"'I M 'C..'T "?W. ;r 3 i , ww. B. Troy Ferguson, District Super-1 visor of Farm Agents, of Raleigh,! -' and W. H. Overman, Assistant Co- .omty Agent of Bertie County, were I iin Hertford on business on WedneSrl .. - i-Miss Anne. Miller has returned to 'Iher home in Elizabeth City after a 'ncintt t"-llIsai Vtt WAwhnM 1. ' ' - '" Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Parriah andb ' JJir. and Mrs. John Lane were recent; guests pf Mr. and Mrs. L. E. White; I v -bead at their home near 'Suffolk,) -" Carl Copeland, of Washington, D. .V was a recent gut of bit pa; rema, -jair. ana, aim 1 J uopeiana, I S'-in Hertford., miss wnon entertains tilliss Sallie B. Wood of Route. 3 : (ntertained at her, home on Friday mght hr honor of her week-end guest, Miss Maude' E KeatoV of Bethel. Jhteresting games were played, after ; iwmcn ,a auger puning was njoyea :jy Hie young ; peopie. jtiome znaae jeandies and. fruit was served by, the Al Those enjoying Miss Wood's hosp. ' fftlity were: 'Hisses MaudVE. Kea ton of Bethel, Annie Hae Mathews, ' 'tCatherine Harlell,. Laura YBeJl Cart "wright, Blanche Cartwrhiht, Eunice Barrell, Lucille Cartwright, Beatrice ftBenton, Stella Mae Benton, Ida Per "ry Mathews, Elisabeth Caddy,. Hazel Mae (Smith, Sallie B. Wood,-. Louis Tonnaa Chappell, Jake Jackson, .We jnoay .Bundy, Reubon Sawyer, Marvin r-Ownley, Steward -White, Vernon Bar-ii-isD, Mathew Smithy en jamln" Smith, . , John Elmer Wood, George-Wilbur Wood, Mr. and Mrs." Aghby :vJordan, ' Mrs. George Jordan, MrtJttarvin ;Benton,Mrs. Carson Jord&n jind Mrs. v: Elmer-Woo4 and MirLelgaTSkvnner, YEOPIM STATION T' v v Charlie Smith; ' spent the. week-end, "with his parents, Mr." andMrA G. W. Smith lt - , v ' Mr. and Mrs. ;.Wilson-iHollowell 4 pent Sunday evening -wit&- her pa rents in Edenton.'-' 4V , ' : Mr. and Mrs Singhtcnr Lane and eon, and Mr. and Mnr. 'Mafhew DaiJ - spent Sunday afternoon .with Mr. fend -i (Mrs. Archie Stalling? at BsJftahack." ' ' i Tom Mansfield tit oVf;,the sick; list Mr. and MrSv1 A.- X ,Thachi-spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.ttbd Mrs. Sidney Lang! and family oik Edenton road. v- : - Mrs. T. E "Mansfield and children j . , spent Sunday afternoon . with Mrs. :- WiU Parmer of Bethel. - , Mr. Vend ' Mrs. James Thachafid " Louise "spent 'Thusrday- with Iher ' . mother, Mrs., te fl, Harrell of JBalla- " hack. - " i . '-- , t Those , Visiting at .the home' of .Jar -. and Mrs. M.::Ei1Dail Sunday were: Mr. and 'Mrsy Joe Dail of Center. HHl, v: ; Winmon' Evans 'and children, CfMiss Louise Thach, Mr; and" Mrs.' Seth - Long nd family! ahd Mr. fcnd Wrsr Harry Thach and daughter..-''; Misses Elizabeth, Helen and Casale Goodwin "have reutrned some V after spending the Christmas holidays with f relatives at Chapahoke. Mrs. Miller Hostess Atv v Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. Effie Miller was a charming hostess on Friday night at bet home near Wlnfall, when she entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Xenneth Miller.' Games and contests were enjoyed,' those winning' prises being. Miss Vir ginia Umphlett and Miss MaryXoulse CheppelU The prizes were ver gra ciously presented to the - honoree, ' Delicious Ice cream and cake were ervedV -ThoeV present, included Mr. and, "Mrs.' Charlie thnphlett; Mr. and Mri Tom Madre. ' Mr. nd Mrs. Geo rge Booths, Mr. and Mrs. "Ephrojni Twine Mr. an4 Mrs.' George Roach, Mr, and Mrs,,LR. Jennings, Mr. and Mks. Will Pearce: Mr, and Mrs Ker nit Perry, Mr, ant Mrs. Cliftonf Mor gan, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mbrgan, Mr. and Mrs.' Junior Miller, Mr. and Mrs.;CHiver - Winslow, Mr. and Mrs Bill Bagley, Mr; and Mrs. Kenneth Miller, Mesdames X P'Roaca, J.: A. Unappell, K. M. Duncan, T. C Perry, Ernest Stallings, , Claude Winslow, r Crowder Hollowell, Mamie; Jtfiller, ..Effie