THa FEHQUIMAN3 1 rr, r III II P '-,V. '' ' " . V irj TiriS:' S I . t t ' ' III ' r 1 . . ihy s ilk : ( v jj ,J '"till tT "1- Will you trade someone your spare; time for $300 cash or one of the other big awards in The 1 Perquimans Weekly's big circulation drive? 'All you need to win. is votes. You can get thousands -of votes by getting your friends and acquaint-" ances to subscribe or renew their subscription to The Perquimans Weekly. START TODAY. f , To . LMe It Easy For: Voir ' ,,-'": ... - : 'ii . '.''-u:. To Subscribe . ' ....... .....ftv The Perquimans Weekly is conducting this circulation campaign, giving away $1,000 in; prizes and estimated commissions to make it easy ' for you to subscribe or renew your subscription. ? You will undoubtedly be visited by one'of the ; Perquimans Weekly's contestants during the . next few weeks. Give them your subscription; and support. Help them win a prize and at the same time save money, for during the circulation drive the subscription price will be $1.00 a year. Subscribe today while your subscription will heljpS your favorite MOST! First Grand Prize in 3asti 10 Per Cent Cash Commis sion to All Non-Prize Winners. Second Grand Prize ill Gash OR $150 Electric or Oil Burning Refrigerator On Display at J. C Blanchard, A Company HERTFORD, N. C Third Grand Prize in. ao!i OK $75 General Electric Radio On Diaplay at W, M. Morgan, "Th Furnitur Man HERTFORD, N. C, Fourth Grand Prize - s -i-. -N - ? t. I..-... . f i !' i- , r Per Cent Cash Conimis 'f l sionto All Non-Prize 'Winners. i .'V Schedule of Votes and Subscription Rates SCHEDULE OF VOTES -AND SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF THE Perquimans Weekly First Pcrtod Up to December 12 Second Period December 13 to December 19 ' 1 . ' 1 Year, 1X0 2 Years, 2JX . S Tean. S3.00 4 Yean, M-00 . 5 Yean, $5.00 . .6,000 . 18,000 . 40,000 .100,000 1 Year, $1.00 - 2 Yean, $2.00 3 Yean, $3JH) 4 Yean, $4.00 5 Yean, $5,00 .T 10,000 . 80,000 60,000 ...100,000 :200,000 Tkir4 PeriMl December 14 to December 24 1 Year, $1.00 . 2 Yean, $2.00 8 Yean, $3.00 .. 8,000 10,000 80,000 4 Yean, $4.00 , iSflOO 5 Yean, $5X0 : 60,000 Hov;Prhc3 are to be Awarded i ; Srand CmpiUlPriw wffl .be , . p r Totea. . f,, f H f, h v w . , The 'Grand awarded curea tbe brcest nuaber ef vote. The. Second Grand Prixe will be a winded : to the conteaUnt who ae ' eares the aecond larf eat awnber of .: . Tetea.' "V,j'- 'C ' MThe Third Grand Prize wi3 be ;i awarded "te the eenteatant wbe w r j cares the third largest number of . The Foarth -Grand Prise wi3 be, awarded to ihe contestant wbe ae- '' eares the fourth largest number of , vv 1 . After the prises hare been award ed, aQ actire qnatifyint nbn.prize " ; winning contestants wO be paji a 2fl per., cent cash commission of t&eir . dally ' reported subscription. This ;.. commission, howerer, Is payable only ; " te the actire contestants anarfying '. . with at least two yearly sntseritai reports a week threttgaont the darn 1 1 Hon of the entire contest. ) jr i No candidate can receive both a Capital Prise and 29 per cent com mission. Nomination Blank GOOD FOB 5,000 VOTES I hereby enter and cast 5.000 votes for: : Miss, Mr, or Mrs. Address- s Phone 's . Date - wit ' 1935. Wi candidate in The Perquimans Weekly Everybody Wins Campaign. Cr.Ty one nomination Wank accepted lor eacn Candidate. ; - w First V eek Coupon ' GOOD FOR 200,000 EXTRA VOTES ' This Coupon, when accompanied with ten yearly subscriptions, or their equivalent, entitles the contestant to 200,000 extra votes. This Coupon , must be voted during the FIRST WEEK of the contestant's activity. No restriction la placed on the number of coupons a con testant may use. , f 4 Good For 100,000 Extra Vcl With Fint Subscriptioa If Turned In Within 24 Hour's After ? ' Nomination Is Received ' - pl-i?1iS0DiyilliCount, 10S0 votes when returnel ti r. 2332u?LWW m?5 " .""W, together with e.o f . scription you obtain providing it is used within 24 hours i -ination w made and accepted. It nuist be accompanied by c- it subscription must be for a period of at least one year. U -extra votes are in addition to the number given on the subs per the regular vote schedule. - j Name, of SnbacriW ' , ' Ccididate's Name -! , Amount Enclosed " .