.u::ian3 "ill ..,' , ,v;:i'i nrs - ... T7n - . - , n m . : M 1 L. a. NIL - 1 1 ruDnsned every "-raoay - iw feranaum Weekly 'Office : in . the Gregory Building, Church ',' Street, MATTIE USTER WIOT'E-LJEditor Day Phone I- 88 Night Phone L : -jlOIW SUBSCRIPTION BATES One Tear. -fi.5 ,Si Months J76e" at , Hertford, North,, Cardlma, .under the Act of March 8, 1879. " ' "T' Advertising rates famished by Te quest., ' ; , FRIDAY,' DECEMBER 11, 1936. BIBLE THOUGHT FOR WEEK LONGING HEARTS: IBehdU), m the eyes of servants look unto vthe hand at their masters, And as tthe eyes of a maiden unto the .hand tof her mistress; bo our eyes wait .upon the Lord our God, until that he have mercy upon us. Psalms 1232. LEFS XAKE EM AJLL HAPPY ON CHRISTMAS SAY It takes little children to make a happy Christmas. In those .homes where there are children, where San ta Claus is coming down the chim ney on Christmas Ewe, -drugging his pack of toys, after tthe boys and girls are snug in bed, Christmas js real, real for the grown ups us well as for the children. For grown ups who listen -day by day to the' prattle, of little children as Christmas draws, near, who lok into the eager little faces, widyea and expectant, as the stockings are hung by the fire place and the little ones are tucked into bed on Christ mas Eve and then, in the early dawn of Christmas morning hear the pat ter of little feet as they steal down on tiptoe to find what Santa Claus has brought, must thrill to the sheer rapture of the children. That is Christmas, real Christmas. But there is another side to the picture of Christmas. There are homes where there cannot be much for the children on Christmas morn ing unless it comes from outside the home, some one other than the pa rents must furnish the wherewithal if the children are to have much to bring joy on Christmas morning. Sometimes it doesn't come. Not all little children get their hearts de sire on Christmas morning. There are many homes right here in Perquimans . where ' little children who have heard the glowing tales of Santa Claus and who, like all chil dren, are expecting toys and good things to miraculously appear, will wake to disappointment on Christ mas mnminB". -' This ought not to be. There should be no empty stockings in Per quimans. ;v . And there will be no empty stock ings and no disappointed children about us if we know the real mean ing of Christmas. If you don't know where to find these children, the unfortunate ones whose Christmaa may not be all joy, get in touch , with the Welfare De partment, Miss Ruth Davenport, the Welfare Officer, is sending out a call for help In making Christmas happy for some little ones who have come to her attention. W - HIT Ok MISS I ByM. L.'W. One, of the workers in the Perqui mans Weekly subscription contest re ceived a tip from xne of the sub scribeii she canvassed which is use ful in selling subscription to others. "I save more than a dollar a year", said this woman who takes The Per quimans Weekly, "by keeping up with the grocery specials advertised each week in fh paper." Twelve years ago Mrs. Roye Parks of Ryland, -was presented with a five-dollar gold ' piece by her hus band. .'' The gold piece was lost by Mrs. Parks shortly after it came into her possession and its whereabouts remained a mystery until laitwee.k, when -Miss Gertrude , Jackson,', who makeC hy home . with, -, the. Parks family; spied the shining 'coin at h edge of he "garden and picked it up. ; Though the land had been plough ed every year since 1924 and though many feet had walked over, the spot throughout the long years, the coin had remained hidden. It was found by the merest chance ,as Miss ' Jack son happened to glance down as she walked along, c MRS. MATHEWS ENTERTAINS . WEDNESDAY BRIDGE CLUB . Mrs. Fred " Mathews