Miller, E. N, Miller, Misses Mary E. White, Mary li. Chappell, .f jiatner ana Katherine ' Perry; Marion Sawyer, Virginia Vmphlett Louise Morgan, Julia' M' Chappell, Mamie Stallings, Doris Miller, and Ervin Terry Lawrence Perry, Benton White1 and Raleigh .Miller, Howard Hurdle, Thomas Morgan, Ernest E. Morgan, Clarence. Thomas Madre, Thomas Ed ward Umphlett,and Bobby Twlne Miissionary Society v t : , Of Oak Grove Meets ., :The Wowans Missionar Society of 'y Oak; Grove Church, met' at the home v at Mrs.. W. W. Lewis. - -. i f . The meeting was opened by sing : ' in?, "Come Thou Almighty King." ; Te scripture ' lesson - was - taken ' i i the 15th chapter of St Luke, L.. Lewis having charge of the & vt'jnal. I"3S K;!Jied Lewis gave the lait 4 jk. t Calamity Jane- and "Wild singing,-(1Th Judgemenf Dayiis Coming." i , - 1 " s-HefreshemnU ' were served and a social hdur enjoyed. The society wui meet -with' Mrs. Daisy Perry in Feb ruary. r s , n ' Those present 'were;,- Mrs.' Addie Bright, Mrs. W. Lewia. Mli. Tal- mage Lewis, Mrs." W. ' H. Overman. Mrs. Dajsy Perry, Mrs. J. W. FerreB, Mrs. John Acbell.'and Misses Gfacie and MatUe Ferrell, Hazel Bright and Mildred Lewis.'' r r m ; u-, Your-r Folks. Enjoy r NewYears Party Mm D. S. Dai4en charmingly m- tertained a -number of the young friends ot her daughter, Miss Nancy Coke Darden,-.on New Year's Eve. Theyoung people danced, and play ed merry games ajid;'j welcomed the New Year-with aff elaborate display of fireworkV,"f&r which the hostess served-sandwichesi cand and fruit punch'. ' , i "Those present',' included Misses Margaret Brdttghton, Maywood Pierce, Florence Parden, Nita New bori anther guests, Anne Miller, of Elisabeth ,Cilj nd Boy Selby, Jr., of Trenton,' K. J, and Bill Cox, Watt Wlnslow, ' Zacfc Harris : and Darius - - iT " - .,v PROCTOR WARD ; Miss A'ddi Mas 'Ward and' Josiah Proctor were jnarriid. in, Hertford at the f-Jlaptist f 1 Parsonage - Thursday afternoon, December, 31, by the Rev. D.-S. Dempsey. ? The .bride was beautifully attired, in. a navyWue suijt wUh-matching accessories? Her flowers s were 'ashoulder , corsage of whjte' gardenias.' s d ' y . s Mrs. 1 proctor . is' theV eldest daugh ter f Mrf and Mrs, ,0. H.; Ward' of Bethel. . i ; " . ' Mr". Proctor is the son- of Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Proctor-iof near Hertford. The couple - left immediately after the ceremony .-for a short "wedding bap to Norfolk, Jamestown;and-bther places,, after ,which they. Will , make their home in the Bethel commuiity. M. E. CrcIi Launches : Thz C:-.op's Crusade The Methodist. Episcopal Church, South, Is launcl.;..xtiow .-a two year enterprise of - Missionary1 and spirit ual nature, the Bishops' .Crusadel This k divided Into two sections, the first? with primary ."stress upon mis sions; the, second with, emphasis up on spiritual hie."-- ;ir 193? The 'Mis sionary Forward" Movement will cul minate-on April 23-25 .in a church wide celebration of the 89th anniver sary of the beginning of the foreign missionary "work of the... Methodist Church. In 1938 ia Alders gale Commemoration . will seaftlrm-. the Methodist, principle 'of religious ex perience.. It will culminate , at 8;45 P. M, May 24,' 1938," in a world-wide celebration of the 200th" anniversary of John Wesley's experience in Al- dergat Street,, of which hS said, felt my heart strangely '-, warmed,' and 'which " marks : the- beginning of the Methodist Church, f 'V 4l The Crusade comes to Goldsboro January -14. ; The speakers that .day will be Bishop" Arthur J. Moore, Biflhoo A. Frank Smith. Btehoo Jno. M. Moore, Bishop Caesar Dacorao, of Brazil, Mrs. J. W. Downs, r and pr. IL P, Meyers. . Morning, afternoon nnd vpfilnfl' raervicea will he j held, It is hoped that man from" this sec tion will be able to attend this meet- Oub At Snow Iim , - . v Elects New Oncers The regular meeting of the ' Snow Hill club was held '' Tuesday . after noon, January 2nd, 'at, the tome of Mrs.