I .: , . : ' - ' I , L " - , ' ,...., , , rm.t 1 jCentery C!J Ccr.lt With ' 'l ,;' , - Iliticrzs Ccr.linuea. ' - c f - ' , , . , ( 1 Washington. King Neptune and .', , (Mother Nature won, by a washout! . : ..v. f r Thua might read Uie terse descrlp. I tic i ry a modc-n sports writer Who ' rf- ' i t'9 recent abandonment of k ; ttta fau t'?ck anl white itrlped , t iCape Hattersg lighthouse. - . V ( i "To' keep a light Surnisgba Cape jllatteraa baa been a struggle," , says. " the National Geographic society. "In ' 1788 the first -tower was erected.- It "fWM ewe miles from the er-'-t, bqtt.lt ' t took only 72 yeira of relentless pound i inf of the Atlantic to reach the base . I raveling Around America . : ; i " ,? "tiZSt'' ; .... , vifcuwe .s a aoH- AsmM - ' i - ,i . , OCV AMC5NS THE NAIVES "SLT ZT0 -' & ' ' ' """ OF BEN3A1.... S MjJ- ' lr l &&' a . j.vT'i ''r V""' ' ' ;. j i l iii. i i'j 'i'" ii ' i ' "Wll M m Jfr 4 " 'of that sen V A' i - "The rectly ituauuUUed IUt,'.,' t brick structure, succeeded the old tow' r. It was built oalr allghtly -mor4 than . a mile Inland, but the sea has taken .66 years to come dangerously iOear . It , One reason for the slower progress of the waves to the second etructure . was the repeated attempts or the government to fight back. One device to prevent; erosion of the coast was Interlocking sheet steel piling oriv en Into the coastal sands. A new steel tower has been built another mile In land and the battle la on again. . . . j . V iea Changee Coast ? ' The whole contour of , the eastern I coast of the United, States la constant )ly being changed by the sea which cuts away some beaches and builds up oth ers. The average force of the Atlantic waves in winter U estimated at frott .one to three tons per square foot ' "Cape Charles; 'Virginia,; la one of nature's most active seacoast' battle' j grounds. In -1827 a '-lighthouse ' was (built 700 feet from the shore. Mt was (deserted In 1863 because the site was undermined by erosion... A second tow er, built the following ? year,1 farther (lnland, was also undermined and aban jdoned. In 1805 a third tower was (built nearly a mile from shore. This i tower, a skeleton Iron structure, is .still Jin use. . .. - -;-".- '. ;- v-,. ! "Neptune has been no respecter of jgeogjraphy In wielding his chief weapon against lightbouses-erosion. The Cape (Canaveral light oh: the, east coast of i Florida r the Hunting- Island light, ! South Carolina ; and the lights at Cape iU&jtvt'JeTBZMni: Sand island, (Alabama, are among those that have 8uccombed to the sea's Invasion. ; ' "Theabaifdoned tower- 'on low-lying iCape Hatteras was the tallest In the (United States, being 103 feet from Its (base to the top of Its' lantern, but It jwaa npjt the, country'a highest, light (Thai honor goes to ' the light at Catfe r Mendocino On the" coast of Calif ornla. 'The squat tower is' itself only 43 "feet' ihlgh, but it Is on a cliff about 879 feet iabove high water. This light of 130, (000 candle power is visible 28; miles, i "The country's; most powerful coast j light Is locatedat Naveslnk on the hlgh 1 lands south of New York harbor. This Is a huge electric light of 0,000,000 can Idle power. Since It is only 246 feet 'above sea level. It can be seen only 22 j miles out to sea, however. " The proper elevation of lighthouses Is a problem. Lights must have a reasonable' elevai tlon above sea; level to? overcome the curvature of tbe earth? yet if built too high, they may be, obscured by tog.. , "J,.; r .IlectrleW Uo ' "Most of the major seacoaat lights J today use electricity, although Incan- (; '. jaesceni oii vapor, ana vu wick muds river lights. . The lights are Intensified by large lenses.' Both lights and lenses are protected by outer lanterns of glass. The earliest lighthouses burned wood, after which coaV' candles,- whale, oil :, kerosene, acetylene gas, and electricity were successfully, , Introduced. 'sr--, 4 "The first United 8tates lighthouse In this Country Is at .Sandy Hook, New Jersey, It bad been In operation 12 years hen. thef Declaration ? pt 'Inde pendence was signed. Its atone , and 3 brick walls are. seven- feet, thick f at ithe base. . while lighthouses have been , built of stone, brick, wood, and Iron, most of the modern structures are of 'jateel' or concrete. 