i - WEEECLY A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OP HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Mi Volume III. Number 47. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, November 20, 1936. . $1.25 Per Year t ... "Tv LOCAL RED CROSS CHAPTER SEEKING FIRST AID DEPOT Would Locate Station on Hertford - Elizabeth ' Gty Highway MAN IN CHARGE Emergency Treatments To Victims Automo bile Accidents Mrs. C. P. Sumner, Jr., who is chairman of the Red Cross Roll Call for -Perquimans County stated this week that the objective of the local chapter is to establish a Red CroBS first aid ' station on. the highway be tween Hertford and Elizabeth City. The .purpose of .these first aid sta tions which- the Red Cross is main taining "on the highways is to give emersrency treatment , to victims of automobile accidents which may oc cur on the highway. In a great many instances much may be done toward the relief of suffering and even in some instances toward saving lives if intelligent first aid, may be had promptly. The Red cross furnishes a first aid kit which contahu all of the nec essities for first aid treatment, and also provides instruction for the man in charge of the station. While no definite arrangement has been made for th location of such a station as yet, it has been sug gested that the best location for such a station, on the Hertford-Elizabeth City highway is the store of George Jackson's, which is said to be ap proximately half way between Hert ford and the Pasquotank County line. Half of the funds raised in the roll -call are retained in the county for lo cal work, and it is this fund which wiU.be used to establish and mainrj , , , tain... such ill" TV , 1. Thief Arrested While Getting Away On Bus He was a slick worker, and nobody knows how many small articles he may have been successful in steal ing from Hertford merchants before he was caught with the coat he had just taken, from the store of Simon's. That the coat was recovered after the stranger, had made a getaway on a north-bound bus, was . due . to the quick thinking of W. A. Williams and the prompt action of Deputy Sheriff Cook' Winslow, to say nothing of the swift driving , of Marion Riddick. " It all began last week, when clerks pthaJvarionfj stores, in that of J. Blanchard & Company, H. C. Stokes and Darden Bros., in parti cular, began to notice and, comment Upon the suspicious, behavior of three stranger men, who ,. hung, around in the stores, calling; for various items of merchandise, making a cursory ex amination, and then offering some vague excuse for not purchasing; Mrs. J. E. Everett, at; H. C Stokes, had been upset by the actions of the men;" and when they again turned up on' Monday' afternoon . and continued to look around,'; she was t. definitely suspicious and called the attention of Mr. .Stokes, the proprietor, to , the situation. The tall stranger, 'wear ing 'a long black raincoat, left short JLy ; after Mr, Stokes tame fa.' The imtn went on "down to the 'Store of Simon Rutenberg after that He vis lted the J ladies' ready-to-wear ?de partment ' on the second floor and then he inquired if his wife had been up. Receiving a reply in the ; nega tive, he asked if he might sit down and' wait for while,- Mrs. ; Jake .White took ..notice- of vthecjjat: he appeared, to - be. totereatea.-itt tns i.'i.gsneral lay-out; HaVJeftthestpre ri-.-Jut;.caJEie lUck :.:jut''ia;hpttf .toleft; , '.-ihi -tiao iX- befori ,'0(B"ii6rt4und . ?..bus was- due. .lie engaged -in con ' versation with ;Mr. v, Rutenberg while ' on the first floor and left after Mr. Rutenberg became occupied with a y. customer. Strangely, enough, there was a call-for a leather coat within a few minutes atter . uie stranger had left, and then it was found that one particular coat which had been there shortly before had disappear ed. ' r l ' , I ' t 1, fr Wi A. Williams made the discovery when his customer ' Called & for this , particular1 kind of coat. . Hurrying ' out,' he ascertained that the bus had ' lust Kone and ' that on' ' it. had gone three strangers. ; Getting in touch mmediately - with . Deputy . Sheriff .Vinslow, Marion Riddick and his t were commandered and a merry : - a enBued for the next few min ;3. It took some pretty fast driv , t' "3 t!. I- '3 iuh travel ire" 'i I rs d not travel at "Now I Lay Me -" f twiftuMia -nn fWr A jrii This child was hurt when a tornado struck Tupelo, Mississippi, necessitat ing medical and nursing cars for hundreds care which In many cases could not hsvt been given without Red Cross assistance. It Is a fine tribute to the organization that the young beneficiaries of its health and relief services In variably place themselves In the hands of the Red Cross with a completely confident, "Now I lay me Annual