"5.-T. c, r j1 1, r7 V I - t r i r i TT'X "1 - re suc i .3 every- e to the thoda for aa- "v "I my holi!.-y t 1 erj or will Jt f:i i thirjT Science has c . vue y ;th some new r -urin cake success of coarse, ' -there .are also the food old tricks. wemema Taylor tells all in McCall's . - . .. -lor-Ltocember: -V Jetor8 Tu besrJ"- baking, . ime.paM aion -smakingf trick tJ;' i r , '. 4ong .ago during ' atudy on oven coo, , - 5 -State Collese. It's v 1 ;; -out lighter , if ,they pans to coot : Cakes should be cake -rht not search rowa ,ilng' lat mam xunea mnnues oetore Doing re- . , -moved tron thei pans. Angel foods ,!- -nd sponge cakes should be (Inverted : , -on a cake rack and allowed to stand - until they are cold before being re- , ,' . moved from the pan. r - ' ' , , "Two more reminders on cake tech ' nique: For the greatest volume and ' the best texture; have all your ingre : dients at room temperature. And be 'certata that your measurements are standard and levd, your Qsur thor oughly sifted before it' measured. " Quick Oraage Cake 1-2 cup melted batter . 1 cup sugar 8 j Jri cuj orange Juice ; 2 toss flour t i.iw4 teaspoons Muting powder v ft, : 1-4 tessjwea ' salt ' , : ' ; Jt Rind off 2 oranges ' ' i, , i $i 3 tUMespoons sugar "dd hot butter to j cup sugar. Add welMbeaten eggs and orange juice. Add sifted dry ingredients. Pour into- greased i.in. x in. x 2 in. pan. Grate orange rind; nix with 3 tablet spoons sugar. Sprinkle on cake. Bake in moderate oven (350 deg. F.) 60 minutes. . Feather THiite Cake 3 cups cake flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1-2 teaspoon salt shortening iupa sugar vanilla 4 emr whites Sift flour, baking powder and salt together 8 times. Cream together shortening and sugar until fluffy. sifted dry ingredients alternate withmilk. Add vanilla. ' Fold in 3y beaten egg whites. Pour into 9-inch layer cake pans. in moderate oven (875 deg. F.) 88 -minutes. . Chocolate Ghristam Cake cup shortening 1 1-4 cups sugar S egg ' -j 4 jounces unsweetened chocolate 1 t-4 cups flour , . Pew grains salt uk i 'on. soda vanilla vwoaflt Mortening, add sugar gradu Wlly, and cream together until fluffy. Add well-beaten eggs. Melt choco late and add. Add salt to flour. Sift Fascinating Neu GameCottleHorszcs of SectLn 173 (a) of the Consoli dated Statutes . of North Crro'ina, same being Chtr ter 404, ecl:nn 2, Public Laws of e.a C: ale of . North Carolina,, session fce Ecati of Education ' of 1 rcrilnars f County, North Carolina, v.:l, Ion Satoxday. January 9, at 12 o'clock)"., o.Ter for sale to the biggest bidder lor casn tne following described property:" , s t The Woodville school building and site (furniture excepted). , , . The Belyidexe school site. ' ' The old , Wyanoke ' colored school building and site. k - ,T - Dated and posted this 18th day of December 1936. - s - r,', r Mj, f.t; JOHNSONv v -. Superintendent of Education. decl86 janl v, -. ' , C VVTIUS HORSESHOES Altboofh the eanasag seasea te practically mnr, fralt Jar rubbers may still play an Impartas role la the heuse eld, as. they can be used te play the exciting gsme et fBettk Uene-ato- Tbe pmoa who flrat pitches 21 Jar rubber ever the neck f ft gfarenle, wine or beer battle wlnt the game,.f: - Add soda and vanilla to mOk. , Add flour and milk mixtures alternately to batter. Pour into 2 greased 9 inch square layer cake pans. Bake in moderate oven (875 deg. F.) 80 mhv utes... - t': , Frosted Sptdes 1 1-2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1-4 teaspoon salt v 3-4 cup sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon v l teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon allspice 1-2 teaspoon cloves 6 tablespoons shortening 1-2 cup milk . 2 egga ' Sift flour, baking .-powder, salt, sugar, and spices together 8 times. Add melted shortening, milk and well beaten eggs. Beat vigorously 1 minute. Drop into well greased muf fin pans. Bake in hot oven (400 deg. F.) 20 minutes. Top with swirls of boiled frosting. Makes about 1 dozen spices. ... THIS WEEK'S RECIPE Beginning This Week On Page Six l V r I l ' 1. V V ,.55 ri siisiysav .mm ' By request we are printing again this recipe for oatmeal cookies;, One Herald reader said her recipe was borrowed to often that she has had to memorize K. OATMEAL COOKIES ' "cups1rten 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1-3 cup milk ; Vt cup rolled oats V cup chopped nuts fcO H dcwi vent . luaxtl., ' 9 itfln the endiantinfl star el. 7kDkAn9cranJ'TlwM Three wfl weave fcer atagk, spel over yoe...wltli the smsI ' BelafiMt aaa SMillaAjl fU ' efW elAe tnsysreatttorietofoartkaei 