"73 ' Eev. A. A.' Butler filled 11 u lar appointment at Great Hop Sun , day morning.- -. - " 'Preston and Percy Rogerson and Joe Layden attended the W. O. W. meeting in Elizabeth City Thursday evening. !'' jv Misses Selma and Viola Rogerson EALLAIIACir n and Mrs. Joe Layden were visitors. 1, In the hornet of Mrs. C. S, Layden , Thursday. ' 1 Mr. 'and Mrs. Percy Rogerson and little son, and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stalling, Miss Peanie Stallings and Willard Stallings attended a birth day i party at the home . of . Nathan tKallings in Gates' County Wednes- day. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Layden and Mrs. C. S. Layden visited Mr and Mrs. A. E. Layden at Beech Spring Sun day evening. ' Mr. ' and Mrs. ' James Thach of Bethel were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Harrell Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Perry and baby visited friends in this communi ty Sunday afternoon. CELEBRATES FIFTH BIRTHDAY Master Henry Clay O'Neal cele brated his fifth birthday anniver sary with a party on Saturday after noon at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mm. H. C. O'Neal, on Church Street On the spacious lawn of the home the little tots enjoyed, a deer hunt jff&a' JioBoree received many gifts -from Jbis friends. In the late after noon dainty refreshments were serv ed, Mrs. OWeay being assisted by Mrs. W. A. Arnold. ' Twelve little girls and boys fora ged the guest lilt t or, the party, , mmmmmm& Make Your GIFTS n I TL; i rracticai mis Yearl t PRE-CHRISTMAS REDUCTION On All Winter GOATS New Holiday Dresses and Hats In AU High Shades And PastelB WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Handkerchiefs Scarfs Bags . Gloves 'r: Negligees i : Pajamas, ks .- ' 'I '.. ' Dance Sets Lingeries Hose ' , Robes i J and Lifts- 8 PRESTON'S Wkatbu a MM SO ; MB t Ptami ,: OWsola T4trlafe, w0 oeaury and hwiaiMfMimt spirit ore by word in , YPoaA mtoN, ocoupie a erie . aolcaow. 5 acrific her Iov or uf.tu ' J. . i fppoted to JaehMm't poUcist, mnd vnu mumea 0oprtary or .War Xaton.' Randolph it ihot by a ooto- iwwkxhi o tw war waoiw A Ml MNOIMIMd. u Chapter Eleven When Randolph waa absent from hla place In the Senate during the naulnf , week. Peggy gave little thought of It It waa rumored that he waa aUg-htly Indiapoaed, and aha aaumed thla to be the ease Wildly contradictory atorlea had begun to aweep Waahlngtm about the mounting opposition to Jack eon. Some persona felt that tha President was soon to lose oontrol entirely, many went so far as to predict open national revolt It waa with a great deal of anxiety that foggy accompanied her husband to the Jefferson Birthday celebration In the Senate. Tales were in the air that Jackson was to be challenged then and there, aa he delivered the address of welcome. The apostles of states' freedom were reported : to havo already established the nuc leus of a new Southern government Xeejlng that Jajokson would be dis credited and overthrown. The lobby , of the Senate waa crowded. The apecialty of the sou venir vendors waa a fifteen-cent handkerchief adorned with a rea sonably good likeness of Jefferson. Leaving her husband, Peggy took her place in the gallery. A wild con fusion of voices sounded all about her, and a sense of imminent crisis eeer.