delightfully entertained the Wednesday afternoon bridge dub at her home at Burgess last week. The high score prize was won by Mrs. Walter,' Williams, and Mrs. Nathan ' Mathews . received the consolation. r '; Those present ' were Mrs. J. B, Basnight, ' Mrs. Fred Mathews Mrs. Walter Williams and v Mrs. Nathan 'Whoopee! Step on the gasl. Go Tplacesl . What do you care for pedes trians and red lights? You pay taxes, don't you? You've got a license, haven't you? Sure, you ownthe road . . . My friend, you're heading straight for Oblivion. You dont know it, but the Old Man With the Scythe has put the finger on you. Your days are numbered. ; Safety authorities of the Trav elers Insurance Company, in study ing the accident records, have put drivers who are prone to accident in three classes: First, the men tally incompetent driver; second, the physically incompetent driver; third, the driver who has both the brains ' and the physique to drive carefully, but who is too unsocial and stubborn to use these gilts. Of . the throe, the las -named type.ia the mcst deadly. RECORDER'S COURT JBecordBr!s Court Judge Walter H. OJakey, Jr., ordered Junius Ferebee, Hertford .Ngxn, .locked ,uj in jail immediately .on Tuesday morning, when Jae repeated on we Atate .a statoment alleged to .have been made to him by another and which Jadge Oakey characterized as the vilest language he had ever heard in any place. Ferebee was the defendant in a case charging illegal jpoaaession of liquor. Jodge Oakey refused to lis-; ten to argument by Ferebee's counsel for mitigation of the sentence in the contempt charge until the defendant had been removed to the jail, saying, "Gefhim out of my sight". The man was released several hours later. Convicted of the charge of illegal Dossession. Ferebee was fined twen ty-five dollars. LeRoy Spruill, Negro, was convict ed of the charge of larceny and was sentenced to the roads for 6 months, commitment not to issue until Feb ruary, at which time a motion will be heard to suspend the sentence upon payment of a fine and court cost. Spruill is plaintiff in a civil action to be heard at the January Term of Court E. J. Spivey, Negro, was found guilty of the charge of Assault with deadly weapon and was sentenced to 90 days in jail and assigned to work on county property. Spivey is crip pled, having lost- one of his legs in an accident when a child. Schedule December Meetings For Circles December meetings of the various circles of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford 1 Methodist Church are announced as follows: . The Senior Circle will meet on Mondav afternoon. December 11. t 8 :30 o'clock, in the Ladies Parlor of tne unurcn. : The Minnie Wilson Circle will meet with Mrs. D. M. Sharpe, at the Par sonage, on Monday night at 8 o'clock. Mrs. B. G. Koonee will have dime of a very interesting Christmas pro gram at this meeting. The Manr Towe Circle wffl nuut on Monday irisht-at 8 o'clock at the home of Miss Carolyn Riddick. ine Delia: Shambureer Circle will meet on Tuesday nisht. December lit. at the home of Mrs. J. H. Towe, Jr. Mrs. Sutton Hostess To New Hope dub t Mrs. C E. Sutton' was' hasteu r I the members of the New Hope home demonstration dub . on Friday after noon, wnen ine ladles enjoyed a very delightful Christmas party, with gifto'beinsr exchanged bv the mem. bers.and .' a .delicious mreet mnru TflnM nntumt 1wu1nAA 4mm. tors - from.jChowan'..CVtnntv. lfva ... a. m , JDoycptaga'-nra, WackBon, and Miss' Gladys Hamrkfc, Mesdames in. v.. uamcs, . js. it. Banks. W. E. Dail.. J. H. Gresrorv:' ft-TV.' ftrtffln- a W. Hasketl,-EM. Perry; JDW. Sinipeon; ;R.'.Lvy Webb,- Guy, Webb, Dan Simpson, R. R. Perry,. S. T. Perry, J. B. ,.Wheibee,"R. L. Spivey, Jr.. John' Lomt anl 'fl. T'- Tn and Misses Mauds Simpson and Vida wsnits. ... , .. Mathews. ' WHITESTON, NfftyS Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. White of Elizabeth ; City were Sunday snests of Mr., and Mrs. Elmer R. Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sharber of Newland were' Sunday visitors in this community, ',-;' ' - J. Calvin Winslow returned Tues day ;of last week , from ' Webster, Texas, where he visited his sister, Mrs. William Davis, . . ; RYLAftD Mr. and Mrs. T, Ward and chil dren and Mrs. G. A. Boyce and chil dren went to Suffolk Saturday shop ping. . iA ""S' Mrs. V. E. Jordan and daughter, Bernice, spent Thursday with Mrs. Kelly Byrum. Mrs. Harriett Parks attended the missionary meeting held at Ballard's Bridge Church Friday. Mrs. C. W. Ward and daughter, Avis, spent one day last week in the home of Eoy Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hollowell of Snow Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hollowell Saturday, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyce visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Boyce, Sunday after noon. Mr. and JWrs. W. W. Heningar and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bunch, in Rocky Hock, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Jordan and family visited their son, Wilbur, in the Elizabeft City hospital Sunday afternoon. The boy Is getting along very nicely. Hilda Griffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ) John Griflbu, was taken tb the Elizabeth City hospital last week suffering with appendieitifi. She is getting along fine. Miss Gertrude Jackson and Thomas Jackson spent Sunday morning with her sister, Mrs. Albert Keeter. Mrs. Dempsey Copeland and chil dren, Henry and Laura, visited her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Evans, near Corapeake Monday. Mrs. Alvah Smith and daughter, Jean, spent the week-end in Ports mouth with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Lane and daughter, Katharine, visited her mother, Mrs. Louisa Ward, Sunday afternoon. rMm Roye Parks visited Mrs. H. M.; Phthisic Friday evening. U f Miss MaryLea Davis spent a few days this week at Sulolk at the Lake View Hospital with Miss Mon toze Byrum, who is a patient there. CHJ f" David Lewis. :'of ', 'Boone i '"'.lavlBltini' his parents, Mr. and WoL. W W. Mrs. Claude Fields of Hertford is visiting her sister Mrikt Daisy Perry. - i, , , f , fV . . , Little Miss Shirley Perrol f niu. beth City is visiting her grandmother rs. ueorge -mi0tetywfr$l$ ' "Z. W. Evans, of Edenion .WM -in Chapanoke on business Friday after noon. .. " , Mrs. J. C Wilson, and danivtiter. Jf-?i3Utl Wilsoii.ere "shopping fe' Elizabeth City Saturday. . ; , i Miss AlcesU Whitehead was a visitor in Elizabeth City Saturday. " Misses Lassie and Sarah Elizabeth Elliott have returned after a pleas ant visit ..With - Miss Minnie . ShMev Umphlet at,WJafa!L0 anu s.;D. Godfrey and chadrea of Woodville were ahoDtiliMr " In beth City -Saturday.- - : - . . tMlsr trayden, spent the-weekend with her mother. Mrs. Jtu-lc den, near Hertford. '- r.v "Oscar Twlfle's condition s is about the ' same . ,f V. " Rev. W. .D. Morris 4 wUr preach at Woodville Sunday - afternoon, 4it .8 'clock a large attendance is- desired..-., 4.,t,? ;v " ; ', Miss Marie Deal is ' Visiting her sister, "Mrs.' Robert Chandra, near Elitabeth.City. - : m -, - - . " There will be a Christmas program given the third Sunday night at Oak Grove church. All interested are ask ed to come out every Tuesday night and practice for it " - a CHAPANOKE BOY BREAKS; LEG -Master Howard Lane of Chapanoke son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane, had the'1 misfortune to break his leg while playing with, some of his l'tt'p friends at the cotton gin last week.' Fine PuimPi vrcra The Chaminaae and Melody Makers clubs, with