'Si&fiS: "The first United States lighthouse ' exposed to the open sea was that on Mlnots Ledge, a reef off Boston which :! Bad lone terrified mariners, 4 An Iron (frame lighthouse, built there" la 1848, Q W ' waa ?ost la a gale, one year Jeter, and 'Iwaa replaced by a : atone a structure 2' .which was Completed In 1860. and Is f -still In nse. Surf breaks against its base, and in stormy weather, the waves CM flash almost to the lantern -1 4 ; "At the more prominent and danger F, ,eus points along the seaboard, rivers, ir ' ' land lakes of the United States and Its ,,.J? ; " 'possessions, are located 629 lighthouses j with resident keepers. The , United j ) . States lighthouse service employ 1,100 woman." i : j , $ t Cillical Actor Is H . , , , . . Honored by France Parla The French of the Legion of Honor. Joube has Just been made a Chevalier, of the Legion of Honor. Jaube has played the role of .-Christ lri . hundreds of medieval, mystery plays during the last ten years. In the open-air theater. In front of Notre Dame cathedral last year, 1C3.0C3 per-pg saw; him lm- ! 7 This' year loud r '. . Le a.; -Me every 1 cf Z. -i I'y.'-jry of the 'it ' pre-onted WHERE SILVER AND GOLD TB "silver pat!ensJand "gold ' patients" signs on the doors of this; dispensary in the Panama Canal Zone are a bit punling to the un initiated. Tet If a all very simple they signify the color of the people permitted W ns each entrance! Strange as K may seem; "silver" re fers to the dusky half of the popula tion; and "gold" to the white. . This Tery unique method of dis tinguishing between blacks-and Whites had it origin back in con traction days; and a very reason able one it was, too. Laborers em ployed In building the Canal, who .were for the most part black, were paid in sllverj and the white over seen and executives, in gold. Hence it came' about that entrances to Wrofe9 OOBPltalfl. ball' Darks, pp; Pineapple 5:' DOESNT this mousse cup look delicious? Well, It Is even more . delicious than. It looks. Tangy, un ; sweetened Hawaiian pineapple mice Sd diced pineapple slices are the Indpal tngredleaU The result is guaranteed to provide i "red-letter" v treat for family and auests. - ' ' Plneapple Julee Meusee Cus" ' ,H tiWmnnn MikUae I eaa Swt4ia ptopjU Mm Hfc tap tMa tmm ' ' : "' t toMMiMi iruiiltM Mtr H W PiOMppIt SUMS , m tahf MM) , -.f lauiMhlM IBWHIS .t-. Mt Siani Society '7 Holds Meeting ? iittsrW-;1llons-$ Society of the Mt. Sinai BBaptist Church met Tuesday"- afternoon : at the home of Mrs.; Wayland Howell, .at Beech Spring, Mrs. '-EUMorgan, offered prayer, and the Scripture, was read by Miss' Mamie Stallings in the' ab sence of -the- president, r 'Readings, on the iessoA -were given by Mrs. Effle Miller, Mrs. W. P. Madre. Jr Mrs. T. fi. Madre, Mrs. J. W, Ward, Mrs. " TT. f a xi - Y ' )8oak gelatine in Hcupco"ldTpm I Put into refrigerator 1 hour ormert' tgPilfejsitgf.l gmytf mua&tmMv$nri jrviMssg . a ".: un iiere s oumeininir 1 ou 11 rLnioy 1 1 ii A KZX'i THRILL EVERY- DAY ii ; ; Children Admitted Free to Grounds Friday ' jre r:of Fair Week Until 4:30 P.M. "H Hi! Sh"75 : VVU a w.-wuxiiu,,,.,,'..' fv, waive I "Lucky" .Teter and His Hell Drivers Tuesday:! .V. HARNESS RACING .Wednesday, Thursl day and Friday ; Professional AUTO RACE Saturday afternoon. i . 'vi i '. . -'"-'i r . i Dazzling Rcvuc Every Night r 'S t MEAN BLACK AND WHITE office, and dispensaries broke out In a - regular rash ot ."silvers" and "golds" signs still in use today. There's a "Silver City" too, located on Bolivar highway which: la in cluded in the regular sightseeing ton conducted at Cristobal for pas sengers on the 89-day cruises to Chile. But it's not the place ot silver domes and glistening spires one might Imagine! It's a Jumble ot IS family , houses built like barracks and filled to overflowing with picka ninnies and their parents a little settlement started " originally to house the laborers working on the CanaL The town and its name are only one of the many Incongruous combinations and startling contrasts which make the Canal Zone what tls. Mousse Cup v malnlng pineapple Juice to the boll- i Ing point add gelatine, sugar and salt and atir until