1 , -)- 4 ;- t 1 IT TT" .- . ,- JVc iroe IV.Number lr TIS-ROYEPARKS " T iilS $300 PRIZE JBIG CONTEST Campaign of Perquim ans Weekly Comes to iSueeessful Close NEW READERS , Paper Enjoys Largest Circulation In Trade Territory Mrs. Roye Parks of Ryland was the winner of the $300- cash prize in ithe subscription campaign of the it Perquimans Weekly, with Mrs. Viola '- A. "Nnrkman of Hertford winner of v'. the' second prize of $100. Mrs. O. A. ChaDDell of Bemdere won tne ' - ' $50 award and' Mrs. Elmer Banks of "; Durante Neflk won the $25 award. V All other contestants received checks l dor twenty per cent of the amount I r they turned in on subscriptions. The contest closed promptly at is ; o'clock noon Thursday. By that hour : each contestant had placed their last Uturns flg bajlot.box'in the Per- ..quimans Weekly ofiice wnere tne tyotejS were counted, as soon as me ''hiAmn Mrs. Kmmett Elliott of Tv- f.iv ner,"jC. P. Morris, and R. M. Rid-iV- ' ttickf made their announcement of the I winners, checks were written and r awarded to the winners and commis , sion checks were given to the non it prize winners. . " Splendid work was done by the '! participants throughout the cam il oaien. " AJJ of them were wo- ,men who showed themselves capable effective. i The Perquimans Weekly has been 'wett advertised in the sections '.through which it desires to perma aently circulate. It has been popular- ized in hundreds of homes in wnicft ' it could not gain permanent entrance beforehand as a result of the cam paign tie paper now enjoys the fargest circulation ot any newspaper An th&mertford trade territory The Perauimans Weekly wishes to ""ir i4s"MJL the workers who enter- itsmign as well as all who Mcribed in order to make the con- a success, and extends to all a brdi&l invitation in make the office their headquarters when in Hertford, and to call on the management at it any time k can be of any service. Fiveferquimans Boys fc May Enroll In CCC .Five Pawufaians County boys may enroll Xit-Jpt. CCC camps early in -"tne Nw Year, three white and two foiWJ6d.;; It has been announced that there if:.Hllbe a OCC enrollment oinJanu 9; application for enrollment to Young men from the ages of eigh teen , to twenty-nine are eligible if . they otKSrwise meet the require ,;" .ments,;JTby must, however, come r from families which are either on re- .4si;;ir..w1iichr eligible for relief J A biy who t j been a member of a ;A 'j COCf camp must have been jlincharg- "4; :'; f f. year ago beforeha is again elt i:i;...V(,-.giou,ior, mt "S.V Those desi must get ridi Devenport, fin with ' J. '"J"""1 yuicer, SMnners ErUrtain At W Ancestral Home Ofct J. J. gUnner Liul Mm SH. I wihijivo in Washington, D. C, Sbttt: ho )pttd eojriforttbi tin ti f 1iL conntntJn'onie. "Cove GrcyeM fine oUf ancestral Jioma of fit. inner f amily? 'fa" Old - eclv'wo fo)fatXhoidw with' their .iUgfiteiv Miss ' laeigh Skinner. -; ? - The v hflr entertained a number 0JJ4 gueste daring &M&'tmMriri&r'r':W'i, wu Christmas thei son Joshua H. Skin- ' tiAr w-r vv mna aise , tneir son, kwul, ts, sum- .ner, iof-StateavUIe, and MrsSkin- V Other gue83-wW Judge Paul P. piuwa, "yho i ChairmRn of the Pa 4. tent Hoard, U, S. Patent Office, and nJ Mi.1. Pierce, of Washington D. C. i ' '.Amorg those who a m spending the ' JNew Year holiday with Dr. and ti'Mitf. Skiniicr are Dr. E. R," Collins, J 'a member of t" e fact Uy of the Ag tticjudrar .Coll 3 of the University ' v of North Carolina, ar d Mrs. Collina . F s M 4 -M iv I V, yoti can " tilery's hope. laugh. at yourself J wh-i - man geU to like a :, rT -.t, v- 's him th he needs i 'am , thr hair -i .yjnoney. rjf others can't is yraEKLY NEWSPAIER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OP HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY hertford, HERTFORD BOYS HURT IN WRECK Edison Harris Eorced to Remain In Bed Ten Weeks Due to Discola tion of Hip; In Cast Edison Harris will be confined to his bed for ten weeks, according to the physicians who rendered surgical aid to the injured youth, Louis Nach man, Jr., is rapidly recovering from his injuries, and it is believed that the cuts about the face of Dick Pay ne will be healed shprtly, all of which in the light of what happened, ap pears to be little short of a mir acle. The three boys were injured in an automobile accident when returning from Elizabeth City early Monday morning, where they had attended the ' midnight show. Louis Nach- man was at the wheel of his father's Plymouth sedan, which was in colli sion with a car driven by W. H. T. Smith, of Norfolk. In the Nachman car were also Beverly Blanchard and Jar&fcj Divers, James was unhurt. Beverly was also unhurt until after he had extricated himself from the wreck, when he suffered, a sprained ankle. He