k THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. ITFTRTFOM). V. C FRTTAY. TVRmr.v rttt?" PAGE SEVEN W SIS IX L Y , '. ."i. J ;; : E-ffD '$MjB&w& imyirsaBay7 peceinmliDeir 24 lAJlire Did Vao Finish You Friends Will V O Soon Be Asking There will be many Prize Winners in The Per quimans Weekly's big subscription campaign. Out of this array One will stand out pre-eminently and alone as being the winner of first honors. ONE candidate will have established a conspicu ous record of achievement that may be pointed to with pride long after the race is over and forgot ten. Four candidates will be the proud possessors of those splendid prizes, and as such will be her alded throughout the community as being the champions of the day. Get in the race with a shout, for you're 0 nthe home-stretch now and may the best candidate win! Quit Win First Grand Prize in Gash Per Cent Cash Commis- All Non-Prize Wmnerai. : ' ; rer jen don to Winnen Second Grand Prize in Gash OR $150 Electric or Oil Burning Refrigerator . On Display at J. C Blanchard & Company HERTFORD, N. C -Third. Grand Prize (lOOoOQ , 1 -V ' " - ... T tp I V .VJ1.11VJ. 11 '1JIVVU iv AHMUV On Display at M. Morgan, The Furniture Man . t ilEHTFORD, N. C.1 p " ' ' - V' - Fourth Grand Prize in Sash Per Cent Cash Commis at I I J son All i Non-Prize feJHj Winners. ; i Winners Quitters NOW IS THE TIME It's the Long Term Subscriptions That Make Your Votes Pile Up GO AFTER THEM TODAY! Today IT IS ANYBODY'S JIACE, and a mighty close and interesting race. A few sub scriptions right now would make a big shift in the list standings of the candidates. Go after the long term subscriptions they are the biggest in vote value, and RIGHT NOW is the time to get them.( Then there are "second subscriptions" to be had from friends who gave their subscriptions previously. There are plenty of subscriptions to be had, oodles of them, right in this community. Energetic candidates will GO AFTER THEM AND GET THEM. Keep in mind that a 5-year subscription will count 100,000 votes exclusive of the "club" vote. And .every $10 in subscriptions turned in gives you 100,000 EXTRA VOTES in addition to the regular vote. Turn in as many $10 clubs as you can these few days that's the kind of work that will anchor you in first place. Schedule of Votes and Subscription Prices : Your Favorite Win Ono of The Big Prices. ! Third Period December 14 to December 24 1 Year, $1.00 3,000 2 Years, $2.00 10,000 3 Years, $3.00 30,000 4 Years, $4.00 45,000 5 Years, $5.00 60,000 IKlQairiryS . -Muiwy.! EtoiryS CONSEST CLOSES Thursday, December 24th at 12 o'clock noon '.73' FEI; Evffl O 4 4 ' tt," A '.Al,v..vY.l-...!T. .JAfe.. 1... 1 , ' 1 1 f x llEUTFOKD, N. C. mwwii .."w wr 1 . 1 --aMWMaMBMaBaiatya,