dissolved. Set bowl, containing mixture -In a pan of crushed ice and beat mixture un til it . becomes white and fluffy.' Whip cream u another bowl, add vanilla and fold Into the flntjnte tore. j--r't. tM Dloe the pineapple slices. Divide 1 cup of the diced pineapple among sherbet glasses. Fill the remain-! ins space with the mousse and deco rate the top with remaining diced, pineapple and maraschino cherries. m,iwiM Ttail anrl Mm V. TT ' Mnr. gan. After the business ' meeting ! was over, a social hour was enjoyed, and Mrs. Howell served delicious ice cream and cake. The following were present: Mrs. J. W. Ward, Mrs. W. J. Stanton, Mrs. T. E. Morgan, Mrs. E. U, Mor gan, Mrs. T. E. Madre, Mrs. Clifton Morgan, Mrs. Effie Miller, Mrs. Clar ence Dail, Mrs. Leonard Madre, Mrs. Warner Madre, Mrs. David,; Miller, Mrs. W. F. Madre, Jr., Mrs Buena Jones, Mrs. Charlie UmphleU, Miss m n. ' v i MiUk. 15 RiriPQ ! ;wi :v s hi wu aw , uiuuu z 1 4 1 .If RVERV -MIGHTS ....... ft-"?..-. ' r i JJ'.'j 1 Mamie Stallings, Miss Celesta God win, Mrs. G. E. Twine, Mrs. Jones Perry and Miss Lillian Ray Perry. FIRST GRADE QUALITY The new Firestone Standard Tire is bulk of first grade materials by skilled workmen, in the world's most efficient factories. QUM-DIPPED CORD BODY Every cotton fibre in every cord in every ply is soaked in liquid rubber, preventing internal friction and heat, which provides greater strength and blowout protection. TWO EXTRA LAYERS OF GUM-DIPPED CORDS UNDER THE TREAD This patented Firestone feature cushions road shocks, protects against punctures and gives longer life. LOWER NON-SKID MILEAGE The non-ekid tread is wider, flatter, with more and tougher rubber on the road, giving longer wear and thousands of extra miles. LOW PRICES Volume production makes these low prices possible. THE FIRESTONE NAME AND GUARANTEE Every Firestone Standard Tire bears the Firestone name, your guarantee of greater safety, dependability and economy FOR TRUCKS AND BUSES I "'f""Ttf li b I tiM EATTEKJ 'Ontut suiting mui TWIM HOW" I 4Tu AC. SRwl d Be listen to th Voice 0 Firestone eaturing Margaret Speaks, Soprani, with the Ftreshmc Choral pS' Symphony, andWUUam Daly'B Orchcttra-every Monday iiovwN.B.C.Naimwid Network ' - . i J -j" i"'K. t 1 A MX 5UN9URN "J1 Y. Topy ngtH 'im, Lifx-olii Hewapatwi Peature. Inc. Miss Elizabeth Harrell, of Ruther- fordton, is the guest of Miss Gladys Hamrick. FIRST SHADE MATERIALS AND EXPERT WORKMANSHIP The Firestone Standard Truck Tire give long non-skid mileage blowout protection dependable service. SUM-DIPPED CORD I0DY Gum Dipping prevents Internal friction and heat, giving extra strength and blowout protection. TWO EXTRA LAYERS OF SOM-DIPPED CORDS INDER THE TREAD Prevents tread separation, Specially compounded rubber in two outer pues from bead to bead rivets sidewalk) securely to cord bodV preventing ply separation. TWM READS WITH CORD REINFORCE -Twin beads give tire firm seat on rim. The beads are tied into the cord body by the special Firestone method of cord reliu1orce,inaking the Ore one unit of greater strength. ntOTME. NJUSE AND OOAtANTtl -Assures greater . safety, dependability .a economy. : . , poorer.! uniir Ranintv sir - awseaei ewwevF w" wy.Lpwjkita -rto i-r Tit. ( il ls av r. ea f m vpssssiivBiBiBiv n asT'zs. 1 w ti.M tm :rtMi:" S'ipcaker. .lisg WoiS1S.9S . V . 3 a ftirafff William Lewis Tilley, of Norfolk, Va., is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hoffler. jUMH IQMIII SlUHf 5Bj1C I j smt mug w m ma ffjtf Qr"P V I imam litem m m. rmmmmm 1 1 i wfciwumiMtimTKii , Jl; lUJ I V IHS-IIWI Mil SCSI S " STANDARD HZE PRICE $7.4$ 4JO-21 7.7$ 4.75-19 8.ZO 5XXVt9 8.SO U5-17 94$ 5-18 S.7$ S.50-17 X0.7O 530-19 XI.SO 6.0O-17 H.D. I4.30 600-20H.D. 1$.$$ 6.50-19 H.D. j 17.4S OUWSiMPrtatf rnwrtWMWH U fir$totte SENTINEL An outstanding value In its price class backed by the Firestone name and guarantee. Ba I ma f-n UE33T 4.7f-w eue ioo. . M Ja. IUailSOBaiastBB &omh. DJai4.ee 3uiSh.d... seies iH.D... aa.Te JllinriniiiiliH U COURIER A good tire for owner of small cars giving new tire safety at low cost. SIZE ; PRICE 4JO-21...... SS.M 4.75-19 s.ea 30i3HCL... 439 3? wt 1; Iwfcrd, N. Cr; A.ldl'.MIIielw.TO'IW

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