was, however, able to help his Injured companions. Kermit Kirby, also returning home from Elisabeth City, was the first to reach the scene and he immediately took the boys in his car and brought them to Hertford, where Dr. C. A. Daven port attended them. On Monday Edison Harris, who was the most seriously injured of the three, was taken to the .Albemarle Hospital. . H suffered ' a fracture dislocation of the hip. Surgeom from Duke Hospital and from Nor folk also have been in attendance upon young Harris and his hip is now in a cast.' ne wiu pe removed toJ his home? krali1 propahaitywith- ... . T7 ... ... ""J" w ""-i- It was at first feared. thAt Louis t-V-ET ,;,uu " vonuu . injury, v nowover, , nig conai- tlon is much improved. ; j: " . Dick Payne's face was1 jbadly cut when' he was thrown ' thorough the wind shields r All who viewed the twisted wreck of the ear wondered how any one es caped alive. ; ; AN APPRECIATION ) We' wish to thank leach.and every patron of Belvidere Post Office for the Bplendid -cooperation. -given us in the handling Of the f mails during the ChriBtmaar season, j ' The bulk of mail is Always in creased at this tine of the year, but this yeaf more pieces of mail were l"- "ed than ever before since we 1.. 3 been in the service. A prosperous New .Year to all of . . , .. ' " : i 1'! ' tit 4Pitiiifrmi V'aivwiNSLow, UIMAN Perquimans County, Morth Seekiner Home For 9-Year-Old OrphanJ Who will care for this little homeless child? There is in Per quimans, according to Miss Meta Dowling, child welfare officer, a little girl, nine years old, without mother, father or home. She is at present temporarily placed in a home which is already over-crowded and where she can only be kept for a short time. Any one who might be interest ed in taking care of this poor homeless orphan child should get in touch with Miss Dowling, or with Miss Ruth Davenport, wel fare officer. The child will not be placed in any home which is not approved by the Welfare Department. She has had few advantages and it is the earnest desire of those in charge of the matter that a home be found for her which is near a school and where she can attend Sunday School and church. Prizes Awarded For Burgess Club Scores Mrs. Walter Williams entertained the Wednesday afternoon Bridge Club and a number of other friends at her home near Burgess, Wednes day night The grand prise for high score for the year was awarded to Mrs. J. B. Basnight and the low prize for' the year went to Mrs. Nathan Mathews. The high score for the night was won by Mrs. Nathan Mathews, while the consolation went to Mrs. Tommie Mathews. Those present were. Mr. and Mrs J . itl n t... T 1 5t i vrwi" .iVT: BasnUrht, Mr. and Mrs. Tommie niauiews.Mr. ana mrs. waiter wu liams and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mat Matoewe.Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wil- hews. - " The hostess served fruit cake with conjealed fruit salad, topped with whipped cream. , - i i i MRS. CHARLIE WHITE HOSTESS TO FRIENDS AT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. - Charlie . White was a most charming hostess to a number of her friends at bridge- at her home near Burgess on Tuesday afternoon, v The high score . prize was awarded to Mrs. J. B. Basnight, while the con solation went to Miss Virginia Umph- lett. - . " - - ' , n ' . Those present a were Mrs. Walter Williams, Mrs. Fred Mathews, Mrs. J. B. Basnight and Miss Virginia Smith. A delicious course of hot cocoa with marshmallowS and wafers was served. 1 i " , Carolina, Friday, January 1, 1937. lVr A CSfVlVTO nnrk nVTarn AT T' IVlAbUJNk 1U IJNMALJJ OFFICERS TUESDAY Perquimans Lodge Has Met Regit-! larly In Lodge Room Provided 113 Years Ago ! The Perauimans Lodre of Masons. tne oldest secular organization in Perquimans, has held its weekly . Mrs- s- G- Scott of Elizabeth City, meetings regularly in the special' Mrs- A- lwidu' of Elizabeth City, lodge rooms constructed for its use Mrs- T"03' J- Nlxon- Jr- Mrs- Helene a hundred and thirteen years ago in : w- ewby, Mrs. R. H. Beamon, Mrs. the county coUrt house. j C" D- HanPer Mr- and Mrs- w- H- At the next regular meeting, which Weatherly of Elizabeth City, Mrs. will be held on Tuesday, January 5, ;T- L- -lessup, Mrs. J. R. Stokes, Mrs. the first meeting of the New Year, ' W- Oakey, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Nix installation services will be conduct- n. Mrs- H- c- stokes- Mrs- Rosser oH u,fcon tfco antv nff,or Bnnn, Mrs. Nathan Tucker, Mrs. ' ' will be formally installed. This is a very special meeting, refreshments will be served and there will be a general good time. There are several master Masons living temporarily in Perquimans at the present time, and all these are given a special invitation by the lodge to