J! T iy Dvtrj will tat. j L w:. j Cl.x'.e t:.'s TL:: y) Ilr. and LIrs. Il-'.tcn' Tatemrn and Mrs. Lindrey Ev 3 tsa , Saturday in XsorfoU, va., s-xrmg , VLt. and Mrs. George P. Byrum, of fcdenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. E.) N Elliott Sunday afternoon,. ., Mr. and, , Mrs. Douglas - Robinson and children, of Charlotte: Mr. and Mrs. day Blackstock, of Washington, " i C, spent the holidays with Miss XiOia Savage and Mr. J. L. Savage. I Miss Helen Evans,' of Manteo, and ' Hiss Frances Evans,- of Hertford, . f spent the Thanksgiving holidays with ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Evans. Air. and Mrs.-" B.' W. .Evans, Mr. Cad tfrs.&. Elliot? 'er4 guests 'X ot Mr. -and Mrs. T. " C Byrum, , jutenton, sunday evenmjr. '. v !- SEarl Privott, of the Rocky Mount , scnoo xacuity, spent holidays as wis guest 01 nis parent, Mj and Mrs. JDan Privott. , .v v 'Mias Marguerite Aabell was at ; nome irom Ji . 17 C, , Greenville, ' xor ute holidays wit - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aabell. - ;-i(Mr. and Mrs. C J. Hollowell etui , son spent Thanksgiving Day in Rock 4 Hock with relatives. - . ? ; Willie Welch and son, of Eingstree, . S,':0, spent from Wednesday until v' Friday with Mrs. Bella Parker. won Amue oeiie tnvow ; was at Shatthe monia Of January , muuea kbt Janus an early Roman divinity; It ouuea ro the Komnn calendar by Numa, 713, UC, who mada it the first month because Janus pre aided over the fcj-'nnms jf iegal year in ErHarvT w wdered to bein on January lt intH of f ,rrh 25'K holidays with her parents at Whale?' rule, va., , 7 .,' , v , j - Mrs. E. L, WinsW visited Mrs. E. N. Elliott Monday afternoon. 1 Mr and Mrs. C. J, Hollowell and son were supper quests of Mr. and home from E. C T. V Greenville, I Mrs. Stfltonan teary, ;in Rocky. Hock, ' far the week-end witir- her parents, ! Saturday evening. -' , " Mr. and Mrs. Dan Privott.. Mr. and Mr. A. S Hollowe! and . JkQss Almm Winslour, of the Chteod daughter, Frances, ofj Edenton, spent v School faculty, spent the holidays as Sunday with Mrs. Jojdan Hollowell. , the fnest of her parent Me, aa: Mr. and Mrs. W D;. Welch, Jr., of E L, Wlnslow. - -. -.. j Washington, N,, C, spent' Sunday with jar, end jars. j. u Leery. . pui. Welch- is spending the week with her parents, s , ' , ' ' - ' v Miss Esther Evens spent ; . Thanks givinjj iqlorfolk. Va., with Dr. and Mrs. 37 n. Parker,. V Mr. and Mrs. B." W. Evans, Misses Frances, Helen and1 Marguerite' Etta Evans attended fhe Duke-State game Thursday, v ,s ,1- ' - - Mrs. Z. W. Evans, . Misses I Mary Winborne and Beatrice Wilson Evans and Jess Wilson visited relatives in Hertford Thursday afternoon. day with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. D. Welch," Sr. He was accompa nied as far as , Norfolk, Va.. (by his mother, who - visited t relatives there nnlil Sundav. " 1 - ' Miss May Belle. Edwards spent thef Langley,Eure,but his records show i- ! . r ; .1 . . ' . y. Ferry : j . Ha-.: 1 : e. ; : s ' :- days at . , Va., wl "i l.:3 cousin. Jack I . r ' . j Carey ticl.'luer, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday, wiwi his parents, Mr. and Mrs Joe IlcJ.'ider. - - . Rev. Frank CJe visited Lonnie Bunch at the WinJsor Hospital Sun day afternoon. , Gates 4-II Cuba PrcZt Z On Ccrn Cub Projects Completed Tr-"- 3 bjt 4-H club fits wsirr fr : $21.05 to"'$ 11.43 per acre on the tarn dub projects, reports County I -nt E. R. Rich The h:hect of .74bushels ?was rtade iy Ve!cy Cure.;' This- yield also returned the largest profit of $41.40.. .Rowland G. Jiiddick secured 60 bushels from his acre with a net profit of $31.95-' , The lowest yield- of 46 and one-half bushels was made by : r. C ' I -y.W Jacai on the . . V. C it. e" j in I. "3 C ) ' of ?3i3.14 f '1 tf I his farm tle 1 . .t jr 1 1 l sideline to t s pi-oJtlv-n cf c 1 and peanuts, -re oris Coury 3rt B. E. Grant, The livestock stls in cluded 32 hos that sold for JCCl.Ct, 5thead of cattle for J2C3.C3, ar.i8 shepp that fcro- 't?:2.72. h f "- Ft U ' ) f a student at Fork ry ".demy, spent the . j hoiays with hi pa , L.. L A. Ward and Mm. Ward. rC 2 FOX. HOLIDAYS ; t - 1 j Jan White, who is a student . C. T. C.j Greenville, spent, the '-in g holidays with her pa , . . r"i ir.s. I. A.