THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1936 PAGE FIVE 1 RECORDER'S " -COURT '.o Ernest Gregory, young -white man of the Hog Neck section of the coun ty, who was given a road sentence in Recorder's Court on Tuesday upon conviction. ofthQdiarBepf resist jis an "officer, assault" wjfy a deadly weapon and carrying a concealed wea pon; said the gun which figured in the incident- which led to his arrest was "an unshootable gun", "a false gun" - and ' otherwise, described ; the weapon as being harmless. ; However, when the old pistol was taken out to the rear of the courtroom and tried SEND THEM OUT IN THE 0 m WARM i)fSl They're the only! kind of clothes for children to wear in winter. Water- nroof and wind-1 proof, they are warm and healthful. Children's All Wool In Sport and Dress Styles Including Tarn and Muff Sizes 6 to 14 Large Variety of Colors PRICED FROM 4.95 to 9.95 Children's All Wool I Sweaters In Coat and Zipper Styles Sizes 4 to 8 10 to 12 New Fall Shades PRICED FROM 98d to 2.98 it Prices Quality Merchandise J. C. Blanchard & Co., Inc. . "BLANCHARD'S" SINCE 1832 HERTFORD, N. C. c' f USED:CARS That Please 2 flight drivlngr is hard, work. You must KNOW, your car-w-what it miiSSt d7Ou.USl&r.CRSse thoroughly tested ind mechanically perfect befdre offered for sale. Come fa. TenMS.v1 . perfect 4 D ; C A R 5-i .1 1936 '-Chevrolet Truck; 157-in. Wheel Base : : 1935 Master Chevrolet ;Coach:-.....r ..$450 I ;i 19a6 Master Chevrolet ;Town Sedari....L..$550 ; ; it 1936 Chevrolet Pick-up4 .:..:....i;....r.;......::.$400 : : : 1930 LaSalle Coupe :-;.;i$75-'i ; You don't have to worry about lie work we do. It's checked again Try us. Note the difference. - , ' ' -. t-'y , Let Us Care For Your Car , , . TRY AND YOU WILL BUY THE t ' V , 't' A JNEW CHEVROLET , ft A car you will be proud to own , Hollowcll Chevrclet 'ir1 Company f;;jA) f f and again. i? -: Jt Phone 113 Hertford him get out of that car and take me". "And I didn't get out", the deputy laconically stated. Asked if he was afraid to get out, the deputy stated that he felt that if he did attempt to get out there would be some shooting. Ten minutes after Mr. Winslow and Mr. Chalk drove off from the station on the night in question seve ral prohibition officers appeared and, in the excitement which followed. Gregory threw his gun away. It vas later picked up by one of the federal officers and United States Deputy Marshall Whit G. Wright, who was a spectator in court, and who had the gun in his possession, was asked by the Judge to produce the weapon, which Gregory identi fied. The defendent was sentenced to 6 months on the roads. Charlie Williams, Winfall Negro, was given 6 months on the roads upon conviction of the larceny of a pair of boots from the store of Dar den Bros., and another six-months suspended sentence which had been imposed for larceny was ordered into effect, to run consecutively with the last sentence. Lee White, Winfall Negro, was convicted of vagrancy and was sen tenced to thirty days on the roads. White took the stand in his defense and testified that the reason he did not work was because he was sick, but no witness appeared in support of his statements. Meets With Mrs. Sutton wtthose, intthe.: eowtrom piaMy Baptist 7 Church' Circle heard the two reports of the gun as , F ., T... n , , it was fired. , " ' Young Gregory testifying in his own behalf stated that he did not know Cook Winslow, the deputy sher iff, and that as he stood in front of Bob Ivey's Service Station near New Hope on the night of November 9 with the pistol in his hand, he was unaware that the man who spoke to him from a car and told him to put the gun up was an officer. It had been testified by Cook Winslow, and also by Fred Chalk who was riding with the deputy sheriff, that on the night in question Mr. Winslow saw the man in front of the station with a pistol in his hand and that he stop ped his car and told' -the. .man who proved to be Ernest Gregory to put that gun np. Gregory responded, ac cording to the two state's witnesses, "I understand the law is looking for me." "I am- the law," the deputy sheriff is alleged to have told the man, "but I am not looking for you". And again the deputy instructed him to put the gun up. ; Gregory is alleg ed to have walked to the car and said "I have been looking for the law and if the law wants me let The Rosa Powell Circle of the Hertford Baptist Church met on Mon day afternoon with Mrs. R. A. Sut ton. Mrs. L. B. Sitterson had charge of the program, .with several taking part. After the program and a short business, session there was a social hour when the hostess served delic ious refreshments. Members present included the lead er, Mrs. Charles Johnson, and Ales dames Tommy Miller, E. A. Byrum, C. 0. Fowler, W. E. Hoffler, Mary Parker, Lula Lane, Allan Perry, B. W. Pennington, S. C. Godwin, Ben Wood, L. B. Sitterson, Jesse Campen, R. A. Sutton, T. E. Raper, V. A. Hold ren and W. T. Elliott. Visitors were Mesdames E. W. Mayes, T. W. Perry, Jimmie Smith, Ida Gregory, I. A. Ward, Sidney Sroughton, Z. A. Harris, Tom Perry, iddick Chappell, Johnnie Broughton and J. S. McNider. It was announced