- M.: D Xhappell,. fAfter,t 'a dis cussion of plans for 'club- work in uie louowuig new t elected: Miss Laura dcxt; Krs. ' It. C. Cc pr: ::nt; Kn. Lloyi C k" ry ' -2.- rj r : -1 v;re j, rr -, . c the persons of Jean Arthur and Gary Coeper, in Ocif Bi DeeajHe'e y Jrf(tng panenraia of the penimg of, tktr West, rxe Plainsman," v ' - which will be ahowa Saturday only at Hertford'n f theatre, The ? M- EU" Hickok ceate back to life, i-; niBhlngs; Mrs. I.' D. Chappell, foods; Mrst T. -F. Moi V clothing: Mrs, i. R.. Dall, ' home .autiflaatioBt Mrs. R. B, Chappell, borne gardens; Mrs. L L. Chappell, Jfiome poultry; "Mrs. CI C; Chappell, parent educationpand Mra M. T. Lane, recreation, " ;v During the Soda hour the hostess served' a delicious sweet course. 7 ' Mrs. M-.T. Une invited3 the 'dub to meet with hi Tehruary 2nd ly ) S. S., Convention Aty- 1 r Macedonia . Sunday ' The Chov J' SimdaV' School 'Con vention wilT meet at Macedonia Bap tist1, Church- Chowan Coimty Sun day aftenvBon--'-at o 2:80 o'clock. A very interesting program has .been arranged,, which, includes among , he speakers Dr. Bernard Spillman. A large attendance from Perquim ans County requested. ; m. . f,-r''."'s.yvv,l f 'u&.. Church papier Reveals Perquimans History The f olftnvinir aaner. nrecared by MrsC;.W. tJriffin and Mrs. Mattie Bobbins, of Durants Neck, and . read at a fan Meeting of the Missionary Sooietybeld atOak Grove Methodist Church some-months ago; when a brief history of each M. E. Church in r-erquuiNUis wWr rt"- " terest to those who re interested in the early history of . Perquimans.; Upon investigation ;we learn., mat Major . Samuel Swan, who came ..to. this- county . from Virginia, was lh- strumentaLih building, npon he? pro- sent site of -Nex Hope Church , in Perquimans County a house of won- ship which was calIedv!"Nags?. rlead Chapel''. , This waft t;, an Episcopal Church. It was built of logs and . was not 'completed until after the . death of Major Swan, sometime between 1704 and 1707. ir-- As late as 1765 this chapel was in tact and was used as a house of wor ship."1 From the county seconds, we learn that in 1809 W deed for two acres of land with aoueer and all other, appurtenances ; conveyed this Nags Head Chapel to -John RusselL George Sdtton, Joseph (Button, 'Henry Baper and Samuel whedbee, trus tees, for the use of e ministers and members of the . M. E. Church, for. a cbneideation of tea dollars. This deed was given: by . John Sutton and wife, Martha Sutton and. was not rc eorded, tiptij J815. 1 - j , On October 15, 1834. James Miller and hjs .wife, Elixabethi-for the sum of thirty, dollars, sold an advUtional tract of J&2 acres to- ather trostees for the -sole and exclusive use of the mfoiBtorsjand members of thev M, E. Church. The names of these trustees are given, in the deed i J r A frame structure replaced' ghe log building and changes Jbve been'inade from tune to time since. . New Hope lnurch,-formerly apart of the Pas quotank, charge - and the ,. .Virginia Conference, was added to-' the North Carolina (eonierence about the year ' f j ' v -r ,Two, possibly tree, mink have gone 6u fronv this, churOi, I. r,. Vfsl wr,iiifM milt ,w, 4- i-v l iv..i. and possibly BeV. T. McN. fijipeon. George ;DaiUAttr- I'.T Highway Patrol .Corporal George vw is in attendance t:s w:.x at a meeting of State law j enfjrceir.