Red Cross Roll Call Far Short Of Goal Only $68.50 Reported Collected In Hertford To ward Goal of $100; Many Regular Contributors Missing From First Report Sent In -. The Red Cross Roll Call, which be- can ottJast .Wednesday,, under, the leadership of Mrs. C. F. Sumner, Jr., with Mesdames C. P. Morris, T. J. Nixon, Jr., Charles E. Johnson, V. N. Darden, Riddick Chappell, E. E. Pay ne and W. T. Brown, as assistants, has resulted in the collection of $68.50 to date in the Town of Hertford. No reports have as yet come in from the districts outside of "the Town of Hert ford. This amount is far short of the goal of $100.00 which has been set for the county, but the workers have not yet given up. In the list appear ing below it will be noted that the names of a great many persons who regularly contribute each year to the Red Cross do not appear. In most cases this is believed to be due to the fact that not every one has been solicited. : Not all of the workers have completed their canvass, but every effort will be made to give every one ' a chance to join, or at least to contribute, and these addi tional names will appear in next week's issue of the Perquimans Week ly. . . j (Those who have joined the Red Cross Roll Call,' contributing 1M each, to date, are as follows: Dar den Bros., Roberson's Drug Store, Mattie Lister White, Hollowell Chev rolet : Company, The Perquimans Weekly, W. M. Morgan, Mrs. W. M.I 24 County Qub Women Attend Canning School Twenty-four dub - women, ; repre senting seven of- thd,home demon stration clubs in the county, attended the canning school conducted - by Miss Gladys Kimbrough, home eco- .nii;lXnfiiuu authority; spon sored: by the Ball Bu, Co., and Hist Gladys HamrlckP Home I'Deihonstra- jtTjnej The canning demonstration - was made, nsing roast beef and hambur-" ger steak. The explanation; was made that other meats, including all kinds of fresh meats, are canned on the same principles. Miss , Jumbrougn brought out the 'fact that in canning ground meat, provision is . made for using less choice cuts, which can be used for stuffing onions, peppers and apples and for meat loaf. - , Hertford Stores Be ' Closed Thanksgiving Merchants and clerks of Hertford will be able to celebrate the Thanks giving holiday ; next Thursday, , No vember 26, according to their own desire. - Practically all the business h&uses in town will be closed the en tire day in observance of the holi day,' Citizens are urjed to attend to their shopping needs accordingly. Morgan. J. C. Blanchard & Co., Ilil da's Beauty Shop, Hertford Hardware & Supply Co., Dr. I. A. Ward, Mrs C. P. Sumner, Sr. , Davenport & Blanchard, Mrs. L. M. Madre, Mis, T. P. Brinn, Mrs. Lena Gregory, Broughton Bros., Mrs. E. E. Payne, Mrs. R. T. White, Mrs. R M. Rid dick, Mrs. Leigh Winslow, R. R. Moss, Mrs. C. G. Stephens, Dr. T. P. Brinn, Mrs. W. G. Gaither, Mrs. E. L. Reed, W. T. Brown, Mrs. J. T. Walters, Mrs. T. C. Blanchard, Miss Kate Blanchard, Rev. E. T. Jillsin, Mrs. E. T. Jillsin, Central Grocery, Morgan Walker, Joe & Bill's Service Station, Miss Mae Wood Winslow, Mrs. T. P. Winslow, H. C. O'Neal, Trim Wilson, Mrs. J. R. Stokes, Silas M. Whedbee, Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Jr, Mrs. R. M. Fowler, Mrs. Dan WD1 iams, Mrs. C. F. Sumner,Jr., D. M. JacksonCandy Co., Mrs. G. T. Haw kins, Town of Hertford, Everett Babb, L. B. Sitterson, CP. Morris, Mrs. Jake White, M. J. Gregory, W. A. Williams, Charles Johnson, Charles E. Johnson, Miss Alice Babb, Rev. D. S. Dempsey, Simon Rutenberg, Mrs. El lie Riddick, Johnson, White ft Co., Mrs. W. H. Pitt, Mrs. C. W. Morgan, Reed ft Felton, Mrs. R. S. Monds and Mrs. W.H. Hardcastie. The following named persons made contributions: Julian A. White, R. S. Monds, Jr., Seth Long, Crafton Mat hews, Alvin White and Miss Helene Nixon. -; ''v;;:i." Complete Election Returns For District November 12 Complete and offi cial returns .from the 14 counties comprising the - First Congressional District, 'show .the largest ( vote; ever cast and; with President Roosevelt receiving the greatest vote and the greatest mjority. )nfcsessman RepolMlNn-2ipJ(onnt mk lowest '-wte ntcmr tfckefc Z-'Z:;i. ;-:Tliii:p5e5vliji.'' f.l the., Distrirt iris : pVf: stcirkft:-: Roosevelt Landon ... Warren Wilkinson Bailey Patton , 4,177 .8507 811 84,63 ... 3,874 .3466 Hoey Grissom 5,221 MOVE TO HERTFORD Mrnd Mrs . Lyman Shepherd, who formerly, lived at .Wilmington, have moved to Hertford. They are making their home temporarily with Mr. Shepherd's mother, Mrs. Lyman Shepherd, Sr. f V'yr.-M-V ::' ':" ""'i WnMv'ii-'riii v-p:y: r - .. .. . OYSTER BOAST . . 