Mrs, R. M. Riddick as counselor, closed their fall, project, a study of Indian music, with a joint public program in costume, featuring songs, dances and piano compositions by American composers. ( l (( Those in the pre-school , rhythm class taking' part,. were Pat Moris, Joan Truefolood, - Ethel . . Frances Elliott, Howard Pitt, Clarence Tho mas Madre, Mary Annette Cannon, Sammie Su.tton.. . . -:, , .,t -,t Members : of the Melody.': Makers club assisting; with ! songs, : dances and Rhythm . band ' numbers were: Reginald Tucker, Howard Broughton, Manning Berry Harrell, , Betty Lou Sutton, Jack Babb, Mary Julia Har rell, Juanita Divers, Nancy Zackary, Mary Lei and Winslow, Dan Williams, Thomas Perry,. Walter. Marvin .Wil liams, Maxine ' Landing, Bobby Jor dan, Hazel "i Godfrey, ' , Doris Byrum, Charles Ford Reed, Christine . Mat hews, Anne Mathews, Helen Babb, Earl Riddick, Jewel White, Alice Lee Babb, Reginald Jones, , Edward Mayes, Raymond Rogerson, Howard Jones, Ida Lee White, Sarah Roger son, Mary Proctor, Margaret Divers! Eva Rae Winslow and Eula Mae Mor gan.' Chaminade Club Members on the program were: Jane Griffin, Eloise Keaton, Bertha May White, Minnie Wilma Wood, Julia Miller Chappell, Minnie Louise Nixon, Florence Win slow, Dalton Strange,' Ben Koonce, Doris Lane, Mary Louise Chappell, Anna Belle Hollowell, Olive Layden, Maude Keaton, Hazel Mathews, Hat tie Pearl Nowell, Mary Smith, Bar bara Winslow, Adalia Winslow, Mar ian White, Jean Newbold, Pauline Nixon, Wilma Godfrey : Mildred White Louise Morgan, Nita Newbold, Marjorie White and Mary Field. Funeral Mrs. Nixon Held Wednesday Funeral services for Mrs. Maggie Nixon ,the widow of W. T. Nixon, who died at her home near Winfall on Tuesday night, were held at the home on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, with the Rev. W. G. Lowe, Pas tor of the Winfall Methodist Church, officiating, and burial took place In the family burying ground. Mrs. Nixon is survived by two sons, T. W. Nixon, of Perquimans, and LeRoy Nixon, of Elizabeth City, and by four daughters, Mrs. J. L. Bateman, Mrs. Jesse Tadlock, both of Perquimans, Mrs. Elmer Compton and Mrs. H. F. Holmes of Ports mouth, Va. ' . Mary Wood Koonce Initiated Into Society Miss Mary ; Koonce of Hertford was initiated recently into the Dik- ean society at the Woman's Col lege of the University of North Caro lina. Miss Koonce, who was graduated from the Perquimans .; High School this year, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Koonce.. Do you look -lour HairTclLi It ' M VI ami If yoiy kmt the splcit of yoodi . you can find It again cJcUy and naturally with CUIrpt If roar hCs v is dxwb and unlascnstLr ; or stres!ii gradually secredy . quktly. j'( vaitt tuna ot incaiu v yiun Progressive Clalrol as common, V old-fashioned hair Ctalrol t doei whjtf nodilng elic cml In cms r r simDle treatment Clalrol ananv . poo, Reconditions and TINTS . . Ask your beautfcian or Tvrlte now v:toc FREE booklet, KZX advice on care Of hair and beauty 4 ' analytW' 4 , , c :1A J Btvcrif Kins. CUinl Irc,. . m Weil 4k S...N y.c. ,' Stni FREE tkl, ii,t tni laaiytu .tim -'i"...... ji... 1 ' ' -1 " ! Aiil.r I." .. , ' s , Ci t rV f I 5nt , ,,. ROT tf. PARK .il1f;.t4L ; 0 Mr. Park is returning to his old s post as editor -..and manager of U- the Carolina Co-operator, State- i wide : farm journal " published in . Raleigh. For the past six months he -has been with the ' Rural ' Electrification Administration in Washington as senior editor. Ladies' Aid . Meets At Meadow Grove The, ' Ladies 'Aid . Society ' of tho Meadow Grove Christian Church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Joe White, with Mrs. Shelton Chappell, president, presiding. . Prayer, was offered by; Mrs. J. R. Chappell, and as the secretary called the . roll