1 si- iy " -'v . . BRIAN; AHERNE 1 1 iSiipKAiEMOltlJy .'HCNSf STEPHENSON 1 1 S;WpAVipNJVtN JM6MI COVAN., ; IHmw lrVfcftH v tn4 msW;- cup raisins (chopped) 1 cupeT flour ! ! ' teaspoon sods, Mt teaspoon salt teaspoon each Cinnamon, Nat meg and Ginger. : Cream shortening well, add sugar gradually and continue to cream. Add well-beaten egg, milk, rolled oats, raisins and nuts.. Add flour silt ed with soda, salt and apices. Drop in small amounts on greased cookie sheet and bake in moderate oven. Classified - :;, " 4 r -r.ii -! . - Legals FOR SALE 1928 CHEVROLET Coach. Will sell cheap. W. M. Harrell, Jr., Route 1, Hertford, N. C. .. .;; ' It LOST WHITE GOLD WALTHAM wrist watch. Liberal reward if re . -turned to Darden Bros, Hertford, N; C; It FOR SALE DELCO PLANT ANjD ; Radio. . In fine condition. ;. Will sell i reasonable. L. J. Wmslow, Belvi- dere,2i. C It NOTICE 0F ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as - Administra tor" of the estate of ;,GeorgeW. Felton' deceased, late : of Perqui mans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit ' them, to the undersigned at 408 York - Street Elizabeth City, N. C, on or before the 15 day of December, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar .of their recovery. ? All persons ; indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate, payment.- - -. This 15 day of December, 1936. W P. FELTON, Administrator of George W. Felton. Dec.l825Jan.l,8,16,22 North Carolina, Perquimans County. Under the authority and by virtue NOTICE OF ADMINISfrRAOlON A. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Seaton Bryant, de ceased,: late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford on or before the 28th day of Novem ber 1937 or this nonce will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons 'Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment ; Thia 28th day of November 1936, t , ' ' - LAURA OVERTON Administrator , of Seaton' Bryant dee. 4,-11, 18,'25'Jaa4, . fc'A&'S; sd. i I L. E. Peirs I .1 - and Goil.Vy m, on tjie eai ly Jits. JIary T Jts, W. W. Sr"ncer, and II. C. (.- y, on the north by IL C. Godfrey la.e leading to Gtanton farm, on the west by Woodville road and containing about 49 acres tetJH-- hn mum nr Im , - T t T ' This the 21st day'of' December, 1938. KKt B. PERItY, i -, " '",?,-,-, ,k -. Mortgagee. . By' Chas. E. Johnson, Atty. , DecSan.13,15. , , . . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havintr. Qualified as Admh.L.rators TfTbe estate or' Laura Layisn, de ceased, late of Perquimans Count- Worth Carolina, this is to notify t . persons having, claims - against t' estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 2, Hertford, N. C, on or before, the 21st day otP notice wm b recovery. 'A, said estate dlate payment t - i n . $ ' r'A: . . : Admlstrator c: I"c p, jan 1, 8, 1 Nomr.ri: t ?. By virtue of the 1 ed in that certain i cuted n the C. lS20,iby Samuel AsV Norman, Trustee, and the office of the Regie! 'or Perquimans County, II. ""Hik 13, default havii: z ' t 9 c-iitions of sJJ v-- Jd t: . : 7, f-..- j Z2z, 3 o'c' iioon, a the c uO( x' of rfcr--:,-.&r.8 .Cot offer for sale t public 1 the highest bidor 1trji:' ; , i-,THnqr described property: I """brquimans Cour ' . f as follows. Ec NOnOB OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Aommistratrix of the estate of Charlie Ltttlejohn, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons) having . claims against the estate of . said deceased to exhibit them to the . undersigned ,at . Winfalt, N. C an or before the 23rd day of November, 1987, or this notice will be pleaded in bar. of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 23rd day of -November, 1936. ; , REBECCA LITTLEJOHN '-. Adminintratrix of Charlie Uttlelohn. nov. 27 dee 4,-11, 18, 25 jan 1 . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Thomas M. Farmer, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all person having claims ' against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C? on or before the 28th day of Nov ember 1987 or this1 notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate wdll please make immediate payment. ' -This . 