-nt onicers neid under the auspice j of t..e Institute of Government at Chapel Hill. He left Monday , ari , 'the "school" is expected to run t n tiayv During his absence patrol v k here will be in charge- of Hie;1 -ay Patrol- tnan Lane, ef Elizabeth Cit. . . BiBTH-announct::- .T . Born to Mr. and Mrs. T,7. I . I'-.e at their home near Her; r tn Wed nesday,;December, 23, n, John Arnold. I1 ' j - ecu; In Recorder's Court-: on Monday Linwood Ivey, formerly of -New Hope Township, who dsserted his" wife; and three children twelve years ago, was convicted of abandonment and non- support and was placed under a five- hundred-dollar bond .to secure the payment to hia wife'- for the next five years t of twenty dollars'; per month." - yM v ! .V James Adams, covered, was senten ced, to the road for twelve months upon, conviction ' of assault with - a deadly "weapon sentence to be sew-pe-M. upaBfpayment: ef tUScosSs. and a fifty dollar fine, and upett his non appearance in the Two. of Eert ford jtor twelve mohthst . ' - Quintan Stallings, substiaute' driv er of .a school bus, chargedliWitni tfrj mg with ' insufficient : . braSjrc wa found guilty but judgment was de ferred in the ease because of Judge Oakey's expressed, relcctance to place relUme on the boy when, ha knew t the MsponsOfility for the Casubtej wmt wiu oiners. 4 - ;', .The' case against' T. &. McMaUan. Jn, ef Elisabeth City, chaired with larcany, was-coptlhued unU Janu ary 18, as there, will be no Keewd- er's Court next week because of Sua- erioa- Court being in session. xuw.wu, ituv wM, aijHuya as a salnaa for the Hollowell Chevro let Xaipany, .is 'charged 'wltktthe larceay of a truck owned, by thauConv pany. He was arrested on Monday niht in Ellcftbeth pity 'and braught to tiie Perquimans "JaiL . He was re- ie ..however, on. Tuesday, under, :TNew.State Theatre r Opens TodayJ (Continued from "JPage Que) town a citified' appearance "' - N' uhe theatre has sound proof boards hi two - panels on each side of the auditorium and the balcony , to insure the 'best sound obtainable. The booth is equipped with the latest type super simplex projector ---The screen is the famous Whlta' "Sound Screen and measures 14 .by 9 Stmt; u William H. Bartiett of Elizabeth CitJ) -. the , contractor, has completed one of hia typically constructed build ings in .The , state. eatie Cbngratuliutions to :u:m T:lpepr ; i :';1 Oh the Otoeninsr - I STATE. I? Hertford's i ' - ' . , Th,eatre. v. urrvoua. AtJLU, on ai JB t'4 eeeeeseeeeeee f - 5if?mmafeca6- to f iV' 'P-1 .f.?"-rf0a.thi'0ppiiihg of the New,.;' r i - ' - v - V .We Are J -,;.;-.. -r.,; -i :i .For ThnlT -j-dmg I' i,vt." ' ' ' - . v " srw'j js-i-j J,, V. ; . - wishing' - -zlimcczzz r,v,-,J.,,,.-. C - -"fur, r : ; i. . ' Born to llr. at their home r. , day, December Lai Mrs.' J. W. Jackson &..J I.-s. M M.. Spfvey, of New Hope, were In Hertford on Monday. i . tPut a Tc Cor Abotmr Tit popular 4V IF CETTlNGr More work done it not mo: y in i - . "PPeaJat to you. take a Cam ns put 4 JWcormicK-xjeecg rarmall ou. your faro. It ia X - the ideal powefr r !-at with wh?-lr tn f-im. Y . ., i ' ft powerthrot! drawbar, J . The. ta, rlanta 7-foo -power-drwre FarmaU mower' attached: also rakes, furtowa,pulla aflwed-bed iuu uiu win asrraung Dticnuet. ,, - : ,,,.fr iou can see ue farm all on our floor. Inspecf it t features, with tti'aod find oajt 'Jwnr itr& posBible and practical to,faro1withont horses when the FarjneJI is on the job. -"1 ; l s- ;:s. . - tflthnttMcCORMWK-DVEmtiG Bynim,Brbs.f Hhravaro "Everything In Hardware and Supples 3' aaaMeaasae4a4ea4- iiieeeeteeee$eecee'fcfreeeeeteeee r -v.t;culpepper ' ,J ON THE OPENING OFlTHE t STATE THKATBE I Wp Aw PrVniH .WpY)pftrflt6 ThiaTheatre : t ; ; .. . v '5- A A" - : . '.. .- ' ..; s4 . ,. ! I Fdnter A Interior ca n-itc::. X": f 27 HARNEY STREET - 1 Proul t ) Hav. .' . . 1 J- ' 4 ' D Sir. and Sirs. 1 , i ' Elizt.bcth, I Knowltis have re1 water, FlorJ ' i, v,:. Mr. and' Mrs. E. S, ;the holidays. mi ck -Dec:' Fmrma&lZ: U'A, and porter til, to V jj e Mower andl Zi(X tracer loaders, etft Plows to implements; and operates ; f I p ELL-i;: c f, ' ' :d Material - 1 jtsiJt'i-

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