1 . " The Hertford Rotarians enjoyed an oyster roast at Mathews ' Beach on the .Perquimans River,, on Tuesday afternoon. First Ones Campaign TICE TO IJ In order to conform regulations and with I newspaper profession, Dusmess principles, your name win oe aroppea from our mailing list and will not be restored i if the.label on this newspaper shows that your subscription has expired. J If your label carries a date as late as 11-36, it shows that your subscription has expired, and you will know that you will not receive an qther copy of The Perquimans Weekly until you renew. tjlHoivever, if you have already paid your subscription to one of the campaign workers you will disregard this notice, as you will con tinue! to receive the paper. J Alqo, any error in the date on a label will, of source, be corrected if called to the attention of the management. One Hptford Person Among Passengers In Bu Wreck Tuesday Mrs. R. M. Matheson was the only Hertford ; person on the Carolina Coach Company's bus which was wrecked jhear Windsor at 9:30 on Tuesday light, and Mrs. Matheson says she? believes she was the only passengeriwho was entirely unhurt. Acid, whifh was believed to have come "frdW batteries, ruined the clothing which, Mrs7 Ma'Cheson wore and there were marks from the acid on her face. The bus, which was on the regular run from Raleigh to Norfolk, and carried 16 passengers, turned over when the driver turned out to avoid striking a mule which had been killed a few minutes previously by a truck. While several persons were injured, reports were to the effect that no one was seriously injured. Mrs. Matheson, who is the wife of the manager of Rose's store here, was returning from a visit to her mother at Greensboro. Music Lovers Interested In New Concert Service The music lovers of Perquimans are much interested in the Communi ty Concert Service which is to be organized in Elizabeth City and the vicinity. The association is organized on a membership basis, with membership tickets sold which entitles the hold er to attend all of the concerts to be given during the season. No single admission ticket will be sold. The organization will bring to Elizabeth City during the season at least three outstanding artists, to be selected by a committee. Those who have been following with interest the activities of the persons responsible for the move ment feel that this entire vicinity is fortunate in having such an organiza tion In the making. A dinner meeting was held in Elizabeth City on Wednesday night of this week to discuss plans in con nection with promoting the associa tion, which, was attended by Mrs. $hrlea.:E, Johnson, Mrs. R. M. Rid .jfwa"vMis9 Kate Blanchard, of Joint Hostess Tuesday 5 FoivU. IX C Oiapter Mrs. Thos. Nixon and Mrs. Nath an Tucker were joint hostesses to the . members of the Skinner-Jones Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy at their meeting on Tuesday night, at the home of Mrs. Nixon. "- A particularly delightful feature of the program was a review of Marga ret Mitchell's book, "Gone with the Wind," by Mrs. D. S. Dempsey, who was a special guest. After the program dainty refresh ments were served. . . t. . Those present included Mesdames J. J. Fleetwood, C F. Sumner, Sr., C. V. Williford, R. H. . Willis, R. M. Riddick, R. T. Clarke, D. M. Field, and Misses, Matilda NewboloV Mary Sumner. Kate Blanchard and ' Mae 'Wood Winslow. To Enter Subscription Find Work SUBSCRIBERS with the postal laws and the best ethics of the as well as with sound Hollowell Nixon Elected President Of Epworth League Of M. E. Church Hollowell Nixon was elected pre sident of the Epworth League of the Hertford Methodist Church on Sun day night when a meeting, was held for the purpose of re-organization. Other officers elected included Mrs. Durwood Reed, leader; Grace Know les, first vice president; Bill Cox, se cond vice-president; Watt Winslow, third vice - president; May Wood Pierce, secretary; Clarke Stokes, re porter, Florence Darden and Anne Felton, pianists, and Edna Ruth Can non, chairman of the program com mittee, with the following compos ing the remainder of this committee: Lila Budd Stephens, Paul Tucker, Mary Thad Chappell and Durwood Reed. Among Hertford Epworth Leaguers who attended the Epworth League Union held in Edenton on Tues day night were Jack Anderson, Clarke Stokes, Ruth Hollowell, Ruth Win slow, Mae Wood Pierce, Lila Budd Stephens, George Fields, Hollowell Nixon, Catherine Jessup, Bemice White, Edna Ruth Cannon and Zack White. Death Angel Strikes Hard In Winfall The little town of Winfall has had three deaths to occur within the past few days, two of them very sudden and unexpected. On Saturday Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Trueblood died suddenly. John Chalk, who had been sick for a long time, died on Monday, and on Tues day Dennis P. Stallings died very suddenly. Bishop Darst At Holy Trinity Church Dec. 6 