be present on this occasion. Thfl new nffirpm aw Wnrshinfnl I Master, A. L. Skinner; Senior War den, G. W. Jackson; Junior Warden, F. T. Johnson; Senior Deacon, G. C. Buck; Junior Deacon, E. S. Pierce; Senior Steward, John D. Hill; Junior ! Steward, J. H. Towe; Tyler, Hugh ; Copeland; Chaplin, D. J. Pritchard; Secretary, T. E. Raper, and Trea surer, J. S. Vick. Sunday School Class' Enjoys Party Monday A delightful party was given by the members of the Judson Memo rial Sunday fchool Class of the Hertford Baptist Church on Monday night. The affair was held in the Men's Bible. Class Room of the thurch, which was decorated with Christmas greens for the occasion. - i . , . . . - ri8 - '9" Johnson, the teacher of the class, had charge of the pro gram, which included readings, stor ies, games and contests in which all took part. ' -V Delicious hot,, chocolate, wafers and candy were .served. Those present included the follow ing a number being special guests: Rev. D. S. Dempsey and Mrs. Demp sey, Mrs. Sidney Broughton, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Smith, Mrs. T. E. Raper, Mrs. ThomasTilley, of Nor folk, Mrs. C. E". Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Towe, Mrs. W. E. White, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Layden, Mrs. D. M- Jackson, Mrs. Bill Boyee, Mrs. Charlie Elliott, Mrs. Josiah, Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wheeler, Misses Dorothy Hoffler, Lizzie Lee Hoffler, Katherihe Campen,. Edith White, Ed na Layden, Ellen Chappell, Margaret Jladre,; Benni . Wood,,; Essie ' Walker and Messrs Tom Cox Ind Jim Bass, S WEEKLY Slot Machines Ruled Out By JudgP Oakey Tea In Honor Golden Wedding Anniversary In honor of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Darden, of Hertford, which occurred on Wednesday, December 30, their daughter, Mrs. Henry O'Sullivan, of i Norfolk, jnd their two daugh- j ters-in-law; Mrs..? D. S. Darden and J Mrs. V. N. Darden, of Hertford, en tertained at a delightful tea on Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V. N. Darden. The rooms of the lower floor of the home were beautifully decorated with yellow roses and lighted by candles. The guests were received at the front door by Mrs. V. N. Darden. Mrs. OlSullivan received in the liv- ng room and introduced the guests to the receiving line composed of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Darden, the guests of honor. Mrs. D. S. Darden presided over the guests' book, in which all the callers registered. Mrs. T. B. Sumner and Mrs. R. M. Fowler poured tea. and those assist- ing m serving included Mrs. George Alexander and the three grand daughters of the honorees. Misses Nancy Coke, Elizabeth and Florence Darden. Mrs. Darden, who is a native of lina based on the statute and on the Hertford, was the former Miss Kssie Supreme Court's interpretation, un Stokes. Mr. Darden is a native of doubtedlv makes thpsn macliinps ..n- ! Virginia, but has lived in Hertford lor many years. The couple were, married fifty years ago at the girl hood home of the bride, the present i home of her brother, H. C. .Stokes, in ! Hertford. i Those who called included Mrs. R. i M. Fowler, Mrs. T. 15. Sumner, Mrs. G. W. Alexander of Chapanoke, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones of Suffolk, Mrs. J. L. Tayloe of Suffolk, Miss Mar garet C. Eakle of Suffolk, Miss Char lotte Jones of Suffolk, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. augntrey ot &unoiK, miss h-attie Whedbee, Mrs. Lizzie T. Cox, Mr. and Mrs' T- C. Chappell, Mrs. T. B. Walters, William W. Jones, Mrs. W. W. Stinemates of Elizabeth City, Mrs. C. P. Quincy of Chapanoke, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Towe of Chapanoke, Mrs. Jay Scott of Elizabeth City, !Mrs- CharlfcS I)ritt ot Elizabeth City, J. J. White, Sr. of Elizabeth City, ""l 1 nrl 11 nf r i- Charles Whedbee, Mrs. Randolph T. Clark, Mrs. J. P. Perry, Mrs. C. F. Sumner, Sr., Miss Mary Sumner, Miss Helen Gaither, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mc Nider, Mrs. T. A. Cox, Mrs. S. E. Nixon, Mrs. Tim Brinn, Mrs. T. T. Harrell, Mrs. H. C. Hofler, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, Mrs. Simon Ruten- j berg, Mrs. T. W. Wilson, Mrs. S. P. Jessup, Mrs. W. E. White, Mrs. Silas Whedbee, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Perry and Mrs. Lloyd Griffin of Edenton. , Tx . . . r Unemi tieiQ OUnaay For Harold Chappell, Holiday Casualty Occurring just over the Chowan I line, one casualty marred the joy of the holiday season in the community, when young Harold Chappell, 16, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Troy D. Chap pell, of the Chappells Hill neighbor hood, was fatally injured when a gun in the hands of a small brother, JahnSEdgar, was accidentally fired 'wlnle the boys were hunting on Sat urday. The boy was brought first to the office of Dr. I. A. Ward, in Hert ford, where he was given treatment before being carried to the Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth City, where he died within a. few hours after his leg was amputated. Funeral services were held on Sun day at the home, with the Rev. Mrs. Bertha Smith White officiating and burial took place in the family bury ing ground near Belvidere. Surviving are his parents, a twin brothel, Carrol, another "brother, John Edgar,, and one sister, Mrs. Louis Winslow. , WHEDBEES ATTEND FUNERAL' OF MRS.