28th day of November 1936. s : RAYMOND L. FARMER, Administrator of Thomas M. Farmer Dec4,lU8&VJan.l, . ; Is rf v NOTICE OF SALE .? By virtue of the t authority con ferred upon the undersigned. Mort gagee by'a certain - Mortgage Deed executed . y t4ns sawyer, ..dated December 20th, .1916, which mort gage deed is recorded in Book No. 11, page 169, bfllce-. -of Register of Deeds': Perquimans J County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of note Becured by said mortgage deed, and at the re quest of the holder of the note, I will on Saturday, 1 January 23rd, 1937, at 12:00 o'clock, M, at the courthouse door!': in Hertford, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder , for: cash, the follow ing : described.: tract of land, viz.: Lying and being in New Hope Town ship, Perquimans County, N. C, and bounded as follows; All of the tract of land lying on the east side ? of Woodville road this day deeded to tne by L. B. Perry and wife, SalUe L. Perry, and being ,a part - of the Steeley farm and tboundet on the .This 21st day. of November, ' MAGGIE LAYDEN, EMMA YAYDEN, Administrators of Laura Layden. ' 1 . , nov27dec4,ll,185janl ck Road at "TrT nd - running 4! ', 1936. road.sTsi W to a lightwoo N, , I thence N 27 E along a chot 1 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of J. W Jackson, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina,' this is to notify au persons having chdms against the estate of said ' deceased to exhmit them to the undersigned at Durants Neck,'N. v on or before the 17th day of December, 1937, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment; -k -This 17th day of December, 1936. v MRS. GRACE H. JACKSON, - Administratrix of J. W J Jackson Dec 25 jan 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 : NOTICE OF J5ALE By virtue of the authority contain ed in that certain deed of trust exe cuted on the 7th day of November, 1931, by Janie Elliott to W. H. Hard- castle, Trustee, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Perquimans County, N G, in M. D. Book 17, page 554, default having been, made in the conditions of said deed of trust the undersigned trus tee will, on Saturday, January 23rd, 1937, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, rat the court ; house door ; of Perquimans County, N. C, offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described proper ty: Lying and being in the Town of Hertford, .Perquimans County, N. C, and bounded on the, south by Penn sylvania Avenue, west by W. H. Cannon lot' north by ' Tucker " and Picard heirs lot east y lot of Major and. Loomis Company. For further reference see deed from R. T. Layden to Norman Elliott and deed from Norman Elliott to Janie Elliott et als m Registry of Perquimans County, N. C, in Book 17, pages 211 and 554 respectively.. j . - A - ' Dated and posted "thhTzW day of December, 1936. ' : V- . , W. H. HARDCASTLE, ' . - , Trustee, - By Chas. E. Johnson, Atty. Dec25,Jan.l,8,15. ' , ,, V . - NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ' Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mary E. Elliott deceased,- late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of - said deceased - to exhibit them to the undersigned at her home, Hertford,. N.: C; RFD 2, on or before the ri5th day of Decemper, 137, or this notice will be, pleaded to bar of their xecovery.-All persons indebted alone a chor to the Miama Rogenon land. ; an easterly course along this . chains to the R. 5. White line; a outherly course along the 4 R. S. White and Samuel As" the Popular Neck Road, the r' beginning, containing - 80 ac: . being same land this day J front said White, Tucker, Brin Brinn. ' , t - . Dated and posted his 21st day 1 December, 1986. CHAS. JOHNSON, AdrnV of L. W. Norman, Tru By Chas. . Johnson. Atty. DecJaaJAlffy 1 ; , , . OX OUR Horses & Mi;!: SATISFYr Our Terms 'A Easy, to Mc Plenty on Han4 t 1. Ri Bigh Ri - MUST SATISFY OI , f j BELONG TO . . . The Best Horse Up'J la the Albemarle Sec,' IXharge.'rr'' .We--delayer anywhere , 1 V trade for anything worth h$4vk J. C. Blanchard &C ; ' "Blanchard's" Since 1832 f, HERTFORD, N, C, f . 11 ' 1 ' 1 !' . 111' ' ' " 111 J ,.-' 1 l l r. ' 1 ' ft. I ' l . 4 1 sr I Mr. Business Man- inventory 1 ime i CHECK THIS LIST For yourPrjntirti Needs Letterhe&ds Envelopes; Statements Billheads. Blotters I;, Grccldrsr' Be Pcct Cards Pesters v Order Blanks Shippins: Ta.'rs - Fi Cards Vi;::.3.7 Cards Bank (3:ec!is Tickets Z- " ' Shipping Labels CircuIJT Letters 4UU.W JL 1-A M.m.m. .. :qj get , Pri stal ord' . ncc : qtui: j V ,mit . ter, tyr: 'dc iC 'tinie. when fvoumview-ihe did anaT or the new, ,gtve a wuht to your eeds,-. . Perhans vonr Runnlv of hts, billheads, stationary, checks" or ims is running low. ; . whatever you he printing lino f or4937 let The Per 1 Weekly servo youV Vyi ; 1 ; - ur rpproval a new letterhead, b! trrm or whatever you need that i Ml vitii ' r "3 , ITOand star; ' rly cf printc 1 , )? -ej li 1 . . w J '4,W a .. A .".i." . ef '