r H , , . , . T rr:r.QUiMAN3 y-rLY, K-Iitfosp, n. c ttzdxy. rr.-AY, c , 4 - - BAEL DRESSES ft . .... ; ailU-' LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWN - 1 1 ..... k ' ' - , - 1" - . If ft Hi Plpntv For Yoii to Select From 1, " , , Ml '' ' , r ' ,, ' s'i.J'1"' " .- : rj(rf -( ,. r v 1 . : i Our J r" - I 'With a V f- ; I -V 7 , - . T'-'nOCCCCC:' ?. K1- Hi . 4 A' ft I v 1 1 I New V Skirts V New Blouses V J i new 1 v - II Sweaters I II New N- II Undies i I II -See J J I MRS. JAKE WHITE'S A ( New Hats I TTTF.Y ARF TRULY RF1ATTTTPTTL IU 1 I Largest Selection Yet A'V From to 1.95 '";" Ladies' , , f r'X'JN. Pure Thread J Silk -Sheer I 0m Chiffon ' il'mfw Or Service Lf'M0 FAMOUS J: Greens Wines Browns-- Tunic and Other Styles Wide Flare Styles Sizes 14 to 52 :3 appreciate these Dresses you must see them. BiaCKS t -t.. . ; i ? . 5 , Blues , n M m! I 1 . -.1 ' 1 i .0 03. r rs! COME IN AND LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU qWe cordially, invite you to attend our fall opening Friday ar nno fVio laro-Pflt. $itYvkH rif niATvJhandise f av Men. Women and have remodeled our store and have moved the Ladies' Ready-t ' ' a 1 ' ' 1 1 1 ' . ' Oiir Selection of Coats Is Really up-to-the-Minute You Will Find Here Sport or Dress , COATS Plain or Fur ' Chiidrens '--T" Ladles9 ' :" Wash Dresses AA11iathe!f I Arch Support STzea 4 to 16 II ,N E AND Ej,E WIDTHS . . . SIZES TO 9 GUARANTEED FAST COLORS II filfRnROQ BEAUTIFUL STYLES It rkU JlU0 Beautiful SeUctiph Women's j Men's Heanweight Wash Dresses Real Serviceable , NEW PATTERNS 1 OUlERdiaEiS ' ll 't ......... 1 r- Siaeal4 W52 ' - tSUS2t50 ; . GUARANTEED PAST; COLORS ' B tjl' QOc to $1 9S J I , JUMPERS TO MATCH A SAME PRICE QUAKER HOSE In All New Fall Shades SIZES 8'i TO 10'i 79c and $1.00 PnrA Silk Hose ,WC CHILDREN'S ANKLETS :" y" "I U ' t f, ' .1'. Or Three-Qiiarter Length iSox Large Assortment 15c and 25c Trimmed Plains - Plaids Sizes 12 to 50 $9.95-$10.9 :M k .75 810.S0 825.69 Piehr of LaiieV Season's Newest Style SHOES. PUMPS Greens - Blues - Browns Blacks - Suedes Calf Skins J 816 , . v - r ... X'. .,Jii J .J.1' i ',"7., ,f V .. " ,, 9 ... SIZES 3 TO 9 i .1 OXFORDS;- 1 1? . ..I i .... . ' " ..' ? , .Hi'in.i '.VfIrJi t"il'-,'"'r We are looking Forward to iee- ing 1 you. in our storelduring the shopping days 4 . . buy here, .... WJJJU ! - -,',' ;cad,SAVE oy.1 LINE OF LADIES' V; J - Slips 25c to 51,95 :;:'7'l f ' Step-ins :..:...ii25c toy49? 1 k IV r oioomers ::L..i2c 10 .ooc ; Children's SUps'J.-; , BUT TOUK ' ' ' "L;l !- a. . , vniiaren Its ' -jj' ;c: SHOES .Him,? . and get.jrour money's worth. ' BlwW' Tans Plain Toe or i.Cap Toe! Sizes to f'.J lines Before ! 4 v.v?:i tr! e.pER PAiR :e V ' LARGE ASSORTMENT 'OF ' . FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY r ' CHILDREN'S 1 - 1 '" AO- UP From. ,Ji:L..l:"C men's5' S-T ,ir 4 ' 1 MUP BOYS', J M; -a- t"-' 4U From i " -f V ; MEN'S -f'-.. c : He: L Li 1 fuv'i , ,n ? -.", ; s ' .;.v;r seionruti.