-.cd to pervade the atmosphere. When a gavel was pounded from the rostrum the chatter did not al together die - out and not all the people present rose in deferential tribute as Jackson was introduced- "Gentlemen," began the President, "you are all aware of the signifi cance of this great day, the birth day of that illustrious American, Thomas Jefferson." "And a good States' Rlghter!" shouted a heckler from the upper tier. ' ' - A buzz of excited comment broke out It appeared that at any mo ment a bomb might be set off breaking up the gathering in dis order; and - perhaps shattering the bonds of Union at the same time. But Jaokson had never had a firm er grip on himself, never before had he felt it ao vital to impress his Will and personality on his listeners. "A good States' Rightor is a de voted servant of ' Democracy," he went on. "From the depth of my heart I support' these great words by a great American, Daniel Web ster." He motioned toward Webster, who waa seated nearby. "This is what he said: When my eyea shall be turned for the, last time toward the meridian eun, I hope I may see him shining. on my united, free and happy country. I hope I shall not live to see his beams falling upon the dispersed structure of this glo rious Union. I hope to see, spread 'all over my country's flag, blazoned in letters of light and proudly float ing above land and sea: "Union and Liberty,- now and forever,, one and inseparable!"" , .-Jf ;&., An applause broke forth that al most shook the rafters! Peggy,: her foars- vanished, felt her, eyes fill with tears. She took the corsage from her dress and threw it on the platform before Jackson, as the entire assemblage kilned in spon taneous and patriotic rendition- of "Hail, ColumbIa."ir?:it-t:4i.-K . - When Peggy rested at horn that afternoon,, happy, beyond words at -Jackson's victory, Cuthbert, the old retainer at rranaun inn, .waa ushered inside. He was obviously 111 .-.at ease." . : 6-y$ yt, Roanoke, ma'am," he aald. "They , say 'e's dangerously ill. I thought ,1 should let you know." ' w "Where la he T" cried Peggy. ; Cuthbert drew out a slip of paper that he had already prepared. Pecey 'pressed his hand m gratitude. With an apprehensive backward glanoe the left, He was one of the few sensing Peggy's inmost secret i Crossing to the desk, Peggy hur riedly penned a note to the one Demon aha felt she could call on In that emergency, Rowdy Dow, "Bote i dy dear: row mutt help me. Ask no 1 tmesHona. Ifeet me at QadW Inn h . Wowentow . . Ooaoh . Ww itfore nine tonight." m xvtunatelv it was an overcast ill . a m r evening, and there were no obeer i vers outside OadutVa wbra frzry ; anived at tha afpomtAd t-na Row- Byfsd a c-rl- e r T, -i U;e4 'J eanfthr any questions as they drove toward Uu-bouM that Randolph oocuovlne. In Randolphs bedroom tha sola attendant was an old family aer vant Ha watched for every motion from the wounded man, and moved to his aide at tha slightest change of expression. "What did the doctor say today T asked Randolph. "The doctor say ye all gohV to gitwell, .aah waa tha anawer. , "Braxton, you're the best friend and the worst liar -who's ever serv ed me," murmured. Randolph, faint y smiling. ? i.( . i . , ' " There waa a aeranlntr air whMfa outside. The si ok man turned alight ' ly. Hla eyes went to the window; then remained at tha doorknob. Aa . aha silently tried to enter the room reggy saw mat Randolph knew la advance of her presence, although he was too weak to make a eestura of wekooma. Manrarst" hla voice Issued ever so faintly, aa she took a place be side him and smooUuMl hi hair back, i r t "Ton oouldnt keep me away, darling," whispered Peggy. He nod ded hla head, aa Peggy dropped to her knees and put her arms pro teetingly about him. h i "Penhana." ha aald. salnin strength to speak, "if I hadn't been a foot all those years, thla wonder ful moment would never have been so perfect"' ' Peggy coum say nothing, but her hands gently caressed him, and she pulled back a wisp of hair that had slipped over his forehead. i Tve loved you, darling," he con tinued. "Onlv becanM of vou I have suffered an otherwise painful life. Now It's