branch P. H. Small's line near a pine stump and running Small's line N. 28 deg. W 3 chs. to a maple; then N. 61 deg. W. 12 chs. to a branch and Grif fin's line, various courses to the cen ter of a swamp, then up a branch of said swamp, P. H. Small's line vari ous courses to the beginning, con taining seven and one-half (7V6) acres, as shown by Plat Book No 2, page 54. Register of Deeds office, Perquimans County. Ninth 3ifet: That certain tract or parcel of land known as the Jones Farm, containing 61 acres, more or less, bounded on the Northeast by the Tucker Farm; on the southeast by the Tucker Farm; on the Southwest by the new road; on the Northwest by the Manly Farm, and being tract No. 21 in the division of the lands of the late M. H. White, plat for which is duly of record in Plat Book 2, at page 22 in the office Of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C, to which said plat reference is here by made for a more particular and complete description thereof. Tenth Tract: That certain tract of land known as the Hoffler land ad joining the lands formerly belonging to T. S. White and B. A. Berry and others, bounded as follows, viz: Be ginning at the intersection of New Road and Berry Lane, and running 4.36 the M H. White line; thence along this line N. 52 E. to the said New Road; thence along the New Road S. 84 E. 8 chains to point of beginning, con taining Z acres and being Lot No. S, as shown in Plat Book No. 2, No. 834; Register of - Deeds office, Per quimans County, and being same land as described as Tract No. 2, in a deed from J. N. Pruden, Trustee, to W. D. Pruden and conveyed to said William Hoffler by a deed from Wm. Henry Hoffler which deed is recorded in Deed Book No. 13, page 581, which deed and reference see for further description. . The afore-described tracts of land will be offered for sale separately and as a whole. Eleventh Tract: That certain farm known as the Woodlawn, containing 810 acres, adjoining the lands of P. H. Small, A. J. Dale, B. A. Fleet wood, Caleb Ward and the Eure Farm, and being lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 as described in the map duly of record, in ..the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Perquimans County, North Carolina, in Plat Book 1, No. ' I,';- J. W. PERRY COMPANY SUFFOLK, VA. J Gopd Place to Sell 348. . i,- - ' ' - All of thTaferesaicl tracts or farms are being offered for sale with the reservation of possession thereof un til the first day of January, 1937; and the crops now growing or being upon said farms are reserved and not in cluded in any offer for sale. Twelfth Tract: A two-thirds (2-8) undivided interest i in and to those lots in the Town of Hertford, Per quimans County, North Carolina, known as the Shannonhouse lots, ad joining the lands of the C. B. Willi- ford estate and W. M. Divers, and be ing lots Nos. 16 and 17 on the plat of Winslow & White duly of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C, in Plat Book 2, at page 43. For a further description of said lots see Deed Book 16, at page 215, in the said of fice of tiie Register of Deeds of Per quimans County. Thirteenth Tract: A one-half ( ) undivided interest in and to that lot of land in the Town of Hertford, Perquimans County, N. C, adjoining the lots of Mrs. W. G. Gaither, J. R. Elliott's estate, Dobb Street and the pathway on the West side of the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company and being all the lands conveyed to White and Stokes by deed of Silas Whedbee, Receiver, as will appear by reference to Deed Book 17, at page 87, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C, except that which was sold to J. R. Elliott. Fourteenth Tract: That certain lot of land in the Town of Hertford, County of Perquimans, North Caro lina, beginning on Church Street, 14 inches N. of T. S. White's concrete foundation to his stables and running Southwardly 55 deg. East to Skin ner's Creek; then beginning again at the first station and running along Church Street about 110 feet 3 inches to the North side of Dewey Avenue; thence South 66 deg. East along Dewey Avenue and Dewey Avenue extended, to Skinner's Creek; thence Northwardly along the creek to the end of the first line. For a further and more complete description, see deed between T. F. Winslow and wife duly registered in the office of Good Second-Hand Peanut Bags For Sale These bags are of the same quality that 1 proved so satisfactory I who used them last year. They are not per I feet, but we consider them better and more uniform in size than most of the so-called "re-built" bags. Stop by and look them over . . . and get our prices. It may result in a considerable saving to you. The Edenton Peanut Co. PHONE 34 EDENTON, N. C Your hair tells your agol If your hair is drab or streaked with gray you look older than your years. Clairol will help you to look your young est by imparting natural color to your hair or by changing its shade so gradually. . . so secretly no one will know. Clairol does what nothing else canl Only Clairol shampoos, reconditions and TINTSI Ask your beautician or write for FREE Clairol booklet, FREE advice on the care of , hair, and rREE beauty analysis. Write NOW on this coupon.- ':'r ':" c mM4MMNvMkejr ; ; nil mMm 4 Mil niifrifc i .. f ' the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, in Deed .Book' 13, at page, 474. , ; All of the above lands will be sold free and clear of all liens and each, and every sale is subject to confirm-, ation by the Court. This, the 14th day of September, 1936. C. E. THOMPSON, Trustee in Bankruptcy of Thomas Skinner White. 8ept25,oct2,9,16 NOTICE OF RESALE OF VALUA ABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Stephen Perkins and wife, Mary L. Perkins, and the order of the Superior Court appointing the undersigned substi tute trustee in said deed of trust for the purpose of foreclosing same, and an upset bid having been filed as al lowed by law, and the Clerk of the Superior Court having ordered a re sale of the premises conveyed in said deed of trust, I, C. R. Holmes, substitute trustee as aforesaid, will on Friday, October 9th, 1936, at the courthouse door in Hertford, at 11 o'clock A. M., offer for sale, at pub lic auction, for cash, the following described real estate, lying and being in Parkville Township, Perquimans County, more particularly described as follows: Lyiqg on the north side of the State Highway leading from Winfall to Brights Mill Creek, adjoining the lands of the Mary Crawford Estate, J. H. Baker (formerly Whitehurst) and others, Bounded on the South by the State Highway, on the north by J. H. Baker and on the west by Mar tin Tolson. Sale is made to satisfy notes se cured by said deed of trust which are due and unpaid. Sale is made subject to taxes due. A cash deposit of ten per cent of the amount bid will be required of the successful bidder on day of sale. Dated and posted this 23rd day of September, 1936. C. R. HOLMES, Substitute Trustee. Sept.25,Oht.2 to the many farmers U iseeWslRi t V) 1 - "j Do you look rr x lour Hair Toll, I MM

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