-V.Tiite. i,Tct VcaLate . . Contest (Continued from Pap December W Then it beg. c'line. ' ' '', . . ;,To fie And Old Entn If you will display Borne t asm see your friends, put for . nest efforts, you caff count on j friends to hlp you. They are 1. ested in your, success ,in the t measure as you try yourself to ' a priae. They can be counted t help you, if you will help Jpar Work fast now. You must g,U vt to win. 'i,-"- :yr,. ana bu. vi wm juum TEloise Carter and. Charles Herman ""Garter, of Gatesville; - My. and Mrs. ' Earl Welch and children, of Suffolk, weu; .wuue weica ana son, wngs Oree, ' S. G; V Miss Kathleen'. Parker, -tf Newport News, Viu, and David v Mashburn spent r Thanksgiving Day wifh Mrs.; Belle Parker. s v Mr. and Mis. Rodney Harrell and V children, Mr; and Mrs. J. M. Harrell : of firayhall, spent Sunday with Mt. , and Mrs,' Joe Wiggins. .:: If&.aAd Mrs. Ernest - Privott fend " Peele, in Rocky Hock, Sunday after noon. - Mrs. Belle Parker, ' Miss Kathleen Parker, Mrs. Herman Carter, : Miss . Eloise Carter and Charles Herman - Carter spent Sunday in Suffolk. Va .with Mi atui Mm Far! W14i. Visa - Kathleen Parker went front there to v - Newport, News, Va., to resume her work..,' . " j , John Welch of Washington, D. C., spent Wednesday night,:, and Shuts a profit of $21.05 on Richttys.;;., rJ4 Interestinrr Pacts About Railroads CENTER WjL Miss Beuiah White, of E. C. T, C Greenville, ' spent the '.holidays . with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Tim White. Mrs. J. N. Boyce has been confined to her home for several days. Her many, friends wish for her a speedy recovery. . -' Mr. and - Mrs. Enunett Parker, of Sunbury, visited Mr.' and Mrs. J. N. ! Boyce Sunday afternoon. The railroads' had 10948 em.' ployees in October, the greatest num ber since December, , 1931. ,The level of . freight rates now charged by', the , vrailroads , of the United States is 23 per cent below that in 1921,'; 0i t '.' t - Driving 1 wheels of modern large steam locomotives have axles ' rang ing from twelve t fourteen inches in diameter. - , 4' '! " .v- v Fire ' losses on American railroads In 1935 totaled $3,273,927. a reduce tion of nearly 56 per cent compared with ten years ago. " Passengers in Pullman ears travel-' ed 744669,648 miles in 1935, 'an average of 57 miles fot every resi dent in the United States. - v , r That high' train speed does not seem to be an important-factor "in highway railroad crossing accidents is shown by . the fact that nearly 81 per cent of such- accidents in the first six months .of 1936 occurred when trains' .either ' Jere standing still or moving at a speed of from one to nine iniiea pec.novw rf-' vv-v 1 . 1 - f ,,r. ,. iJfc.'K V.'; - ' 1' iJ, ...t1.v... ,'i'r-jy'Tiritifiii'iiiiiiiijrifliii-MiVijata)(ii . . f i ' " . n 3.- Affile toK'KcIfer Siaiel.-V "'H'aurt Gnns''' uiacctricIreM;.;',::A4Air,rV ;' JmtefWsr f . S'.TiUBjf;ssWBs ':?' vr.--OKipwsyA :r vHotPlatesJvU vSpeed Wanst' (MlHcaters:' 1.:rCutIerytr: '-r" Basketballs - 't '-Stoves;''' Pyrex vTool Sets ' idtcheh Rcs gv, "Ceroles;;:':;; Knives f 4 S : A GIFT OF HARDWARE LASTS THE YEAlt TIIRGIIGH S ?' v . "Everything In Hardware ind SaDDliesT r. ( I r -v , n- - -.- ; S- 7 ; ..? fAAfJ 3tt-. L 5rV' ' '..'.-. -vf y t'- 'V mill ' tiv --r.'? ,'. ." -, '''jl ins f - - - le- v. V . iiicrciiduuisc, in inu unc,, mcy uayp cvw sttuun nciuuiu, x uu; Wiut he surnfised;at thefhuthbar of attmetive ffifts we offer: 5 : V , Let us help ypui sblye ydur Rill Folds. J.:25c ' UD s L , ?vv Zr ?i Gladstone Bags .:.0 Il.EleetncHeatingPa H Fitted Week-end Bags, J r to n r sl'r-s f : : - I Cigaretts ,;,J&nas Plij. " aristmas Trco fzl&. . I Tobacco Xmas Pfc : . Hot Vfcicr . v: J Zippef Sets' $2.Ci to $i5 ? r..,x r ;: ; : ' ; :; J.ToUet Sets C5Cc to $3,75 : :f iTr' c .V1H t-rvj ' ZZl ' 1 - ' ' 1 " r : V ...... . v - ----- i .."'V 'V L-K'I 'TWcnrion'c 1 '. t .t forget t e--i 1 W '"I V J . '. V ; " V - v."', ''',.;.;'' 1 " r WzlliamS . .: stock of Dnr is i j c 1 'i I v r ' 1 plcta than ever." ' v- ' a-agon juavviiucj. , ' A remedy lor every t l l i - r. i ; v heaJ to feet- '--.;v. x.',r, ; I- uigate s - . rr-. J:ov a..- : c -Si. ? 1 1 '( J J", Si r. ' TTD TTJ) TVOT1 TVTl ' - a

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