each member responded with a text. A Christmas reading was given by Mrs. I. D. Chappell. Half an hour was devoted to Bible study and some time was taken for business. The closing hymn was. "Silent Night" It was announced that the next meeting on January 7th. will be held with Mrs. J. R. Chappell. The hostess served dainty refreshments. Those present were! Mrs. John Chappell, Mrs. Walter Chappell, Mrs Jesse Chappell, Mrs. Troy Chappell, Mrs. Shelton Chappell, Mrs. Joe White and Miss Gladys Chappell. REV. D. M. SHARPE SPEAKER AT DISTRICT MEETING Rev. D. M. Sharpe, pastor of the Hertford Methodist Church, who hsd charge of the devotional program at the meeting of ministers and stew ards, of the Elizabeth City District held in Edenton Thursday,' preached on the subject of "Stewardship." ' , , I 1 ? The Chapanoke .' Home i. tiori Club met on Tue3-Ly home of Mrs. Daisy Perry. A. Christmas- party, in ci Mrs. John Symons, and an e... of gifts were much, enjoyed ty present v'"' " - ". i Those V Jtaking pari ' on the f ro gram: were Mrs..J..C.: 'ATson, I..'rs. John Symons, Miss J Gerrie Grir'in and 'a solo by Miss Lillian Er't, aocompained ' at ' the piano by ll&i Mildred Lewis. "; , 'After announcements made by Miss Gladys Hamrick several con tests were enjoyed, Mrs. George Alex ander an Miss Jflildred Lewis win ning the prizes. . , " ,(. i, Refreshments were served . to, thq following' members: Mrs. Oscar By rum, 'Mrs. -Clarence " Byrum, Mrj. John Symons, Mrs. C.- v P.' Quincy, Mrs;- Daisy Terry,' Mrs. John Aabell, Mrs. Eula Ferrell, Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Mrs. Bertha Whitehead, Mrs. W. W. Lewis, Mrs. Talmage Lewis, Mrs, Earl Smith, Roy Lane, Mrs. . John Hall,' Mrs. J.' P. Elliott, Mrs. Roy Pierce, Mrs. H. C. West, Mrs. Ackisss Gregory, Misses Lillian Bright, Mild' red Lewis, ''Gerrie' Griffin, Marga ret Bogue, and Lessie Elliott and Miss Hamrick. . The Club ' will " meet with' Mrs.' W. Alexander -in January.' ; ' -;' I Jninf TTntA3CP3 Tn Rosa Powell CirclerXj Mrs; L. B.; 'JSitterson and - Mrs Jesse Campen. Sr.. were hostesses. v; W- at the home of Mrs. Sitterson, on i Monday afternoon to the members . of the Rosa Powell Ode of the Hertford Baptist Church. '- t ' Mrs. Charles Johnson, "chairman had charge of the devotional exer- ' cizes, in which Mrs. Tommy Miller, Mrs. B. W. ; Pennington and Mrs.-T. E. Raper took Dart Mrs. Johnson gavean interesting talk on the sub ject of the program, "The Gift of ' All,,. - '.-'-Mi,' The members present . included ' Mesdames Charles Johnson, Tommy Miller, Jesse Campen, Jr., E. A. By rum, Lula Lane, S. C. Godwin, Mary ' Parker, Johnnie Broughton, George ! Chappell and L. B. Sitterson. The following visitors were present; Mrs.- ' Jesse Campen, Sr., Mrs. S.,T. Sut- ' ton, Mrs. Arthur White, Mrs. Gault and Catherine Campen.-' V , . Dainty refreshments were" served. ; The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ben, Wood. '-.- MSliai bUIm laai kaSt attit . IsjbtMatfl I Ml ill M v i ' ;v-i j. ? , - 1 J 1 ' f r' I I " Ml v. . 1 .. I I 104, Years of Liv 1 mm GIFTS . . That Are Answers To His Prayers ! Something, to wear Something: good looking Something he can 'show 01? i Something he will be proud 1 1 : of every day of the year. A ROBE y A wain, flannel one, .with con traating border'. School colors NEatTlES Silk ones, wrnolen ahm. ami rv. alty fabrics in stripes, monotones -' ! ' " 48c -.97c ; - 1 " ."'..' I-.-. ' . - 1 RTTTPT.C! - . - ' ?H firpadcloth shirts in ti". : ' "1 itwiimd. Iwhifeic:- 0llnr nfiw-v t ":.r r T.ton-down - r .-,.:... : ARROW SHE . A BELT ' -Genuine cowhide,' i.i I black, with a monogram I his own r! Q'Jb,.ty mercitanj.se t li:.;.t i, i. i J. C. Blanchard' Co., ' 'ELANCHARD'S- Zi::C2 V.Z2 t UEIITr "

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