The Right Reverened Thomas C. Darst, of Wilmington, Bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina, will make his annual visitation to Hertford and preach at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church on the evening of December 6. - Bishop Darst is always warmly re ceived in Hertford, where he has many friends, and probably few;; who have been so fortunate as to hear the Bishop will . willingly forego the pleasure of attending a service in which he takes part. A cordial welcome is extended to all to attend this service. Dr. Binford Preaches At Up River Sunday Dr. Raymond Binford, former pre sident of Guilford College and noted Friends minister,will preach at the Up River Friends Church, at Whites ton on Sunday morning. The public is cordially invited to hear Dr. Bin ford. NORFOLK VISITORS HERE . Mr. and Jdrs. J. J. Moore and their little daughter, Pat, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Uptain and children, all of Nor folk, were t week-end guests of Mra, S. T. Sutton and Mrs. C. E. White. Very Easy Early Entrants Enthus ed at Prospect of Win ning Major Prize LIVE WORKERS Names of Candidates Will Appear In Next Week's Issue Persons who have entered the Per quimans Weekly subscription drive report they are finding the work much easier and more pleasant than they thought possible. All are en thused with the prospects of making more money in their spare time (only a few hours a week) than the aver age person makes working at a full time job, and this money is in addi tion to their regular income. You, too, have the same opportuni ty and can be juat as successful all you have to do is to write or come to the Perquimans Weekly office, or if you prefer, you may write the Perquimans Weekly and a represen tative will call, explain the campaign to you and you will be on your way to making big money in your spare time. The sooner you get started, the easier it will be. Enter your name to day and get your share of the Gift Money. $300 First Prize The first capital prize will be $300 given without a cent of cost attach ed to the individual polling the great est number of votes on subscriptions in this contest. Second Prize will be $100 or a $150 electric refrigerator. Third Prize will be $50 or a $75 radio and fourth prize $25 cash. The unusual part of this campaign, is that no one loses. Everyone who ntars reeivaa a ohwk fnr 5fU Ofr cent commission on each subscrip tion sold during the week. In other words, every worker receives at least $1.00 out of every $5.00 he col lects. Purpose of this Campaign The purpose of this campaign is to secure paid in advance subscrip tion in every home in Perquimans County and the entire territory sur rounding Hertford and at the same time offer everyone a chance to make some extra money. This will be plea sant, easy work. Many people who are not taking the paper now will be glad to do so if they are asked. Those who are regular subscribers now will be glad to renew their subscription and so help you to win. How To Enter The way to enter and win is easy 5,000 votes are issued for entering and on the first subscription you sell, you will receive 100,000 votes. Votes and votes alone will win the valuable prizes. During the contes tant's first week in the drive a large bonus vote is offered for immediate activity. Therefore, the start should be made RIGHT NOW, for it is easier to get subscriptions now than it will be later on in the contest. The Perquimans Weekly wants en trants to enter right away. All will receive fair and impartial treatment, given mailing lists, receipt books, letters and anything needed will be gladly furnished. The chance of a life-time is here. Do not overlook this opportunity in which pay is absolutely guaranteed. It is up to you. What will you do with this fine opportunity to profit? The names of the candidates will appear in next week's issue of the Perquimans Weekly. See that your name is in that list so your friends will know you are in to win, and will - save their subscriptions for you. I Enter now while the votes are high! Perquimans Students Take Part In Pageant Friday In Greenville Eight students of the Perquimans High School, including Misses Sarah Ward and Mary Thad Chappell and McCoy Phthisic, Hollowell Nixon, El don Winslow, Fred Campen, Zack White and William E. White, Jr., will go to Greenville Friday to take part in a pageant to be given as a part of the program at the District Meeting of the North Carolina Edu cation Association at East Carolina Teachers College. . The pageant, in which high school students of eight county systems will take part, will depict the progress of education in North Carolina dnr ing the past two hundred years.

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