finished, but with a beau tiful ending . . you with me, at the end, to knev that I love you." Tenderly they kissed. Randolph tried to raise his head, so that he mignt wok airectiy into Feggya eyes. ; ;? f,: ; "Smile for me." he said. She tried her best "Wow please go." Know ing that it waa his wish, she obey ed. As she went through the door way it waa hard for her to keep control or nerseir, nut on John Ran dolph's pallied face was a smile of new and utter contentment. Peggy waa still unable to speak when she came up to Rowdy In the driveway outside. How la he?" ne asked anxiously. He's happy," saidjeeggy softly, "Vet cotUm't itip mi twaf, darling," ubhfertd i when she was at last able to frame the words. . , i . Out of the shrubbery, at one side. a shadowy figure emerged, Peggy gave a sharp gasp aa she was con- scious mat sne ana Koway were . not alone. Then she stared closely . at the man who stood thera ' It had been so manv years since - she had seen La Roy Sunderland . that she had completely banished. .. him from her thoughts. Her school Sri absorption in him and hla myJ o divinations , had gone as the' , wind. In fact, ever since the" terrible! ' night when he had stirred up tha U mob to advance on Franklin Inn! V and demand the surrender of Cred his very name had been half-legendary 'to her. !' : ',( ' v'.'-ii H Had she realized that he had bsen the medium to take from her the ; man she had always loved v.. but that was an incredibility that could ; not occur to her. . Randolph .had chosen to let ho detail of hla "ac cident" become nubile and Sunder- - land was fully aware of this. . "wnat are you dolnsr nereir asic- ed Rowdy, stepping up to him. eunaeriana aisresraraea tnu aues- 1 tion, and turned to face . Peggy. ,i , "You're a woman of means, Mrs., Secretary Baton," he said cunning ly. "I am poor. Surely yoiir reputa. uon in waemnston wm na wortn a trivial consideration." t';j , Rowdy, .with an exclamation of fury, seized him by the collar. As Peggy gave a startled cry the two i siruggiea, men xeu on tne roaaDea., . Bunderiand tore himself free. and. squirming to his feet whipped out a pistol, Rowdy,- seised hie "wrist, and when the weapon fell to the ground, retrieved it for; himself. j ' (.Sunderland had one last resource. He brought it knife from an Inner " pocket' and with, a sudden; ev-rge . rushed on the other. Perhaps it waa ' purely self-defense. , or perhaps something In Rowdy's aubconseioua mind told him tnat the man be fore him was a murderer by prior act At any rate,- he fired point blank, and Sunderland felU : . w-, ' Neighbors had already' been at tracted by the cries, and' with the t snot people came pouring from all. directions.. There waa Just time for one thing. .., , , : , Pulling Peggy to the carriage. Rowdy , gave a peremptory com mand to the negro driver. As .two constables came up, the vehicle sped ,. awa3r- r;j .-" '1 facing a torrent of gotaip ana a demand that tha -..-.It outlawed from Washington tooietii, Peggy plays her last ' drantu..ie rois t tAis story of . nineteenth, OMtrary love " i. xX . . , . ' era I Vhy I Ii!:e Hcrtf By MRS. ELMER BANKS - . ; ; Hertford, Routs Three , I like to go ta Hertford, ' it's not so very far; -Yon can sro there on a hike Or in a motor car. 1 When e'er I see the river And cross the water wide It brings to me contentment Whatever doth betide. ' I like to cross the bridge , And hear the motors spin. ( '. It is pretty as a picture, Just as you enter in. , ... - That old weeping willow, 1 With its branches swinging low, ? Is standing there to greet you As yon come and go., ' The stores are all remodeled, And are really up-to-date; -u, You always get quick service,' 1 ' Yon do not have to wait ., There are lots of nice things there Which: you sorely will want Just look them over And see if you don't. There are things for Mother, Dad and small Sister Sne, And one thing and another For little buddy, too. The people always greet you With smiles they never frown They're a pleasant lot of people In a friendly little town. I like to go to Hertford, The place is hard to beat. For a town of its size It is almost complete. SNOW HILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwritrht vi sited Mrs. Cartwririit's narents. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Mathews,in Old Neck. Mr. and Mrs. Georere Sure had sn their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Jars. rJddie Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Harrell. Maxine." RnnnlH. Jane and Leonard Harrell. I Mr. and Mrs. George Eure enter- A use more .a. Solitaires of exquisite beauty jQ, - with' wedding-rings to per VK i fectly match .-,.$10.00 np ?Wi ... 505 , . , . 5t ic:-.: 7 : i diamonds, very rsw a'l st- Ji t tractive -$123 up ' . - jsswvaa, . w n n ' ,. -4. ' t.'. 1 1 H, :?. :c. - a- a 1W ' . Bl -ir ' MT -WSBBSB , I AM :2 - U " ; '. "v".. , Ci 1 w&Jl sr. , gsa. ' jQji;'. . , jfi'.v J "(. '': irt A. complete selection bf na--, J ' . v 33 tionally known wrist watches t 1 1 w V .V, -t for iadies and men t$10.v0. up.t. J ft .V- w rw ,J J"t-- - 111 Beautiful and serviceable J" sets of silverware in r zny patterns 1 1-5 rj . l .. ... . . . ....... .... , ( x ' : t .J ' 1 .rs. and Urs. and lira. ore prcrint vra iZr, Henry C-rtwr.';' t, llr. CMoll . CirtwrL"-, Kr. Ralph Eirrell, pianche and Iude CartwrigU and Mrs. J. H. Harrell. Mr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell, Mrs. George Sure, Hfrs. J. H. Harrell and Mrs. George Gregory spent Friday in Norfolk shopping. ' ' y ' J. T. Wood was in Hertford shop ping Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood motor ed to Elizabeth City Thursday. ' ) " ; Elmer Wood, Wallace' Benton; Car son Jordan,' Marvin Benton and Ed ward Benton, attended the funeral of J. W. Jackson at New Hope Sunday,. Koscoe Smith, Benjamin Smith, at 1 1 t-: ? at their K; . oliday :vSpeci&Lj i GIF TS Any and Every GIRL Will Welcome I! Scarf Sets PRICED FROM 50c to - . 1 1 Mrs. Jake White SECOND FLOOR OF SIMON'S HERTFORD, N. C. COMPLETE selection of fine silverware . reliable diamonds . . . . nationally known watches'. . . and interesting pieces, for home . -, . will make your Christmas shopping i wonderful this year. -j :j" Men's Elgin , pocket' watches ' 'with chain ; and . knife to . match .1 J19.50 up I HiiV. J I i 1 I Mr f j,-;'Beautiful mantel blocks ,for t ; guarantee .oo ,up. . i Men's handsome signet' or ' . stone set rintrs in solid crold t and sterling silver $S,C9 up GAMPEN'S JEWilLEds , Edcntoii, N. C. attended the Hertford Ii:h Z2lz ,, neat rr.cm3 c y -Mrs. G. II. Win,:,. ' . Elizabeth City, mauj a i f 122.88 from her flock cf Leghorns hens during j October, reports Count;" . Falls. ; The feed cost fcr V , : was $74.05 and total recti: ' , ' ing eggs used at home, wo A flock of 232 birds, owned ty C, Ives of the- same community, i.z a net profit of $54.54 for the r,:c 1 says Falls. , ."i XiA : ,1 ,', ' , c .Small amounts of fruit jw'.y may be used for coloring icings. 1 1 &2 ,V . J ,:$noo. . .' ." 1 ' . . .' . r. . 1 . . 11 ,. i , Dinner rings of the latest de- ,. signs in platinum, white or ; 'yellow gold i$9.95 up '. ' s Parker pen sets for men pnd .... women.. National! k, l. 1 J, A fine present".. $1.' - i t. ,i (, J ,- ., " Handsome e boudoir f.ts Li terns , r Beautiful c' ' ware. Str A ftne efft . 'J 1 y if. L, .:?t : ; r A - . i t .S 1 v : 71 .i PATRONIZE OUR ADVH

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