- WHEDBEE' S FATHER Mr. and Mrs,r Silas M -Whedbee went to Stoval on Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Whedbee's fath- er, W. L. Stoval, who died at his home there on Wednesday. $1.25 Per Year Jury Fails to Convict But Judge Says Ma chines Unlawful PAY COSTS Witnesses Demonstrate Contraptions Dur ing Trial It has appeared for the past few weeks as though the slot machines in Perquimans were, like Finegan's train, off agin, on agin, gone agin, particularly so when the jury in Re corder's Court on Tuesday brought in a verdict of not guilty after it had been instructed by Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., to render a verdict of guilty if they believed all of the evi dence. In spite of this, however, slot mac hines are definitely out in Perqui mans unless the General Assembly enacts lcRislation permitting their I operation. J After this matter had been settl ed in Recorder's Court on Tuesday, Judge Oakey made the following i statement from the bench. ! "The present law in North Caro- lawful. The same statute makes it unlawful to collect any tax on them. This jury has spoken. That they have chosen not to believe the evi dence in this case is reflected by their verdict. But so long as the law remains as it is, I am instruct ing the officers of this county to ar rest all who may in the future have these machines displayed for opera tion, and, further, to issue warrants against any who collect taxes from this type of machine, unless legal ad vice has been duly given him that the machines in question are lawful. If arrests are not promptly made and notice comes to this court, warrants will be issued from the bench. If the people do not want this law en forced, let them have the Legislature act." On December 15 Judge Oakey had instructed warrants to be issued for the owners and operators of slot .liarhines in Perquimans, the war rants returnable on the following j Tuesday. At this time, however, the defendants, represented by their counsel, J. B. McMullan, of Elizabeth City, requested a jury trial, which necessitated a continuance until Tues day of this week. Only one of the cases was actually tried on Tuesday, that against Mci gan Walker, Charlie Umphlett and Russell Box, the latter allegedly the owner of the machines which were operated in Walker's store and in the service station operated by Umphlett. There was no evidence, however, con necting Mr. Box with the ownership of the machines. County Solicitor Charles E. John son had charge of the prosecution. From a special venire of 24 men, whose names were drawn from the regular jury box, the following jury was selected: E. W. Mayes, J. D. Chappell, Thomas Newby, H. C. God frey, Kermit Kirby and Kermit Ben ton. The only evidence offered was that of the state, the witnesses includ ing officer M. G. Owens, who made the arrests, and who testified that he took the machines from the res pective places of business, and also testified that he had played the machines. C. C. Banks was the only witness in addition to Mr. Owens. He testified that he had played the machines and had also watched others play. Both men testified that there was, so far as they could learn, no way of predicting the .outcome when a nickel was dropped into the machine. Both men t&tified thakthe machines paid off tickets or checks which were redeemed in cash. Both machines, which were intro duced in evidence, were connected up with electricity and Mr. Banks wtis furnished nickels with which to de monstrate to the jury how the mach ine was played. Both Mr. Johnson and Mr. Mc Mullan addressed the jury very brief ly after the evidence was all in, and Judge Oakey charged them that they were to return a verdict of guilty as to Walker and Umphlett and not guil ty' as to Box "if they believed the evi dence. The verdict as returned by the jury however, was that all three defen dants were not guilty. When the second case came to trial, in which Hudson Butler, Fred Morris and Raymond Bosoms.?.,; ran-e defendants, counsel iotf (Continued on tV -V.1 4 1 i i TTk J- - X J ' f X 'C-Hr' 0;V 'N

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