that the Decem ber meeting will be held with Mrs. L. B. Sitterson and Mrs. Jesse Cam- pen, at the home of Mrs. Sitterson on Grubb Street. JUDSON MEMORIAL CLASS ENTERTAINED BY MRS. LANE The Judson Memorial Sunday School Class of the Hertford Baptist Church met with Mrs. Kermit Lane at the home of her mother, Mrs. Or lando Copeland on Thursday evening with the president, Mrs. D. M. Jack son, presiding. Mrs. Charlie Elliott had charge of the program, with sev eral members of the Class taking part. At the close of the program a social hour was enjoyed. The host ess, assisted by her sister, Miss Mary Copeland, and Miss Hazel Boyce, served delicious ice cream and cake. Those present v.ere Mrs. Charlie Elliott, Mrs. Josiah Elliott, Mrs. D. M. Jackson Mrs. Kermit Lane, Mrs. Monroe HofTler, Mrs. Charles John son, Miss Marie Fowler, Miss Doro thy Hoffler, Miss Mabel Spivey, and Miss Bennie Wood. Visitors were: Mrs. P. L. Stevens, Mrs. D. S. Demp scy, Mrs. O. C. Copeland, Miss Reba Spivey, Miss Mary Copeland and Miss Hazel Boyce. mm ONLY DOWN I GIVES YOU THE EXCLUSIVE "EMDE SPINNER" TUNING METHOD GETS ANT STATION WITH THE FUCK OF ?Sav A FINGER . . . JUST ONE OF A SCORE OF BRILLIANT NEW FEATURES . . . The "feel" of tuning a Zenith is entirely different from ordinary radio. Just try tuning any other radio then come in and tune with the fast finger-tip Lightning Station Finder. There is no comparison! . . . lust as there is no comparison between a Zenith . . . and other radio. We invite you to find this out for yourself. Models from $29.95 up. Easy Terms. flmetica i Molt &pUl J&aia AlWAY S A Y I AH AHtAD . JEDIftSDAN Hertford, N. C. HIT OR MISS By M. L. W. "Puss in the corner", we said. "Go to the next neighbor" promptly came the answer when we attempted to gain a corner for ourselves in 'the old game, and lucky we were if we could manage to scramble into some corner when the quick exchanges were made. The Pitt and Hines families appear to be playing "Puss in the Corner", but in this case each gains a corner and nobody is left out. W. H. Pitt has recently purchased the Douglas home, which has been for the past couple of years occupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hines. The Pitts expect to move into their new home shortly, and the Hines family have rented the apartment now oc cupied by the Pitts in the residence of Mrs. C. W. Morgan. A great many Hertford folks send The Perquimans Weekly to relatives living at a distance as a Christmas gift. The paper becomes more and more popular as a Christmas pre sent each year. Right now seems a good time to take advantage of the special price of $1.00 at which the paper is selling during the subscrip tion campaign. Any one who wishes to take advantage of this opportuni ty may subscribe from their favorite contestant at this special price and reserve the subscription to begin with the issue which will be published on Christmas Eve. How fortunate that there are a lot of honest folks in the world. Otherwise, these careless folks who go around .scattering' their property all over thdl place! -would be out of luck. Personally, I have had cause more -than once tpbe gratefurtfor thej noneacy. ot wer p,oih.h bub;i "Pt pen to be one of th8 (rjeiess' kind.J Ralph E. Perry, Perquimans Coun ty f armer, whp, may o may not be long in ;the category of the careless, probably feels that he has good cause to be thankful that the money he lost on Monday happened to fall into the hands of an honest man. ; Mr. Perry lost a .ten-dollar bill while attending to some business in the lobby of the Hertford Banking Company on Monday morning. Nath an Spivey, another Perquimans farmer, happened to pick it up. Mr. Spivey promptly "turned in the money at the bank, -feeling reasonably sure that the owner would come 'back , to look for . it. Meantime, Mr. Perry was out attending to other business about town and he did not miss the bill until he was some distance dp the ' street. ; Faith in human nature probably led him back to the bank, where he hoped he might be success ful in recovering his money, and his Scam). TTHiins Lnstt Wm YdDmur These prices are for strictly cash, beginning Friday, November 20, and continuing through Saturday, November 28. Our Choice PER POUND New Corned PER POUND 2,7c 21 OZ. PKG. Quick Arrow Flakes 2 for 35c No. 2 Can String Beans 3 cans 25c Sugar Per pound. Table Salt 3 packages. HOC Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 packages 25c Hersheys Chocolate Half pound hoc Gibbs Pork and Beans Large can 5 Quaker Maid Salad Dressing, quart jar.. 20c Armour's Very Best Mince Meat, pound 25C Bulk Vinegar Per gallon 32c Good 5-string Brooms Each SOc RTlTTFR Grccn Lcaf CHUCK BEEF lU 1 I Ll SELF-RISING ROAST OR STEAK POUND ROLL 45c IFIL(D)IUIE . Igc Select 1Z lb. Bag nm B. OYSTERS s QUART PER POUND Everv Ba& Guaranteed 2C Full Cream Cheese , Pound....... 2SSC Old American Cheese Pound 30C WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENTS SEE US FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING POULTRY (SESOTEAIL fflEL(QCISI& D. J. PRITCHARD, Manager i Hertford, N. C. Phone 58 We Deliver 5 i ttt4,Ml fa- waa justified. ...